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Midterm Review 2

1. Describe the role of medications in individuals who exhibit challenging behavior.

 Medications are used as an ADJUNCT and should at least be considered
environmental support.

2. Reasons why extinction is considered one of the most widely used procedures to decrease
 If you have patience, it will stop benign attention seeking misbehavior and almost
everyone has had practice ignoring undesirable behavior in children.

3. Behavior that would be the most obvious target for an extinction program in the classroom
 The person dropping his book on the floor to get attention

4. What is extinction all about?

 Extinction is withholding of a reinforcer.

5. Characteristics of extinction.
 Behavior gets worse before it gets better

6. A psychiatric technician using extinction should be aware of what?

 Aggression

7. Jill has been dropping her book to the floor in order to get attention. What would be the best
technique to stop this behavior?
 DRA and extinction

8. True or false: Of a consequence decreases the behavior, it is called negative reinforcement:

 False

9. Describe physical restraints

 An aversive procedure used almost exclusively to treat severe abusive behavior.

10. What are two types of physical restraint:

 Behavioral physical restraint and Custodial Physical restraint

11. What variables increase the effectiveness of punishment procedure?

 Was the punishment implemented immediately?
 What is the intensity of the punishment
 What is the schedule of punishment
 Have an alternative appropriate behavior to reinforce

12. Difference between TYPE I and TYPE II punishment

 Type I applies an aversive event following misbehavior. Type II withdraws the positive
reinforce following a misbehavior.
13. Characteristics needed to have an effective timeout program
 High density reinforcement in the environment; little, if any reinforcement must be
available during time out; timeout duration must be prespecified and brief; student
must not be released if misbehaving when timeout ends.

14. Difference between exclusionary and non exclusionary time out

 Physically removing the person from the reinforcing environment is exclusionary.
Removing the reinforcer from the student is non exclusionary.

15. Billy has been exclusionary timeout for the past 2o mins. His time is up and as you prepare
to release him, he begins to misbehave. What should you do before releasing him?
 Recycle his timeout for one minute and check the last 15 seconds to see if he is still

16. True or false: if a consequence increases the behavior it is called a discriminative stimulus
 FALSE. It is called a reinforcement( both positive and negative)

17. What type of phenomenon can occur when using non exclusionary timeout?
 Bootlegging

18. Non- exclusionary timeout procedures are considered to be:

 Level 2 of the least restrictive procedure.

19. True or false: Most common reason that timeout program fail is that the density of
reinforcement in the reinforcing environment is too high.

20. True or False: non exclusionary timeout is more adverse than exclusionary timeout.
 FALSE. Nonexclusionary is Level 2 while exclusionary is Level 3, thus making
exclusionary timeout MORE AVERSIVE.

21. Exclusionary timeout is considered to be what type of procedure?

 LEVEL 3 procedure

22. True or False: Overcorrection and negative practice is the same behavior principle to
correct misbehavior.
 FALSE. No they are not the same. Negative practice is the repetitive practice of
misbehavior while Overcorrection is the excessive practicing of the appropriate
behavior being implemented.

23. True or False: when using negative practice, it is important to give the person positive

24. What type of punishment is overcorrection

 Type I punishment procedure

25. TRUE or FALSE: During overcorrection, be sure to reinforce the appropriate behavior to
help increase those positive behaviors
26. How are the Least Restrictive Model techniques ranked?
 Aversiveness, intrusiveness, and severity.

27. Jock is frequently out of his chair. His teacher begins a program In which she reinforces
Jock for remaining in his seat. This is an example of Which schedule of reinforcement

28. TRUE OR FALSE: The major disadvantage of satiation is that it is an aversive and intrusive
 FALSE. Satiation is Level 1 on the least restrictive model. Level 1 procedure is NOT
aversive or intrusive.

29. Which would be the best procedure to use for an individual with retardation who has been
pulling up your favorite plants from the garden
 ??? (Check this) Negative practice

30. Which would be the calculated reliability score from the data in the above chart?
 80% reliability

31. According to the calculated reliability score from the data in the above chart, Ms. Smith and
Mr. Johnson are not collecting the data the same way and need to revise their plan.

