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Nordic Society Oikos

Scale-Dependence of Food Web Structures: Tropical Ponds as Paradigm

Author(s): Debal Deb
Source: Oikos, Vol. 72, No. 2 (Mar., 1995), pp. 245-262
Published by: Blackwell Publishing on behalf of Nordic Society Oikos
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3546227 .
Accessed: 26/12/2010 10:10

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OIKOS 72: 245-262. Copenhagen1995

Scale-dependenceof food web structures:tropicalponds as

Debal Deb

Deb, D. 1995.Scale-dependence
of food web structures:
tropicalpondsas paradigm.
Oikos 72: 245-262.

Two sets of time-specificfood webs were constructedusing all known details of

trophicbiology of the 87 componentspecies found in two tropicalfreshwaterpond
systems. Analysis of the webs showed that severalfood web statisticswere scale-
dependent.To examinethe robustnessof this finding, 11500 computerizedanalog
webs werebuiltuponthe specifiedrulesof non-randomtrophiclinks (L) betweenthe
organismsfoundin the ponds.The structuralpropertiesof the analogwebs, like the
recentlypublishedspecies-richwebs, disagreedwith severalgeneralizationsmadeby
food web theoristsoverthe lasttwo decades.Themagnitudeof L andthe frequencyof
long food chainsincreasedwith S. Proportionsof top, intermediateandbasalspecies
showedstrongnonlinearvariationwithS. Themeannumberof linksbetweendifferent
trophiclevels seemedto be scale-dependent, thoughapparentlyscale-invariant for the
pond webs. However,the relativeproportionsof link fractionsappearedto be scale-
invariant,with the intermediate-basal links most numerous.The meanpredator-prey
ratioappearedto be the most scale-invariant of all the web properties,but the scale
invarianceof the ratiomay not be directlyderivedfrom species fractions.The study
representsthelargesttropicalaquaticfood web database,andindicatesthat(a) as many
detailsof inter-specificinteractionsas possiblewithina web arenecessaryfor unravel-
ing the actualcomplexityof real ecosystems,and (b) computerizedanalogsof real
webs, incorporatingall necessarydetails of interactions,may be fruitfullyused to
ensurerobustnessof conclusionsaboutthe web features.

D. Deb, World Wide Fund for Nature - India, Eastern Region Office, Tata Centre 5th
Floor, 43 Chowringhee Road, Calcutta 700 071, India.

Over the last two decades, ecologists conjectured that 1983, Cohen et al. 1990), which have recently been
several food web features were invariant. That is, the criticized for a number of methodological difficulties
number of trophic levels; the number of trophic interac- (Paine 1988, Sprules and Bowerman 1988, Lawton 1989,
tions (L) for each species, or the linkage density (d); the Schoener 1989, Winemiller 1989, Polis 1991). As more
fractions of top predators (species with no predators in species-rich webs became available, it became evident
the web), intermediate species, and basal species (au- that most web properties are scale-dependent. Thus,
totrophs and detritus); the proportions of trophic links Pimm et al. (1991) suggest that trophic linkages typically
amongst the total species (S); and the ratio between increase with S, describing the power function relation-
predator to prey species, did not depend on S (Pimm ship
1982, Briand and Cohen 1984, 1987, Cohen and Briand
1984, Cohen and Newman 1985, Cohen et al. 1986, L = k S+E, (1)
1990). These generalizations were built on the descrip-
tions of webs catalogued by Briand and Cohen (Briand where E = 0.3 to 0.4, and Martinez (1992) and Havens

Accepted 12 August 1994

Copyright? OIKOS1995
ISSN 0030-1299
Printedin Denmark- all rightsreserved

OIKOS 72:2 (1995)

.I\. Table 1A. Qualitativeestimateof zooplanktonin the culturepond.
CodeOrganism 1985 1986
Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb

1 +++ ++ I
Mesocyclops hyalinus ++ + +++ ++ ++ ++ + ++ +
2 M. leuckarti -++ ++ ++ +
3 Allodiaptomus raoi +-
4 Heliodiaptomus sp. +
6 Paradiaptomus sp. ++- -++ ++? ++
6 Rhinediaptomus sp.
7 Tropocyclops sp.
8 +-
Nauplii +++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
9 Asplanchna priodonta +++ ++ $++ ++
10 Asplanchnopus sp. -+- ++ ++ -
I1 Brachionus angularis +++ ++ $+ ++ ++ +
12 B. bidentata ++ ++ +?
13 B. budapestinensis +++ ++
14 B. calyciflorus ++- ++ ++--
++? ++ +?
15 B. caudatus ++- 4- + ++
16 B. falcatus ++
17 B. quadridentatus -+ +
18 B. rubens
19 Conochiloides natans ++
20 -4-4 ++
Dicranophorus forcipatus ++
21 ++ -
Eosphora sp.
22 Filinia longisetta +
+-- ++ ++ ++
23 Hexarthra sp. -+- -+ +3- ++ ++
24 Horaella sp. ++
25 Keratella cochlearis
26 K tropica - +-+
-++ ++ -++-
++ 3++ +
27 Lecane (L.) luna 3+ + ++
28 L. (Monostylla) bulla ++ + ++ ++ +?
29 Lepadella sp. ++ ++- ++
30 Polyarthra multiappendiculata --+ ++
31 Pompholyx sp. ++ ++ ++
Cladocera ++-
32 ++ +- +
Ceriodaphnia cornuta +++ ++t ++ -++ + 4+ +
33 Daphnia carinata ++
+ ++ +
34 D. lunholtzi -+ ++ ++ -+ +
35 Moina micrura duhia ++- ++ ++
0 36 Nauplii +++ ++ 3+ ++ ++ + 4+ +
0 Ostracoda
37 Cypridella sp.
38 Eucypris sp. - +-
- --

+ present;-absent. Data adoptedfrom Deb (1989).
Table 1B. Qualitative estimate of non-zooplanktonic organisms in the culture pond.
Code Organism 1985 1986
Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb

39 Chlaymydomonas sp. +++ ++ ++- ++ ++ ++ -+~ -+3 + ~+ ++3 +
40 Chlorella sp. +++ -- +-- -+3 + ++- +
41 Chlosterium sp. ++ -+ +
42 Diatona sp. +++ ++ ++3 +- +- ++$ +
43 Difflugia sp ----++ ++3 ++ +
44 Euglena sp. -++ -+ ++? ++-t ++ +
45 Gyrosigma sp. +++ +- + ++-
46 Scenedesmus sp. -+- -+ ++- ++ ++ ++ + +
47 Volvox sp. +++ ---- -+3 +- ++ ++?

