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Please always leave room for God’s provision.
The AGWM system is based upon faith: churches encourage members to make “faith promises” (financial commit-
ments, motivated by faith and met by divine provision) and missionaries follow the call of God with an utter reliance
upon faith (the conviction that, if they are obedient to be available for service, God will provide the funds to meet
their personal and ministry budgets). Every visit to a new church is an opportunity to trust God for His financial
provision, given in a local church offering.

God’s faithfulness is always surprising and never predictable for He uses churches of all sizes as in-
struments of His provision. This is why it is always crucial to take a missionary offering, leaving
room for the sovereign work of God, flowing through the generosity and obedience of His
church. Honorariums, although kind and often generous, replaces this holy transac-
tion. There are many creative ways to take an offering (e.g., separate offering,
special missions envelopes for offering, or a missions receptacle), but it is
always good to create a “faith” opportunity for God to provide
for the missionary calling, using the church as
His vehicle of blessing.


10. Supports missionary through “terms” (until a missionary can come home and raise more funds).
9. Signs and sends in pledge forms (AGWM counts only pledges, not promises).
8. Offers “common courtesy” to missionaries (returns calls and sends their offerings promptly).
7. Builds a trust relationship with the leaders and missionaries in the AGWM. (It’s not perfect, but it’s a good system and it works.)
6. Asks God for discernment about which new missionaries to support in different parts of the world.
5. Receives offerings rather than sets honorariums.
4. Integrates missions, global vision and awareness into an ongoing comprehensive missions-education program for all ages and groups.
3. Maximizes missionary-to-people contact by using missionaries beyond the weekend service, and finding ways to stay connected with mis-
sionaries on the field.
2. Chooses, trains, and empowers a missions committee or “Global Outreach Team” (GO-Team), adding new folks regularly to help oversee the
missions program.
1. Has an annual missions emphasis, with an individual “faith promise” challenge and a call to youth and others to pray,
“Here I am, Lord. Send me!”



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