32. Each time Ann sees the jar of paste in the class room; she dips her hand into it and begins
eating the paste. The instructor Ms. Jones wants to change this behavior. What would be the
best example of using a contemporary approach to changing this behavior.
 Ms. Jones replace the jar of paste with glue stick pens.

33. Medication used to help control seizure.

 Carbamazepine

34. Medication used to help control states of depression

 Amitriptyline

35. Factors or concerns that should be considered when developing a leisure plan for an
individual with developmental disabilities
 Concerns of Risk and Protection.

36. TRUE OR FALSE: a Daily Schedule that provides for a craft class between 7 pm and 8 pm
for three people with Down Syndrome living in a supervised apartment is an excellent
example of placing arts and crafts in the category of leisure activities
 FALSE. Leisure activities should be an activity that the client likes to do.

37. An assessment tool that would most likely be utilized to establish activity for an individual
with several mental retardation.
 Functional Analysis Assessment

38. Little Billy who has down syndrome wants to join the football team. He has learned the skills
necessary to perform most physical demands of the sport and appears to be physically fit for
the sports. As a PT, what would be the best response to his family?
 Tell the family that Billy should see a doctor who understands his condition and knows
what physical conditions to look for in order to rule out any risk for injury.

39. According to Erick Erickson, adult development is characterized by two basic needs. What
are these two basic needs?
 Intimacy and generativity.

40. TRUE OR FALSE: Secondary aging has to do with the specific physical illnesses or
conditions that are more common in aging but are caused by health habits, gens and various

41. What is the most common form of dementia?

 Alzheimer’s

42. Which term has to do with the state of physical decline, in which the body gradually becomes
less strong and efficient with age?
 Senescence

43. This is a type of adult thinking that is suited to solving real world problems. It is less
abstract and absolute and more adaptive to life’s inconsistencies.
 Post-formal thought

44. What are the three domains of development?

 Biosocial, Cognitive and psychosocial

45. The tendency children have to think about one aspect of a situation at a time
 Centration

46. A child’s tendency to contemplate the world exclusively from their personal perspective
 Egocentrism

47. The ability of a child to recognize the process can be restored to the original conditions from
which process began.
 Reversibility

48. Refers to the child’s knowing that amount is unaffected by changes in shape or configuration
 Conservation

49. What best describe what is meant when said that a preschooler’s understanding of the world
tends to be static?
 The child tends to think of their world as unchanging

50. Which best describes the preschooler’s tendency of over regularization?

 Sally tells her mother: I broked my toy

51. According to Piaget, what is the most striking difference between cognition during infancy
and preschool years?
 The difference is the use of symbolic thinking

52. What do you call the concept termed by Vygotsky, in which each child has a range of skills
that can be exercised with help but not yet performed independently?
 Zone of proximal Development

53. TRUE OR FALSE: One of the most important aspects of preschooler’s self definition is that
they feel older, stronger and more skilled than younger children

54. What is the term used to define when children begin to understand that others have thoughts
and preoccupations on their mind- they attain the realization that there is an inner life.
 Theory of Mind

55. TRUE OR FALSE: Sensori-motor skills that direct the way in which an infant explores his
or her environment to gain more knowledge of the world are called schemas.

56. According to Piaget, What are the two sides of adaptation?

 Assimilation and Accomodation

57. Which situation best describes the action involving primary circular reactions
 The child acts on her own which serves as a stimulus to which it responds with the
same action, for example, the baby may suck her thumb over and over again

58. Lack of coordination of the eye muscles so the two eyes do not focus on the same point
 Strabismus

59. The ability to conceptualize right and left side

 Laterality

60. This enables a person to see an object singly over varying distances
 Directionality

61. TRUE OR FALSE: having a good receptive language means you have the ability to transmit
information in a meaningful manner

62. TRUE OR FALSE: an example of a language red flag would be if a child is not babbling by
8 months or is not making raspberries by 8 months.