Diptera (larvae)
48 Aedes sp. -
49 Chironomus sp.
++-- ++-
++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++~ +- ++ +
50 ?+~~~-
++ +- ++ +- -
Tanypus sp.
Hemiptera (adults)
51 Limnogonus sp. ---+ -?- ++ +t+ ++ - ++ ++ +
52 Anisops sp.
53 Gerris fossarum --++ +- +?- +
Heteroptera (adults)
54 Nepa sp.
55 Ranatra sp. -.-.? ..+ ++ +- ++ -- __ + --
Odonata (larvae)
56 Anax sp. late instar +
57 Anax sp. early instar ++ ++
+ +
58 Agria sp. late instar ++ --+ + +
59 Agria sp. early instar ++-t ++ ++ + ++ ++ + +

60 Aulophorus sp. ---++ ++ ++3 ++3 ++?3 ++ ++ + $+ ++- + ++
61 Branchiodrillus sp. ++
+E+ ++ ++ + + ++ +
62 Branchiura sp. ---
-- -+
++ ++ ++ ++ +4- ++t ++ ++
+ ++? ++~ +
4- +4 +
63 Dero sp. ++ ++ ++- ++ ++ +t-- -+3 ++ ++ +
++ 4.
64 ?Limnodrilussp. +-? -+3 ++ +
65 Pistina sp.

66 Labeo rohita adult ++ ++ +-+ ++ ++ 4.-
+ ++ ++4- + ++t 4-
85 L. rohita fry ++-+ ++ ++
67 Catla catla adult ++S +-- ++ ++ ++~ ++ f+ + ++ ++ +- ++t +-
86 C. catla fry +++ -++ ++
++ +
t) 68 Cirrhinus mrigala adult ++ ++ ++ ++ 4.? ++ ++ - ++t 4-
4 87 C. mrigala fry +++ ++ ++
Table2A. Qualitativeestimateof zooplanktonin the wild pond.
Code Organism 1985 1986 1987
Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr

1 Mesocyclops hyalinus ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++ ++
2 M. leuckarti +- ++ ++ ++ ++ -+ ++ ++ + +-
7 +- -+ ++ + -+
Tropocyclops sp.
8 Nauplii ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++ ++

69 Aneureopsis sp. ++
~+ --

9 Asplanchna priodonta ++
++ --

11 Brachionus angularis ++ +f ++
++t + --
13 B. budapestinensis -+ -- ++ -- --

14 B. calyciflorus
15 B. caudatus ++ -- ++-
++- ++
16 B. falcatus -- --

17 B. quadridentata ++ -- ++ -$- ++ -- --

18 B. rubens -- ++ + -- --

19 Conochiloides natans -+ ++ -- ++ - + --

20 Dicranophorus forcipatus ++ ~+ -- +-- f+ -- --

22 Filinia longisetta
-- --

23 Hexarthra sp. -- --
++ 1--
25 Keratella cochlearis --

26 K. tropica -- - --

27 Lecane (L.) luna ?+ ++ ++ ++ ++ +- ++ -- -- --

28 L. (Monostyla) bulla ?+f ++ ++ +t+ ++ ++ ++ +- -~ +++ +

30 Polyarthra
multiappendiculata --+ ++ +? + +-- -- +
31 Pompholyx sp. ?+ ~~+++?
70 Testudinella sp. -+$ ++ +- ++? + +-- --

71 Alona pulchella -+ ++
32 Ceriodaphnia coruta ++ +- ++ -+ + ++ + ++
33 Daphnia carinata _+ ++ +- -+
35 Moina micrura dubia +- +- +- +-
36 Nauplii ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++ ++ + + + ++ ++

37 Eucypris sp. --?+ -?-
72 Heterocypris sp. ?-+ ? ---- f+ ++ --

+present;-absent. Data adoptedfrom Deb (1989).

(1992) have suggested, based on their non-aggregated as "dangling species" (Ibid.), which Havens has removed
webs, the value of E to lie roughly between 0.4 and 1. - unrealistically - from his edited webs.
While the new sets of data constitute a substantial To overcome these shortcomings, it is necessary to
improvement over Briand's webs, there exists a non- record as many as possible of the existing trophic links
uniformity of trophic resolution in the data. Many of the between all trophic levels (including detritus) to approach
data sets, (e.g., Sugihara et al. 1989, Schoenly et al. 1991) a comprehensive description of real food webs. I intend
are isolated subgraphs rather than complete ecosystems here to describe in detail the timespecific trophic interac-
of which they are a part (Pimm et al. 1991). Martinez' tions of two freshwater pond communities, and to study
(1992) set of data includes two comprehensive and the relationship between community size and complexity.
evenly resolved webs, while the other webs are aggre- I subsequently explore the complexity of a large number
gated ones catalogued by Briand and Cohen and by of simulated communities with nonrandom links. Like
Schoenly. An important lacuna in Havens' (1992) analy- the time slices represented in real pond systems, the
sis is that his webs have no detritus and, consequently, model assemblages could either be considered as snap-
hardly any links between the top and basal species, which shot censuses of the same community fluctuating with
is severely unrealistic. When detritus is not included in time, or as different independent species assemblages.
the webs, pure detritivores with no predatorsmust appear Whereas the cumulative webs tend to overestimate link-

248 OIKOS 72:2 (1995)

Table2B. Qualitativeestimateof non-zooplanktonic
organismsin the wild pond.
Code Organism 1985 1986 1987
Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr

39 Chlamydomonas sp. ++ ++ ++ + ++ ++ + + +
40 Chlorella sp. ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
41 Closterium sp. ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + + ++
42 Diatoma sp. ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + + +
43 Difflugia sp.
44 Euglena sp. ++ + ++ + + ++
++ ++
73 Gomphonema sp. ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
74 Microcystis sp. ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++
++ ++
75 Navicula sp.
++ ++ ++ + ++
76 Oedogonium sp. ++ ++ ++ + ++ ++ + +
47 Volvox sp. --- -+ ++ ++ +- -- -- -- -- --- --- -- +-
48 Aedes sp. ?~~~++
++ -- -- ++ + __.. +
52 Anisops sp. ?-+ ++ ++ ++ ++ --- --- ++
53 Gerris fossarum ?~~~~~++
++ +-- --

