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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the newCTeation-revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart Draft_E-204

thy perspective has been trained and tutored and ye have the light and determination to speak as given unto thee to speak to
bring hope in the darkened world. Be at peace for ye shall not fear those whose light is the non- light of the adversary,
neither shall their words maim thee, nor cause fear to arise in thy countenance. So be it written that ye overcome the fear of
the unenlightened, and the fear of abusive words thrown at thy face for ye shall arise as a bolt of lightning and speak the
truth and denounce evil where it is perceived as good. Do not allow the darkness to invade thy thoughts as ye fear the effects
of an evil display of vengeance. [Jury 24, 2001 (1)]
July 24, 2001 (2)
July 24,2001 (2) Arise, arise and spread the light of the Light of the World this day. Speak the kind word of the Lord in the
manner of the crucified Savior who overcometh all things in the name of the Father for ye shall behold the Lamb of God
upon thy countenance and receive the holy word of God this day. Be obedient in the things given unto thee to do, even that
ye would fear no man, nor fear the effects of the words of man, nor fear the perception of others as ye are acting under the
direction of the Holy Spirit. For ye shall come to know ye are to be found abiding the counsel of God in the direction of thy
life, even as ye are found prepared to overcome the things of the world, and the feelings of the world, and the
misperceptions of the world. Overcome in the name of Jesus Christ and feel of the love of God abiding upon thy
countenance, and overcome by the perfect harvest granted unto thee, even that ye would abide in the fruit of the things of
eternal life, even that thy knowledge of the goodness of God is of the nature of an everlasting inheritance in the presence of
God. So be it granted unto thee that ye would shower the words of the spoken grace of God according to the situation at
hand, even that ye would fear no man, nor fear the situation accosting thee. Be at peace and arise unto the level of thy
gratitude in the name of Jesus Christ. [July 24,2001 (2)]
August S, 2001 (1)
August 5,2001 (1) p was struggling with the harshness of life and I heard the words of the Lord ask me in my mind:] Who's
your Father? [I laughed because I knew my Savior Jesus Christ was speaking to me.] [9:41 a.m. August 5,2001 (1)]
August S, 2001 (2)
August 5,2001 (2) [I asked: What is the law of the gospel?] The new way opened for the believing in the name of Jesus
Christ. Walk in ye in the way unto life eternal; my love attends the righteous of heart and mind. [August 5, 2001 (2)]
August 11, 2001 (I)
August 11,2001 (1) Abide by the law of the knowledge of the Son of God which awakeneth thee this day unto the things
which bring the sure dependence upon the voice of everlasting wisdom and prophetic utterance. Blessed art thou this day as
ye configure the word of righteousness according to the calling to overcome the world. Blessed art thou as ye bring this
knowledge of righteousness to the forefront of a millennial day, even that ye would walk in the covenant- discipleship arena
of greater stewardship and hope and the gratitude of a glorious manifestation of the unity with God. Blessed art thou as ye
overcome the words of the things of the worldly focus and ye shall not forsake the things given unto thee in the stewardship
trust, even that this knowledge is sacred and is not displayed before the world. Blessed art thou this day that ye might be
welcomed to the disciple stewardship granted unto thee that ye overcome thy fear of the words of the world which stop thy
greater faith in the word of the Lord given unto thee. So be it granted unto thee that ye would harness the faith of thy
premortal stature, and bask in the redemptive quality of faith in the name of Jesus Christ, even that ye shall overcome all
things in the name of the stewardship of greater allegiance and fellowship. [August 11,2001 (1)]
August 13,2001 (1)
August 13, 2001 (1) Blessed art thou this day as ye seek counsel even from the mouth of God that ye become aware of the
things of God outlined for thine instruction. Ye shall participate in the adding upon process of the things of righteousness,
even that ye would attend the classes of the scholarly and learn the things of the adding upon process of new revelation and
the things of an advance- learning procedure. Ye have been called to this learning, even as ye require the knowledge of the
things of God which are available for thy profit Blessed art thou in this endeavor, even that ye would go forth and learn and
become trained in the things which are for thy betterment. [This is given unto thee that ye would advance in thine ability to
command the language of thy mind and the language of thy spirit that ye become prepared for the battle of good against
prejudice and the words of tradition and culture.] Blessed art thou this day. Be glad in this new assignment and be fruitful in
thine hearkening unto the voice of the Lord this day. Go forth with courage and understanding for I have seen of thy desire
to overcome all things in the name of the Lord which accounts thee worthy to overcome all things in righteousness. [August
13, 2001 (1)]
August 13,2001 (2)
August 13,2001 (2) Even as ye find the peace of the Lord this day, ye shall arise and shout the shout of jubilation unto the
face of God that ye be found prepared to overcome the focus of the world and the focus of unrighteous fear and domination,
that ye be overcome in thy focus of righteousness. For ye shall focus upon the eternal things of dominion and stewardship
and forsake the words of fear and of unrighteousness. Obey the counsel of living prophets and find the things of God in the
way of the pathway of eternal- life inheritance. Be found in the righteousness of the word of God as found across the brow
of the holy- heart dominion and stewardship. Obey and be found at peace in the things which are given unto thee to do even

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is www.streamsofrenewal.com. friendship@streamsofrenewal.com.
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-204

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