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In all essence, everyone wants to know the starting point, and or, the origin, the first place of
existence. Or lets just say, where it all began. To which our story, starts in triple darkness, which
is something today’s scientist are calling, "dark matter". And in fact, they say, it is not made up of
atoms, or quarks. But instead, is made up, of some type of exotic element, and or, material, that
they can not define. While also, it is here, in the very same breath they will say, that this element,
hold our very universe together. Which is true, and indeed, a fact. Because what we all are
talking about here, is the physical plane's, parallel, called, The Etheric Realm, from which, we all
come. However, barely known by today’s scientist, within the frame work of their findings, due to
the being something far above them, literally, and in more ways then one. Only discovered now,
by virtue of, an order, and to which, the mystery of a black hole, figures into as well. To where
coming here shortly, they will also be finding out, that as an element, this dark matter, has the
capacity to support ether, perfectly. With this all being an information, that they have yet, to
discover, for it is the place from whence we all come, making it, our true origin.

But to that, you might say:

"Well, what happened before that and how did we all end up there, in the first place?"

With the focus of your attention always being on, the first place, the first thing, and or,
what made the frequencies ring? Which is the time before that and, what happened then.

Is what your mind will thirst after, and where it is, most times, it will automatically go.

But if I were to take you all out into the middle of lets say, a field, asking you all to lay
down in the grass, and to just look up into the sky, and in this, to send your consciousness
straight up.

The question then becomes; "Is there and end to that?"

No, of course not. An why? Because it is eternally infinite, and will just keep on going,
forever, and nor will it ever stop.

Making the next two question to become;

"How can you give something a beginning, that has no ending? And how can you give
something an ending, that has no beginning?"

And I say this,

Because what are we talking about here"

That's right . . .


For it is exactly what your universe is, and it's movement, is spiraling upward, and it will continue
to expand indefinitely, nor will it ever, collapse. And all of natures workings, are base upon it.
Like birth, growth, death, decay, and rebirth, being life, and its cycle. That we all know, is just
another word for, Circle. And like so also, evaporation, condensation, and precipitation, being
the path that water takes, and it's cycle and there are many, many more, scattered throughout
nature. For all of nature stands on The Curve, of it, The Circle, and without question, not, the
angle, of The Square. Which is why your consciousness will just keep on going. And making it
long over due, for you all too, to change what you stand on.

For your consciousness, in this act, is traveling along the circle's curvature. In this again, it is the
curve and not the angel you all should be looking for. But those beings who support the angel,
always trying to find one, don't want you all, to know this. Because they want to destroy the
circle. To pull it inside out and turn it upside down and then, to step on it. And you know turn it
upside down and then, to step on it. And you know this to be true because, even when they
show you the compass, which is a tool that is used to draw a perfect circle, in and on their
symbol, like this;

The Compass

(drawing goes here)

It is placed at a 90* degree angle, on the square.

For these Etheric demons wanted the circle to have no place, and to exist no more. But they put
the compass, there on their symbol, to try to make you all think, that they were being fair, noble,
and honorable. Which is exactly where the term;

"Fair and Square",

came from.

But they were not, and it is time for you all to know it.

Because it is the Etheric Being who drives the car it occupies, through it's physical reality. And in
so doing, has the power to choreograph, what is made manifest, here on the physical plane.
And in this, creating a destiny for its self, and the planet. Though often times, when the Etheric
being arrives here, it knows this not.

Still nevertheless, the Etheric Beings, who occupy the physical shells of those beings who run
your upper escelon classes of Free Masonry, and the world for that matter, tapped into this level
of information, calling themselves, The Illuminate.

With the being so, they then put forth an effort, to destroy The Circle. Because they knew and
could now remember, that words carried power. When written, and or, read, or when ultimately,
spoken out loud into any universe, be it in dark matter, or other wise. For what they knew and
came to know, was that the same laws of vibration, tone, and rhythm, that governed the Etheric
realm, so also here in the physical one, still applied.

And with this, they intended, to give something an ending that was never ended to end. And
while in the midst of it all, end our lives, as a race of people, as well. And ultimately go onto,
completely rule the physical plane. Along with a valuable thing to them, that they do no want to
share, called, "Time". And in fact, secretly, they show and bare their intent, and their mentality in
reference to this. Any time you see an ad that has a picture of a wristwatch on it. For if you look
closely, you will see that the hands are always placed at, or on or about, very closely to, 10
minutes after 10. like this;

(picture of clock goes here)

To which right here, secretly, they are making a statement. For the hands are always placed, on
the square. Which said, they rule time, and can stop out rime, with them, anytime, they want.
Which still right now, and in the beginning of this, was their plan to do.

In as much as, they had now grown to hate us, on a conscious level. Because many of them
could remember, the level of our beauty and strength, in The Etheric Realm. That had long
since, manifested it's self, and spilled over, right on into, The Physical Plane, in places like,
ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and many, many more. And because they hated us then in The
Ethric Realm, because of it, the more they remember, the more their hatred grew as well.

And so with this, what did they do?

They attempted to give The Circle, and ending by giving The Circle's ending a name, way back in
the late 15th century.

All in their knowing the true power of utterance, and thought with utterance being, the spoken
word, and thought, so as a man think it, so shall it be.

For the truth is, these beings were there with us and some of them remember way back when, to
the time before the lights came on being the reason they call themselves, The Illuminate, in the
first place. And with each generation and every embodiment, their memory, becomes clearer, as
so also, does ours.

But like I said the knowledge of the fact that all of the laws of vibration, tone, and rhythm, were
still intact, had not escaped hem. So, with three words, they then put forth the effort to give what
they wanted to be, The Circle's ending a name. Then next, they put the three words out there,
very cleverly. And in a way, where it's power, would touch the masses. To ultimately one day,
stomp The Circle out of existence, forever, and end all time for us with them in the process, over
a course of time, in a hope to manifest a result, that they would find to be most favorable. And
the three words were;


Which is the very name they attempted to give The Circle's projected ending.

Because these demons, though you knew it not, did not attempt to name The Circle's ending, or
stop, from off the tick or the tock, but by virtue, of the rest that exist in between. All put into
motion, however, by a 3 part plan, which was,

1. To get you to read it.

2. To get you to speak the 3 words out into the universe.
3. To get you all, to then, believe it, whole heartedly.

On account of what these demons had in mind, which was, to make it all happen, through and by
way of, the unspoken word. By having you all, speak these 3 words out into the universe. And
so, with a collective audible utterance, spoken out into the universe by you. What they intended
to do, was to let you all, give their very plan it's power. By tricking you all into speaking out loud,
ever so often, and frequently, the very three words, that they wanted you all to say. And then,
ultimately, by getting you all to believe, a beginning of all things, did indeed take place.

To which you all responded to, as a people, everytime you all would read the three words, right
there in your bibles, and then go on to believe, every word that was said. While all along they
knew, but still would argue against, the fact, that The ALL just is, and always will be, that which
has neither, beginning nor end.

But for them to admit to this fact, would als be, for them, to acknowledge The Circle. Which

They - will - not - do.

No matter how much truth you present! Which is what this ware is being fought over, and all

And why?


Truth is Truth


Right is Right, and Wrong is Wrong!

Which to the contrary, on one level, is indeed, not a relative thing, and on yet another, is very
relative indeed, and full of meaning, for without question, it is a Universal Law, that must be
abided by, and can not be ignored. For if not, then why is it called, Right Knowledge, if to you,
there is no such thing as wrong?

But the thing is, they knew and could remember all along, though you all could not, about the
strength of your spoken word. As well as, the need you all would soon come to develop, to want
to try to explain it all, to your children and amongst yourselves. While all along what was really
being said, though also, many of you heard it not, it that, anything that has a beginning,
automatically, will one day also, have an end, including The Circle, and our, tick and the tock,
with them. Which right here still is an idealism that stands true, to their square, and is squared
away while saying to us all, the whole way.

"That all things must come to an End".

And with these 3 words;

In - The - Beginning"

being one word for each of us:


in the latter day...

They want also, to remind us. Knowing the whole time, that the WE3, would still have ears to
hear. About all the things that they said, to THE US ALL, way back when. Meaning, way back
when, the incident occurred, that made the Lights come on in the first place, and also, them to
feel the need for them to have to then, establish, their political view, as so also, their very symbol,
called, The Square.

But keep in mind, the true symbol of Divine Love, is The Circle and not The Square, and in this, it
also makes it, the true symbol of all Life. And so with this, they were indeed trying to kill us all
and still are. Meaning, by virtue of the implementation of these 3 words.


But this portion of their plan failed.

Because then came..., The Master Teacher, taking their heads spoiling their whole get down.

And how?

By releasing Right Knowledge and Nuwaubu into the matrix and nothing for them has been the
same since. Right down to the point that now they are even blowing up their own spot.
Because, ever since, the cover of The Leviathan Book, you all should know, the exact same
team, as two different heads, of the exact same beast. For the truth is, Divine information is now
moving throughout the main frame, which is, the minds and hearts of the people, and it is
working, like a computer virus.

But it is not a virus or spam, for you, but indeed, its it's true, and exact opposite, which is a cure
and the maps, that you all need to be able to find your way. And by the mere fact that you get
the word "maps", when you spell spam backwards, should tell you, that you all should be
traveling in the opposite direction, along the curve. And that is because indeed, everything that
The Master Teacher taught, you all, that went against their system and establishment, which is all
based on religions and belief, the whole way, is indeed and always will be a virus to them and it is
moving now, whether they like it or not. And to which you all, should be very happy right about
now for having had a chance to catch it. Because if not, and without it, you all now would not
even have the slightest chance at ever getting well and that is because all of it, came from out of
The Well, of endless and Divine information. Being the reason why, ATUM-RE, was called a
Doctor in the first place.

But, we all are not out of the woods yet, in fact, not by along shot. For now what they have
done, is to put specialists in place, to undo, what the Doctor has done. Doing all they can do
now, to re-implement the Spell of Leviathan. And to drag you all right back through it and up
underneath it. And to which many of you have already succumbed. For it is not unusual to walk
into a Christian church now a days and see a Nuwaubian sitting there. Or even, now a days, to
see certain Nuwaubians eating pork, right along with a host of other things that they know they
should not be doing. Which is the very reason why ATUM-RE Himself, said that you all were still
under the Spell. Because He Himself saw along time ago, amongst you all a type of mentally
that disappointed Him. Causing Him to make that statement if the first place and out of

Because what we have here is an adversary, that you all may think is an enemy, but is not. For
you true enemy is your inner you, that you all have yet to come to terms with through a lack of
meditation and things of that nature. And you can hear it whey you say the very word.

See - - - - - "Enemy", now say it, "inner-me".

While on the other hand, an adversary, is a being, and or, group of beings, who are creating an
adverse scene, for you and me. Which is none other than, The Luciferians, who call themselves
The Illuminate. And lets not forget, they see themselves as God. While seeing you all as the
devil, in all things, moving throughout, their society. Especially with an information like this, and
or, any of the information, that ATUM-RE Himself produced, and taught to you all. Which is just
like the way I teach you now. Because whether it is He, or I, it carries with it, the same type of
content, rhythm and tone. And whether you all call it factual, reality, true to life, candid, and or,
just the cream, it will always rise to the top, in all things and have the power to take the heads of
their kings. And because of that, they do not like it, and nor will they EVER agree, with any of
the things that are being said. That is, as long as it speak out against them. And tells about all
the things that they are doing to you and me, which is a truth, that they do not want told. And
God forbid if any of you every tell any of their secrets, or fall into any of the trips and traps for that
matter, that they have set for you, where you all can't help but be seen, as if you are the devils
that they declare you to be.

Which becomes the very reason why they continue to fill all their prisons with you. While they,
presently step out front, and declare themselves to be, the true Elite Few, who are the real Gods
and Goddesses, having all the true, might and power, over all things. Which includes a type of
control, that they all, while amongst themselves, will boast, to have, over you. That is, especially
in the state that you all are now in, ever since, the date, of May 8th, of 2002. While they all
study, a group of books words.

"The I AM Series"

Which are 17 in number, and all written about, a begging, named,

"SAINT GERMAIN", who is not you, and they say, is one of The Ascended Masters. And whose
literature, is not new either, and has been around now, for a while! That should let you all know,
that they all have been doing their thing, for quite some time now. And don't fool yourselves,
because this a ware, between evil against good, and not, good against evil. And that because
WE, stand in defense, of Right Knowledge, and or what is right. And will only strike back, if we
are being attacked. But after that fact, we have the right, to slay them where they stand.

That is, if we are being attacked.
And the thing is, they know all about you, AND Pops, and everything that has happen to Him,
since May 8th of 2002. For they have been monitoring it, real well. And how? Because you all,
will post all of our business concerning Pops and all of His and our legal efforts, at U.N.N.M.com,
for them to see, right out on the Net. And to which I, ATUN-RE say, what fools. While they, on
he other hand, right there at Icarus.com and at UMMO.cc, got locks on their thing. Meaning, in
order to get in, you have got to have a code, that they give you, and clear you through, and
without it, you don't see nothing, that they don't want you to see. And keep in mind also, The
Federal Government is on their team. So it does not matter, what they post anyway. And the
only reason they've got, a code, in the first place, is to, hide things from you. And yeah, true, the
appearance may exist, that any one can get in, but you won't get to far, or to anything that’s real
and working for them. That is, not if, they don't want you to, and you, through them have been

Q: How do you really know that this type of organization truly exist?

Ans: Because they wanted me to become a part of them. And that is because of, all the
things that I came to know about them. Which in the scheme of things was very limited
indeed, but was still, quite enough to see. Like who and where four, of their region leaders
are, and some of the things that they can do. Like for instance, the one who had come to
befriend me, showed me evidence, and laid claim to, having me arranged for, Saddam Husain to
surrender. And pushed very hard for me to be able to, become a part of them. Behind the
fact, that he had grown to like my personality. And so also because, he came to feel, that I
could be accepted amongst them, as one of their very own. For at that point, I did not
remember, not nearly as much as I can remember now, and he knew it, about all that was, is,
and always will be. To which you all, are bout to learn more about, as you now continue to read
forward, in this book.



The Greeks


What They



* What is Xenophobia
* What got Misinterpreted
* Why Two Hermeses

(Picture of Bird facing right Picture of Bird facing left)

And much much more

(Back of 20)


Prison Get the Inside

The Penal System Story
And The Pineal Gland

(Large picture of Balance Scale)

The Poor The Rich

Learn all There

* Is To Know, About:

* The Public Defenders


* Taking a Deal
and the Plea Bargain System A Simply Must
* Going to Trail

* The Housing Environments

and how they are Scientifically Order your Copy
designed by Free Masons now

And up and above all of that, the one major reason why they wanted me to be a part of them, is
because, I am a tone carrier. To which I will be explaining more about in a book which is yet to
come, called,

"Who is ATUM-RE


and AMON-RE?"

However, let me tell you all right now, that without question, These Beings, do exist.

And in fact, if any of you all were to red any of The I AM Series, you will see then, that the better
portion of what it is that is writer into these books, in a certain kind of way, is a type of Right
Knowledge, that most of you, would think, was designed exclusively for us, to the extreme in fact.
For it is not religious and talks in detail about, The God self, which is the side of man, that makes
him, a God. But don't fool yourselves, for here in these books, it is an all white thing, with blond
hair and blue eyes, and there are no Nubians, to be seen.

And don't believe me, check it out.

Because all you have to do is to get on the net and run a search, and do what you can, to put
your hands on these books, In this, you all will see, that I know what it is I am talking about.

Q: But we still would like to know, just hat happened before the state of triple darkness, and
what state were we all in then?

Ans: In Triple Silence.

Meaning, while in a state of triple darkness, for the darkness was, is and always will be,
incomplete, without triple silence first, The WE ALL sat. Making the entire experience,
complete, with true enlightenment, on its way. For in a natural way, The True Light, only
comes through a certain type of darkness. Which is, any where or any place, of darkness.
Which is, any where or any place, you may look, and at that point, can not find Divine Love, and
or, Divine Wisdom. And that is because The True Light, is made up of, and there by IS,
Divine Love. And when truly experienced and overstood, carries with it a Divine Wisdom, that
can only come through and by way of, the principles, dictated, by the symbol of The Cipher.
That comes only to those who humble themselves long enough, to figure it out.