54 -++ _
Nepa sp. ?+- ++ ? __- +- + --++ --
55 Ranatra filiformis ?~~~~++
++ ++ -- + + ++ +-

56 Anax sp. late instar +
57 Anax sp. early instar ++ ++ + + + ++
58 Agria sp. late instar +
59 +
Agria sp. early instar ++ ++ ++ + ++

77 Margaritifera sp. ++ ++ ++ ++ --- ++ +-- --- ++ ++ + ++ ++ +
78 Campeloma sp. --+ ++ + ?--- --+ ?--- -- --++ + ++ +-- + + + ++ ++
79 Goniobasis sp. -+ ++ + -? -+ - ?- -++ + ++ +- + + + ++ ++
80 Lymnaea sp. --+ ++ + ?--- --+ ?--- -- --++ + ++ +-- + + + ++ ++

81 Panchax panchax adult ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++ ++ + + + ++ ++
82 P. panchax larvae ++ +-
83 Rana tigrina early tadpole + +
84 R. tigrina late tadpole +

age densities (Schoenly and Cohen 1991), the separate pond. The maximum depth of the culture pond (CP)
treatmentof each of the pond community time-slices and during the monsoon was 185 + 8 cm, and during the dry
the randomized analog webs here would obviate that seasons 97 ? 6 cm. The other pond, henceforth called the
predilection. unmanaged pond (UP), was about the same shape and
size (ca 646 m2), with the average depth of 170 + 10 cm,
in the monsoon, and 90 + 8 cm in the dry seasons. Both
the ponds were fed by ground water, in addition to being
Materials and methods rain-fed. The ponds are known to have existed for at least
30 yr, and were not subjected to management until 1985
Study sites and field experiments when the CP was preparedfor pisciculture, and this study
Two ponds with similar species composition were se- was undertaken.
lected for study at Sonarpur (22.26?N, 88.25?E) in West In the pre-stocking phase the CP was treated with the
Bengal, India. One of the ponds (650 m2) was managed piscicide mahua oil cake (MOC), preparedfrom the sapo-
for pisciculture, and is referred to here as the culture nin-containing fruits of mahua Bassia latifolia Roxb. The

OIKOS 72:2 (1995) 249

Table3A. Dietarylinks establishedbetweenpairsof organisms.Numbersindicatethe corresponding
speciescodes fromTables1
and 2.
Predator Prey Selectedreferences

Asplanchna(9) Paramoecium, Euglena (44), Cryptomonas, rotifers, juvenile Maly (1975), Salt et al.
asplanchnids,cladocerannauplii(36), algae (fecultative). (1978), Stembergerand
Gilbert(1985), Wetzel
Cladocera,Rotifera, dissolvedandparticulatedetritus.
Phytoplankton, Saunders(1972), Hobbie
Calanoidcopepods(3-7) (1980), Salonenand
and nauplii(8, 36) Hammar(1988), Williamson
Daphnia (33, 34) As above, and Keratella (25). Gilbertand McIsaac(1989),
Munshiet al. (1991).
Mesocyclops (1, 2) Zooplankton,nauplii(8, 36), cyprinidfry (85, 86, 87) Sprulesand Bowerman
(1988), Dziuban(1939)
Hartiget al. (1962), Jhingran
(1982, Dash and Hots
(1980), Munshiet al. (1991).
Fish fry and fingerlings detritus.
(85, 86, 87, 82), young
Advancedtadpoles(84) Zooplankton,insect larvae. Dash and Hota (1980),
Munshiet al. (1991).
Adultrohu(66) Phytoplankton,
zooplankton. Jhingran(1982), Das and
Adultcatla (67) Zooplankton,detritus. Jhingran(1982), Munshiet
al. (1991).
Adultmrigal(69) Adult Benthos,detritus,mud.Zooplankton,mosquitolarvae(48). Jhingran(1982). Das and
Panchax (81) Moitra(1963).
Odonatelarvae(56, 57, Zooplankton,fry, ranidtadpole,mosquitolarvae. Roy (1985), Traviset al.
58, 59), Anisops (52), (1985), Munshiet al. (1991),
Gerris (53), Nepa (54), Roy and Munshi(1984),
Ranatra (55) Buskirk(1988).
Chironomus larvae (49) detritus,brachionids.
Phytoplankton, Alfred(1974),
Chattopadhyay and Datta
Tanypus(50) Chironomidlarvae,detritus,diatoms,unicellularalgae. Chattopadhyay and Datta
(1988), Chaudhuryet al.
(1983). Munshiet al. (1991).
Mollusks(77-80) Phytoplankton. Munshiet al. (1991).

Table3B. Absenceof dietarylinks betweenpairsof potentialpredatorsand prey organisms.

Predator Prey Selectedreferences

Asplanchnids(9, 10) Bacteria,protists,fungi, Filinia (22) Hexarthra(23), Bogdanet al. (1980) Gilbert
Polyarthra (30), longspined Brachionus calyciflorus (14), (1985), Gilbert and Kirk (1988).
Keratella (25, 26).
Polyarthra(30) and Chlorella(40). Hutchinson(1967)
Carnivorousinsects (imago) Daphniacarinata(33), chironomids(49, 50). O'Brienand Vinyard(1978),
Mesocylops (1, 2) Keratella (25, 26), asplanchnids. Stemberger (1985), Wetzel
Fish, tadpoles Asplanchnids. Haberman(1983).

250 OIKOS 72:2 (1995)

Fig. 1. Relationshipof 600 600
trophiclinkageL (top) and
linkagedensityd (bottom)
with system size S for the
culturepond CP (left) and
the unmanagedpond UP
(right).The powerfunction L 300-
relationshipof L with S is L
= 0.15 S'93 for the CP and L
= 0.09 S2.19for the UP.
Straightlines show
regressionson S (for values
see Table4).
10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50
20- 20-

d i0- 10-

_? ...~r~
Li n
I r
I i
i i 0I I I I I .II I

40 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50

known lethal dose of 250 ppm (Homechowdhury et al.