63. Which term best describes the primitive reflex shown in the following picture:
 Assymetric tonic neck reflex

64. What should a PT do during mealtime to prevent the effect of asymmetric tonic neck reflex
in an individual
 Approach individual from midline

65. Which of Erickson’s psychosocial stages describes the development of a child for the first 18
months of life?
 Trust vs. Mistrust

66. What is the hallmark of dysfunction in sensory integration (SI)?

 Inconsistency in severity and Occurence
67. Harry exhibits sensory defensive behavior by covering his ears to the sound of the click of a
door lock or covering eyes to block the lights from a christmas tree. A soft touch on his
shoulder sends him screaming, “that hurts!” what Sensory integration dysfunction might he
 Dysfunction in modulation

68. What type dysfunction in sensory integration DSI is present in the child who has difficulty
differentiating among and between stimuli
 Dysfunction in sensory discrimination

69. Which statement best describes the term dyslexia?

 Dyslexia is a specific learning disability

70. What is the most common developmental concern in parents for a child between the age 6
and 8 months?
 Motor Delay

71. Which below best describe the ability of a five month old individual to transfer an object
from one hand to another?
 Individual has good Fine motor Skill

72. Plays with words

 Verbal

73. Plays with pictures

 Spatial

74. Plays with moving

 Kinesthetic

75. Plays with socializing

 interpersonal

76. What is one of the challenges facing clinicians who must determine whether a
communication disorder exists?
 Identifying if the difference in linguistic pragmatic rules used by diverse individuals is
merely a difference or a disorder.

77. What are the two classifications that describes problems occurring in oral-motor movement
 Dysarthia and Dyspraxia

78. What are the two major categories of language disorders?

 Acquired and Congenital disorder

79. Which best describes augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) System?
 They have unaided and aided components that assist in verbal communication

80. Which delivery system includes strategies and supports that are designed for children to
bypass their communicative limitations?
 Compensatory service of Delivery
81. Which individual, during the 18th century supported sterilization and the eugenics
 Henry Goddard

82. Which statement best describes the effect of sociopolitical forces throughout history on the
definition of mental retardation/
 The definition of mental retardation has changed in response to changing sociopolitical

83. Before 1700, what types of services where provided to individuals with mental retardation?
 They were protective in nature providing housing and sustenance.

84. What was the impact on some children during the 20th century from assessment instrument
developed by binet and Simon?
 The instrument identified children with milder form of Mental retardation

85. The ethics of an act is decided based upon the kind of act it is
 Deontology

86. The ethics of an act is decided based upon end result of a person’s behavior
 Hedonism

87. The ethics of an act is decided based upon the greatest happiness for the greatest number
 Utilitarianism

88. The ethics of an act is decided based upon end result of person’s behavior
 Consequentialist ethics

89. The US Supreme Court decision Buck vs. Bell in 1927 se what precedent for state
 States had the “rights of state” to intervene in the reproduction practices of citizens
deemed defective through sterilization

90. Which best Describes Casuistry?

 This is the fine tuning ethical choices based on past dilemmas.

91. This law prohibits the execution of people with mental retardation but does not define it nor
stipulate when the criminal proceeding s a person would undergo assessment to determine
mental retardation
 Federal Crime Bill of 1994

92. The right of self determination

 Autonomy

93. An obligation to act to help the individual

 Beneficence

94. Invoking Hippocratic oath

 Nonmaleficence
95. A fairness in the distribution of resources
 Justice

96. This California Law that promises services and support to people with developmental
disabilities and their families utilizing regional centers
 Lanterman act of 1969

97. This Law attempted to correct unequal educational opportunities that resulted from a
child’s economic condition
 Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965

98. This person discovered the biochemical mechanics related to metabolic disturbances called
 Ivar Asbjorn Folling

99. This law has a section that outlines your responsibility to protect patients from the
transmission of HIV hepatitis B, and other blood borne pathogens in health care settings
 Business and Professions code

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