However, the Elders and Masters, of both Etheric and physical worlds know, that True
Enlightenment, only comes through and by way of triple silence.

To which here in your now, you all need to take a time out, to re-experience both, triple silence
and triple darkness. By presently closing your eyes while sitting in the darkest room you all can
find, and plugging your ears if need be, throughout the experience, and while in the act of,
turning, inward. In order for you all to now re-experience a true state of completeness. Through
fully finding the means to evolve back into the state from whence you came. By virtue of
shedding the physical you. Even if it is only done mentally, and momentarily, through a Divine
state of meditation. Experienced however, in its totality, through and by way of an appearance,
of something that is traveling backwards, but is not. That if need be, carries you all, all the way
back, to where, you all can still find the innocent child in you. Which should still be there. That is,
if you all now have not mutated, into a type of being that here and now, you all should not be.
And this thing I now speak of, without question, is The Circle indeed.

Whose equation runs like this:

(Picture of circle with words) / Which only "appears",

to be going backwards,
but is not.

For the truth is, the child in you, is something that one of us should ever want to lose. And in
fact, it legitimately identifies us all, as the True Elite Few, that we are. But it is only along The
Circle's Curvature, that you all can now, refine, reclaim, and redefine, all the things that each of
you, need. And in this, reconnect, your mind, body, and soul while in this experience called, your
physical existence, and or, reality. That is, if you, as an entity, can find within yourself, the ability,
to remove yourself from it all, long enough to view it, as if it was a movie. Being only directed and
projected to move you and me, in 3 particular directions. Which are; inward, upward and forward.
Achieved only however, during the movie's intermission, which becomes your, very, inner-mission,
to rediscover, that innocence in you, along with many, many other things.

That also carries the power with it, to fortify, reassure, and guarantee, the planned success, of
your, outer - mission. Which without question should be, the mission, of THE MOST HIGH, that
started way back in 1970. Because like I have said before, as a race of people, to continue to
live on, it a worthy cause. Don't you think so?

Furthermore, the Etheric you, need this very special time period each day for about an hour or
two, that each of you should set aside, as a type of quality time, in order for it to fully adjust. And
to bring about a Divine thing called, balance. That it so desperately needs while here on the
physical plane. That is, in order to not be, overwhelmed, by this physical experience. Which time
and time again, has already happened and occurred to many of you. And why?

Because many of you choose not to give the Etheric you, that which it needs. Wherein, you all
without question; will, if all just, will-not-meditate, and in this, completeness escapes you. For
prayer, is only one side of the coin, and to experience wholeness in it's totality, you all need both.
And make all thoughts to, to sit still. Carrying with you the whole time, automatically be done the
minute your prayer, completes it's self. Meaning, it is right then, that you all immediately should
be moving towards, a state of meditation, and in this, you all will then find, right there, all the
things, you all are looking for, as well as, all the answers you need. And that is because,
EVERYTHING, that you need, is already locked up, right there, inside of you. But the whole
time, you all are constantly looking in all the wrong places. Because right here what the truth is,
is that, everything you all need, is not outside of you, but is inside. And so what that means is,
either you all now learn and make it up in your minds, to go within, or in your homes and in your
lives, you will only continue, to go without, on a personal level, and as a nation of people, and in
this, only continue, to suffer on.

But still many of you, inspire of your reading this now, and seeing this and overstanding this to be
true, regardless to the fact, of how true it maybe, I know, however, most of you will say to

"Yeah, I've tried it before , but what the brother doesn't know, is that none
of that, worked for me, and in fact, it didn't do nothing"

Nevertheless the only reason you say this, is because, most of you, will go into this thinking, that
it will happen for you, in just one or two settings. But the thing is, you all should know, that often
times, it won't. And why? But just like anything else, you all can only expect, to get good at it,
through practice. And so, what you will do, is to hear me say this, and some of you, will then go
onto do your thing. That is, even after all the things you said before. And to that, I ATUN-RE

"Good, and to keep it up."

But still inspire, again, what will most of you do?

I'll tell you what...

Most of you, will then become discouraged, and in this, just ultimately, go on to, drop the


Because it is not known to you, that it can and only will manifest, through a patience and
perseverance, that develops its self, through, shades, levels, and degrees, over a course of time
by which you all must now participate, if you, are to SURVIVE.

Because you see, you all, as Etheric Beings, are beings who are, "ALL Mind", Light, Ether, and
Energy. Because Light, Is, energy. And so the mind, is in a constant motion, and momentary
mental events, such as, happiness, anger, irritation, fantasies, and or boredom, constantly rise
and fall on its surface. So just like waves can sometime subside long enough to reveal to you,
the depths of the ocean's floor, while riding in a boat, to the point that you can then see,
everything that is swimming around in there. So also too, is it possible to calm the turbulence the
mind, to reveal to you with a pristine purity, all the things you need to now. About, life, love,
purpose and the friend in enemy, which is the side of you that is called your, Inner You, that Is,
The Etheric entity, which is the REAL YOU. And the ability to do all this, lies within the mind its
self, and the key to the mind, is meditation which there by makes it, a priority.

However, subduing the mind and bringing it to the right overstanding of its self, and your true
mission in Life, and or, reality, is no easy task. Which is why it requires a practice. That will
involve, oserving, analyzing and dealing, with your mind. As well as, listening to your higher self,
speak to you. As it administers, to your very globe. Meaning, both your head, and or, your own,
little personal universe.

And I say all this because, while moving the vehicle through the physical plane, the individual
entity knows, but only on a subconscious level. And in this, NEEDS the method, AND the
manner, in order to be able to become more familiar with, getting things done.


Because remember, before coming here, to the physical plane, EVERYONE, which includes us
and them, say, to their Elders, that they know how to solve the problems, and how to get the job
done. But the minute you all get here, now, the over all majority of you, and everybody else as
well, remembers nothing.

But it is here, while in the physical body, inspire of a lock of memory, the individual entity then
sets out on a road by which to complete its mission due to there being, in existence a higher self,
who carries with it, a higher level of consciousness that is roaming around throughout the
subconscious mind, of the individual entity. To which This self, is very conscious, indeed, and
without question, remembers it all.

While on the other hand, there is a lower self who carries a lower consciousness as well, that
works within the framework of the being’s mind, which indeed, sees itself as being independent,
while the whole time being a very real force and functioning consciousness that is unconscious,
and most times won’t remember anything of importance, such as the thoughts that will connect it
to its higher purpose in life. Through these types of thoughts it can ultimately rediscover why it is
here in the first place, but in this manner, the lower self will not move. With this being true, this
then becomes the individual entity’s mundane mentality that carries with it, the power that can
and often times will tie this very same being here to the physical plane, forever. In this reality,
when the body dies, so also does the being in a kind of way; resulting in the feeling of pain
brought about by the power of the second death as a form of reprisal against the self, initiated by
the higher self, because now, this Etheric being here; through far too many thoughts, and a
respect paid to the physical plane and its delicacies ( that are based upon sex, status, money,
power and respect) as opposed to spiritual things that carry power through a right knowledge to
connect to it’s higher purpose, has, just now, put it’s own very light right out; many times not
even knowing or caring until it is far too late. And now, there is a price that this individual entity
must and will pay called Hell…for buying the life of this world at the price of the hereafter - where
then, in this soul’s now, when the lights come back on again, this soul will the find itself in a place
where it will experience a kind of looped existence, which it will find to be most dis-pleasurable,
displeasing and all the rest. For all good things come from the Most High in you. While on the
other hand, all evils and displeasure’s come from your most low that transforms itself into the pain
that you will be experience. And, if you are fortunate, your higher self will then show you a mercy,
by allowing you and causing you to grow out of it and into a more becoming existence -
becoming the reason why Atum-RE said:

“If you want to limit your pain, limit your pleasure.”

On the other hand, I, ATUN-RE say:

“If you want to maximize your joy, then embrace your pain.”

Which is all being brought about behind the fact that all of us now have had to experience May
8, 2002 and everything that has now come along with it…evil and bad, awful and ugly; and to
this, you should all agree:

“When in deep water, become a deep sea diver.”

Because, until then - the day you all take part in a particular type of marriage, both your higher
and lower selves will only continue to be alive and well as separate entities, moving right along
dynamically in each and every one of your minds…as long as you are stuck within the confines of
an existence that roams throughout the physical plane driving the car that you now occupy. Your
two selves will fight between each other to determine each of your destinies, which ultimately, will
be the determining factor in whether this planet survives or not, with the higher you meant to win,
and in this causing the prophesy to be fulfilled.

With the sacred marriage of the lamb coming to pass, and with the beast finally put to rest, and
the supper of the lamb for you; at long last, with the table spread in place.
There are those also who will be called to the sacred marriage of the self as well, which is the
marriage that I speak about; where in the lower you finally agrees with the higher you to step
aside and out of the way, now becoming one with the higher self; willing at the present to do the
higher self’s bidding and not it’s own; it now deciding also to become dedicated to the upliftment
of the greater good.

Done then by the lower self having finally come to terms with the higher self - through and by way
of it here accepting the fact that truly, it had no purpose other than to be in the way of the true
objective in the first place; this being so because the higher self ultimately carries with it a
particular type of control, and is totally aware of it’s purpose - while the lower you doesn’t have
the slightest clue and/or remains in the blind to both facts: just what the purpose is, and the fact
that the higher self has mapped out and is one the move…not knowing also that the lower self is
being driven helplessly by the higher self to it’s exact location and destiny, whether the individual
self or the lower self likes it or not - that is :

If, you are - from amongst,

The Chosen

Because remember, the higher side of your self is only interested in one thing and one thing
only, which is, getting the job done according- to- it’s- mission, and being so because the highest
of the Universal Laws must be obeyed. It’s path must be honored and cannot be denied;
making it also the very reason why all the chosen amongst you right now have NO CHOICE in the
matter, and will read these books re-recognizing; some on a conscious level based on the level of
content, while others only on a subconscious level based on rhythm and tone, and in this, will
gravitate toward me whether they like it or not…like pieces of steel to a magnet because this is
WHO YOU ALL ARE, and in all of this, NONE OF YOU can be any less.

Wherein, the lower you, finally agrees with the higher you, to step aside and out of the way. Now
becoming one, with the higher self. Willing at the present, to do the higher self bidding and not
its own. By it now deciding also, to become dedicated to, the upliftment, of the greater good.

Done then however, by the lower self having finally come to terms with higher self. And through
and by way of, it here, accepting the fat, that truly it had no purpose other than, to be in the way,
of the true objective in the first place. With this being so because the higher self ultimately carries
with it, a particular type of control, and it is totally, aware, of its purpose. While the lower you
doesn't have the slightest clue, and or, remains in the blind, to both facts. meaning, just what
your true purpose is, and the fact, that the higher self, has mapped it all out, and is on the move.
Not knowing also, that the self is being driven helplessly, by the higher self, to its exact location
and destiny. Happening the whole time, whether the individual self, AND lower self, likes it or not.
That is,

If-you are-from amongst,


Because remember, this side of your self, has a higher purpose, that is only interested in one
thing and one thing only, which is, getting the job done.


Then being so, because in accordance with the highest of all Universal Laws that must be
obeyed, its' path, must be honored, and can not be denied. Making it also the very reason why,
all The Chosen ones from amongst you, right now, don't even have a choice in the matter. And
will read these books, re-recognizing. Some on a conscious level, based on the level of content,
while others only on a subconscious level, based on, rhythm and tone. And in this, will gravitate
towards me, whether they like it or not. Like pieces of steal to a magnet. Because THIS IS WHO
YOU AL ARE, and in all of this, NONE OF YOU, can be only less.

Furthermore, it is right here and now that you all are just sitting out there, and on your insides
simply crying out for someone to care, that knows, just what it is you've been through, from a
Nuwaubians perspective. That you all know, can not be shared by someone who was not there,
long before, May 8th, of 2002. While you all existed in, a state, of constant wait, to not trip.

Because with Rightknowledge, you all had been made to carry a particular type of luggage, that
still till this day, you all have to think your way through. Because with every new and beautiful
thing, that you all come to learn, so also come, a new, responsibility, too.

That ultimately had the power to change your life in a type of way. Meaning, both by the
information, and the new but not asked for, responsibility, that you all still carry, and will find
yourselves even now, made to lug all around, while you all age.

That not to mention as well, carried with it also, a particular type of air, that made you all suffer,
but at the same time, made you grow. Making it where to know Rightknowledge then became,
both, a blessing a curse.


Because it then in many places made you to feel, very lonely. But never once also, in all of this,
did you EVER lose, your sense, of superiority. In the holding of what you knew to be a supreme
information. Making available to you also however, very few, that would not get upset by the
truth that you could bring. Which include, many times, your parents, loved ones, and or, siblings.

And why?

Because Rightknowledge has, always been, a think outside of The Box, information.

And in fact, it carries with it, al the power that you all would need, to break and smash The box.
To where, it would never live again, and be thought within, by our Nation. Which was called the
breaking of The Spell of Leviathan. Which should tell you all, that indeed, from its' origin, that it
always stood, in support, of The Circle and not The Square. Which makes it all overstandable as
to why it became, an information, that not one square could appreciate, or bare. Now tell the
truth and shame the devil. But still however, ever so often, you would wish, that you never even
knew it. Because then, you could be like everybody else. But thing is, you would only think this,
when you were being stupid, and was running away from, the strength of it's responsibility. That
is, until you would find your way, to a cipher and in it, rule, because of the joy of having the
answer. And also behind the fact, that now, the meek had been made to dumb found the wise.
And with this, you all knew that indeed, you had experienced a miracle. And why? Because
you, wasn't suppose to know that much. Forgetting the whole time, that you had been taught by
a Master Teacher. Who was, and still is, The Lamb, spoken of in the Book of Revelations.

And then it is here at this point, that the realization would settle, that with your rightknowledge
there, was now, none who could stand against you, in information, and, that right there, felt real

But on the other hand, as you would then find your way home to where many of you were, and
still are, forced to live in poverty stricken situations, that your very life, itself, had dealt you. It is
then, that you in your quite time, would sake your fist at the Heavens. And here, you would even
go as far, as to question, the very reason as to why, you were ever even born.
And why?

Because this information, wasn't doing you, a damn bit of good not where all the good things
were concerned, as you would refer to, all the materialism, that you would live absent to, and
couldn't figure out how to get with. That is, unless you had an escort service, with Nuwaubian
sister's playing prostitute, not knowing that whole time, that that was the devil, and that, the devil,
had done got you. Or, up and above that, you just didn't care. That is, just so long as you,
could experience, what you would consider, to be finer things.

But still our experience does finish itself there though. Because then, you have other
Nuwaubians, who have grew to not care about anything other than, themselves. And thrive off
of the peddle and job vibe. That was also taught to them, by The Master.

And to them, I ATUN-RE say;

"Can't you se, that its time to put that money together and by some more land,
that is, whether we still got Tama-Re or not. And not just, for your family
either, but for us all! Both rich and poor, free and bonded?"

And why?

Because our people suffer on.

But your days of suffering Nuwaubian, are soon over. To which indeed there is a plan, and so in
this, you all will, get with me. For all triggers, are now being pulled, sprung, and activated, and
the genetic explosions will take place. Causing all the mummies to rise, smiling the whole way.
For the true I AM, has come. Once in the form of ATUM-RE, and now, created in His image and
after His likeness, I, ATUN-RE, will shine, in the highest, and in this, take this mission to its
Zenith, and where it needs to go. By getting Pops out, as one of two witness, and letting my
trumpet blow. While sitting here now, dressed in sack cloth. By virtue of, letting my reed like unto
a rod, just flow. Which is called now a days;

A Pencil! And you are all about to experience the biggest solar maxim, since 1961. To which I
now, thought you all should know, to give the answer to Revelation Chapter 11, verse 1, making
it one of the reason why I am now telling you. That is, until the day AMON-RE is sent, and
needs to come.

So read on Oh! Children


Because, just like I said, you all who are chosen do not have a choice.

Just like I didn't.

Meaning, in it all, and even, right on up to, the terms under which I had to write these 3 books,
and all the many that are still yet to come. And with me now getting it all done, and on out there
to you. Just like The Chosen amongst you, right along with, Mr. Charles Glazes, will, without

"Come My Way"

For it is your destiny.........