Collection of samples
1986) was applied on 7 October, 1985 in order to erad-
icate "weed" fish species Ambassis ranga Hamilton, Ox- Static representations of biological interactions in food
ygaster bacaila Ham, and Panchax panchax Ham. The webs are misleading (Sprules and Bowerman 1988, Polis
pond was later treated with lime on 18 October, 1985 for 1991). Not only do link types change, but also signs and
alkalization, and with mustard cake for manuring (Jhin- entry points shift over seasonal cycles (Lane 1985). A
gran 1982) on 25 October, before the fry (< 20 mm) of series of time slices is therefore needed to portray the
Indian major carps (IMC), namely, Labeo rohita Ham, seasonal dynamics of the community (Winemiller 1990,
Catla catla Ham and Cirrhinus mrigala Ham were Schoenly and Cohen 1991). To divide the pond commu-
stocked on 30 October, 1985 for rearing. This whole nities into several such time slices, all the organisms
process of preparing the pond for the culture of IMC in except nannoplanktonand microbes were sampled almost
the CP can be called a "pulse" perturbationexperiment every fortnight at around 08.30 over a period of 24
(Bender et al. 1984), on account of the instantaneous months in the case of CP (Table 1), and 18 months in the
changes in the composition and densities of the species case of the UP (Table 2).
that it affected. The fish were fed thereafter,according to Plankton were fortnightly collected by filtering a total
the standard feeding schedule (Sinha 1979), to supple- of 100 1 of random samples of surface water, using a
ment the nutritional demands for fish growth. plankton net with a mesh of 40/cm. The samples were
On 27 March, 1987 all the cultured fish were netted out preserved in 4% formalin and counted in triplicates on a
and a mild dose (100 ppm) of MOC was applied to the CP Sedgewick-Rafter chamber. Insect larvae collected along
on 5 April, 1987 to eliminate the zooplankton. This sec- with the plankton in the plankton net were preserved in
ond pulse experiment was conducted to ascertain the new 4% formalin. Collection of macro-zoobenthos was also
complexity that the CP community would attain follow- made fortnightly, by dredging the upper layer of the pond
ing the perturbation(Deb 1989). bottom at four random sites with a metal bucket (25 1
capacity), mixing the samples in a large wooden box, and
then sieving the collection by a wire mesh of 10/cm. The
specimens of each collection were fixed in 4% formalin.
Samples of the reared fish, all being the same age, were

OIKOS 72:2 (1995) 251

1 - 1- Fig. 2. Relationshipof
fractionsof top (TF),
intermediate(IF) an basal
species (BF) with total
species number(S) for the
CP (left) and UP (right)
5- indicateregressionson S.
0 . a

0 0,

00 v

0 I I I I I I I I I

10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50
1 - 1-

IF .5- .5-

0 I I I I I~ I I I I 0 I I I I I I I I I

10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50
1 - 4 -

BF .5 - .5 -
* I0 0
0 .. ?? ?

0 f I I I I I I I I I 0 I I I 1 I (1 I I I

10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50

netted out from the CP for ascertaining their size and dependent and discrete web elements, including the onto-
maturationalstages. Each of such collections was treated genic stages of the biological species. The term ontospe-
as a time-slice of the system, and represented a discrete cies is used here in opposition to Briand and Cohen's
assemblage of species. Each could then be compared to concept of "trophospecies", defined as an aggregate of
other such time-slices of either of the pond systems. functionally or taxonomically related species on the same
The pond species are described here as nonaggregated, trophic level. The numbered entries in Tables 1 and 2 of
individual species, and many of the species in which diet the kinds of organisms denote the ontospecies of concern.
shifts occur have been resolved into relevant life history
stages. Detrital matter is also described as a member of
the food webs. Thus, all the web elements may be de-
scribed here as ontospecies, defined as ontologically in-

252 OIKOS 72:2 (1995)

Table 4. Regressionof predator/preyratio, species and link1985) is unlikely to be revealed by gut analysis (Havens
fractionson total species number. 1991). Thus, currently available data on the presence or
Variable R2 absence of dietary links between ontospecies seemed
System Slope S.E. of Constant
slope sufficient for the purpose of this study, which is not to
measure either strength or frequency of trophic interac-
CP P/P 0.060 -0.014 0.008 1.35 tions, but to describe the communities - the primary
S E (20, 39) TF 0.208 -1.26 0.379 54.40 objective of constructing food webs (Polis 1991: 147).
IF 0.421 2.15 0.390 -4.54 The details of dietary relationships considered here for
BF 0.421 -0.89 0.162 50.14
linkage estimation are shown in Table 3.
TB 0.035* -0.635 0.512 29.68 It may be argued that since the species are here as-
TI 0.031 0.266 0.228 11.17 sumed to adopt all the feeding biologies they are known
IB 0.016 -0.352 0.417 57.22
II 0.069 0.722 0.408 1.92 to use, the food links among them would only represent
the upper bound of the linkage possibilities. However,
UP P/P 0.193 0.015 0.005 0.57 analyses of any real webs so far published would appear
S E (14, 29) TF 0.013 0.218 0.342 23.22 fictitious in light of this argument, because while the
IF 0.111 0.729 0.377 21.33
BF -0.381 -0.947 0.220 55.44 linkages in real assemblages are likely to appear and
TB 0.094 -0.567 0.322 20.12 disappear stochastically, food webs are described on the
TI 0.000 0.070 0.586 19.96 implicit or explicit assumption of the fixity of trophic
IB 0.004 0.170 0.474 50.24 relationships between pairs of ontospecies (e.g., Lane and
II 0.017 0.327 0.448 9.67 Blouin 1985, Sprules and Bowerman 1988, Polis 1991,
Analogs P/P 0.116 0.005 0.000 0.749 Schoenly and Cohen 1991, Havens 1991, 1992). The
S E (5, 50) TF 0.197 -0.349 0.015 31.51 possibility of estimating the upper bound of linkages
IF 0.606 1.166 0.019 15.63 (unpubl.) has been precluded in this study by (a) counting
BF 0.576 -0.817 0.015 52.85 zero linkage between pairs of species unless interactions
TB -0.258 -0.967 0.038 42.57 are reported in the literature, and (b) incorporating the
TI -0.001 -0.025 0.016 16.68 data (Table 3B). The follow-
IB 0.028 0.219 0.029 41.14 predator-avoidance/escape
II 0.476 0.773 0.019 -0.386 ing trophic interactions were further considered for
achieving a high-resolution analyis of the webs.
S E (5, 10) TF 0.078 2.013 0.402 13.09
IF 0.292 4.466 0.403 -21.59 Passive predation. The herbivore cladoceran Daphnia
BF 0.724 -6.479 0.232 108.49
spp. (nos 33 and 34 in Tables 1 and 2) are known to filter
S E (10, 50) TF -0.204 -0.385 0.017 32.76
IF 0.480 0.886 0.020 25.69 algae and in the process consume small rotifers such as
BF 0.495 -0.501 0.011 41.54 Keratella spp., apparentlyregardless of the rotifer's den-
sity (Gilbert and MacIsaac 1989). Such passive predation
* Not significantwhena web with 100%TB linkageis removed. would increase the number of dietary linkages in the web.

