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Definition exercise

wide range of definitions; vague
objective: what is popular is never controlled by the individual
groups define what is popular
highly accessible and available
the media and its influence
who controls it
whether it's material or non-material
whether pop culture varies over space as well as time
personal disagreements
more so, values and morals; and rituals, lifestyles, and habits
personal additions
exchange of (individual) power (autonomy) for inclusion/group power (benefit of
bigger groups have more power, as a whole, over trends, but each member has little
different over space as well as time

What is Popular Culture???

Pop Culture as Folk Culture
refers to the objects, and activities and practices developed over time in a group or
community passed on from generation to generation by people who know
one another
Objects are tangible things
Activities and practices refer to how we think, act, and interact
Production focus EG what was invented
differences of cultures/groups everywhere emphasized
difference in production/distribution
Pop Culture as Mass Culture
objects, activities, and practices that are industrially produced for as many people as
possible for a profit
sameness of cultures everywhere emphasized
difference in production/distribution
Pop Culture as Consumption
how people use and engage in the products of mass culture
how people make meaning or invest meaning in the products of mass culture
symbolic-interactive theory
meaning unintended can be attached to symbols produced by others
EG DJ sampling, yoga pants not at yoga, blackberries being used by more than
business men
Pop Culture as Everyday Culture
the objects, activities, and practices that make up the every day life of a group of people
the meanings we assign to those objects, activities, and practices
inclusive and broad
Pop Culture as Entertainment - Anthony Giddens
"Entertainment created for large audiences, such as popular films, shows, music,
videos, and TV programmes."
"Popular culture is often contrasted to 'high' or 'elite' culture, which refers to the tastes
of educated minorities. Classical music, opera and painting are examples
of high culture."
clear distinction between high and pop culture
Pop Culture as Taste Culture - Herbert Gans
Taste cultures all function to inform, entertain, and beautify life, among other things,
and which express values and standards of taste and aesthetics
they have political values but do not express them explicitly
no clear distinction between high and pop culture
Pop Culture in Popular Culture - Textbook
Communicative practice that are shared among many members of a society
especially who aren't particularly socially, economically, or politically
All pop culture is a practice and a process
Production of Meaning
living, breathing, ongoing process
who generates meaning?
advertising and marketing industries
public figures
legal system

Differences in Production/distribution.
Relationship to High Culture

Field of Debates and Issues

what are the origins of popular culture?
Majority Position (camp 1)
began with this thing called Mass Production
Mass Production
producing many identical items
Mass Distribution
delivering these many items to many people all over the world
Mass Consumption
numerous people who don't know each other consuming the exactly same thing
Pop Culture is Mass Culture
origins of mass production (and what follows it) began with the industrial revolution in
western europe and north america (late 1800s); the factory; the
assembly line production
Minority Position (camp 2)
complete mistake to equate pop culture with western culture and only with various forms
of mass entertainment
mistake to equate mass production with the factory
"5000 Years of Popular Culture"
ancient clay mould: mass production existed long ago
Karl Marx concept (linked to factory work, assembly line, industrial revolution, and
mass production): Alienation
pop culture is much older than capitalism
are consumers active or passive?
Passive Consumers
Consumer, in sociology, is also audience, viewer, reader, user, purchaser; anytime we
take in something
pop culture is imposed on us from above from social elites
practices, things, and meanings
purpose is social control over the population through consumption (in the broadest
mid 20th century
pop culture reflects the interests and motivations of the dominant class entirely
variable opinions in this camp
most extreme position
as consumers, we are completely passive and pacified in the process of consumption
consumers don't question
consumers don't contribute to pop culture
like sheep!
victimized; victims of popular culture
passive dupes
these days, this perspective is generally not accepted
Active Consumers
pop culture is by the people, for the people; not an agent of social control exercised
over people
reflects an authentic expression of the interests of the people
Pretty Darned Active sub-camp
consumers create popular culture
absolute reverse of passive consumers
the people have complete control over what is popular; ultimately, the power is with the
John Fiske
Text is anything that can have a deep meaning; anything that can be analyzed for a
deep meaning
books, articles
movies, TV
lululemon pants, computers, hairstyles
Just Kinda Sorta Active sub-camp
Ien Ang
how much power do we really have?
quite limited
active does not mean powerful; consumers really have marginalized power
who decides what our options are?
power is at the institutional level
Another Kinda Active Altogether sub-camp
we are active in a larger cultural circuit
a living process
du Gay et al
Sites or Moments in the cultural circuit
Consumption: how is it used
Production: how it was invented, made, advertised
Identity: social identities
marital status
body type
Representation: what the product/thing means or represent
Regulation: how its use and production is regulation

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