While on the other hand, those beings out there who are not chosen, nor have they ever been,
or ever will be, will just sit there now, and hate. Knowing, the whole time in their subconscious
minds, that the day, has finally come, where in, the righteous will, in action word and deed, now

But be that as it may, it was all fortold precisely, that all of you who hate, would hate all of us, for
righteous name sake. As we now do all we can, to re-raise this Nation. While you all on the
other hand who are lazy and complacent, constantly talk out against growth and change, and
could care less, if everything was to remain the same. However still, just talking the whole way
about, what you all see us doing, in our efforts. Where as nevertheless, you continue to do
nothing, but complain. Criticizing the righteous, which is us, for not going away, and seeing t it,
throughout it all, that this mission survives, and-does-not-fail. For we all continue to care, while
you all, don'. Making a noise the whole time, which attacks the subconscious minds of The
Chosen. Keeping us the entire time away from enjoying, triple silence, once again. By putting
forth in this, an evn extra effort that most times, you don't even know, that you are participating
in. But at the same time, though many of you care not, the damage is done.

When is a damage designed, to just stress the minds, of the righteous, right on out of here
Mostly done by virtue of, negatives seeds that you all just plant down into the mind, that grow
and blossom. that only prove to keep our people, as THEY grow and blossom, off balanced,
distracted, depressed, and not to mention here, in a state of doubt. Now making it a necessity,
for all, who ARE all mind, to-have-to-act-now. For this reason and many, many more, within the
frame work of a very real meditative practice, that you all, who are, ALL MIND, must and will
participate in. Returning to the state of triple silence and darkness from whence you all came,
today, to the best of your ability. To keep their unmindful plan from working. For they know not,
many of them, that they are being used by the devil, who is Lucifer, to attack the greater good.
making it where just like I said, now, you all must return to that darkness . . . . and silence, in

And why?

In order to know Thyself, complete.

And to complete this mission, and win.

For it was all within the state of triple darkness and silence, that The WE ALL sat. Meaning,
before the voices, sounds, and frequencies began. For all there was, was The ALL. and in this,
The ALL wanted to know its' self, complete. Which appeared impossible, for it to do and bring.
For in The ALL. as all there was. And in this, it could not know its' self, as the greatest thing, that
ever was, is, and always will be. For there was no means, of measurement, through opposite, or
in between. For in The ALL, exist all there was, is, and everything.

With this being so, what The All then did, was to turn inward, and await, a state of inner
enlightenment. That could and would only come, through, triple silence. Before the frequencies
started to ring. By which without a doubt, thoroughly, it could then, know its' self, as the greatest

Which is what it did . . . .

Then suddenly, all in one glorious moment, it happen. true enlightnment came. Which was, the
Rightknowledge, that said, that which was here, and that which was there, for the very first tie
existed. Brought about by way of an incredible separation, of its' self, done, without ever leaving
its' self. But on yet another level, leaving a portion of its self, from whence it just came. And is
so doing, CREATING, the condition. Traveling further within, no longer without, knowledge of
self. Being all brought about through and by way of, state of triple silence, and a Choice to turn
Which produced for us all, as part of the ALL . . . .

Meaning now, that which was here, and that which was there, was joined by, that which was
neither, her nor there. and in this, all of us sat, while in The ALL, now, as fractals, of everything
that was, is, and always will be.

Soon after, all of us did the same thing, turned inward, while in, and through and by way of, a
state, which The WE ALL came to knowas, triple silence. And then the frequencies started to
ring. With each of us as individual entity, but at the same time part of The ALL now awaiting, our
own, individual states of, inner enlightenment.

And then, it all happen . . . .

Enlightenment came.

Before long, The ALL started to speak, and then sing, creating The OM sound. And then
through this, harmony rang, through out The Etheric realm for eons.

Until the lights come on.

Q: You said, we all sat as fractals, can you please explain that?

ANS: Yes. Because what you have here can be studied, and will indeed further your
overstanding in your knowledge of self. Merely by you all studding and information called,
"Fractal Geometry". To which you might now say;

Q: "Well, what is Fractal Geometry?"

Ans: And to which I would say, fractal geometry is like this, picture me and you with a camera.
And with it, what we choose to do is, to take a picture, of an apple. We developed it, and
there the picture is. but this is a special picture. For our next move, is to zoom in, on the
picture. And what we find out then, is that this picture, of that is made up of thousands of
even smaller pictures, of the exact same apple. And then, with our zoom lens, we now take it
one step further.

Q: And what do we do then?

Ans: We zoom in, further still, on one of the smaller frames of the exact same apple, that
indeed, makes up, our original picture.

Q: And what do we see now?

Ans: That's right. Thousands of yet even smaller frames, of that exact-same-apple. and in
fractal geometry, if we were to zoom in, and zoom in, and zoom in. Each time we would be
seeing, smaller and smaller frames, of the exact same apple, that makes up our original

So in this, what have learned?

I'll tell you . . . . .

We've learned.

That one frame within the makeup of the original frame, of that apple, could not be in now way
anything less then, the-exact-same-apple.
Because, lets just say, if one frame, was a pear. The entire scheme which makes up our original
picture of that apple would now be thrown off. And in this, we would no longer see an apple.
now would we? Meaning, in our original picture.

Which is sort of like, that's right;


For what is being said here is that all focus are just fractals of The Source, which is The
Omnipotent, that is also, Omnipresent. Which is what we call, The ALL. and in fact, the word
Omni, means just that.

And don't believe me, look it up . . . .

Because what you all don't see, though you do see it,

Is The Cipher.

Meaning, it’s right there, in Omnipotent, and Omnipresent.

See: - - - - - "O" - minponent - - - "O"- minpresent

And anytime you see The Cipher, often times what this means, is that, there is a secret in place.

And how do you know?

Because in order for a secret to be unlocked, and or, a mystery, to be un-veiled. Its' information,
must first be placed, in order.

See: look at what is said;

"In order, for a secret to be un-locked."

And now look, - - -"O"-der. So again, you see The Cipher. Which means a secret is in place, and
how do you know?

For it must be, "de-ciphered", in order for its mystery to be unveiled, and or, its’ secret, to be

And mean while you see words like;

Observation Ours Occurrence

Oracle Optimal Old
Open Origin Offspring
Optimistic Opportunity Ordain
Omen Office Omni

and, "Osirus", all the time. But never once do you all take this into consideration.

But this is exactly what, ?The Doctor", has ordered. that is, whether you all call Him, The Chief,
The Old Man, Our Maker, or just plain old, Baba, it does not matter.

And Why?
Because it is time for you all to now know. and I, ATUN-RE, am here to un-twist it, for you. For
what they did long ago was to take our Circle, and twist it.

Like this:

(picture of infinity sign)

By twisting and turning all Rightknowledge into something that could no longer be identified by
most, and in fact, now a days, what they are doing, is taking the same Rightknowledge that you
all will teach, and attaching Lucifer's name to it, in an attempt to confuse the masses. after
having loss to The Boss, ATUM-RE, and his blade. For they do not, and nor have the ever,
wanted, for any Nubian, to know and remember, just where it is, The WE, have placed all secrets
at. For they know, that as Nubians, it is YOU, who are The Angels of MichaEL's army. And so
what they teach, is a motto that says;

"Love not the angel, but Love thyself"

And in this they are speaking to their very own, who are a form of Amorites. As well as, and also
to, their black devil friends, who have submitted and surrendered themselves to them, along time
ago. And are here now scattered all about etherically, in different human forms. And the angel
they are referring to is, Pops, who is the Angel MichaEL Himself. However, attaching this
statement to the Messiah Jesus. And they do this because they also know that Baba, at one
time long ago, used the name Isa, as well as, Yashua. And what they are really saying when
they say;

"Love not the Angel, but

Love thyself" is

"Love not thy brother

but love thyself"

which is a square information coming from their political view.

While here on the other hand, what they should know and come to recognize is that, self
centeredness is the key to self suffering. And that the act that contains the least self, is always
the one that will prevail.

But mean while, they play a type of diabolical game, that goes as follows;

What they will do, is to put forth the extreme effort to continuously confuse, everyone who want
to know, just light and darkness truly is. Meaning, is the light always good and the darkness in
it's true essence, always bad, and or, the place where there is no good, called evil?

Or, is it the other way around: Which becomes the question that ATUM-RE raised amongst you
all, and was speaking in reference to, right before the raid.

Which raises yet another question, which is, could it be, that it was at this point, that they
declared, enough was enough, with the reason beings that this was one of the very topics that
they wanted left untouched. And could it be because of their plants and agents, as well as, their
listening devices, along with the fact, that they would study, all of our videos and tapes that
because of this, that they could pretty much predict and forecast all things that Pops would say

And where saying to themselves;
"Hell no! We are not having it! And why? Because we've worked hard, and have spent a lot of
money on all those ads and co-campaigns, to make this public and all the masses think, and see
it to be that the black cake is the devil's food, and the white one belongs to us, as food for the
angels. And not to mention, all the money we just threw up into the air to make the stock
markets crash, which would throw the public into despair, in order for us to create a day called,
Black Friday . . . As well as, all those e fairytales, we had told, like the Wizard of Oz for Christ
sake! Where as though wee took good time, in the writing of that script, with the implementation
of the stroke of genius that, said, let the wicked witch of west wear black, have green skin and
black hair. While the witch of the east has blond hair and blue eyes and long white dress, that
flows everywhere. And why? Because we can kill several birds with that stone. And so, they
better leave us alone! But meanwhile, here it is we've got this little nappy haired Negro, who
thinks, he is going to mess all that up. Hell no!"

"And not to mention the fact He's getting just a little too close, and taking them, just a little too
far, with His teachings, and info, to where they do not need to be. And we'll be darn and
dammed, if we are just going sit here, until the day they all know. Because its' bad enough He
knows and can remember the most. So we have got to stop Him, before His efforts can become
complete, and He teaches them everything. Because you and I both know, what this little dark
skinned Negro, and trouble makers, curriculum looks like. What we both know also, has the
power, to take the people, AND the vote in the other direction, towards even more, Civil Rights,
Liberties, AND, justice for all! And we can't have that. Meaning, no more niggers with dreams,
about little black children and white children holding hands. Which became the very reason why,
we had kill that other nigger, AND, both the Kennedy’s. And now look at 'em, they've become,
immortalized and even stronger still, having their own holidays for crying out loud! And pulse, did
you see those nigger number?! Their like roaches and flies, and the last thing we need, is a
bunch of smart ass roaches and flies, all over the place. So we must, stop Him, before they
come, to know it all."

Q: And what was the secret that they want held in place?

Ans: The third probability. Which was, the truth.

Meaning, you already had your first, about The Darkness and Light, that was given to, by
them. Which is the one that said;

"The Light is good and the Darkness is evil"

And it was established, with shows like;

"Dark, Shadows"

And characters like;

"Darth (Dark), Vader"

Along with many, many other, AND more.

And ATUM-RE with a particular type of brilliance started to bring you all out of the darkness and
into the light, by letting you all know, that The Darkness was indeed, not evil. And then move to
established it by virtue of bringing you all's attention, to several things. Like;

"Where was God, when He said,

Let There Be Light, in the light,
or in the darkness, and was that
state, evil"

And while in the womb, are you,

in darkness, or light, and is
that state, evil?

And where is it, that you will

find the most peach at night, when
you lay down to rest, and are trying
to go to sleep, when the lights are
on, or when the lights are off, and
is that state, evil?"

And then He went on to tell you;

"And why? Because it is from triple

darkness, that all of us, do come. And
in fact, that state, could not possible,
be evil!

Which is the truth.

And then He went on to say;

"And then, if you really look at it,

and tell the truth about it, you would
have to say, that all of the chaos, does
not start, UNTIL You Turn The Light ON."

And with this, you 2nd probability was established.

But the 3rd probability is a truth, which the information would have completed its' self, being, the
uncharted territory, that He had yet to speak from, and teach you all about, as of yet.

Which is the one that says, that Light nor Darkness, nor Darkness nor Light, were and are,
neither, totally good or evil, for at the very least, a little of the two, exist in both, which then
creates, a Divine thing called,

Supreme and ultimate, Divine Balance.

That is, when ultimately, the two agree, both The Darkness and Light, to co-exist, without
separation, within the frame work of The Circle. Through and by virtue of, another, particular
type, of sacred marriage, that works, merely behind the fact, that they give other their space. Still
however, without separation, and never leaving the frame work, of The Circle, which then causes
the two, to exist, Eternally, in a state of, Peace, that just, is . . . .

For in order to know Light, you must first know Darkness, for it is the state from which you all
come. And don't fool yourselves, for it is also the state to which you all will return. But what is
happening now, is The Squares are trying to brake its' cycle. By telling you, and getting you to
believe, that you all will return to The Light. Which will, happen, BUT-NOT-INT-THAT-
ORDER . . . . For the know, you all will have to taste, triple darkness and triple silence, again first.
That is, when you all die and pass on to higher Life. And mean while, what they are trying to do,
is to instill, even more fear. So you all will get stuck right there, within the frame work of your first
chakra, and through this you, won't be able to pass through The Portal, and return. And that is
because, they know fear, is the one thing that will keep you all, and anybody else, as well, from
re-entry. For they also know that fear, is the one attribute and emotion, which is a energy put in
motion that We All agreed, is no longer welcome. For even they know . . . . Now, that fear, is
Divine Love's, true and exact opposite. And what they want, is for you all, to more abundantly,
taste the second death, by telling you all to expect to see, a light, at the end of a tunnel.

Which is a seed that they have planted down into, each and everyone of you all' subconscious
minds. For they know, when you all DON'T, see the tunnel, or The Light, for that matter, you all
will become even more scared, then what you all are suppose to be. For without question, due
to, for many of you, that fact that the unknown will be present, there will be a slight amount, of
fear, that These Beings, will have to endure, as they go through the endeavor. But it will not be
so much, that you all will not be able, to bare. But on the other hand they know also, that if their
seed is allowed to grow and blossom, that this can be all they need to generate enough fear, to
push you all, right over the edge. And in this, tie you, to the physical plane forever. By having
now, through your fear, snap your light, right out, there by forcing you, to experience, the second

And why?

So that they can control the vote, in The Etheric Realm.

However, for us to know darkness and to be able to give it its' name, it could not be done, until
The Lights came on. So the two, both Light and Darkness, carry both properties, of yin and
yang, good and evil, which is both, here and there, AND, in or between.

Like this;

(picture of yin & yang)

That has always been The Circle, carrying the content of all things, which stands in
representation, of our entire universe. Making it where, it is best not to even try to separate the
thing. For to do so, would be to brake The Circle, and in this, bring an end, to all things. And if
you are smart, you wouldn’t want to do that. Pulse, you would always want, the statement of
Divine Love, to remain the same. Being always, just-that-which it is, and nothing less, than,
Divine Love.

And in this, why complain? Became the question there by. Making the question "Why", not a
question, but a complaint. That is, unless of course, you already knew the answer. For the one
could not exist without the other. Meaning, The Darkness nor The Light, because they are both,
relatives, of the very same family, called;


But with one knowing, and one knowing not. And with, one in a constant state, by which it is
always trying to separate, itself, AND dominate. While it no longer wishes to be apart of The ALL.
Thinking, that the act its' self is, indeed possible. Forgetting about everything, while it just moves
out of control. And just blatantly ignores, al the most important LAWS, that governs, our whole
universe, both physical and Etheric, being inside and out. While the other, is now, not also Light,
but is also color, and takes the time to deliberate, AND meditate, on all three shades of Darkness
from whence it came. Carrying with it the whole way, memory, through the experience while it
vibrates. By and through the fact, though moving, it takes the time to sit still, and to contemplate.

Finding it with in its' self, a sense of being able to, accept, all things for what they really are.
However, also having the common (sense), enough to add into the equation, that the natural
order of things, should not be ignored. That is, if all Life is to be maintained.
So, the one has a purpose, which is to keep and maintain, all universe laws, that governs and
assure, That All Life Remains. And, the other, has no higher purpose at all. For all it does is to
reveal to you, what most, all already know, is indeed, to be, always sitting, right there. For this is,
and always will be, an information that will translate by virtue of, vibrations felt, that any blind man
can tell you all about. That is, when there is a need to establish, what is right and what is wrong.
And why? For the energy of the two, can always be felt, even long before, the lights come on.
That here, makes its only purpose, other than, though disrupt the natural order of things, and in
this, bring chaos, while going through this it cuts itself off from its source, which is its family, called
The US ALL, walk the border line, to being called . . . . mute. For the one wants to live, while the
other wants to die, and at the same time, while in the process, of attempting to kill its self, with
one fatal blow also, it wants to kill us all, and through it, it refuses to know and to be told.