Facultative herbivory. The predatory rotifer Asplanchna

Estimation of trophic links spp. preferentially feeds on metazoan prey and usually
avoids phytoplankton and protozoa in the presence of
Dietary interaction between each pair of ontospecies was rotifer prey (Table 3B). Nevertheless, asplanchnids can
determined from an extensive survey of the literature thrive on a diet of unicellular algae (Salt et al. 1978) and
(e.g. Jhingran 1982, Wetzel 1983, Williams 1983, Ker- protists like Euglena (no. 44) and Paramoecium (Maly
foot and Sih 1987, Sprules and Bowerman 1988, Munshi 1975), and therefore these linkages have been included in
et al. 1991), experiences of the colleagues in the Dept of this study. Laboratorycultures of A. priodonta (no. 9) are
Zoology, Calcutta Univ., and personal observations. In known to sustain a high growth rate on Cryptomonas
accord with the rationale followed by Martinez (1992) (Stemberger and Gilbert 1985). It is not known which
and Havens (1992), gut content analyses for the actual other phytoplankters it may facultatively feed on under
trophic links between the species were not performed, on natural conditions.
the basic assumption that links between species reported
in the literature, particularly for the species occurring in Omnivory. Trophic level omnivores, defined as consum-
and around Bengal, would hold true for the same species ers feeding on more than one trophic level, are rare in
in the pond communities under study. Gut analyses may catalogued webs (Pimm 1982, Cohen et al. 1990), but are
not always reveal the true nature of interaction dynamics a common and persistent feature in aquatic communities
(Stoner and Zimmerman 1988). The predatormay not eat (Menge and Sutherland 1987, Sprules and Bowerman
one prey species in favour of another, depending on their 1988).
relative densities, environmental vagaries, or stochastic The catla (no. 67) and ranid tadpoles (nos 83 and 84)
physiological reasons at a given moment. The fact that are known to be generalised feeders (Dash and Hota
even the established links may be in a state of flux (Lane 1980, Jhingran 1982, Munshi et al. 1991). Mesocyclops

OIKOS 72:2 (1995) 253

1- 6
I Fig. 3. Relationshipof the
fractionsof top-basal(TB),
top-intermediate (TI),
intermediate-basal (IB) and
(II) links with S for the CP
IB .5' .5 (left) and the UP webs
(right).The circledpoint has
been excludedfrom
..... . .~,II' t" calculationof mean.Long
lines are drawnthroughthe
0 1 I fI 1 1 1I meansof the fractions.Short
lines indicatethe mean
10 20 30 4050 10 2030 40 50 values given by Briandand
Cohen(see Table5).
1- 1-

TI .5' .5 -
. ?
*111;1 I-

i I I I- I I l 1- i'1I I 1 1 'I I I
10 28 30 4850 10 2038 40 50

* ..?I Ji e

IB .5' ."..

a 1 II 1 II I -I- iI l I
10 20 30 4050 10 203 40 50

. t~f

II .5 .5 ,

1 IlI 11
1 1
10 20 38 4050 18 2830 40 50

(nos 1 and 2) prey on herbivorous rotifers, the predatory son and Butler 1986). Since it is not known if the partic-
asplanchnid (nos 9 and 10) rotifers, and crustacean nau- ular diaptomid species from the ponds in this study prey
plii (nos 8 and 36), including their own (Sprules and on any rotifers, links between them are not included here.
Bowerman 1988). Freshwatercalanoids, even some diap-
tomids previously thought to be purely herbivorous might Diet switching and life cycle omnivory. An organism
prey on small, weak-swimming small rotifers (William- feeding on a specific level of the food chain at one stage

254 OIKOS 72:2 (1995)

Fig. 4. Relationshipof
predator-prey ratiowith S
4 4
for the CP (left) and UP
webs (right).The mean 3 3
values are indicatedby long P/P
lines, comparedwith the
meansgiven by Briandand 2 2
Cohen (shortline).
1 I 1i I I I 1 1 'i- 1 I 11 i1
18 28 38 48 58 10 203 48 50


