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Proceedings of the ISRM 2009

1. International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics

September 21 - 23, 2009, Hanoi, Vietnam

Problem of Determining the Reaction Forces of Mechanical Constraints

Do Sanh 1) , Dinh Van Phong 1) , Phan Dang Phong 2)

Do Dang Khoa 3) , Nguyen Cao Thang 2)
Hanoi University of Technology
National Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Hanoi, Vietnam
University of Austin, Texas, USA

Abstract. In the paper it is presented a method of determining separately the

reaction forces of each constraint. For this purpose the Principle of Compatibility
and the method of the transformation of coordinates are applied together. In
accordance with this, each constraint is represented by a pseudo-coordinate,
which takes part in description of system motion. The zero value of this
coordinate is the condition of realization of the corresponding constraint. By
such a way, it is possible to define separately the reaction force of each

Keywords: Principle of Compatibility, Pseudo-Coordinate, Motion Equation in

Matrix Form, Method of Transformation of Coordinate

qi (i = 1, m) . In addition the considered system

1. Introduction
subjected the holonomic, stationary constraints the
kinetic energy of the system is of the form
As known, the Euler- Newton Principle can be used
1 m
to find the reaction forces of constraints. For this aim T = ∑ aij qɺi qɺ j (1)
let exert the reaction forces of constraints to the 2 i , j =1
system under consideration. By such a way we are Where, aij (i, j = 1, m) are the functions only of
engaged to the problem of investigating an
unconstrained system. However, this method is not generalized coordinates.
easy to determine the reaction force of each The expression of the kinetic energy can be written in
constraint, which is of an interesting problem in the matrix form
practical. This problem has been investigated in 1
T = qɺ T Aqɺ (2)
many works, for example, in [2, 7]. However, the 2
proposed methods are not comfortable yet. For the Where, qɺ is an (mx1) column matrix of generalized
aim of determining the reaction force of constraint velocities, but A is a matrix of (mxm) size. Let us
let use the pseudo-coordinates to replace the assume that A is a square, symmetric, nonsingular
constraints of interest. These pseudo-coordinates are matrix. The letter T located at right high corner
in place of the dependent coordinates. The constraint denotes the transpose of matrix. The generalized
realized conditions are the magnitudes of these forces corresponding to the generalized coordinate
coordinates equal to zero. In the other hand the latter
qi (i = 1, m) are denoted by Qi (i = 1, m) . The (mx1)
coordinates are just the constraints whose the
reaction forces are also the reaction forces of the matrix of generalized forces are denoted by Q, that is
original constraint.
QT = [ Q1 Q2 . . . Qm ] .
2. Background
From now on the matrices are written by the bold
Let us consider the mechanical system, the position letters, but the vector is treated by the column matrix.
of which located by generalized coordinates Let the constraints imposing on the system under
consideration are of the form

To find the reaction forces of Eq. (3), let us introduce
fα (q1, q2 ,..., qm ) = 0 ; (α = 1, r ) (3) the pseudo-coordinates uα (α = 1, m) :

The system has then n=m-r degrees of freedom uα ≡ fα (q1 , q2 ,..., qm ) ; (α = 1.r ) (11)
By the Principle of Compatibility [13, 14, 15, 16] the
equations of the system can be written in the form In order to define the position of the system under
d ∂T ∂T consideration instead of the coordinates
− = Qi + Ri ; (i = 1, m) (4)
dt ∂qɺi ∂qi {q1 , q2 ,...qm } we use the set of coordinates
Where, Ri (i = 1, m) are the generalized reaction
forces of the constraints Eq. (3) corresponding to the {q1 , q2 ,....qn , u1 , u2 ,..., ur } ≡ {qk , uα } ;(k = 1, n; α = 1, r )
coordinate qi , (12)
Ri = ∑ Rk (5)
k =1 ∂qi Where, the coordinates {qk } are the independent
 ones chosen among the coordinates of the system
Where, Rk is the reaction force of the constraints Eq.
(q1 , q2 ,..., qm ). In other words, the coordinates
(3) on the particle M k having the position vector
 (q1 , q2 ,..., qm ) are the coordinates qk , uα (k = 1, n ;
denoted by rk (k = 1, N ) . Due to the constraints in Eq.
(3) to be ideal, the generalized reaction forces α = 1, r ) . By such a way the motion of the system is
Ri (i = 1, m) must satisfy the condition [14, 15, 16]: described in the new coordinates
m {qk , uα } ;(k = 1, n ;α = 1, r ) with the constraints of the
i =1
ki Ri = 0 ; (k = 1, n, n = m − r ) (6) form [12]

Where, d ki (k = 1, n; i = 1, m) are the coefficients in the

uα = 0 ; (α = 1, r ) (13)
expressions of the generalized accelerations
represented in the terms of pseudo-accelerations [5].
The motion equations of the system Eq. (4) can be It is noticed that the coordinates {qk } (k = 1, n) are
written in the matrix form the independent ones among the
d ∂T ∂T coordinates {qi } (i = 1, m) . For the purpose to
− =Q + R (7)
d ∂qɺ ∂q separate the independent coordinates let us introduce
Where, the matrix of the reaction forces R being the the (nx1) matrix q(k)
(mx1) matrix, in accordance with Eq. (6), is written
as follows q(k ) = [ q1 q2 . . . qn ]
DR=0 (8)
The (n x m) matrix is of the form [14, 15, 16]
In addition we apply the notation u(α ) to be a (rx1)
D = [ d ki ]k =1, n,i =1, m (9) matrix, that is