So, . . YOU, pick your Choice, about the one You, can appreciate and are willing to support.
That is, just so long as that choice, is an educated one, and with it, you choose, The Circle over
The Square. As being the one you would prefer, to end up with all the control. For in truth, the
truth, needs to be told, to which against there is no argument, making their act, and or, actions,
only add up to be called one thing, which is not, (sense) the event, something even close to what
should have been done. Because they don't even know what it means. And nor, were they
even will to take the time, to find out. And for this, they are RIGHT NOW, being judged. For what
can only be called and seen to be,


And the judgment is now being rendered in favor, of, the Petitioner, and ALL remedies requested
are NOW, being granted. . .



For this is Law and

and can not be ignored.

And in truth, it effects us all. Because keep in mind also, it is not us, who wants to stop the
whole show. And so, The Darkness has a purpose, while The Light, does not, and wants the
most, AND refuses to, cooperate. That is, unless of course it is harnessed, and PUT, under
control. Or, it will only bring to light, one thing, which is called, Chaos, and, our very own
destruction. Ad so to trap, and harness it, so that we can direct it, and there by control its'
projectory, becomes our primary objective. Which is to seal up, that which is Laswless, in The Six
Pointed Star, in an effort by which to keep it from braking our necks. And so to achieve this,
what we must do, is to look at, and study, how light has the power of its' expressions, now a
days, through amperage, wattage, and voltage, which then produces, its' illumination, and HEAT.
Which is just another way of saying, "fire". That we all know to be an element, that if left
unchecked, can and will, just burn out of control. Thereby, declaring itself', an element, that has
no control. That is, unless, you control it, meaning, that which is Light. And keep in mind, The
Light is wrong, from its' origin, and on a subconscious level, it has a slight knowledge of this, but
will not (submit) in any way long enough, in order for it, to fully and truly know.

So, what they are doing is to continuously put forth an effort to try to confuse, all the information,
that shows themselves, to either be, in support of Darkness, or in support, of Light. And they do
this because, there are several elements involved, that they uses as Etheric Beings to their

Which are:

1. Some times they are talking about our family of Light Beings, who are every color of the
rainbow. And in one breath, they will refer to These Beings, as being, a part of The Darkness.
And they will say all this, "AT THIS TIME", simply because, they are referring to, our skin
color. And it is at this point, they will refer to themselves, as pure, "White Light Beings", and
here, they are doing this, simply because they are Caucasians. However, often times you
will find right here that is this element that they will deny, in fact, often times, to the extreme!

And now,

2. Because they also know (as a body of Etheric beings), all about The Laws and principles,
of a mirror, and how it directly, (in principle), connects the physical plane to the Etheric realm,
they know that in this case, The Laws of opposites do apply. So, what that means is, that
which is on the other side, being in The Ether Realm, The True Light (which is US)
(through this also, they will not (admit to), on this side of the mirror, is seen, with and or, having
pigment, and or, dark, skin tones. However, this is only pertaining to those of us, who
have not as of yet, put their lights out. While on the other hand they, reserve the seat,
for the opposite of what it is I have just described. And with this, it also becomes the reason
why, they are so bent on holding onto their existence here, on the physical plane. And that is
because it is here, they have found a place, to shine. But the thing is they know also, that
polarities are about to completely switch, which as of yet, has not totally occurred, BUT WILL And
when it does, its' sort of like looking at the negative of a Polaroid picture. that which is negative
will become positive, and that which is positive will become negative. And it that day, it is WE,
who will shine here. As The True Lights, that WE are. And . . . .

(2 continues)
Right here on the physical plane within the very shells that WE now occupy. And you will
see it in the eyes of our makers", that are on the planet now. then, it will be the
Caucasian, seen as the negative. While our youths, are people, very, very, clearly.
And to where it is now, that the average Urban Nubian, youth, is seen, as the, "trouble
treated as royalty. But keep in mind however, that they see it, the other way around entirely!
And in every way I just described. And that is because, of two reason, which are:

1. Because of their political view, that stands in support of the square, which is based on
2. Because of the law density they vibrate up to, they have no real idea, as to what side of
the mirror, they are really on so, that which is true, they see as false, and that which false, they
see as true. And in this, they have convinced themselves of the lie. And so on this side of the
mirror, they see their very own (impermanence), as being permanent, and in this, they are
confused, and frighten, and look at fear and terror, as a necessity, in order for them
to feel alive. And it is because of this, they promote it.

3. Here, what they will do, is to use a particular type of double talk, when it suits them. And
depending upon what type of, "Cycle", they are trying to trap, attack, and or, bring to them.
And not to mention also, because of their very own, confusion. And so what you will find
is, sometime they will talk about lightly, when it is, THEIR, very darkness, when referring to out
light, or us, as a people.

4. To which this one, is the most diabolical of all. Because, they have come to know, that
the best place to hide something, is and has been, right under your nose. Or, to just put right
out in the open. And because they also have come to know just how effective
Rightknowledge is, as a cure, and how it is not moving throughout the main frame of
the Matrix, all because, of ATUM-RE. What they are now saying is, if they can't beat Him (ATUM-
RE) they might as well join Him, in His information, but this time to support the rwist, that
was established along time ago, what they are now doing is adding Lucifer's name to it,
as they speak out against belief and religion. As a means by which to, now fight the battle,
that they have already lost.
(4 continues)
And it is here on websites like, UMMO.cc, they are now stepping out, proudly, letting, the
whole world know, that yes, they are Luciferians, and do not care, who may come, to
know. While at the same time, they hold name Illuminate, in the background. And why?
Because that is their secret name, and still, they don't want anybody to know, that indeed,
they are one in the same group. And so with this, on the one website (UMMO.cc), they will
straight tell you, that they embrace the darkness, and Lucifer, is their father. While at the same
time, twist you, in honor of the twist, that they implemented long ago, by telling you all of
this, while they now teach a very positive, factual based, save mother earth, and
don't believe in religion type information. And then as a extra additive, that they will use to
fake you out, and throw you off track. At the, OTHER, website, Icarus.com, they will deny that
they have anything to do, with the darkness, but at the same time are very quick to tell you, that
it is the pure white light beings, who guide them, and that indeed, they themselves are
"the true" Illuminated ones. Mind you, while they teach, a very positive, factual based, save
mother earth, don't believe in religion, type information.

(4 continues)
So what you have here, is brothers of the same mind, working at two different ends of the
very same team, and or, organization! With Temples of Light, and Lodges of Illumination.
As well as, because of ATUM-RE blade, and how it is they just could not beat HIM, so they
just decided to join, just straight out, Luciferian Lodges, and Temples of darkness. Set up
all, with a very cold twist to make evil, to seem, fair seeming. And that’s what we are dealing
with, here. And why? Because "The Cross", didn't work, and so they went to, "The Double
Cross" through Jacob York, and, "The Criss Cross", with Habeba Washingto, and now,
in honor of twist, that was implemented long ago.


The Lucifian

Where now they are trying to connect, the name of Lucifer, to Rightknowledge, with a
dialog that is talking about, the Hopi Indians, and all that.

Which is all being driven by the very same Etheric body of Beings. Having certain personnel
members very aware of the fact, and are very much in physical bodies. While others, are in cars
too, but have no idea, that they are being driven. But are being driven just the same. In fact, all
the way there and back. As brothers of the same mind, some, un-blind, and others, blind as
bats, but still trying to play you, AND me.

And boy, do they have a lot to learn. For they are in a whole lot of trouble. And are very soon to
find out. For all the stupid things they are doing right now, and for all the things, that they did
long ago, to try to disguise the key to your treasure, which is the true symbol of Infinity, through
the twisting of the symbol its' self.

form: (picture of circle) to this: (picture of twist)

And in this, Alchemically, throwing off this entire planet's bio-rhythm. Because with the twist, all it
does is just increase, the resistance. And they are just too stupid to know it, through the twisting
of all the facts.

And to see it, all you got to do is to look at the mathematics, and see how these demons have
lied there.

Because what do they tell you, when you ask;

"what is the first, number?

What will they say? That's right, "Zero:. To which you and I both know, is a lie! For zero is the
absence of numbers. But because mathematics and its' origin, originally came from us. What do
they do? They lie. Again try to disguise and hide the facts. But the question then becomes
why? Why here? Because right here you can see The Cipher again. And where at? At the
beginning of the entire mathematical system. Which tells you all, a mystery, and or, secret is in
(a) place. Meaning, my story, and not his, and all of its', and everything that exist.

Which to this demon, is an information worth hiding. Don't you think so? Because lets not forget,
they count money with math. And mean while right there is The Cipher, starting it all out.
Declaring its' self, at the beginning, of each cycle. Which though they know it not, its' right there
giving praise to:


And Why?

And How?

Because it announces yet, "A New", cycle each time. Hear it? And in that, is just far too much
power. So this is why they lie, and scheme and connive, right there in your face when it comes to
math. But it is time for you all to know. And in this, I will now give you all the power to make the

Q: O.K. you say that we are all fractals, and that this came about through The ALL turning
inward. But I thought that our directions of preference are, forward and up. Can you
please explain this?

ANS: You are right, our two direction of preference are forward and up. But this all came about
through our choice to turn inward first, as part of The ALL. Then when the rip in the fabric of
time space had occurred, bringing into existence for all of us, the physical realm, through
pure mental agitation experienced by all members of The ALL, both us and them, at the same
time. The two paralleled worlds were brought into existence, side by side to each other. To
which symbolically, a regular household mirror, could act as an equivalent. Representing the
Etheric you and physical you, when peered into. As also representing the Etheric world
verses the physical one. And you know this to be true because, when you look pass
your image in a mirror, you will see a background.

But it was not until the physical world came into existence that the inclination to only go up and
forward became the two primary directions of preference in the first place.

Because keep in mind, the friction which caused the Light to come on, and the mental agitation
that The WE ALL experienced through our first having come in contact with, jealousy, envy,
hatred and fear, causing the rip in the first place, was all brought about through, The US ALL,
meaning, both us and them, reaching out in four directions, which was up, down, forward and
back. And it was through this that all, preference, amongst us, were established.

Q: If choosing a body from The Ethric Realm was done via preference to color or none color,
how did this come into play and the many other different species of physical beings who
roam the galaxies, that we see, in The Holy Tablets?

ANS: Good question.

However, in order for me to answer your question, where its' answer can no be thoroughly
overstood, you all must first be given a pre-class, in terms of an information, in regards to a
particular book. That in no shape, form or fashion, should or even could be, considered, just
an average book. For there IS, no shape, form, or fashion, that one may find in a state
of being, that did not come into existence except by virtue of it pages. With only one exception,
being, what you all may now see in terms of, the standard form, having regular, arm, leg,
leg, arm, head, that walks on two, standing straight up. Which in the galactic, is indeed, the
standard form. And it is the form, and only this form, that was not produced through and by way
of, utilization, of this book.

For the standard physical body existing with pigmentation verses the one without, was all that
was available, at first. Making the oldest physical forms available in the galactic, those of
(Ritzgian and (Astar) Command. Having been the first to be occupied by any Etheric Being
coming The Etheric Realm to the physical, after the rip occurred. For these forms were
developed and created by a collective mental expression, OF, The Collective. Coming from a
subconscious mind origin, that then, was projected throng the rip at rocket speed along with The
Etheric Being in tow. Manifesting its' self physically, with The Etheric Being now held captive,
within its' shell, becoming ultimately, a consumer of time and space, right here on the physical

But now not only must this information be lined up for you all. But you all must also come to see
and overstand, just how it is this book works. And from there, I can then move you all forward to
answer your question. Cool?

But even before any of this, can occur, so also must you all now know this books' story. For the
answer you seek, you all will find starts right there.

Meaning, with, "The Records" that Zuen stole. Which Pops at one time called;

The Tablets of Destiny.

But in another place and other forums are merely called,

The Akashic Records.

Where as though you have the word,

"Akasha", that the word Alashic,

came from.

Which is (SANSKIRT), and means,

"Boundless Universes"

But watch this . . . . .

Because you all know that the language of Sanskirt is the language of the The 200 fallen
angels, who, ultimately inhabited The Land of Nod, pronounced "nude", where you get the word
lewd from, through many sexually perverted acts attempted, you know, to bring about, the
wrecking of Creation, which gave birth to, all wreck-creation sex, spoke, all Divine words
backwards. That at a latter time, then gave birth to, the language of (Sanskirt) itself. That
became at on time, the exclusive language, of These Beings.

So, if you turn the word Akasha, and put it back, in its' lexus state, what you will then see, is the


And when you say,


this gave birth to the word,


Which is where you get the word Chakra from. And when you say, a-shaka, what you are really
saying is, "A-Chakra". Where it is here, we are talking about the Hearts' Chakra, referred to as,
The Hearts' seat. For it is The WE 3, who placed The Records, in the center seat, of The
Boundless Universes, as a place for safe keeping. To which you all will be learning more about
as you read forward. But, it is from the Akashic Records that the many shapes, form, and
fashions, occurred.

Being the book where in, all time, time frames, and or, time intervals, are recorded. Be they pass,
present, or future, (which is always based on mathematical probabilities that are extracted by,
The Laws of Choice, Mold and Shift), and or, time intervals, such as, rest and pauses, that exist
in-between. Containing also, every action, intent, word or deed, performed or carried, and or,
even thought about, within the confines of its' pages. That can be seen and viewed at time as a
film, and or, movie. And other times, with and by way of, still photo. All depending upon how
The Master who is viewing it, needs to see it. Providing The Master with all, He or She, may need
to see, in ALL, time frames. Also carrying vote, political view and non-political view, and or,
emotion or intent, of every (individual) entity, in existence, and through out. The Boundless
Universes Being also referred to as,


in.. . . . . .

The Book of Revelation; Chapter 20, Verse 12,

which reads;

"And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before

God; and the books were opened: and another book
was opened, which The Book of Life: and the dead
were judged out of those things which were written
in The Book according to their works."

But prior to the theft, that you all became familiarized with by virtue of The Holy Tablets, that
Pops explained to you all took place. This book called, The Akashic Records, and or The Tablets
of Destiny, was the hands of, Zuen and his kind, BEFORE. To which before long Zuen's access
to, and usage of, The Records, became ultimately forbidden and denied. A Law being
mandated and handed down at the political summit. That eventually produced the need for
Zuen and his kind to feel inclined, to soon move towards an act, of thievery, in the first. To which
before long, would move them towa4es also a second and even, an attempt at, a third.

Furthermore, prior to the theft, that Pops spoke about, The Book with most of its' secrets
revealed, got used, thoroughly. With forms, images, and imagery, created, developed, and
claimed, by all parties involved, which (included) us and them, that brought Zuen, into being.
That later evolved into something it need not have been. With violations occurring through many
temporary identity thefts, having a multitude of reasons coming from both sides. But with acts
perpetrated by the renegades, known as hounds, being the worst kinds of all. Resulting
eventually, on the physical plane, in rapes of all kind, molestation’s, lassoes batteries, home
invasions, and a multitude of other offenses, sometimes only perpetuated and put into motion,
for a thing they gave name to, called, "fun". And it is these very same renegades, who at a later
time would become, Zuen and his kind, in the day that they chose form, and moved from the
Etheric Realm to the physical, through space and time, by virtue, of The Book.

Causing The Book its' self at that time, and its' access, to be locked away. Carrying with it, just
like I said, a multitude of reasons by which this necessity would ultimately become mandated.
And it is The WE3, who consisted of, my father; ATUM-RE, me, ATUN-RE; and my brother,
AMON-RE, who facilitated it all. Though The WE3, who was, is and always will be, carried
different names for person and seat at that time. However, in every respect known to The ALL,
(including) Zuen and his kind, The WE3 existed, and still exist. Being assigned, to now cause
The YOU ALL, to rise 144,000 in number. Through the 3 sciences of reading, writing, and
arithmetic, first. For these 3 governs, the 3 dimensions that you call, the physical plane. That
carry with them a 3 sum of length, breath, and depth. Which eventually came to be
(manipulated) by Zuen and kind, through the utilization of The Book. Bringing into existence the
need for an even greater science called "Nuwaubu", that is based upon, Sound, Right,
Reasoning. Which is exactly what you all needed, when Zuen and his crew, got through.