of its life may shift to another diet level at another stage attack and kill cyprinid fry and fingerlings smaller than
(Pimm and Rice 1987). For example, the catla fry (no. 20 mm (nos 85, 86 and 87) (Dziuban 1939, Hartig et al.
86) feeds on algae as well as primary consumers, i.e. 1962). However, they fall prey to the fish when the fish
rotifers and cladocerans, and occupies the secondary con- grow larger. Here, the growth stage of the fish alone
sumer level. But as the fish grow larger, they occupy the affects the directionality of the trophic link. Similar onto-
tertiary or top consumer level, and also eat detritus. The genic predation reversal is observed between the carnivo-
fry of Cirrhinus mrigala (no. 87) prey on zooplankton rous insects (nos 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 and 59) on
whereas the adults (no. 68) thrive on zoobenthos, detritus the one hand, and cyprinid fry (Jhingran 1982, Roy
and mud (Jhingran 1982). The predatory Mesocyclops 1985), and anurantadpoles (no. 83) (Caldwell et al. 1980,
spp. feed on unicellular phyto-plankton at earlier instars Travis et al. 1985, pers. obs.), on the other.
(no. 8) (Williamson 1986, Havens 1991, pers. obs.).
Despite the food web theorists' description as "biolog- Detritivory. Although not included in most food webs,
ically impossible" (e.g. Pimm 1982: 70-71), predation detritivory is a major pathway of energy transfer in aq-
loops are common in zooplankton (Williams 1980, uatic systems. Rotifers and crustaceans have been re-
Sprules and Bowerman 1988, Havens 1991) and insect ported to consume particulate detritus (Saunders 1972,
communities (Southwood 1985), and are caused by de- Hobbie 1980). Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is not
velopmental changes in the sizes of coexisting predators only consumed by different species of algae by hetero-
(Warren and Lawton 1987), as well as by intra-guild trophy (Neilson and Lewin 1974), but also by zooplank-
cannibalism (Sprules and Bowerman 1988). Reciprocal ters (Salonen and Hammar 1986). Adult cyprinid fish are
predation involving species of different taxonomical known to consume particulateorganic matter (POM) and
groups are also common. Mesocyclops spp. for example, mud (Jhingran 1982), which are also consumed by the
purely detritivorous oligochetes. Thus, POM, DOM and
mud are all included here as elements of the basal stratum
100 - *,-*
".t .*:::;t of the pond webs.
?. * .,,
The consumers of live and dead matter appeared to
. -*4.*At
.- _ form what Pimm (1982) called "ill-defined compartments
.qe, :44 linked by common predators".The overlap between the
- c: ,q... detrital and live food chains exists not only between
predators, but also in the lower strata of the benthic and
pelagic food chains, especially between zooplankton and
a IeI t chironomids. The detrital subweb is therefore not com-
20- partmentalised.
0 iI
10 20 30 40 50
Field observations
S The alkalization and nutrient-enrichmentof water estab-
lished a high water quality in the CP; its eutrophic nature
Fig. 5. Relationshipbetween the frequencyof systems with
differentchain lengths(ChL)and S for ranomizedanalogsof was indicated by the relative dominance of rotifers and
pond webs; 250 iterationsfor each S are shown. small cladocerans in the surface water (Terek 1983), the

OIKOS 72:2 (1995) 255

608 28 Fig. 6. Relationshipof L
(left) and d (right)with S
for the simulatedwebs. L =
0.12 S211. Straight line
shows regressionon S.
1 i
18 20 3840 50 10 2038 40 50
presence of Chironomus, Tanypus and Limnodrillus an estimation of the exponent (for eq. 1), E = 0.93 for the
among the benthic fauna (Bernstein 1981, Terek 1983), CP and 1.19 for the UP. When the intercept log(k) is
and year-round abundance of diatoms and euglenophytes constrained to be zero, the exponent becomes 0.48 for the
(Hutchinson 1967). The total species numbers in the pond CP and 0.42 for the UP webs.
varied from 20 to 39. The fraction of top species (TF), calculated as the
Long-spined morphs of Brachionus calyciflorus Pallas, number of top species divided by the total number of
which are known to be invulnerable to asplanchnid preda- ontospecies (S) tends to decline with S for CP webs,
tion (Wetzel 1983), were recorded in the presence of while the relationship is weakly positive for the UP (Ta-
Asplanchna priodonta Gosse in the CP (Deb and Baner- ble 4 and Fig. 2). In both the ponds, the fraction of the
jee 1989), which indicated the plausible absence of link- intermediate species (IF) is directly related, and the basal
age between the two species. Long-spined morphs of the species fraction (BF) is inversely related with S (Table 3),
Brachionus were not found after the disappearanceof the each with a large coefficient of variation.
predator in March-April 1986 (Table 1A). The correlation of the top-basal (TB) links with S is
Despite similar zooplanktonic species composition, at negative, and that of the intermediate-intermediate (II)
least at the beginning of the study (Table 2A), the UP links is positive, for both the CP and UP systems. The
community structurewas different from the CP, with the link fractions show no specific trend as S increases (Table
total species number varying between 14 and 29. The 4). The relationships are weak, both for Pearson's r and
only benthic animals collected from the UP were the Spearman's rank correlation estimates (P > 0.1), although
littoral mollusks (Table 2B). The fish Panchax panchax the latter indicates slight (two-tailed test, P = 0.08) scale-
existed in both ponds, but was eradicated from the CP dependence of the II linkage for the CP. The mean values
prior to pisciculture. Pelagic insects were comparatively of the link fractions (Fig. 3) seem to support the link
more frequently found in the UP (Table 2B). scaling law. The variances of these link fractions are
0.020, 0.004, 0.013 and 0.014 for CP webs and 0.004,
0.012, 0.008 and 0.007 for UP webs, respectively. The
pond systems in respect of the mean TB and TI are
Analysis of pond communities
statistically no different, while the difference is signif-
All the time-slices consist of large webs with S > 10. The icant (P <0.05) for the mean IB and II fractions.
variances of all the web parametersin both the ponds are The chain length (ChL) does not exceed 5 for webs in
large. Homogeneity chi-square tests reveal that the CP either of the ponds. The mean ChL is 3.84 for the CP and
and UP systems are different at the 0.1 level of signif- 2.59 for the UP webs. The higher value of the mean in the
icance in link and species proportions. However, since it CP seems to correspond with larger species numbers in
is uncertain whether the webs from either of the pond CP webs than the UP.
systems constituted a truly random collection, use of The mean of the ratio of the total predator taxa to the
standard statistical tests of difference between them is total prey taxa (PIP) for the ponds is roughly constant, at
perhaps inconclusive. The extent of scale-invariance is 0.95 for the CP, and 0.92 for the UP webs. The values are
therefore measured here principally by the regressional not statistically different, though the difference between
estimates of the parameters on S. variances of the pond systems is significant (F=3.15,
When the number of links and the linkage density P<0.05).
(d=L/S) are plotted against S for each time slice (Fig. 1), The different ranges of system size and the different
the regression is found to be positive and significantly degrees of scatter in the data from the pond systems seem
different from zero (P <0.001). The log-log regression of to indicate they might comprise subsets of a larger range
L against S (Havens 1992, Martinez 1992, 1993,) gives of webs composed of a pool of similar species associ-

