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BOOK OF ZIFFANLAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-145

inheritance even that the knowledge of the way of eternal life is opened to thine understanding even that ye do come to
acknowledge the pure blood of righteousness comforting thy seed of intelligence which has been god from the beginning,
even that the way of righteousness opens a pathway to the treasure awakened in the name of Jesus Christ to declare itself a
recipient of the things of an eternal inheritance, for the word of righteousness brings nourishment to the level of desire to
desire the righteousness of the word of everlasting intelligence restored to understanding and given an endowment of
responsibility to obtain the facility to stand in the presence of God and obey the self- declared allegiance to become a
sacrificial recipient of the knowledge of eternal lives, even the knowledge of the foremost reach of inheritance to obtain the
password to the center of holy worship in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. And the things of holy worship are configured
in the holy name of Jesus Christ whereby one is transfigured with knowledge of the righteousness element of the pure blood
of Jesus Christ which illuminates the blood inheritance of the name of the Father whereby ye would be made an inheritor of
pure righteousness even that the things of everlasting endurance are configured within the frame of the mortal body to
endure all things in the name of the Father having been a recipient of the pure blood of the Father in the name of Jesus
Christ. So be it written to clarify the intent of the blood of righteousness in thy pure desire to find the way and season of
transfigured holiness in the presence of the everlasting monitor of pure righteousness even that ye do come to greater
understanding of the things of an inheritance granted the trees of righteousness who declare the name of righteousness and
are found preserving the inheritance of greater righteousness. So be it granted thee to understand the way and season of
eternal- life inheritance even that the righteousness element of transfigured knowledge doth abide in the presence of God
and ye are given an understanding of the things of God that ye do come with the countenance of greater- blood inheritance
as the Father doth grant thee participation into the things of the name of Christ which are hid from the world. So be it
granted thee to know the ways of God to give thee acceptance to participate with the knowledge of God strewn across thy
brow. So be it written to bring the ripeness of the fruit of everlasting life as ye do savor the value of obtaining a sure witness
of the voice of everlasting righteousness given upon the points of preparation which grant thee the fearlessness to stand in
the face of persecution of those who seek not the righteousness element of the word of the Lord even as the way is marked
by the still- holy voice of discipleship awareness. So be it granted unto thee to become a participant in the work of
righteousness upon the earth. So be it written to clarify thy desire to regain the knowledge of a commission of everlasting
longevity and endurance. Blessed art thou as ye come to understand the endurance of the commission of righteousness
bestowed upon thee in a further degree of light and truth honored upon thy brow as the knowledge of the commission of the
pure blood of righteousness doth awaken a participation in the gathering of the word of righteousness and compiling a
register of the principle of life everlasting even that the principle of everlasting life is monitored upon thy countenance that
ye obtain a facility to overcome all things in the name of Jesus Christ as a co- inheritor of righteousness as the voice of
everlasting dominion and stewardship are granted thee to obtain a focus of the longevity element of pure dominion and
inheritance. For ye shall be glad in the rejoicing of the element of the dominion of righteousness that ye would endure the
knowledge and commission of everlasting knowledge granted thee to see the end from the beginning in the sacred name and
blood of Jesus Christ whereby ye do come to the things of an everlasting inheritance and are found prepared to overcome
the world of fear placed upon thee to discourage thee and cause thee to mourn the loss of light and faith placed in the pure
blood of everlasting righteousness. So be it that ye obtain the knowledge of the pure inheritance of righteousness as ye see
from the vantage of having overcome the focus of the world as ye fight no more the way outlined before thee to preserve the
word of the Lord in perfected endurance and commission to speak the word of righteousness and declare thine allegiance to
obtain the inheritance of the word of the Lord in righteousness. So be it written and given unto thee to season thy heart to
the face of everlasting dominion and perfected joy as the hand of the season of everlasting knowledge abideth across thy
brow in the holy name of transfigured holiness even the holy of holies transfer of the name of righteousness granted thee in
the name of the Lord Jesus Christ as ye inherit the name of the Redemptor and inherit the name of the Purifier and inherit
the name of the Son of God as the pure blood of the name of righteousness granteth thee an everlasting dominion to stand at
the right hand of God and inherit with the Son the things of an everlasting inheritance. So be it written that ye do come forth
to the knowledge of everlasting lives as ye do configure the word of the Lord upon thy brow with thy pure heart made
contrite and broken to receive the word of righteousness as a knife cutting a covenant of inheritance upon thy heart even the
word of the Spirit of holy righteousness doth descend and doth penetrate the heart as an instrument of cutting an holy-
covenant awareness for the implant of the holy word of God. And ye shall rejoice in the name of God written upon thy brow
as the holy covenant of light doth bring thee understanding and administration of knowledge to cover thy mind with the
word of the blood of inheritance that thy lineage of righteousness might be declared as a god of overcoming the element of
the mortal existence whereby ye do find the voice of extended heart capable of the new register of everlasting life monitored
within thine understanding and is seen abiding upon thy heart as a sacrifice of the name of God upon thy heart and
monitored within thine understanding. So be it written as ye do hear the words in thy mind as ye come face to face with the
voice of extended righteousness and are given a name to endure all things in the name of the Father who delighteth in the
overcoming nature of the children who obtain a dominion of righteousness in the sacred- endurance capacity of the blood of

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(e)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is www.streamsofrenewal.com. friendship@streamsofrenewal.com.
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-145

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