And that is because, at this point, it was almost impossible to differentiate, the real from the fake,
or even, the false from true. That here in my now, brings to my mind, a question;

"Is it Live or is it Memorex?"

Because again, you could not tell between the two. Meaning, the real from the fake, or even,
the false from the true. And it is at this point, Zuen, became known to us all as, "Enzu". For
having now took, this seat, that is called, Enzu. Which originated from being called, "En",
meaning God of, "Zr". That is a gray metallic substance when silicated, meaning, used in
conduction with, a compound of metal, that carries with it, silicon and oxygen, when crystallized,
can then be used as a gemstone. Because believe it or not, the "Zr", is the symbol for the
element on the periodical chart, that stands for, "Zirconium".

That is a stone that looks so much like a diamond, but is not, to the point that most just can not
tell between the two, the real from the fake, or, the false from the true. Being one of the art
forms, that Zuen and kind, came to master, too, and as well, by virtue of this Book. And not to
mention the fact, that Zr, is used right here today, to make the core of a nuclear (reactor), and
whose density, is 6.51. Which should tell you all something . . . .

But as my Father, Yanauwn, known also to you all as ATUM-RE, did deem it appropriate, my
brother and I did act, accordingly. By attempting to lock away, The Akashic Records forever,
along with it access and throwing away the key. But my Brother and I did fail, by placing The
Records in the wrong seat. And as a result, the theft occurred, and since then, has momentarily
change all destiny. Making it where, this part now, must now, play its' self out. Which is why, the
righteous here and now, suffer on. While you all just look and see, those who participate, in evil,
doing well. By now making their evil's fair seeming to you. To a point that you, just can't tell.
And not to mention causing their evils to become a song, that most, you all here now think,
needs to be sung, right here, in the key of life, as well.

But our destiny which is to enjoy paradise most now be (filled). And all of this, is about to occur,
right here on this planed too. For this place ANU Himself, is about to, so see it fit, to want to be,
and occupy. For the planet (Ritzq) exit no more, by virtue of Zuen, and this Book. Which is why it
is said, there is going to be, A New Heaven and A New Earth, for those old Heven and the Old
Earth, would have passed away.

Nevertheless, this is something that the WE ALL who are The Elite Few, must now do, and now
make, all happen. By the setting up of, a specific type, of Energy Matrix. Seeing to it that at this
very hour, WE bring ANU through, and through this, the righteous, obtain, secure, and anchor,
their rightful place. For all the many years of having been thrown down now, and kicked in the
face, by their boot, year after year, era after era, and generation after generation, times two.

For the act itself was indeed against all, Universal Law, that Zuen and his kind, did commit.
Whose effects extremely effected, all of us. And in fact, in more ways than one, following us all,
all the way here, and right on into our land, called The Land of The Sun. Causing the righteous
even here now, right here in this day and time, to die young. Also to be imprisioned everyday
and on top of that, in every sector of society, to be overly oppressed servile and subservient, in
some kind of way. Becoming the very reason why also, Able, son of Kadman, was un-abl, to
retain his shell, dying at the hand of his brother. All inspire of the fact, that out of all the parties
(involved) 49,000 years ago, he Able, was the only one, who had done no wrong, or harm, for
that matter.

But it is I, The 13th Elder, Qaddisin, who acted with my brother in the act of putting away The
Book of prints, forever. In The Name of ANU and at the command of, YANUWN, who is, my
father. For it is The WE3, my father, my brother and I, who collected the prints, gathered and
binded The Book, in book form, in the first place. Not knowing, however, that each print was
organic , and alive, though each print appeared to be standing still. Becoming part of the very
reason why, it was called The Book of Life, in the first place. But nor did WE know, just how
connected each print was, to each event, that formulated the thing called time. However, not the
type of time, that is governed by The Sun, The Moon, and or, The Stars. But instead, is
governed by, a time line, according to, each event, as they may have occurred, in their
chronological order. Though The WE3 would soon come to see and overstand that this book,
AND its prints, also governed, Sun, Moon and Star times as well, and indeed, governed all types
of time, that exit on a multi-dimensional level.

At the first, however, it was a limited amount of information The WE3 were dealing with in terms of
The Book, and how it worked. Only for us to come to see and overstand, much more as each
print was gathered and put into The Book's form. With the secret of the time line revealing its'
self first. But all there was for us to see at this point, is what we would soon come to know, as
only being, the surface view, which was just the top level of each page. That is, before the need
arose for ANU Himself, to take control, and where my father, my brother and I, had any type of
idea, as to what type of fire The WE3 were messing with, and or, how it could burn. To which
soon The WE3, would to know and develop a very deep respect for. That is, prior to, ANU's
development of the factor that would ultimately control, The Book's, mulit-leveled constitution.
Which was the part of the books mechanisms, and how they worked, so very hard to do.

Which became the very reason shy ANU, had to step in and take control, by developing the
control factor in the first place. For surely who knows, with us 3 only having access to the surface
view, and not the under, what would have bled through, rising to the surface, and in this,
ultimately, becoming, the manifested reality.

Because like I said, each print was organic. There by giving Life to The Book it self. Which
began to organize its' self, each print, one at a time, systematically. And it was here, The WE3
call on ANU.

For it was at this point, the 3 of us realized, that indeed WE had awoken, something that WE no
longer had control over. For it was A New circumstance, and A New event, that WE had never
experienced before. Producing constant mathematical equations, allowing one dimension to spill
over into the next. Equations that even The WE3, being Master Mathematicians, had never seen
before, and were left in a state of awe too.

But not too much for ANU, and The WE3 knew, with HIM bring,

The Supreme Mathematician,



So The WE3, did call . . . .

For what WE didn't realize also, was that not only, The Book was alive, but so also as time
moved, The Book itself was giving Life, to its' own imagery, becoming interactive and carrying with
it, a tremendous influence, moving things in all dimensions, creating shapes, forms, and fashions
with new frequencies heard, at such high pitches that it then gave notice, and ultimately, gave
birth to a group, and or, organization, of Etheric Beings, who then became (renegades).
Becoming known to The US ALL, throughout The Etheric Realm, as,

The hounds.

That at a latter time, would become known as, Zuen and his kind, in and on the physical plan,
that you all know, as reptiles. Who originated, etherically, from amongst us, as Light Beings who
carry color. Being renegades, (supporting)The Square, that the whites hired and paid, at first.
As a large group of mercenaries, to fight against my father, who is The MichaEL, and Our Army.
But armed with, The Book, and using it as a weapon while it is The WE, who come to fight
against them, through many battles and on many different occasions, using The Six Pointed Star
in the Etheric Realm, and then eventually, The Salt of Amen, right here on the physical. While
also having the ability to access The Six Pointed Star, from right here, on the physical plane, as

But here also it was the hounds, while armed with The Book, who would find their way, right back,
to attack The Whites, inspire of their arrangement, in ways that the whites could not defend
themselves against. Forcing them, to have to soon at one point, deal with US which would
manifest itself a summit, that under normal circumstances, ultimately, they would have ignored.

But with The 'Book coming alive and starting to give life itself, it is right here that ANU did act,
and through a display of genius and supreme power, all focus were forced once again, to realize,
just why ANU, was, and always will be called, ANU, in the first place. Which is,


For what HE then chose to do, as the anomaly that HE is, and in HIS Divine Majesty, none of us
could do, (including) my Father, and nor had WE ever, seen it done before, for every move HE
made, was all new. Which was, to add out, multiply, minus, and divide, determined X factors, as
well as, every angle, square root, circumference, and radius, imaginable, that was incorporated
into each equation, faster then the Life of The Book its' self, could produce them. In fact,
jumping ahead of The Book, in every action, countering its’ acts, before it could make them.

Next, in one glorious moment, HE then caused the view of the under surface of each page to
rise. And in this, revealing right before our eyes, all that which was hidden, done, with the stroke,
of supreme Genius. To which HE generated through the words, I and us. Then, I don't know
how HE did it, but HE locked it, and all of The Book's pages that had the power to manifest ad
move things through the rip, and here on the physical plane, HE then had locked into the frame
work of, person, place or thing. And with this, bringing a closed door, and through this, a control
factor to which HE then brought into a state of existence, in OUR name, MichaEL, GabraEL, and
IsraEL, other wise known as, ATUM-RE, ATUN-RE and AMON-RE. And the number and amount
of US, The WE3, that at that point existed there, in which was, "3". That then took the multi-
dimensional constitution of The Book and locked it int other number 3. Where now, instead of
each page having levels that ran on forever, with an unlimited amount of influence, ANU Himself
had now produced The Book's New, tri-level constitution, and thereby making it the only
constitution now, The Book could in its final effort produce.

While the need to gather together, its' prints, The Book its' self, made this need, obsolete. And
its' power here to move things had indeed not stopped, but without question, by the will and
power of, ANU, had finally become, minimized. And now no matter how hard The Book (tried), it
could only produce imagery, of person, place or thing; solid, liquid, and gas; and/or ultimately,
past, present and future. Which are now, the only types of images, shapes, forms and fashions,
that do indeed govern and control, each and everyone of you all' physical lives. And to which
each of you, no matter how hard you try, just can not think outside of, since this event. And that
is because this book also connects, to the pictures that you see in your mind's eye. And here
now with The Book gathering its' own prints. Each of these, be they of past, present, future, now
also had only 3 levels within themselves, that The Book could reach for, and could ultimately
produce, but no more, no less. To which at first, in its' continued effort to constantly try to
produce more, it would find its' self, having to rest and pause.

That then produced that only thing it had left, which was, a mid-range, called, "Time Interval",
produced from in between. Making it at this point to all parties (involved), very clear to see, that
here, in HIS magnificence, ANU, in every way had restored, Divine Order. That was replaced to
the best extent, it possibly could be, after The Square of The Whites had attempted to separate
themselves, from The ALL, by moving away from, The Circle of colors, and into a different sector,
of The Etheric Realm. And in this, establishing their very own, Governmental structures, that sits
and sat, directly, opposite of OURs. With OURs ruled by OUR ANU, and theirs, ruled by theirs,

That is, until The Book got stolen, and the hounds then moved towards physical form, and The
WE3, had to steal it back. Once again, returning and reassuring, Divine Order, as best as can be
expected and experienced, through a tme of war. With rules and regulations to now govern it all,
throughout The Boundless Universes, through and by way of, a forced summit.

For that which was, and that which is, should never come to verse, that which is meant to be,
And in this, leave the well enough alone, to only sleep, and never to be free. For the mistake
was made, and for this, the bill WE passed and signed, into Universal Law and with this the
command came from both sides, stating;

"Lock away the keys, accessible to both, only to be brought out by virtue of Elders in supervision
and host, of one who will fly. For The Book's accuracy in time and imagery, one will no longer
distort. For the bond of beings called hounds distortion they brought, and their acts now, have
now takes its' toll, and never will they leave the young to be young and that which is old, to be
old. But it is now so declared, that which is here, and that which is there, and in between, must
and will, survive. And for this, no longer will they have access to The Book, to munipulate, . . .

Because like I said, this was not your average book, or tablets for that matter.

The reason being is because after all this, each sheet of this book now holds a tri-level
constitution, which can be manipulated. Being exactly what they, the hounds did, while The
Book was in their possession. By the bending, twisting, and tweaking of its' pages, when ever
being read. And here now, we are getting the meat, by which to answer you question.

And I know, by now, you all have got to be saying;

"What is he talking about?"

(Front Insert)

(Picture of numerology of ANU

(Back Insert)
(Picture and The Book of Pan)

Well, a tri-level constitution is explained like this. Say you and I are here on the physical plane,
and our audience who are the readers of this book, are in a state of examination of one day in
the life and time of you and I. And lets say the date, that they are examining, is October 11th, of
2005. And why October 11th, of 2005? Well, because on October 9th, I gave you a call and

"Listen, can you meet me at McDonalds' on the day after tomorrow, at 2:00 o'clock?'

And to which you say;

"Sure why not?"

Now at that moment, the minute you agree, imagery has now painted its; self a picture. And
Where? That's right. In and on, The Askashic Records. Showing you, on October 11th at 2:00
o'clock meeting at at McDonalds. On a clear sheet of what can best described as, transparent
paper. Which makes up now, only one level, of what can, or will, or will not constitute, that which
happens, on October 11th, of 2005, at 2:00 o'clock.

Because mean while, say 5 minutes later, you receive yet another phone call, from someone else
like your wife, or husband, who is now telling you to meet them, "on October 11th, at 2:00
o'clock. And because to meet them takes precedence, you agree to do so. Now, in your mind in
some capacity", this vision", has been placed. And then you say to yourself, you will just give me
a call before, October 11th, at 2:00 o'clock to cancel.

Now, on the NEXT page which will superimpose the first, the imagery of you giving me a call to
cancel, and then meeting your spouse at, lets say, The Library, is now put in place.

But mind you, this imagery, is now, superimposed, over the first imagery. That now makes up,
"the second level", of the same sheet. Which like I said is made of a, tri-level, constitution. That
means, this sheet is still, not, complete. And why? Because October 11th, of 2005, at 2:00
o'clock, has not yet, occurred, for you. And lets just say, that on that day, you choose, to take in
a movie. And this act, is then realized. Meaning, made real, by you, on October 11th, of 2005,
at 2:00 o'clock, where in this act, you do not meet me, or your spouse.

Now you have, three sheets, with separate types of imagery presently printed on them. But like
peelings laid one on top of each other, layered, in the same capacity, that you might see, the
inside of an onion. With each layer superimposing the next, completing what can, or will, or will
not, or greater still, what did, occur, on October 11th, of 2005, at 2:00 o'clock, is what we have in
place here.

But, we are not through yet, nor does it stop there, not where this book is concerned . . . .

Because in order for your question, to now be completely answered, which was, if physical bodies
were chose by preference to color and non-color, how did the reptiles come into play. You all
must now know also, just how the bending, twisting, and tweaking, of The Book's pages, played
into, how These Beings, referred to, as hounds, came here in the first place. And in this, gave
birth to the reptilian nation, through having created and chose, reptilian form.

And then on top of this, it goes even one step further for these beings are not the only ones.
Being only one type of species, amongst the many species that are seen scattered throughout
the pages of The Holy Tablets, and how they got here to the physical plane from The Etheric
Realm is explained like this.

Each page of The Akashic Records being tree levels of imagery and containing all the facts, of
everything that could, or couldn't, or did happen, ultimately, throughout The Boundless
Universes, stimulated the fascination of the hounds after being attacked the The Book, by virtue
of, very new high pitched frequencies, that they had never heard before, that was being
produced, by The Book. To which then ultimately, caused them to want to steal The Book in the
first place. Being a job that was made easy for them, by the fact, my brother and I, had wrongly
place The Book, in The Root seat, of The Boundless Universes. Thinking that fear, would keep
any and everybody, away, but nevertheless, we were wrong, for the theft occurred.

Then, through the bending,, twisting and tweaking of, The Book's pages, the hounds gave birth
to an art form called;

shape shifting

And ultimately and eventually, a type of being called, a shape shifter. Whose presence became
known to every Etheric being, in the The Etheric Realm. Who then went on to tell their story, and
the story of The Book, and in this, hiding no details of all they knew. That then attracted the
attention of many other Etheric beings. Who then, flocked toward, the keepers of The Book, in
hopes to employ The Book's capabilities. To which for a fee, then became exploited. That also
presented a means for us, before long, to steal The Book back. But not and before, The Book
got used thoroughly, by all parties involved.

For what was happening was, according to the personality of each individual entity, that could
vary in billions of ways because of, just how many beings we are talking about here, due to the
force of craving, each being would then search through all the imagery for an appropriate form
that best suited them. And at first, all that was available to anyone, was always and only, the
standard forms of Ritzquian, and or, Astar. But when the Book got stolen, the hounds then saw
that the imagery could be manipulated. Which came to be exactly what they did, out of dislike of
the two forms, and just plan old boredom. And in this, for a fee, offered up what could be done
with all the imagery. With all of the imagery coming from The Book being created, printed, and
produced, through the fact that all Etheric beings, as eotoplasmatic Life forms,, will vibrate and
quiver, and look like this, when not housing a physical form;

(picture of what looks like glob of sperm)

Or, we can take this form, and shape it, into forms, that you can overstand.