256 OIKOS 72:2 (1995)

: I
TF ( I I I rl
0.5 I
t t
) ) ( 1( ( ( I t

( ( )(
I I ()
2 I
r I ) It I I 'I
I I ) ( I I, 1(I ,(
r ,( I , ! I IlIllII I lIIIllI :IIIII,,.
It (((
(I ((
))) ()) ()( II
r. Il,
,, m I II I n
- .rL[.
I1 1I! .l_.1 I I 1,llI,HLlI
1 I1 l HH 11 qrl,,]l 11

I(( I (I(,( )(( 1(1

II, ," I' I,,1 III I
-- I -


I f


I 1

t1 28 30 40 50
i0 20 30 40 50 S
Fig. 8. Relationshipof predator-prey
ratiowith S for the rando-
mized analogwebs. Lines as in Fig. 4.
ations. Generalisations are likely to be valid if a larger
data base with a range of system size encompassing those
of the pond webs is available.
Expanding the data base
With the objective of examining the quantitative web
properties for a large number of systems with species as
T I I T - l I- _I
well as non-random linkage rules identical to those ob-
0 I I I I I I I I I I served in the ponds, a set of 11 500 randomized commu-
nities, analogous to the pond systems, was generated on a
B1 20 30 40 50 computer. Since the pond webs contain ontospecies com-
monly found in most tropical freshwater systems, random
assemblages of those species pooled from the two ponds
would represent a large proportion of feasible species
associations likely to be found in tropical waters. These
analog webs would therefore provide a considerably
wider database.
.6S , W While creating the model communities, the following
rules, in addition to the specified dietary interactions
discussed above, were obeyed (summarized in Appen-
,,,', : ". ,,
'"* . ,-. ' !( i I 1) The species composition of each community was
;" "''1 , i[,I-
-,,9,9 ,,,,,9
, 99
,, , ,:,,,,,,,,!tl
,,1., 11 randomly chosen from among the 87 kinds of organisms
(Tables 1 and 2) altogether encountered in the ponds. In
addition to the organisms, DOM, POM and mud were
__ .
I I I II I I I _-- -

I I ubiquitously present in all the random assemblages to

0 simulate the real pond systems.
2) In order to eliminate the possibility of generating
i0 2L 30 40 50 systems with zero connectance (see also condition 3), the
size for each system was chosen randomly such that S >4,
including the three detrital elements. The upper limit of
S the system size was set at S = 50, to conform to the pond
webs. For each S, 250 random assemblages (iterations)
Fig. 7. Relationshipof TF,IF andBF withS fortheanalogwebs. were created.
Straightlines showthe regressions.The curveson the ceilingof 3) Each community comprised at least one algal spe-
the scattersindicatethe upperlimits, given in eqn. (2). 5 000
iterationsshown. cies, and at least one primary consumer species.

17 OIKOS 72:2 (1995) 257

Table5. Propertiesof food webs.
Source Cohenand Sugiharaet al. Martinez Havens CP UP Computer
Briandtl) (1989), (1991, 1992) (1992) analogs
al. (1991)
No. of webs studied 113# 40 10 50 44 32 11500

Meanchain length 2.65, 2.71 2.89 NA NA 3.84 2.59 3.64#, 3.98

Maximumlength 5.19 7 NA NA 5 5 5
Minimumlength 2 1 NA NA 1 1 1
prey taxa 1.11 1.56 NA NA 0.95 0.92 0.90
TF 0.28 0.46 0.01 0.06 0.184 0.280 0.22
IF 0.53 0.38 0.86 0.44 0.571 0.357 0.477
BF 0.19 0.16 0.13 0.50 0.246 0.344 0.303
TB (%) 8.0 NA NA 5.0 9.26 7.53 15.43#,9.86
TI (%) 36.0 NA NA 10.0 17.26 21.52 15.78#, 16.47
IB (%) 27.0 NA NA 53.0 50.93 54.02 48.09#, 50.66
1 (%) 29.0 NA NA 32.0 22.55 16.92 20.70#, 23.01
1E2) 0, 0.1(3 0.424 0.78#, 1.18 0.4 0.93 1.19 1.11#
k?2) 1 0.258(4) 0.16 1.0, 0.16(5 0.148 0.09 0.118
1 Fromvariouspublications,chiefly, (a) BriandandCohen 1984;(b) CohenandBriand1984;(c) Cohenet al. 1986;(d) Briand
and Cohen 1987. The two values of meanchain lengthare from (d) and (c) respectively.
2 For the relationship L = k.St+i.
3 Briand1983.
4 Valuenot reported.Calculationmine.
5 Martinez(1993).
NA Valuesnot available.
# For webs includingS < 10. All othervalues obtainedfrom webs with 10 or more species.

Program listing 1.3 < BF S2/3 <3.7 (2b)

The program for generating the randomized analogs of
the pond systems and for ascertaining their linkage prop- and
erties were written in BASIC. It took about 14 min for
each 1000 iterations to run on an IBM compatible 80386 4 < (0.9- IF)-S <19 (2c)
personal computer. Program listing is available free on
request. The means of the fractions of TB, TI, IB and II links are
0.154, 0.158, 0.481 and 0.207, respectively. The var-
iances are large, and the regressions of the fractions differ
only slightly from zero (Table 4). When systems with
Analysis of the analog webs only two trophic levels (100% TB links) are all removed,
The mean ChL of the 11 500 random webs is 3.64, with the mean of TB fractions reduces to 0.095. This reduction
the specified upper limit of 5 in the paradigm of the pond is compensated by about an 8% increase in the mean
communities. The ChL tends to increase monotonically values of all the other fractions.
with S (Fig. 5), so that webs with S >5 tend to have an The mean P/P ratio is constant (0.90), conforming to
that for the CP and UP webs. The ratio seems to be the
increasing frequency of ChL >2, and the largest webs (S
most scale-invariant of all the properties. The scatter of
>45) all have ChL >4.
Both L and d increase with S. The range of k (eq. 1) for the points are roughly within the confidence limits of the
the entire data set lies between 0.04 and 0.14 (Fig. 6), and mean (Fig. 8).
the mean value of E (1.10) matches with the value ob-
tained by Martinez (1992, 1993). When the intercept is
constrained to be zero (log(k) =0), the exponent E esti-
mates at 0.56, but provides a poor fit to the data. Discussion and conclusions
The species fractions are strongly related with S - Problems of defining trophic levels and true "top preda-
positively for the IF, and negatively for the TF and BF tors" (Paine 1988, Lawton 1989, Polis 1991) are obviated
(Table 3). The scatter of the points shows an obviously in this study through time-specific descriptions of the
curvilinear relationship of each of the fractions with S communities, composed of trophically related ontospe-
(Fig. 7). The relationships may be described by the func- cies (cf. Havens 1992). These time slices, and their ran-
tions domized analogs, also expand the data base. The large
number of simulations are likely to ensure the robustness
2<TF. S<15, (2a) of conclusions.

