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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-156

the presence of the Lord as ye arise from a noncommunicating state of inaction as ye have been found prepared to walk
forward unto a greater- stewardship inheritance in the name of righteousness even the name of the covenant awareness
promised unto those of pure heart who overcome the despair of an unbelieving heart. Arise and be found perfected in the
knowledge of an eternal- life inheritance even as ye are granted an understanding of the covenant inheritance bestowed upon
thy mind and heart hi the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that ye arise from an unbelieving inaction and come forth to a
greater participation in the power of great- covenant inheritance in the name of Jesus Christ. So be it written that ye have
overcome the world as ye do focus thy heart upon the words of everlasting inheritance and do find peace in the manna of
righteousness bestowed upon thy brow like the ashes covering thy face as ye see into the mind and will of God and do come
forth a new creature of the holy word of God and find the dust of new life awakening thine eyes and ears and heart to the
new- life inheritance granted a disciple of Christ who has been proven in the fire of adversity and strife. Blessed art thou for
I speak unto thy heart to grant thee the peace of the covenant of eternal- life inheritance as ye come to greater fellowship
with the knowledge restored unto thee as righteousness bestowed upon thy countenance in the sacred and holy name of the
Lord of all righteousness. So be it written and granted to thee this day as ye have overcome the slurs and the things thrown
at thee to discourage thee in the understanding of all righteousness granted unto thee in the name of righteousness for ye
shall overcome all things in the holy name of righteousness even as ye feast upon the things of righteousness and come forth
to a greater understanding of the precepts and principles of the restored gospel of righteousness. So be it granted unto thee
to find the manna of righteousness and be found with the mantle of charity across thy brow as ye withhold judgment in the
name of Jesus Christ even as ye abide in the stream of the water of eternal- life inheritance and no more go out into the
judgment which stops thine own capacity to believe in the eternal nature of the living inheritance granted unto thee as the
words of eternal life are found flowing unto thee as a tree of righteousness standing in the stream of eternal life. So be it
granted unto thee this day as ye have overcome the world even the world of the denial of the living words of eternal- life
inheritance. So be it written to grant thee peace according to thy faith in the eternal nature of living righteousness bestowed
upon thy brow as an inheritance of the things of the order of righteous inheritance granted unto the prophets of all
dispensations in the name of the Lord of righteousness in the honor bestowed upon the inheritors of the new and everlasting
covenant of the words of eternal inheritance even the manna of righteousness granted unto the favored recipient of greater
faith placed in the words of eternal- life inheritance. So be it granted unto thee to protect thy mind and heart from the
philosophies of men for ye shall obtain an inheritance of eternal life and be filled with the peace of an inheritance granted
one called and foreordained to bring forth an understanding of the true righteousness abounding in the hearts and minds of
the believing who feast upon the manna of deliverance and the manna of eternal- life inheritance provided according to the
structure of covenant adherence found in the pure heart prepared to see God and hear the words of God in the covenant
confines of the holy of holies in the redeemed awareness of the blood of Jesus Christ shed for all iniquity and
nommderstanding darkness which stops the progression capacity to believe in the words of eternal inheritance. So be it
written and given unto thee that ye find greater understanding this day unto a wellness found in thy spirit unto new life and
eternal light and illuminated understanding granted unto thee. [May 10, 1999 (1)]
May 13, 1999 (1)
May 13,1999 (1) Even as ye bind the perception of worldliness from attacking the knowledge of God within thy heart ye
write in the holy name of redeemed righteousness to grant thee peace this day. Write that ye find the word of the Lord
revealed unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ. Write that thy thoughts be focussed on the faith placed in the name of Jesus
Christ. Write to obtain a dominion over the thoughts of worldliness as ye function in the new and everlasting covenant of
the restoration of the voice of prophecy and revelation abiding across the brow of the things of righteous dominion that ye
gain the perspective of the new veil of penetrating words of brilliance and of light. So be it written to grant thee prosperity
in the word of the Lord Jesus Christ that ye find the voice of proffered righteousness across thy brow. So be it written to
accompany thee into the pattern of greater faith in the righteous name of Jesus Christ that ye obtain the righteous blessing
attending a follower and disciple of the holy- priesthood covenant of the word of righteousness found upon the brow
denoting a favored assumption of clarified obedience as the desire for righteousness is brought forth to understanding and
an increase in the confidence placed upon thee to walk into the fire of clarified- righteous dominion and partake of the
seasoned tribute of the pure word of the Lord opening thine eyes and ears to the saving sequence of the principles of
everlasting life. So be it written and given unto thee that ye abide the holy- priesthood remnant of the word of the Lord
found across thy brow as thy mind and heart are illuminated to the avenue of greater- stewardship discipleship hi the holy
name of redeemed righteousness. So be it written that ye overcome all things in the pathway to a greater capacity to see and
hear the outline of the work of righteousness upon the earth. So be it written and granted unto thee in the holy name of Jesus
Christ [May 13, 1999(1)]
May 23, 1999 (1)
May 23, 1999 (1) Write and I will give unto thee the words of eternal life which giveth thee hope unto life eternal. Write
that ye be found in the way of eternal inheritance that ye find the peace that passeth all understanding. Write that ye come to

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is www.streamsofrenewal.com. friendship@streamsofrenewal.com.
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-156

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