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••j BOOK OF SSIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

.| witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart Draft_E-208

:-.j righteousness that ye would abide in the way of an everlasting inheritance. [11:56 ajn. September 20,2001 (3)]
1 September 23, 2001 (1)
September 23,2001 (1) Blessed art thou as ye find the way of the path of understanding granted in the presence of God that
ye might overcome the frailty of the mortal flesh and the frailty of me mind which seeks to please the paradigm set in the
! world for the focus of the world offsets the things of an eternal reckoning and ye lose the focus of righteousness. Let it be
I known unto thee that ye shall not fear those who have been called to bring forth the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for it is
with a similar preparation that ye have obtained a knowledge of My name, even that ye would not fear those who function
, with the name of the Lord Jesus Christ across their brow unto a faith- perfect in the name of righteousness. Blessed art thou
• as ye find the faith brought forth in conjunction with thy premortal station of knowledge and accomplishment, even that ye
; are recognized as one unto whom I have given an inheritance of godly knowledge and light seen upon thy countenance, and
ye bring forth the knowledge of the righteousness of the name of the Eternal Father in the name of the Son of God. So be it
••: written that ye would be found prepared of heart and mind to overcome the waylaid focus of righteousness, even that ye
• need overcome the focus of the world, even the persecution which distracts thee in the honor attributed unto the Lord, even
that thy wounds inflicted in the world have taken their toll and ye lick thy wounds thinking that ye have the power to
overcome the pain of the inflicted backlash in thine own name. For it is not in thy name in the world which will bring thee
deliverance this day, but it is the day of tribute- focussed righteousness which will rescue thee from the inflicted anguish ye
: receive in the focus of the standard of worldliness. Bless the name of sequential righteousness and the focus of the name of
inherited dominion granted unto thee in the pathway of a seer- stone reference into the things of an everlasting peace and
plenty associated with the dominion of an all- seeing eye and an ear which monitors the heart in the avenue of righteousness.
Blessed art thou in thy desire for righteousness. So be it written unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ [September 23,2001
September 23, 2001 (2)
September 23,2001 (2) [I heard the words in my mind when I was afraid of someone that they would judge me:] Why are
ye afraid of the grass of the field? [September 23,2001 (2)]
September 26, 2001 (1)
September 26,2001 (1) Blessed art thou as ye come to a greater understanding as ye feast in the presence of the Word of
God, and find the peace which is extracted in the midst of the trial unto a purified journey through the visage of greater
righteousness, even that the righteousness of the face of Christ bringeth thee greater peace in the substitution of the things of
the world for the things of the glory of God. Blessed art thou in thy determination to shield thy heart from the onslaught of
unrighteousness, even to find the battery of the approval of the fixed focus of unrighteousness bringeth thee an unsettled
heart based in the focus of the things of an unruly temperament foraging upon the fodder of worldly recognition and
estrangement Blessed art thou as ye offer thy praise unto the Lord in the way experienced in the righteous heart. Blessed art
thou as ye find the word of the Lord delicious to thy mind and heart, even that the feast of the word of the Lord brings thee
peace in the preservation of thy heart [September 26,2001 (1)]
October 2, 2001 (1)
October 2,2001 (1) Blessed art thou this day to find the new stratagem assigned to thee in the further cause of
righteousness, even that ye would overcome the world and find the new cause of the word of righteousness before thy view,
even the Word of the Lord brought before thy face in the face encounter of everlasting- priesthood righteousness as the
knowledge of the word of everlasting precepts of the gospel of the atonement of Christ is brought before thy view. Blessed
art thou in the knowledge of righteousness and the knowledge of redemption, and the knowledge of the blessings unfolded
before thy view. Blessed art thou as ye find the things of an everlasting inheritance and the things of the power of the word
of inheritance brought to thee as ye listen to the things of the word of righteousness, and the word of everlasting dominion,
i and the word of an extracted counterpart of dominion in that ye would hearken this day and be made glad in thine
overcoming of the world. Blessed art thou to understand that ye shall inherit an eternal dominion of righteousness as ye
further thy willingness to overcome all things in the world of carnal understanding. So be it written and granted to thy
bidding as ye write in the name of Jesus Christ [October 2,2001 (1)]
October 27, 2001 (I)
October 27,2001 (1) Blessed art thou this day as ye find the refuge from the storm of the trial which besets thee as ye
ponder upon the eternal nature of the love of God and find the priesthood- granted dominion raised up to lift thee in thy
thoughts from the world of the carnal inhabitants of fear and worldly cares and concerns. Blessed art thou as ye are brought
to greater understanding and find the things of the rest of God granted unto thee even that ye would acknowledge the
preface to the mind and will of God awakened within thy heart, even that ye would rejoice and allow the peace of a
comforted brow to abide upon thy countenance. [October 27,2001 (1)]
October 2S, 2001(1)
October 28,2001 (1) [I heard the words in my mind:] My words to thee are thy religion.

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is www.streamsofrenewal.com. fnendship@streamsofrenewal.com.
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-208

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