And or, just little balls of light like this;

(picture of balls of light sperm) That are seen this way, when we are moving>>>>

And we can house a physical form like this, straight through the crown seat, when taking over a

(picture of body with energy coming from head)

And when this occurs will not only move
and feed off of its
information but will also feed off of, and
pull from, the information
pool, that is already there, and owned by,
the being whose body it
belongs to.

However, all ether that is alive, leaves a print of its' self. By virtue of the fact it leaves a residue.
That creates a perfect picture, and or, film, that will stay in place, forever, where a particular
occurrence may have occurred. And when you say film, again you say, residue. That in this
case, places its' self on the skin of space, and or, any environment, be it dark matter or other
wise, like a permanent tattoo, never to be removed. For any type of understating be it small or
great, whether action, thought, desire, or deed, will always produce a vibration. Making it where
these vibration, action in concert with the vibrations of a residue leaving Etheric being, will always
make a very perfect print. That in all cases will always and forever identify and match its' self up,
with the Etheric being who is responsible. So at a latter time, once The Book was retrieved, this
is how the whole story became known to us, for we were able to read it, right there on The Book's

And what the hounds the whole way were doing, was to employ all the images, through the
bending, twisting, and tweaking of The Book's pages. And through this art form called shape
shifting, eventually, almost all the images started to diversify, extremely. As so also did the many
different beings that were now making themselves, manifest, on the physical plan, be it on this
planed, and or, others. And in fact, throughout every sector of the physical Galaxy. That sort of
became like, owning a foreign car, verses, one that is made here in America. And this is how
your many different species came about, that is, in their physical forms.

The hounds however, not only altered the forms, but so also altered and created, yet another,
means of entry, through the development of the egg, in the establishing of the reptilian nation,
that went on to house many different planets after having come to the physical plan, as hounds,
from The Etheric Realm, by the permission of, The White's Most High God, that they call ANU,
too. For this being is the one who sits in the seat, to them and for them.

However when you say, the word "another", what you are saying is "AN", which stands for ANU,
for it is ANU's name made short, put along side of the word, "other". Which represents their ANU,
to us. And OUR ANU, to them. Which is where the confusion sets in, and takes you all the way
back, to what I said in book 1, on Page 9. Because again The Laws of the Mirror apply. And like
I said, they don't really know, what side they are really on. Which also, to you, should show, a
confused state of mind, that goes all the way back to the beginning of their political view, that
here still refuses to see, Infinite as Eternal, but instead, sees it as, finite. Which finishes them off
in all four directions. Because just like I said, they don't have the slightest clue, as to what side,
they are really on. And with this, there again, because of The Book, for you there are 3 things in
play and never has there been just two.

Which are:

1. ANU

2. A New true, and exact opposite, which is Old. Showing the Cipher at its opening, letting
you all know, a secret is in place. Which I, ATUN-RE, who is The Angel GabraEL, am about
to brake and unlock, for you.


3. "Another". Meaning, another ANU, or just plain old, "The Other". Which again shows
The Cipher, and whose secret is unlocked like this . . . .

Our ANU produces everything that is "NEW". For HE truly sits in the seat, behind always winning
the vote, and or, the election.

And so, when you say;

"A New . . . thing",

What ever it maybe, automatically, you all are mentioning ANU's name, and in this, are giving
praising where praise is due. For nothing would exist, that is new if for you, ANU, didn't first
create it, and put it there. Meaning, in your hearts, minds, and souls. For this without question,
is the portion of HIMSELF, that HE has placed in you all, that is called, your RU (which is your
soul), that produces your, HY (which is your creative force). That determines and declares, the
who it is YOU ARE.

But when you say, another, that belongs to their side, And them. For it is a counterfeit, and
artificial ANU, just like artificial Sun Shine. For this being himself, is only there to counter, the real
ANU, and to try to fit, in HIS seat and shoes. Which is just impossible to do. For it always was, is,
always will be, that another, does not produce, anything new, and or does it, make it such.
Which is why, everything here has been at a stand still, and it has been said, that there is
nothing new, here, on this planet, that exist under The Sun. And that is because this whole
planet, which includes you all, has for a long time now, subscribed to the wrong order, and in this
has been taking orders, from Another, that is the very same being, who has you all standing on
The Square, that you think, is Zuen called, the devil. But no, this being is, Another! And is
confused because it sees Divine Love, all wrong!

And it is right here, where all the chaos and confusion set in for you all. For the thing is, you all
have been minus 1, though, the 3, have always been there. Which is, good and evil, and that
which is confused, and in this, sees it all wrong. Becoming, a force, that to it self, and everyone
that surrounds it, that becomes worst then evil. For this force is lost, and doesn't even have the
slightest clue, and is sick. And the truth is, it needs our help, but will refuse it, all along, for right
here, it sees its' self, as being well, and in fact, sees its' self as being supreme.

While mean, you all, have been moving on the number two, and it's vibration. Which is also, all
wrong, in reference to, that which comes from above.
By being taught only of:

1. Good and Evil

2. Light and Darkness
3. Hot and Cold
4. Here and There
5. Up and Down
6. Left and Right
7. Heads and Tails

Which is a lie! For there has always been, for you, something else, acting within the frame work,
of each of those equations. Meaning, this, that, and, a third . . .

Because when I say, "hot and cold", what about warm? And when you say, "here and there",
what about, neither, here nor there? And, "up and down"? What about, in-between? "Left and
right"? What about standing still, right in the center? "Head and tails"? What about the middle
section of the coin, that can only be viewed, from its side? And why? Because of The Book.
But when you get, to "good and evil", "light and darkness", now some other force, has cut you all
off, from the truth of it all.

This beings so, for there was Another, acting within in the farm work of the equation all along, but
wanted to remain hidden. For the truth is, this was and still is, The Other. Who is not your true
devil, and or, true ANU, but still, is only, confused and mistaken, about the very most important
view, of all. And in this, has now become, a danger, to all of us, As a Nation of people. Because
its' view, has now become, a view that kills. And to mention, is in cahoots to boot, with Zuen,
who Is, your real devil, and a whole nation for reptilian fools. That is, until the vote, was cast and
won, by our ANU, by virtue again, of the forced summit. But still did not stop the other, from
squaring off, where you all, and this planed, is concerned. Which is the very reason why you,
have been brought to a stand still. While you all still stand, out there, on the fools square. To
which with these 3 books, is about turned around, as the band plays on, and my background
sings, and my background sings, and I GabraEL, blow my horn, to bring, the true End . . . . in.
So that all Life, can continue on.

Q: Why did we, as Etheric Beings who carry color, give the witches access to The Book, if we
all are in a state of war, in the first place?

Ans: To try to bring the war to an end, to facilitate true peace, throughout The Boundless
Universes, for ALL. For we all knew, that they too had experienced extreme difficulty and
adversity, produced by, the power of The Book, Which in an unstable state by which The
Book its' self and all things were being ruled by its' mulit-level, constitution. And then when ANU
fix the problem, but the Zuen stole The Book, and with The Book, even after being fixed, was still
able to perpetuate identity thefts and frauds of high ranking members of their political party. We
knew at this point, that they could use our help, as so also, we could use theirs.

But to reason, ultimately they still wouldn't listen and in this, chose to maintain the separation.
But how foolish could they be, because all of us, were still right there, in The Etheric Realm, with
no where else to go, but The Physical lane, and even then, that still was no escape. For
nevertheless truth is truth, causing the indeaology of The Circle to prove itself, no matter where
you are. And shy? Because, we all still, had to deal with each other, that proves their ideology
wrong. For it had not ended, and nor will it ever, and in truth, it lives on. Causing US still, to be
in a relationship whether we like it or not. Even if, we all only occasionally, take time out to
continue to figure out, how to deal with each other. That is, all the same if the answer dictates,
that I sit over here, and you sit over there, we are all, still, very much so in a relationship. And the
question then becomes, what will best serve, The Whole of US, and the many generations that
are still yet to come. For The Circle of Life, will never be broken. So it this, it is best, that we, just
get along. That is, if we all can continue to remember that there is a group of fools called
reptiles, who stand in-between us, and who are trying to manipulate us both, into pulling apart.
That at bottom, is a move that whether they know it or not, is just impossible to do and if it were,
would still very much so, kill us all, in the process.

And here is, these fools were armed with The Book!

While we on the other hand, were armed with a greater knowledge of The Book, AND it's power.
Overstanding the whole way, what could still be done with The Book. For the truth is, after ANU
had fixed the problem, The WE3 studied The Book, and its mechanisms coming to overstand
completely, just how it is this book worked, and how it could by employed. And in our knowing
this, we knew also, that in the hands of the hounds, EVERYONE, including, us and them, still
were in great danger. And because the Book had to be retrieved, we also used the force of
circumstances, to our advantage. Using it, to get these Beings, to the table. That under normal
circumstances because of their view, would have never occurred. Pulse, we knew also, that the
hounds would never have expected. The Whites to help, which was perfect. But, we would have
to move quickly, that is, before the hounds, cold figure out, how to use the part of The Book, that
would allow them to see our intent.

And this my family, is how The WE3, were able to retrieve The Book. By promoting a summit, that
through The Forces of circumstance, the Whites, could not refuse to come to. Which also
proved, to achieve many, many other things and a whole lot more, than just retrieval of The

Q: Is this Book a physical Book?

Ans: No, for it is mental and spiritual, and only made physical, to you and for you, while in and
on the mental and spiritual plane. But its' pages, can be viewed, on the physical, by virtue of
a thing, /the Luciferians are calling, "remote viewing", that can take place in a everyday
household mirror, and or even, a glass of water. In fact, in anything that holds a reflection.
But can only be accessed, through the power The Kundalini. Which is a whole other boo, that I
will be writing called,

"The Power of The Kundalini"

So that you all can finally know.

Q: Has The Whites ever used the Book illegally?

Ans: Yes. In fact, it was used to setup a course of action through remote viewing, and a
particular type of computer software, called, Pan. Which allowed them to be able to see and
hear onto our land, and to manipulate the minds, of certain key individuals, that stood close to,
ATUM-RE. That ultimately activated itself over a course of time, to bring about events, that
Law Enforcement agencies, would need to be able to do what they did, on May 8th, of 2002. By
having now developed a means by which to alter The Record, via method and
mathematical equations, based on, probabilities. And the whole way thinking, that WE, don't

But WE did some alterations ourselves, along time ago. Using that exact same method, of
mathematical equations based on, probabilities. In order for us to see, number (1), just what it is,
they would do with The Book in this day and time, against ATUM-RE and this mission, and,
number (2), to see to it and assure, that they would think, this way. Meaning, as they would
ultimately what they would come to do. The whole way, thinking, that we would never find out.
And then, WE very artfully, buried the information in The Record, to keep them from finding out,
Number (1), what WE had done, and number (2), the fact that WE know. Also place a
mechanism within our works to see to it, that this information would indeed rise at a particular
time, for The WE3 do math, better than them. To which very shortly here now they all are about
to find out, that WE knew, all along. Meaning, that they broke The Law, and, in this, there will be
a price that they will have to pay, by virtue of, having loss face. Which is why, with this being one
factor, it is said, that their own doing is about to become their very own, un-doing.

To which they will argue against saying that we broke The Law as well. But the thing is, our act,
was committed before the bill was signed into Law. Six, it is here in their argument, that they will
lose and be seen as the criminals that they are. And while this is happening, The Ethric Real, so
also right here on the physical plane, they too, right here, within the frame work of The American
Government will be experiencing a parallel. And when they are on the verge of being exposed to
The American public as the criminals that they are, by steady moving this country towards
"Another", form of governmental order, that does not recognize The United States Constitution
any further, it is here, at this point, they will strike out at us, and, all of our supporters, who are
M&M types, in the government, locking them up. And not caring who knows, that they are
indeed in an attempt, to establish, A New World Order, in honor of their Anu, which is, The
Other. Inspire of the fact, it is OUR ANU, who in true to rule. All, in their long awaited attempt, to
over throw, HIS thrown. Totally ignoring The Vote and everything else. Because as it is Above,
so also shall it be, below.

But it is one thing in all their arrogance, that they are leaving out. Which is, the fact, that yes,
they have planned a plan, but, it is OUR ANU, who is The Planner of Planners, and, The
Supreme Mathematician, to boot.

Q: You said the reptiles were hired by them at one time a mercenaries, what was their
means of payment, and did they ever come to work with The Whites again?

Ans: Their payment was continued opportunity at being able to hear a type of frequency that
only The Whites could produce. Being the same frequency that governs today’s rock and roll,
and heavy metal, as a music. For the frequency itself, took peace, instead of rendering it, and
These Beings, in ac, driven by personality, fed off of it, and was stimulated by its' sound, which
to them, became habitual, and could only be acquired through and by way of, The
Whites. But did not stop, them from using The Book against The Whites, still the same.

However as all that was, became clear to The US ALL, it is then, that the first election was held,
and to which OUR ANU, got voted into office. That is, long before ANU HIMSLEF, chose to take,
physical form, to which before long, HE too, would do. That explains what Pops meant, when He
said to you all,

"It all depends upon, which ANU you all are referring to, because we all in information,
can go, 7 ANU's back".

To where here, what ATUM-RE was referring to, was the fact, that many elections were held
generation after generation, producing, ANU after ANU. Rending into office that Being, who
would rule the governmental structure, of The Etheric Realm, that you call, The Heavens. In light
of, all The Lights, and their need, for control an order, while inside a state, of chaos.

That consist of the seat of THE MOST HIGH GOD, and, a Parliament, of two smaller
governmental cabinets, called, The Sen it, and The Progress. As declared and structured by,
OUR ANU, HIMSELF, after having been elected into office. Who then became, the ANU of all
ANU's, and whose ether, by virtue of incarnating into one embodiment after another, wins The
Galactic election every time. In spite of The Other, having before long, incarnated too, and or, as
well, and then having moved Himself during the temporary incarceration, amongst His own kind,
called, Astar Command. For in order to win the election, one, must prove Himself to be, The
Supreme Mathematician. To which The Other, never seems to be able to do. For OUR ANU, is
an anomaly, that can not be mathematically matched. And time and time again, at each Galactic
summit and election, in front of the entire Galactic Brotherhood, it is proven.

Furthermore, what it is that you all forgot, is that there is nothing that takes place down here on
the physical plane that HE ANU Himself, does not have knowledge of, or, ultimately, that HE
Himself, has not written into Law.

So, what that means is, everything that is happening on both sides of the fence, HE, is totally
aware of, in fact, has sanctioned it. And with HIS pen, has penned it into Law. For HE knows
where everyone of us, know not. As upon HIS indisputable, Mathematical skills, and, Supreme
Wisdom, concerning all thing. Which includes, usage of The Book. And so, your having been
made slaves, as The Seed of Abraham, and everything else that is happening to you, right here
and now, as a people, was all sanctioned by ANU HIMSELF, and penned into Law by HIS hand.
Which includes The Reptiles having been given 6,000 years to rule over you.

To which you might say;

"Well, why would Our ANU, do that?

Ans: Number (1), because HE has a plan and number (2), I would say to you, because HE had
to, for we were out numbered in that vote. And in that particular argument, we loss, both in
The Sen it, and in The Progress.

And how did we lose?

Because all parties involved, consulted and viewed, The Record.

And in so doing what did WE see?

We saw that it would come to pass, where, you all as people would start to kill each other, and
sell crack, and heroin, and to exploit your women, as the male species of our race. As for the
women, her sisters, would grow to the point where you all, would loss most, if not all, respect for
yourselves, AND your children. By involving yourselves in almost every type of sexual perversion
imaginable. Be it, showing your bodies in strip clubs, or having sex, with a multitude of people
both male and female, and sometimes, at the same time. Or just plain old, being a prostitute, out
on the bricks, trading sexual favor, for money, with all types of abomination. Which is the very
same albino-nation, that slept with dogs and, other animals, up in, the caves of The Carcass
Mountains, in Eastern Asia. And also, the very same, albino-nation that, incarnated into human
form, becoming The Greeks, who supported and brought in amongst us, orgies, homosexuality,
and lesbianism. Being also, the very same albino nation, that was sitting right there amongst US,
watching the film, seeing these things and looking at as if there was nothing wrong with it. That
also again, in reading this, should show you all an evidence, of a confused mind.

