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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart Draft_E-196

even my Redeemer, Jesus Christ] [April 5,2001 (2)]

April 6, 2001 (1)
April 6, 2001 (1) Ye are admonished to bear the lack of faith of another as ye would someone who has not partaken of the
knowledge of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ, for an individual restoration of the knowledge of God is
necessary to overcome the sway of the doctrines of the world which overtake and destroy the knowledge of God from
actively bringing forth a remembrance of the premortat focus of longevity, and ye need view the comments of those who
have not partaken of the seed of the remembrance of the knowledge of God as those who know not the Lord, neither do they
understand the precepts of righteousness, neither do they calibrate the name of God upon their brow, neither do they have
the authority to nay- say the testimony of those who have tested the seed of the knowledge of the Son of God and have been
burnished in the furnace of the precepts of the worldly focus which have no light to sustain the purifying experiment of the
good word of God in the heart of man, for ye shall rejoice in thy deliverance from the carnal approach and ye shall be found
in the desire to obtain a foundation of the precepts and principles of the name of perfect righteousness. So be it written this
day as ye come forth to a new awareness of the things which are of the name of the focus of righteousness and those things
which are not of the name of the focus of righteousness, for ye shall rejoice in the tutoring name of the desire to obtain the
name of God as a permanent adherent to thy countenance that ye would forsake the things of the world and come forth to an
appreciation for the eternal process of change which brightens and enlightens thy focus of righteousness. For thine
understanding of the things of the eternal world focuses upon the precepts and concepts of an everlasting- priesthood
knowledge of the Son of God, even that the foreordained character of God might be an understandable commodity which is
accessed as the light and comparable function of reason and inspiration combine to open a greater faith- filled awareness to
express the desire to come forth in the knowledge of the order of the Sonship of the Son of God, who doth welcome thee to
participate in the order of the knowledge of the Son of God that ye might be brought forth to greater understanding and find
the name of the order of the Sonship of the Son of God upon thy brow that ye do adhere to the requirements and do fast in
thy feasting upon the name of the order of the Sonship of the Son of God. For I do speak unto thy mind and heart that ye
would be prepared to obtain a further witness of the principles and concepts of the name of righteousness found across thy
brow unto a witness of the knowledge of the remembrance order of the name of eternal righteousness even the eternal order
of the name of the Sonship remembrance of the inheritance of the name of God that ye might be awakened to the precept
and principle of the conferring knowledge of thy welcome into the priesthood order of the light of the remembrance order of
the name of the Eternal Father, who doth remind thee of thine inheritance granted unto thee as ye awaken to the things of a
glorious awakening to thy rightful inheritance of divine- Sonship restoration even that ye would be heralded as a returning
participant to the knowledge of the order of the Son of God that ye would be brought forth to a greater understanding of the
things of an awakened countenance of the knowledge of godliness even the knowledge of the receipt of the name and title of
authority which surrounds the restitution property of perfect understanding bestowed upon thee in the order of the
restitution of the name of everlasting righteousness which is brought forth to thy comprehension as the seals to the
knowledge of God are found covering thy face as ye come to a bestowal of the name of the restitution order of perfect
righteousness. For I speak of the things of an awakened perception in the kingdom of perfect righteousness that ye would
rejoice in the name of the way of the knowledge of God, even that thy heart would be restored to the single- minded
approach to the way of the doctrine of Christ that ye come forth to an everlasting inheritance of the things of the Sonship
knowledge of the Fatherhood of God the Eternal Father which is brought to thine understanding even as ye come to greater
understanding and fellowship in the name of eternal inheritance that ye do come to an awakened- personal righteousness to
incorporate the strength of the Holy Godhead of the order of the knowledge of the Son of God. So be it written that ye
would rejoice in the name of eternal fellowship even that ye would rejoice in the order of the name of eternal fellowship,
even that ye would overcome all things in the world which bring thee sorrow and unhappiness, for the things of the order of
the name of the Sonship inheritance of the name of the Father be bestowed upon thee in the sequence of righteousness, even
that the veil to thy seeing of the focus of the eternal world is awakened within thee and ye do rejoice in the name of the
Sonship factor of the eternal- inheritance function of the everlasting- priesthood fellowship of the knowledge of the Son of
Righteousness brought forth to an adding- upon dominion and caretakership. For the holy- monitored function of the
participant of the speaking utterance of a recipient of the knowledge of the Son of Everlasting Righteousness, even that ye
do come to an appreciation of the gift of the exact determination of thy faith understood in the degree of the knowledge
restored to an individual who feasts upon the name of the order of the Son of God, who is the Author and Deliverer of this
knowledge unto thee that ye might forsake the way of the world of unrighteousness, even that ye obtain an inheritance of the
name of the Eternal Father of the knowledge of the eternal sacrifice which is brought forth to mine understanding, for ye
shall participate in the ordinance of the sacrificial knowledge of the hearing of the things of righteousness that ye would
overcome the world of the carnal precepts of unrighteousness and come away from the focus of the inherited dominion of a
fallen world. So be it granted unto thee that ye find the peace in this world to overcome the extracted degree of personal
sacrifice as ye are accosted by the voices which have not the knowledge of the eternal righteousness of the knowledge of

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is www.streamsofrenewal.com. friendship@streamsofrenewal.com.
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-196

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