258 OIKOS72:2 (1995)

Table5 summarizesthe findingsof this studyvis-a-vis ous. Althoughthe small sample size of the UP system
the results obtainedby previous workers.Results ob- showsa (statisticallyinsignificant)rise of TF with S (Fig.
tainedby Polis (1991), thoughsupportiveof my results, 2), the overallpatternof scatterfor the fractions(Fig. 7)
arenot includedin the table,becausehis datapertainto a agreeswith Martinez'(1993) analysisof Havens'data.
non-aquaticcommunity. Schoener(1989) surmisedthattheP/P ratioshouldrise
The resultof chain-lengthanalysis(Fig. 5) is compara- with S. Thatrise is prominentonly for the smallestwebs
ble with the mean ChL of 3.19 (Jeffries and Lawton herein(Fig. 8). Themeanof theP/P fractionsis relatively
1985) and 3.77 (Warren1989) for freshwaterwebs, and invariant,and could be derivedfrom the mean species
conforms to Winemiller'sand Martinez'findings and fractions(Cohenand Briand1984):
simultaneouslyunderscoresthe incompletenessof Cohen
and Briand's as well as Havens' data. The larger the (TF + IF)/(IF + BF) = (1- BF)/(1-TF) (3)
system,the more likely is it to be longer,but the maxi-
mum limit of chain length stipulatedhere is reached However,thecalculationof the meanP/Pratiofromeq. 3
ratherquickly.It is uncertainwhetherthe constraintof is indeedtautologous(despiteCohenandBriand'sclaim
the maximumChL of 5 imposed on the randomized to the contrary),since the predatortaxaandpreytaxaare
model systems has any significanteffect on the trend definedin termsof the species fractionsthemselves,and
observed here. However, an interestingsimilitude is thereforethe derivationis perhapsfortuitous.The P/P
found in Drake's (1990) study where web assemblies ratio may also be derivedfrom the mean values of the
with a maximumChL= 5 tendedto attainsimilarmean fractions,
ChL afterstabilisation.
The value of the exponentE for the pond webs and (TF Sn+ IF S")/(IF Sn+ BF . S), (4)
theiranalogsis comparablewiththosesuggestedby Mar-
tinez (1992, 1993). The values indicate that the links n beinganyrealnumber.Thenon-linearrelationbetween
increase approximatelyas the squareof S. The value the species fractionsand the P/P ratiomay indicatethat
rangeof k= averageL/S2 + 1 SD for thepond-andanalog the calculationof the second(or even third)derivativeof
webs corroboratesMartinez'(1992, 1993) analysis.The TF, IF and BF from the solutions of the functionsas
valueof k= 0.1 for the UP webs, thoughcorrectlymatch- depicted in Fig. 7 and eq. 2 could explain both the
ing Martinez'estimates,is slightly less than the range, scale-invariance of P/P andthe proportionality
of species
which presumablypurportsthatthe samplesize for this fractionswith S.
pond is insufficient.The over-allconformityto the con- Full descriptionsof ecological interactionsof all the
stantconnectancehypothesis(Martinez1992) shows that speciescomprisinga systemin a real-lifesituationwill be
it is a propertyof naturalwebs,particularlywherea large completelyunwieldy,andvirtuallyimpossiblein the cur-
proportionof thecomponentspeciesaregeneralisedfeed- rentstateof knowledge(Schaffer1981, Slobodkin1987,
ers, and/orare life historyomnivoresdue to ontogenic Schoener1989). The presentstudy is no exceptionbut
diet shifts.Thepresenceof filterfeederswill also contrib- includesas muchdataas areavailableandmoredatathan
ute to an increasein thelinkagedensity,for theyconsume have previouslybeen used in studiesof food web com-
all organismsof suitablesize. If one considersthe intake plexity.Additionof micro-organisms, andfurtherdetails
of largenumbersof bacteriaby largerorganisms(evenby of dietaryinteractions,suchas thephagotrophic uptakeof
algae),the linkagedensitywill necessarilybe higher,and bacteriaby phytoflagellates(Tranviket al. 1989), would
corroboratethe hypothesiseven more strongly. have enhancedthe complexityof the webs. However,it
Havens'data(Havens1992, Martinez1993), together seemsunlikelythataddeddetailswouldseriouslychange
with this study,seem to reveala generalisationregarding the conclusionspresentedhere.
the relativemagnitudesof the link fractions:IB > II > TI The close proximityof the findings of this study to
> TB. This patternpersistsfor both smaller(S <10) and other studies of similardetail (Havens 1992, Martinez
largersystems. The scale-invarianceof link fractionsis 1992, 1993) indicatesthatconstructionof computerized
moreprominenthere thanin Havens(1992): The II and analogs of real webs, incorporatingall known trophic
IB fractionsin Havens'datahavestrongcorrelationswith biology of the componentspecies, may prove to be a
S (P< 0.001), whereasthose in the pondwebs hereindo useful, if shortcut,methodof generatingsufficientlyre-
not (Table4). Rankcorrelationanalysis(Martinez1993) liable databasefor analyses.
also seems to supportthe link scaling law for the pond
webs. The variancesof the link fractionsfor both the
pondsas well as theiranalogsareno widerthanthosefor
Havens' webs. However, the scale-invarianceis lost - A partof this work drawson my Ph. D.
when large samplesof randomizeddata are considered, dissertation
submittedto Calcutta
Univ.I amextremely
to T.Burton,
M.GadgilandN. V.Joshiforhelpfuladvice,and
which again supportsMartinez'(1993) results. G. Polisforkindlysupplyingme withhis unpublished
The scale-dependenceof the species fractionsis obvi- script.

17* OIKOS 72:2 (1995) 259

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Flowchart showing
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