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BOOK OF Z1FFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart Draft_E-190

Lord thy God who doth bless thee with a greater mind and spiritual capacity to stay the forces of evil which desire to undo
all that is fixed in the eternal realm of functioning in the presence of God. So be it written and given unto thee that ye come
to an opposition situation in the greater faith of an acceptable offering and have the courage to defend the name of Christ
upon thy brow that ye abide in the word of Christ which is delivered unto thee in the way and face of the understanding
monitored upon thy brow. So be it written that ye overcome all things in the name of Jesus Christ for I have come unto thee
and have declared thee fit for the battle of the souls of men upon the earth. So be it written that ye overcome all things in the
sacred name of eternal righteousness. So be it written to overcome the worldly focus of doubt and fear. Blessed be the name
of righteousness seen upon thy countenance, for I will guard thee in the way and stand as thy protectorate and whisper in
thine ear and deliver thee from thine enemies, for the curse of unrighteousness is seen upon the faces of the hosts who deny
the name and face of God. Be bold and stand fast and respond to the face of righteousness in the hour of thy tribulation that
ye may arise the victor and be set- upon with a crown of overcoming and of righteousness. So be it granted to thee that the
love of God may be seen upon thy countenance in the name of Jesus Christ. So be it written to grant thee the perfect
fellowship hi the name of Jesus Christ that ye may overcome all opposition set before thee in the day of the knowledge of
the Son of God is challenged in the face of all opposition, for ye shall obtain the power and dominion of righteousness as ye
overcome all things in the name of the Son of God, even Jesus the Christ, for I come unto mine own and they do honor me
with their faith placed in the righteousness of the word of God. Blessed art thou for ye have overcome the trial in the face to
face combination of the perfect- heart righteousness which extract the future knowledge which will awaken thy soul to a
preparation that will save thee in the world according to thy desire to overcome the opposition in the name of Christ. Listen
to the word of the prepared face of new revelation and to the future use of the overcoming principle of greater intelligence
and righteousness. So be it written that ye overcome in all aspects of the trial. [4:59 a.tn. to 6:34 a.m. March 23,2001 (1)]
March 27, 2001 (J)
March 27,2001 (1) Write to overcome the pressure of the worldly focus that ye would not be overcome by the things which
have no bearing in thine eternal perspective found in the eternal focus of righteousness. Blessed art thou as ye come to an
understanding based upon the word of righteousness that ye rejoice in thy faith brought forth to obtain the riches of an
eternal perspective that ye overcome the world. Blessed art thou as ye obtain an understanding of the pure word of eternal
righteousness that yemight rejoice in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ [March 27,2001 (1)]
Apia I, 2001 (1)
April 1,2001 (1) Praise be unto God for the blessings received this day as ye feast in the name of Christ upon the new
manna of righteousness which fills thy mind with the new word of everlasting righteousness, for the word of righteousness
doth find the new heart prepared to overcome all things in the standing nucleus of the power to overcome all things in the
world and the things of an unrighteous participation in the world which partakes not of the world of everlasting inheritance
in a spiritual focus of the word of the name of righteousness, even the focus of the name of the things of the way of the
world of an everlasting inheritance which is an everlasting tribute of the world of an everlasting dominion of righteousness
which is a sealed- upon experience of the name of eternal righteousness which has as its focus the name of the glory of God
brought forth upon the countenance of the inheritor of the things of the world of the overcoming inheritance granted in the
name of Christ unto a restoration of all rights and privileges accompanying an individual inheritance of the things of a
forever dominion and inheritance. So be it written and given unto thee to have the name of the everlasting God placed upon
thee to give thee the strength to overcome the fearful display which attacks thee in the word given of the worldly focus of
the ways of an unrighteous dominion and counterfeit- behavior paradigm which bears no fruit of righteousness and awakens
not to the things of discipleship awareness in the name of Jesus Christ [April 1,2001 (1)]
April 2, 2001 (1)
April 2, 2001 (1) Be at peace; ye are mine and the atonement is efficacious for thy sins and thy weaknesses that ye would
cry out in joy and in the redemptive name of the Lord thy God in the gratitude of a grateful display of the power of the love
of God accessed in thy desire to overcome the things of the world and listing to hearken to the attack of the words of the
worldly perspective which have no bearing on the redemptive focus of the words of Jesus Christ heard in thy heart and
which are displayed to thy mind in the focus of righteousness which calls thee back to the words of God that ye would be
found in the presence of God. Blessed art thou as ye come forth to greater understanding in the name of Jesus Christ that ye
be cleansed of the focus of the worldly focus of an unrighteous desire to be found in the circle of influence of those who
decide thy social standing in the things of a worldly focus of getting the gain of favor upon thy brow which is a false favor
of men in the flesh to please the worldly standard of the focus of the things of gain and social standing. So be it given unto
thee that ye would continue in the tree of living life where ye would protect the focus of the words of living righteousness in
the name of Jesus Christ. So be it written that ye become accountable to the voice of living righteousness and are protected
in the covenant of the pure voice of the tender mercy granted the faithful to the things of the focus of living righteousness.
So be it granted unto thee that ye would rejoice in the name of living righteousness even that ye would be covered in the
focus of the eternal nature of the pure blood of the living voice of the name of the Lord thy God who doth prepare thee as an

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is www.streamsofrenewal.com. fnendship@streamsofrenewal.com.
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-190

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