However, as the film continued on, and your Elders too, were forced to watch, you sisters, having
sex with these abominations, the view of it all with your Elders did not wash well. Carrying with it,
the power, to sway their votes, in the other direction. And in this as The Record revealed its' self,
The WE ALL sat and watched, and listened, as They, present their case. And yes, WE did argue
against it, for The Record did reflect that you all were being manipulated by reptiles. However,
The WE3 knew, from having observed The Record long ago, the Other, was also involved. But
WE sat there and said nothing, and nor did this portion of information reveal its' self, behind what
it was we had done. For The WE3 knew too, that when the film would finally get to, the events
that lead up to, May 8th of 2002, nor would The Record reflect The Other's involvement as well,
after having squared off at, ATUM-RE, and this mission.

To which then, ANU, HIMSELF just looked over at US and smiled. For it was at this point The
WE4 knew, that The Whites, and their Other, thought that they had gotten away with
manipulating The Record. It is also here, that ANU gave me the name Qaddisin. For the name
Qaddisin, when you break it down means, Qadd=4, is, in, meaning in terms of the secret.

The all WE did, was to continue to just sit and listen, for The 4 of US knew, that the information is
destined to rise at a prescribed time. And listen is exactly what WE did. That is, while many of
your Elders continued to argue that you all were being attacked and manipulated by reptiles who
had both been given permission to this, from the left of you, right of you, and over and under
you, as well.

But, the deciding factor was rendered against you, in the part that would present its' self saying,
that the reptiles would merely and only, invite. And that you all most times if not all times, would
move towards, and acceptance of, the invitation. All inspire of the fact, that your inner-sleeves
each time would be telling you all, it was wrong. To which your Elders argued that the
mathematical probabilities must have in error (off or wrong), in some kind of way, and because of
this, none of it would last. And so, it was then argued to give the reptiles one cycle, so that you
all could be tested, in a effort to prove that you all would not be worthy to rule.

And so with this, the vote was cased, and we lost. Forcing ANU to sign into Law, The Reptile's,
6,000 year rule.

That is until, May of 2004, when the issue came back to the platform, for the 6,000 year period
was up, and the reptiles were still here on the planet, doing their thing, with the consent, the
whole time, of The Other, still attacking you in both Nubian and Caucasian forms. And it is here,
that ATUN-RE, again, approached The Council in your behalf. With the first, being the time, that
in your behalf, the 19 classes were granted. That is, after you all had blotched the original plan.
Which was for The 144,000 to come from out of the loins, of the children, who was to have been
raised, in the protection and enclosed environment, that was called, The Ansaaru Alla
Community. Whose failure also can be contributed to The Other, and His band of criminals, who
manipulated without question, certain portions, of The Book. To which my farther, brother and I
had full knowledge of. But all 3 agreed to allow the secret to be buried within the frame work of
our genetic code.

To which right now if someone was to ask ATUM-RE, HE, Himself would not remember. Or, would
only have very vague glimpses of it, being now seen as small pictures in His minds eye. As to
how, when, and or why, The WE3 manipulated portions of The Book in the first place. But here
now, through the reading of this book, this book its self, will now act, as the trigger. Which will
then, release, all the information from out of His genetics and restore His memory of all of this, in
full. As well as, some portions, that I myself at this point, can't remember. AND don't even know.
Which is exactly how, The WE4 planned it.

But here it is again in the month of May, of 2004, ATUM-RE stood in front of The Council, in both
The Sen It, and in The Progress, and argued well on your behalf. Saying that all the activities of
self destruction, murder, and mayhem, were being produces and induced, by way of, the drugs.
And that most of it, if not all of the crimes, be it directly or indirectly, were all drug related and drug

Or, driven by the thirst after materialism, that they, The Whites, continuously promote, and market
towards you, as a people, through utilization of their created vehicles, of sight and sound. And
as far as the drug dealing was concerned. He also argued, that many of you, had become
burdens to your mothers, and as away out, selected the activity of drug dealing, in order to
provide for yourselves. And if The Council declared that these types of activities were
undesirable, and in fact, did not want to see these types of things taking place, They should
have, so also declared, that a real and genuine, increase, in equal opportunity would have
occurred. There by creating a better way for you all. And with these arguments, He won,
swaying the vote in your direction and favor. And it was signed into Law during that month, that
the reptiles would have to leave. And all of this, ATUM-RE did, while the shell of Dwight York sat
lock away, still being ATUM-RE, there, and very much ATUM-RE, somewhere else as well,
because, don't forget about, the word,


Q: So are the reptiles of the planet now?

Ans: No, not all of them. Because keep in mind they are renegades by nature. So, when the
act got signed into Law, many if not most, just out right ignored it. Because a short while
before the issue was back to the platform, and the vote was taken again. The reptiles
brought in, the better portion of their entire Etheric fleet, coming through the rip, and ending
up right over the western waters of The State of California, in dark cloud formation. Being an
entire Etheric net very visibly shaped, into two forms. Capable of taking over and housing many
shells. In fact, they brought in their latest and newest edition, called, The Great White Shark
along with their old, called, The Great Dragon. Created and shaped in the form of the two
symbols and after the likeness thereof. And with so many of them here now, when The
Law got written in, and signed, like I said, many of them just out right ignored it.

Causing then for US to have to bring our fleet in, which showed up also, over the western waters,
the very same day Pops got sentenced. And in this, the sweep began, and has been in
progress since then. With thousands of them, being arrested, and locked up, in our six pointed
star, even, as you all now read.

Q: Did any of us, who are Lights that carry color, seek out and occupy any other types of
physical forms?

Ans: Yes. Actually we sought out many, for we too had mastered the art form.

In fact, it is WE who housed the dolphin and the tiny amoebas, then rode its back, while
entering into the waters here. Diversifying, through contact with Sun light, just like we planned,
for the smallest things carry the most power. Bringing about the many different, sea-creatures,
you now see, occupying your oceans.

To which even eventually, through this ct, it is WE, who brought about the "sea-man". That
would ultimately one day come to step out of the waters, and onto the land. Making it the very
reason why not, they call The Waters of Life, "semen". Which is, the whitish fluid, of the male
reproductive organ, also called, sperm, that carries the spark of Life into the woman’s
reproductive organ, causing a baby to be formed.

Furthermore, as a means by which to confirm what it is I am now saying as true, all you have to
do is to ask yourself, what does sperm smell like when it dies? And the answer is "fish". And
why? Because all physical life form, here, on this planet, initially, came from out the waters.

And how do you know?

Because you as a being in the car you now drive, which is your physical body, in order to get
here, to the physical plane, you had to live through three trimesters of water. To which at one
point, in order to be able to do, you all, had gills. That is, before you all evolve pass that, coming
through the birth canal, and on into a physical existence. Making you all evolutionary creatures.
Who are bound, into the frame work of a cycle that never ends. That moves from darkness into
The Light, and back again, called, birth, growth, death, decay and rebirth.

And I say this because, while in the womb of your mothers, you all sat there again in total silence,
then you noticed The Darkness, however in total peace. Then gradually through that water
came, the sounds, voices, and frequencies. Meaning, of you all's mothers and fathers, both
physical and Etheric. That is, until the sounds of your Etheric parents speaking to you started to
fade. By way of Their choice, at that point, to sit still, in a state of silence. Bu which they choose
to do, to honor and respect thy path, on into, the physical plane, and then the sounds of your
physical parents while speaking, start to pick up, and become dominate.

And slowly you then start to become very familiar with the sound of your mother's voice. As she
speaks to and converses with, the many people that may surround her during her pregnancy.
Becoming for you very easy to distinguish, that is een if she is only humming and speaks no
words. For her vibration, rhythms, and tones, you come to know very quickly. Mind you, as you
are surrounded by water, sitting there in that state, of triple Darkness, that gradually moved from
triple silence first, then into The Darkness then into the sounds, voices, and frequencies, that you
heard. From here, out of the Darkness into The Light, you all came. Because the minute you all
were then spanked on your bottoms, The Lights came on. Now didn't they? And it is then, all
The Chaos, and Confusion, started, to you all as children, opened your eyes.

And why?

Because you as a being, were now trying to figure it all out. With this happening to you now, as
a result of, what it was I said to you all, in book 2. Which was, at this point, you all could no
longer remember, from whence you came, and, what any of this, was all about, and or, your true
purpose in Life. Or even, how you, in the long run, would solve the problems, and get it all done.
In fact, having no recollection what so ever. but keep in mind, the higher you is there too, locked
up in your genes, and not saying nothing. But nevertheless and no matter what, it is right there,
at your birth place, that you all then started to ravel, at your strange but new existence, and
smiling surroundings with all the new faces, things, and images, upon your entry here, that you all
would come to see, and ultimately, become so fascinated by. As The Etheric entity that you are.
Now fastened to, and incarcerated in, the brand new physical car, that you here, will occupy and
drive. Also becoming the very reason why, as that little child you now are, your eyes and ears
would open so wide. As a sure means, by which for you all, to be able to take it all in.

However, in all this, there is a parallel that is in place. For he who has an eye to see. That
carries with it, all the information you need. That shows you all, just what time it is.

Which is,

Re - Birth Time

For this parallel touches directly on to, this mission, and the state, this organization now sit in,
since, May 8th of 2002. Forecasting also, and in this, rendering an information. That if looked
at, you all can now use, to know exactly what to expect and do that should in a certain kind of
way, remove from you all, your fears, stimulated here now, by the awfully bad, evil and ugly.

For the information rendered from this parallel, here today, will now act as tones being delivered
to you all, from my trumpet. that blows out a message to you, that something great is about to
happen. Designed as the instrument, used, to announce, your re-birth. As being foretold here
more then 1,400 years ago, would also be the instrument, that would blow out, and announce,
the day, that the blue eyed guilty would be gather together, and dominion would be given unto
you. By virtue of, it all being restarted and put back into motion, again, by my horn announcing
his end. While from the grave you all will come. For this is your rebirth day, and the (inevitable),
which is the day these 3 books get to you. For a true power is about to shake the Earth and
move a mountain. And with it, I, will get Pops out, as one of The Two witnesses, spoken of in
The Book of Revelations.

And on that day, shall an event and reality come true, for the sky will be split open and The ONE,
will go up, while The TWO, stay down. Having all new things in store for you. Such as, a new
name, a new garb, new books, new members, and or, a new flag too. With a new language, new
land, and the list can go on and on and on, just like the sister, Erica Badu . . . did. Until the day
comes for the reversal of the order. Where in The Two will go up, and The One will come down
clothed in a cloud for this cycle and it motion, must and will be declared, and the prophecy
forfiled, and made true. And my horn here now will blow, by virtue, of this parallel being told.
That will also have the power, at present, to cause you all, now, to open your eyes and ears real
wide, as the child of THE MOST HIGH that you are. Seeing and hearing all NEW things the
whole way, that none of you, have ever seen or heard before. Which should be, all the
confirmation you need.

For the parallel brings with it, from out of The Darkness the organization did rise, as a child. With
The Darkness being symbolic of Two things, One, or skin color, and Two, the state from which it
rose, at it's birth, out on Bushwick, many years ago.

With it being from the year 1970 all the way until, May 8th, of 2002, that this organization did
grow. and it is now back into that very same Darkness symbolic, of our death, that since then, we
all as a organization have now returned, with our decay, now in progress.

But he who overstands the cycle, which is The Circle, should know also, that it is not over yet,
and the good part is still yet to come.

So help me God.

For all what I said earlier carries with it the parallel between your existence as a being, that in its'
motion, equals, your existence, as an organization. That is, a members of this organization,
before all The Lights come back on, once again. And in certain kind of way, it all repeats its' self,
once more. But this time as a people, having the power to minus out, all the bad parts, in the
present for having come full circle. Armed now, with something we didn't have before. Which is
an information fortified, by us all having a knowledge now, of all those things, that we back then,
went through, from Bushwick, to Montacello, right on into Putnam County, and even last but not
least, good old, Athens. And here, what it is I am speaking about, has absolutely nothing to do
with what ultimately happened to ATUM-RE. But instead speaks only in reference to, problems in
general, that we all as an organization of Nubians, endured, because of our supreme ability to be
able to speak out and tell the truth, about a socity, that does not want this type of truth, to be
heard. Which like I said in book is a lot more then we had, back then.

For all we had was the benefit of lessons learnt by the virtue of the mistakes made coming from
our leading predecessors, such as, Malcom X. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Sheck Daa'ud,
The Noble Drew Ali, and Marcus Garvey. But as our people moved forward in this thing called
me, so also did our problems. Mutating into forever new situations, as the time went by.

Which is what they mean when they say;

"You all, are travelers"

But our purpose here today, is to survive. Where it is here, that the Free Mason speaks to, a
people, to whom they are not sure are Free Masons or not, and or, are Eastern Stars, with a
question, that has only been designed, to only ride the surface. Knowing the whole time, that
there is whole lot more to it, then what is seen, or meets the eye, on just the surface, of the
statement itself. For here, they all know, of the true strength, of The Law, that states;

"So as it is Above, So also shall it be, Below"

With them knowing the whole time that there is a meeting place between The Heavens and The
Earth. But the thing is, they just don't want you all to know.

And why?

Because there is a type of power in that. That they just don't want any of you, to ever be able
to, lay claim to, ever again. Knowing also however, that inspire, you all do have the ability to tap
back into it all. And that through Pops and I, many of you, ultimately will.

So, what do they do, and have always done? Because if you all don't know, let me, right here
and now, explain it to you.

For what they will do, is to put forth a specially designed, concentrated effort, to continue to, lead
you all away from, any information, that will lead you all back, to a place, where they know true
poser exist. Which is why right there in your very own lodges, though you may know it not, there
are those, who will even keep secret from. And that is, often times, whether you all, are 33*
degree Free Masons, or not.

Because keep in mind, they did not recognize Prince Hall, for a long time. In fact, it was until just
recently in the scheme of things, the Prince Hall, Free Masons, were really accepted. Because
lets not forget, Prince hall was a slave, at first. And then it came to pass that one day his master
freed him, and before doing, tough him the craft. And because Prince Hall had now been freed,
meant, by law his children free also. And in being loved by his master, his master then tried to
sponsor him. But in no way, was The Prince accepted. Meaning, amongst the white community
of Free Masons, and nor was his children. And why? Because he was a man of color.

And you all know, that it wasn't until just here recently, in the scheme of things, The Prince Hall
Free Mason, the Masonic community got ultimately accepted. So what makes you all really think,
that you are?

But here when I speak to you, I speak to you in The Higher (sense). That is, when I say;

"You all are now traveling along The Circle's curvature, and are spiraling upward."

But mean while, a Free Mason will ask you;

"Are you a Traveling Man?"

At which point the proper response must be given in reference to, "The East". Right? But little
do you all know, that this is giving a certain secret respect to, The Square, and not The Circle.
Because the truth of the matter is, that in your type of (existence), by which you all travel through
the cycle of, birth, growth, death, decay, and rebirth. None of this, has anything to do with a
straight line. Be it running from West to East, or from North to South. Because no one can say
the word, "cycle", and at the same time, or in the very same breath, not say, Circle. Or
acknowledge, the fact, there is a curve in play, and or, its' motion.
So, in rightknowledge, when asked;

"Are you a traveling Man?"

The proper response should be yes, but then when asked;

"In what direction do you travel?"

What you should be saying is;

"Along The Curve, Continuously"

That is whether you all, in information, by virtue, of dialogue or study, are traveling, on back into
ancient Egypt (studding) The Book of The Dead, or not. With this being so because all the
lesson learned while living, take precedence. Making the reply an accurate one, as long as the
process of your travel which is your life, its path, and or, its existence, is continuously repeating
its' self. And here, without question, what it is we all are talking about, does. When we say, birth,
growth, death, decay, and rebirth.

And why?

Because you can not kill energy and nor does it ever die. But only in an effort can it be
transformed, from one state to another. And or, as a very last resort, one can only hope, to trap
it. Meaning, by which you design and utilize a mean, and or method, to restrain its movement,
from one place to another, causing it to sit still, or stand down.

Which is what OUR six pointed stare is all about. While theirs, on the other hand, has absolutely
nothing to do with it. For it is not in an, inter entanglement, and or, an interlocking, that you will
find the meeting place of The Heavens and The Earth, crossing paths. Making it where, That
which is Above (ethreric) becomes, the which is Below (physical).

And they know it.

