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BOOK OF ZIFFANJAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-186

overcome the words of the worldly focus and partake of the manna of new generations of the righteous blood of overcoming
upon the earth in the days when the earth inherits a greater knowledge of the overcoming blood of the righteous saints of
God. So be it written that ye might have the faith preserved that ye might bear up in the deliverance of the hardship granted
unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ, who looks upon thee with compassion that ye would stand in the presence of God and
partake of the word of God. [11:00 a.m. (*) I heard as I typed the original; February 19, 2001 (1)]
February 20, 2001 (1)
February 20,2001 (1) P was crying because I felt I couldn't bear the disapproval of judgement of my husband. I heard in my
mind:] Ye need not bear it alone. [At 12:46 a.m., I asked the question: What am 1 to learn by this? I heard in my mind:] Be
at peace. [I was praying for peace to gain understanding and desirous of knowing how the Lord felt about me. I felt a
warmth of light invade my heart and fill me with comfort and the spiritual acceptance of my soul. I know I am accepted of
God. There is no persecution that will sway me from the love of my Father in heaven. I will stand true to God. I forgive. The
Lord alone knows my heart.] [12:37 a.m., February 20, 2001 (1)]
February 20,2001 (2)
February 20,2001 (2) [How come I can't remember what you tell me, Lord? I heard in my mind:] Because you are looking
to the world. [February 20,2001 (2)]
February 23, 2001 (I)
February 23,2001 (1) [I heard during my prayer this morning:] I am with thee. I will heal thy heart to believe in the
foundation of all goodness and light. I will be with thee and I will be thy harbinger. Ye shall see me. [6:00 a.m. I looked up
the word, harbinger, because I did not know the meaning; February 23,2001 (1)]
February 23,2001 (2) I will give unto thee peace, even my presence, and I will not forsake thee as ye go forth in the name of
Jesus Christ, for I have saved thy testimony to be borne in affliction and suffering that ye might prepare the hearts of those
who can believe in thy words to have faith in my word. Ye are beloved of my Father, and ye have been preserved to
accompany me in my descent to the earth in the time of appearing that ye remember the premortal covenants ye partook of
in tirelessness devotion to the principles of an everlasting participation in the things of righteousness. Blessed art thou as ye
are brought to testify of the lace to face surety of the things of God which are brought before thy fece that ye understand the
things of God, for I will protect thee and open thine eyes to see the zion heart upon those who open their heart to the word
of righteousness. So be it given thee that ye find the way of discipleship in the holy peace that endureth forever even as ye
endure in the holy covenant of remembrance in the name of Jesus Christ which is awakened to a way of seeing the face to
face perfection of an enlightened countenance. So be it written to give thee the word of my coming unto thee that ye would
honor the face to face understanding given unto thee. [6:30 a.m. February 23,2001 (2)]
February 23, 2001 (3)
February 23, 2001 (3) [As I was praying in my heart, I cried out: Lord, teach me.] Ye will have opposition in the world; thy
face will be pitted with the remarks of those who are offended by thy righteousness. Ye shall suffer the abuse and name-
calling of those who find thee repulsive because they understand not the spiritual ramification of thy willingness to be called
in the name of Jesus Christ to his offering of pure sacrifice made in the world. Ye shall be called out to speak to the one
seeking specific knowledge and compassion. Thy pathway will be that of the thorny bramble where ye lay quietly suffering
thine affliction without those to comfort thee— ye shall rejoice in the way of tribulation and hardship— and shall find thy
peace in the word of the Lord for thy knowledge of righteousness is as a puny hand in the greater wave of primordial
understanding that ye once enjoyed. Shed the focus of the world and concentrate on the premortal wellness of thy stature as
one of the mighty and great ones foreordained to occupy a segment of time and bring forth that which was known in thy
commission of knowledge as ye prepared to bring light to a dark world, for thy mission is likened unto that of the prophets
of old who awakened to the knowledge of the righteousness of God and were foreordained to offer an offering of the word
of the Lord in the tribulation of greater trial. Rejoice and carry thy burden in the joy of tribulation that ye prepare for the
time of restitution when the season of preparation is over and ye are called to stand as one called forth to overcome the
world, for the worldly focus has lost its appeal in the tram illuminated in thy heart of righteousness, for ye shall rejoice in
the function of the voice of living water which opens within thy heart and reveals the knowledge of eternal righteousness to
thy heart and mind. Go forth to obtain the pure- revelatory throne of righteousness and feast in the presence of God in thy
daily walk through the world, and as ye stay in thy heart in the focus of the face of Christ in thy heart, even as the indwelling
face of the living Christ opens to thy view, ye are accosted with the fear of the world and ye are attacked in thy heart to
believe the focus of the face of Christ sitting in the throne of everlasting revelation in thy heart which connects to the mind
of Christ that ye would enthrone the mind of Christ in thy heart and speak the mind of Christ as ye suffer tribulation in the
world. So be it written to grant thee the focus of an everlasting- priesthood inheritance that ye would remember the way of
the everlasting voice of perfect righteousness displayed before my heart and mind, for ye do find the things of an everlasting
inheritance brightening thy countenance as ye function in the focus of the things of righteousness. [(*)] So be it granted unto

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is www.streamsofrenewal.com. fiiendship@streamsofreoewal.coni.
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, AIaska99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-186

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