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ṚTU CHARYĀ (Seasonal Regimes)

Ṣadṛtus (The Six Indian Seasons)

Aṣṭhāñga Hṛdayam vol.1 ch.3 (p.31) and parts of later chapters.

Uttarāyaṇa (Northern Solstice) or Ādānkāla (debilitating period)

During this period the sun and wind become very strong and dry. Thus the earth looses its cooling
qualities in this predominately ‘fire’ like half of the year. Bitter, astringent and pungent tastes
dominate (the dry ones).

Śiśira ṛtu (cold, really dry, but dewy season) ↑K (cold)

Magha and Phalguna (mid January – mid March) - Tikta rasa (bitter taste) dominates
Maximum human energy. Sex allowed daily (vajikarana required).
The same regime as Hemanta ṛtu should be adopted but more intensely since the dryness is more
pronounced (due to the forthcoming Ādānkāla period). Foods should be sweet, sour, salty and hot.

Vasanta ṛtu (spring season, cold getting hot) OK (melts K)

Caitra and Vaiśākha (mid March – mid May) - Kaṣāya rasa (astringent taste) dominates
Medium human energy. Sex about 1 in every 3 days.
Kapha has increased during cold seasons (Hemanta and Śiśira) becomes liquefied by the heat of the
sun which diminishes agni and causes many diseases. Thus kapha should be reduced quickly by use
of strong emesis and nasal medication as well as foods that are light, dry etc., dry massage, strong
physical exercise etc. Social life should be light, joyful, pleasant.
Food should be pungent, bitter, astringent, dry and hot.
This is the time to cleanse the doṣās that accumulated during the cold seasons.

Grīṣma ṛtu (summer or hot season) ↑V ↓K

Jyeṣṭha and Āṣāḍha (mid May – mid July) - kaṭuka rasa (pungent taste) dominates
Minimum human energy. Sex about 1x every 2 weeks.
Sun becomes stronger and stronger appearing to sap the energy of things. Kapha decreases and vāta
increases. Hence one should avoid salty, pungent and sour items as well as over-exercise and too
much sunlight. One should favour foods that are sweet, light, fatty, cold with plenty of liquids. Wine
should be taken diluted in water or not at all otherwise it will cause emaciation, debility, burning
sensations and delusion.
Day sleep is allowed as it counters dryness. This is the only time it is allowed.

Copyright © 2006 Alex Duncan

Dakṣiṇāyaṇa (Southern Solstice) or Visargakāla (strengthening period)
During this period the sun releases the energy of the people as the moon becomes more powerful
and the sun looses its strength. The earth gains back its coolness due to clouds, rains etc. Sour, salty
and sweet tastes dominate during this period (the unctuous ones).

Varṣā ṛtu (rainy season, cold) OV ↑P

Śrāvaṇa and Bhādrapada (mid July – mid September) - Amla rasa (sour taste) dominates
Minimum human energy. Sex about 1x every 2 weeks.
Agni weakened by the summer is further weakened and is vitiated by the doṣās since this season
brings heavy clouds, cold wind driving snow, sudden strong winds, dirty water due to rain and the
warmth of the earth and sourness. Thus in this period all measures that balance the doṣās and
support the agni are required.
Having received purificatory therapies (vamana and virecana) one should have decoction enema
therapy. Foods should be of old grains, meat juices with spices, desert-like animal meats, pulse
soups, wine (of grapes). On days where there is no sunlight at all, foods should be sweet, salty, sour
and fatty, dry and mixed with honey and easily digestible. They should be hot then cold. Physical
activity should be minimal. A temperate environment sought after. Day sleeping and exertion
should be avoided (extremes).
This is the time to expel the doṣās that accumulated during grīṣma (summer).

Śarat ṛtu (autumn season, hot and humide) OP ↓V

Āśvayuja and Kārtika (mid September – mid November) - Lavaṇa rasa (salty taste) dominates
Medium human energy. Sex about 1 in every 3 days.
Foods should be sweet, bitter, astringent, dry and cold (then hot at end of season).
This is the time to expel the doṣās that accumulated during the varṣā (rainy) season.
Hemanta ṛtu (winter season : cold and dry) ↓P
Mārgaśirṣa and Pauṣa (mid November – mid January) - Madhura rasa (sweet taste) dominates
Maximum human energy. Sex can be enjoyed daily.
Jaṭharāgni becomes strong since the cold environment prevents it from spreading outwards into the
rasa/rakta. It (agni) begins to digest the tissues assisted by vāta thus foods that are sweet, sour and
salty should be used. Since nights are longer, one has more hunger in the morning. Daily oil massage
of body and head using vāta mitigating oils should be used as well as keeping warm and well fed.
Mild body massage and mild exercise are required.

Ṛtusandhi (interseasonal period)

The last seven days of the current season and the first 7 of the new season together make up the
interseasonal period during which regimes should be gradually interchanged. If this gradual change
is not respected, and we change all of a sudden, diseases of asātmya (non-habituation) will arise.

Copyright © 2006 Alex Duncan

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