But what you all also know not is, that while in a state of death, your etheric self, that is the part
of you which is really you, will then evolve as well. Through and out of, a 3 stage situation. That
is, in order to leave the physical plane. After this, you all then can transcend, all the planes, to
make it on out of here. To then, in the sequel of things, as a being, return from whence you
came. But and before any of this can occur, like I said, you then, through the forces of your
circumstance, must go through, 3 stages, all being part f, an evolutionary process.

That goes like this;

1st - you experience triple silence.

2nd - you then notice and experience, the triple darkness.
3rd - you go through your exit/re-entry stage.

With the whole experience being quite frightening to the untrained soul. Which is a soul, that is
totally un-informed, and in this, informational sits, in the seat, of the blind. And or, has lived
through the duration of his or her life, only to never have experienced, real, unadulterated, Divine
Love. For having been tricked, by an illegitimate, opposite. And as a result, will now have to
work it's way through, real Love's, true, and exact opposite, called,


That is its' self right here and now, spells out the words,
"most all of you"

Making it one of the more important reasons, for me to express this information to you. As a
means by which to, re-inform, those of you, who are, un-informed, and can not now remember,
the experience. For no soul can re-enter into OUR sector of The Etheric Realm, that isn't a all
Loving sublime mind, being an entity, who carries with them, no fear. For there is no room for
fear, when the 3 stages are up and over, and it all becomes clear. Meaning, as to what you, as
an Etheric Being, have just gone through.

However, the soul which experiences a fear, through these 3 sages, is due to the fact the Etheric
self, is being held right here, by that which is primal. And it's energy is caught right there, with in
the frame work of, its' very own first chakra, called, The Root Seat. Being the thickest and
densest, of the 7 filters. And it dose not want, the Etheric you to be,

"up", rooted.

And even in death, from it, every cell in the body and every corner of The Mind, will fill its' self,
with uncertainty. That is, if you all are not informed. Causing then, the uncertainty to translate
into, fear, while going through these 3 stages. Until the seat its self, is smashed, and exist no
more. Which can only be done through and by way of, acceptance and surrender. But all the
fear, can be totally avoided, merely through an entity, being properly informed. For it is at this
point, the better portion of the uncertainty, is then removed from the equation. That is causing,
the unknown to be present. Which is the very thing that carries with it, all the worst thoughts, that
then trigger, the stimulating factor, which produces the fear.

And when removed from the equation, automatically, the proper surrender and acceptance is in
place. Carrying with it, also, instinctively, all the power the soul needs, to instantaneously, smash
the seat. For the consciousness of the being, through the entire experience is always and
forever, very much so alive, and still feels, thinks, and remembers it all. And the tough is, every
soul having come here, will last the entire experience, and not forget. And nor have any of you,
read, in any of these 3 books, where I may have said, that an entity would not remember, while
going, and instead, returning from whence it came. For it is only on its way here, that it will
experience, a memory lost. And because, you all will not forget on your way going, in that
direction, it then becomes one of the many reasons why, it is so very important, to prepare.

And how?

That's right. Through a meditative practice.

For when these 3 stages end, thenceforth, you all as Etheric Beings who carry color, can move
and fly again, throughout The Etheric Realm, forever. For you then as a being, have just made it
through, your exit,

"Stage Right",

from out of The Grave.

And now, have re-entered, The Etheric Realm. And it is here, that all The Light come on again,
to you and for you. For then, you then, "in-turn", have,

"Re-turned", to The Etheric Realm,

by having traveled along, The Circle's curvature. For The "REs", belong to US. Who are Those
Beings, who do and always will, support,
The Circle.

Which is one of the reasons why, they called US,


in the first place.


release re-establish reconvey

relearn rebuild recrown
relight recommit redo
reloaded redefine re-embrace
relocate redefeat re-encourage
re-engage reface refashion
refertileze and rediscover,

what this mission is all about, as we reclaim, OUR, true symbol, which is,

The Circle

and what each re, is all about?


For when you go through your, exit stage right, from the grave, you then have traveled The
Circle's curve, right back to your starting point. And it is here, that your, Etheric life has now,
started over, most times, once again. And your Light and all the other Lights, of the other Etheric
Beings, in your Etheric family, who carry color, as so also you do, who exist within The Sphere, of
your original home, which is, The Etheric Realm its' self, to you and for you, then, just snaps, right
back on.

And why?

Because you can perceive them now, though Their Lights were on the whole time. For your
vibration frequency has now been, speed up, ETREMELY, and you now, have transcended all
The Plane, right up to where, the WE ALL, sit, which is above Them, vibrating, up to (a) 9
density. Which at this point, has nothing to with your hair texture, either. For all those things
have now, come to pass, has have passed away, and no long are you, and evolutionary

For in this act of yours, you as a being, have now, just gone up and over, the ladder, by returning
to, your original, and rightful home, as The Etheric Being you are, and always have been, but
only having chose to ride. Where it is here once again, you all become, "Revolutionary
Creatures", instead of, Evolutionary ones, for having made your exit, from The Matrix. Now
moving like this, in a form of celebration, as a Light Being, with ANU in The Center,

(picture of Light Being with ANU in center)

with other members of your Etheric family, for having completed, an orbit and or, rotation, and
then, you all will separate, and dance . . . .
And there are those who are spoken about in The Book of Revelation where it said,

"On such the second death has no power, but they shall be priest of THE MOST

Which is The Chosen from amongst. Because now, you know.

But lets not forget;

"As it is Above, So also shall it be, Below"

Which signifies there is yet another parallel is in place, that is precisely similar, dealing with, a from
Life to Death and back to Life again, situation, paralleling individual being and organization, that
must and will be met. That is, in order for 144,000 of you, to now rise. Coming back to the
forefront to reclaim, its' center, as the greatest iconoclasts this society has ever seen, as Lord of
Lords, and King of Kings, the true Malaeka, made manifest, right here on Earth.

Now having an even sharper sword then before, that will again reveal its' self, coming from out of
your mouths. Thanks to my father, ATUM-RE. To which this whole world will then see
clearly . . . . Oh, Who HE Is, the minute we start to tell out load, AND TEACH, all of their secrets.
For it is then, the WE ALL , shall smite The Nations, and rule with a rod of iron. And I ATUN-RE,
am The Angel, that is now crying out to you all with a load voice, while sitting in The Middle sea,
AND, in the belly of The beast, as The SUN that I AM, a Supreme Being, created in the image
and after the likeness of, ATUM-RE, saying;

"To all you Light Beings, out there, who carry color, who also at one time, flew in
the midst of The Heavens"

"It is I, ATUN-RE, Geb/Ra/EL, your brother, The Center SUN, that walks The Earth and serves,
THE MOST HIGH. Who calls upon you now, to come now, re-gather yourselves together, here,
not 10, but 144,000, to rise. While we, cash all checks, take no prisoners, not even, The Bank
Teller. For it is time to take, and dead the heads, of their kings, with names like, Rothchild and
Rockafella. Who run The City banks, The World's Common Market Building, and The Tri-lateral
Commission. And to whose secretes if told, no joke, The Whole World, will want, its true, to listen.
Who also hold the controls, to IBM, The Silicon Valley, Micro-soft, and The Beast. As you read
your e-mails, stand The Square, or, just sit their fat butts, right there in the East. So, lets take the
time, to take the heads of their captains, who run things from, Sing Sing to Lompoc".

"Along with The Mighty men, who helped them, through Law Enforcement, none stop. That
includes, The FBI, ATF, the Putnum Countys Sheriffs Department, and, The Office of The D.A.
For The Kings of The earth had gather together to make war against Him, my father, ATUN-RE.
While they would also, like to see, you all, dragged right back under, The Spell of Leviathan, to
see to it that, every thing that Pops did, now, won't let you, begin to win. But instead, come
gather together, Oh Children of THE MOST HIGH. For it is time to cast The beast into Lake of
Fire and Brimstone, while he smiles in your face, hits below the waste, AND, taps your phone, by
way, of our spoken words. For with Them, we shall slay their remnants, and causes them, to
throw in their towels, with The Sword of ATUM-RE, that they know, comes, from right, out of our

Because on the one hand, where, we all now speak, in reference to, an evolutionary process,
that starts at your birth place, here, on the physical plane, as an Etheric Being, now, being
housed in a physical shell, being pushed up, an evolutionary ladder, By, none other than,
Nature, that takes you, to the grave, and beyond, right back into, The Etheric Realm, spiraling
upward and on out, of here, back from whence you came, so also, what we are talking about,
here, is just your plain old, mundane physical existence. Where in it, you all are also, pushed up
onto, a different type, of evolutionary ladder. That here, where you sit or stand, on this ladder, is
determined by the things you all know, verses the things you don't. Which carries with it, a power
that separates, you, as a being from all the other beings, who sit or stand, on the very same
ladder. With some of you, holding higher levels, stages and degrees, than others. Because of
all the things you know, in the form of a very real, Rightknowledge. The causes the cream of the
crop, from amongst you to rise to the top. Separating you all, away from the layman and the
misguided, who are lesser evolved.

Then . . . . . . . .

There comes a day for some of you, where in, you all are given, a particular type of access for
you then, have now been Chosen, from amongst the people, to have at, opportunity, that when
given, will last forever, and that will stay with you, a life time. To now, drink from The Waters, of
Life, freely, even as the flow, from the Throne, of THE MOST HIGH. For the very leaves from the
trees are the healing for The Nation, if you but know, which one to pick. And in this access, you
ten, as a Master, can access The 3 wells, and or, reservoirs

Which are:

1. The well of endless information - which will give you the ability to answer any and all
question. Becoming, The Knower, The Wise.

2. The well of endless resource - where here, the power of manifestation is now rendered
unto you. Meaning, anything that you can see in your minds eyes through visualization, you all
can now make manifest, right here, on the physical plane. By way of, access, to this well,
called, The River Kawthar.

3. The well of endless energy - where here, you will need little to no sleep, and or, food,
what so ever. And will still carry an above average amount of strength in work, reading,
writing, exercising, and or, sexual activity. And why? Because you, are all mind. And know it
now. For it is The Mind that rules the body, and move the physical.

Furthermore, when you do get access, to these 3 wells, you know it, and there is no doubt. For
with it, you now have full knowledge also, of each wells process, and how each well, ultimately, in
its' function, really works. And with this knowledge, the power of all 3, is here now, render unto

To which at this point, you have now gone up and over the ladder:

From The Matrix,

To being Reloaded,
To The Matrix, part 3, which is;

"The Revolution"

Where it is here, you have both, The Architect, and The oracle, in the conclusion and grand
finale. With The Architect representing Jason and The Arcanots, from a time now gone by,
coming from The Greeks till now, as your Amorite, Free Masons and Masonic Community. Who
are tucked away, in some really nice place all over The Globe. Having the type of money that in
this day and time and for right now, most of you and I, can't even imagine. But will only stay this
way right up until the polarities switch, with The Illuminate as their head, an The Luciferians, as
their body. And Jason, who is a reincarnate, being the same Jason, from Jason and The
Arcanots, is one of The Illuminatti's regional leaders, in this country, and in fact, is the one that
tried to embrace me.

And with The Oracle, representing ATUM-RE and this organization, on the other hand, and, on
the same note, in the movie. Which as pages of The Record, is now, moving you, and moving

And so,

"Lets Set The Record Straight",

Now becomes more than just a title of a book, that Pops wrote. Now doesn't it? and why?
Because that's, the way it was meant to be, and just the way, The WE3 planned it. Though
when Pops sat down to write The Book, He, Himself, might not have even known. Because just
like I said, The WE3 agreed, to bury the secret, in our genes, with it only destined to rise, at a
prescribe time, and by virtue of, certain triggers. With indeed, what it is I AM saying right now,
being a trigger, for Pops. With mine, having been pulled, to set His up, by virtue of me hearing
the word;

"Ruby Falls" when spoken,

with the right tone, by the prescribed person, at the exact, prescribed time.

And why? Because it was Time, and pre-scribed, into The Record. Which makes your getting
these 3 books to Pops, so very important. Which can not been done, by virtue of, the mail, and
nor can its story, just be spoken into to His ear. For his genetic explosions will only take place, in
the day He reads the 3 books, and sees my hand writing, and in that day, all the pieces will just
automatically, find their place.

And why?

Because, It - Is - Time!


Architect - 1. designer of buildings etc. Supervision their construction. 2. person who plans
a specified thing [Greek - archi = chief + tekton = builder]

To which the buildings here, that are being spoken about, are called prisons. And the thing that
was planned, is called, total genocide, of our entire race.

And then you the Oracle . . . . See?

Oracle - a. place at which divine advice or prophecy was sought in classical antiquity.
b. response given.
c. Source of wisdom

With The Source of Wisdom being,

ATUN-RE and,
AMON-RE, s well as, this organization.

And it is here, in the word, "Oracle", that WE show it, see: - - -> "O" - racle, our symbol,
The Circle.

While it is there in the word, "Architect", that you all can't see, a square, anywhere. For they are
only in place, to hide it all, and to keep everything, that is yours, away from you.

And it is the word Oracle that you all will see me talk more about in a book called;

"The Two Witnesses"

Which is still yet to come. But can only be done and gotten to you, along with the many other
books that are still yet to come, by virtue of, your donations, and Free Will Offerings. So please
send your Free Will Offerings, to the PO Box address, you will see posted at the end of each
Book. Which will go towards cost of paper, and cost to have copied, as well as, the cost for
postage and handling, for the mail out to yourself, and all the other, many Nuwaubians, that are
going to need these Books. So please send what you can.

For it is at this point, and from here forward, that, "The Revolution" will not be,

Publicize or,

Other then, where WE release, THEIR secrets, but not our own.

Which is why these Books are being distributed, the way they are. And so also will all, the new
Books, that are yet to come. Which will be totally underground, . . . .

Aggrahta, baby.

That will be called,

"The Underground Movement

and or

Freeway, of Divine Information"


"O" - Hell, which is The Tabernacle", of THE MOST HIGH.

and in it, with OUR Books, what WE will be saying, is,

"O-Hell, NO!"

And that is because, to copyright and publish a book, a copy of the book must then be sent to
Washington, DC, and in this, you are then given a, ISBN Number. And when you say;

"WaShington what you are saying is, "Wa", which means, "and". And then you have,
Shington, which is Shayton. And so it is here that, me, you, "AND, Satan", gets a chance to see
The Book, and has an opportunity, to read everything that is being communicated to our people.
To which I, ATUN-RE say,

"Not This Time"

For I, ATUN-Re, will continue to hand write, book after book. And in this, have these Books only
distributed, from one Nuwaubian's hand, to the next. So feel free to make copies, at Kinkos and
distribute them, yourself. But be sure to press The Nuwaubian, that you give a copy to, to send
in a donation and also a comment, to explain, just what Book, they would like to see released
next. Based off of, ANU Book Listing, they will also see in the back of each Book.

Because like I said, this Revolution that will now move, forward, will move forward by virtue of, all
you, Revolutionary Creatures, that are out there, and you all's, energy. And so what that mean
is, if you, as a Nuwaubian, felt this information at any point, while reading any of these 3 Books,
then, it is your obligation, to get upright now after you finish reading all of this, and then to go to
Kinkos and make copies of all 3 Books, and then see to it, that you then give The Books, to
another Nuwaubian.

And then afterward go to the Post Office and send in a cash donation, to the P.O. Box address
seen on the back of The Book, alone with another Nuwaubians name and address. And then,
the two of you, can expect to receive, the next Book shortly.

Because like I said, this Revolution, will not be broadcaster, publicized, or televised. Just like The
Last Poets said, way back when. But here and now in this way, will that in no way . . . stop, The
Thing, from getting to our people.

In fact, it is the hand written book that will be my signature, and trademark. That is until I am told
to do other wise.

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For even if one of these Books were to
fall into the wrong hands, it just
won't matter no way. For this,
is the will


For these are The Words of

a, most Honorable,

Who is I, The Angel


For when God comes

God comes,
quick . . .




(picture of symbol)

Dis-shelter, forget to feed,

clothe, bathe, and show it's
self, as True Divine Love,
which is Constant and never
ending and not just a lip service,
that produces nothing. For
The WE ALL do know, that
True Divine Love always,
makes the sacrifice. To
which against, there is NEVER,
Another. And with the
symbol of The Circle
will live

With Peace, (throughout)

Boundless Universes
for ALL

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