The numerical method of determining the matrix D u(α ) = [u1 u2 . . . ur ] (15)
is constructed by the software [3, 4]. The motion
equations of the system under consideration in Let assume that by mean of the transformation from
accordance with Eq. (2) can be written in the matrix the set of coordinates {q1 , q2 ,..., qm } to the new
form [14, 15, 16]
coordinates {q1 , q2 ,..., qn , u1 , u2 ,..., ur } it may express
ɺɺ = Q + Q + Q + R o *
(10) the generalized velocities in the old variables through
the ones of new variables. In other worlds we assume
Where, Q is the matrix of the acting forces, that
Qo , Q* are the (mx1) matrices, which are determined m
only by means of the matrix of inertia A, but R-the qɺi = ∑ hijσɺ j ;( i = 1, m) (16)
matrix of reaction forces, q ɺɺ - the (mx1) matrix of j =1

generalized accelerations, that is

Where, σ k ≡ qk , σ α ≡ uα ; (k = 1, n; α = 1, r )
ɺɺT = [ qɺɺ1
q qɺɺ2 ... qɺɺm ] The relations Eq. (16) may be written as follows

qɺ = Hσɺ (17)

Where, H is a (mxm) matrix, its elements are the σɺ i* = [σɺ1σɺ i σɺ 2σɺ i . . . σɺ mσɺ i ] (27)
coefficients in right hands of Eq. (16). The kinetic
energy of the system in the new coordinates will take
Let us write these matrices in the form
the form
1 Q = Q(k) Q(α)  ; Qo = Qo (k) Qo (α) 
T = σɺ T Aσɺ (18) (28)
2 T
Q* = Q* (k) Q* (α)  ; R =  R (k) R (α) 

Where, the matrix A is of the following form

The matrices with the bracket including k and α
A = H AH T
(19) have n columns and r rows respectively. In the new
coordinates, the equations of constraints are of the
The matrix A in the form Eq. (19) can be rewritten form Eq. (3). Therefore, the matrix D in Eq. (8) will
in the form take the form

A D = [ D(k ) D(α )] (29)

A3 
A =  T1  (20)
 A3 A2 
Where D(k) is the identity matrix of the dimension (n
x n), but D( α ) is the null matrix of the dimension (n
Where, the matrices A1 , A 2 are the (n x n) and (r x r) xr). By taking account to the construction of the
matrices, respectively, but the (n x r) matrix A3 . It is matrix D and the condition of ideality of the
noticed that n is number of independent coordinates, constraints we get
but r is corresponding to the dependent ones. In the
new coordinates the motion equations of the system R (k ) ≡ 0 (30)
under consideration take the following form
Aσɺɺ = Q + Q 0 + Q* + R (21)
Rk ≡ 0 ; (k = 1, n) (31)
Where, by means of the transformation matrix H we
It is necessary to notice that the motion equations of
the system in new coordinates are of the form Eq.
Q = HT Q ; R = HT R (22) (21). In addition the matrices
0 *
For calculating the quantities Q , Q let us compute
the (mxm) matrices ∂ i A , which are of the form [14, u(α ) = u(
ɺ α ) = u(
ɺɺ α ) ≡ 0
15, 16]
The motion equations Eq. (10) are being divided in
two groups:
 ∂a 
∂ i A =  rs  (23) -First group
 ∂σ i  r , s =1, m
ɺɺ k ) = Q( k ) + Qo ( k ) + Q* ( k )
A1 ( k )q( (32)
By means Eq. (23) we get
-Second group
Q0 = Q10 Q20 . . . Qm0  (24)
ɺɺ k ) = Q(α ) + Qo (α ) + Q* (α ) + R(α ) (33)
A 3 q(
The first group does not contain the reaction forces of
constraints. In addition this is a system of closed
Q = σɺ T ∂ i Aσɺ ; (i = 1, m)
i (25) differential equation, which allows finding the
motion of the system under consideration by the
defined initial conditions. In the other words, we get
The matrix Q* is defined by the formula

m qk (t ), qɺk (t ), qk (t ) ; (k = 1, n) (34)
Q = ∑ ∂ i Aσɺ
* *
i =1
Together with the equations of constraints in Eq. (3)
we calculate

qα (t ) ; (α = 1, r ) (35) The generalized forces corresponding to generalized
co-ordinates will be
By such a way the motion of the system with the T
constraints in Eq. (3) is defined. The reaction forces Qo = [ mg cos θ mg (2 L − s )sin θ 0 − Mg ] (37)
of constraints now are found by means of the second
group The system under consideration is of two degrees of
freedom. Two constraint equations are of the form
ɺɺ k ) - Q(α ) - Q o (α ) - Q* (α ) (36)
R(α ) = A 3q(
f1 ≡ x − L sin θ = 0 ; f 2 ≡ y − L cos θ = 0 (38)
qɺɺk (t ), qɺk (t ), qk (t ) ; (k = 1, n)

are calculated by means Eq. (32)

3. Application

For the aim of illustrating let us consider the

following example. p
Example. Zhukovsky’s problem [2]. A beam AB of
the length 2L and mass M (P=Mg) slides with its B
P x
ends A and B on a perfectly smooth vertical wall and
a perfectly smooth horizontal floor (Fig.1). An
Fig.1. Zhukovsky’s problem
animal of mass m (p=mg) runs along the beam, its
motion is described by the law s = s (t). Find the
reaction force at the beam acting on the wall as well For this purpose of determining the reaction forces
the reaction force at the beam acting on the ground. between the beam and the wall as well the beam and
Let us consider the system consisting the beam and the ground let us introduce the new coordinate u, v ,s
the animal. Let choose the coordinate to be x, y, θ and θ , where, u is the abscissa of the end A but v is
and s, where, x, y are the coordinates of the mass the ordinate of the end B, i.e.
centre of the beam, θ is the angle between the beam
and the vertical. The kinetic energy of the system is u = x − L sin θ ; v = y − L cos θ
of the form
The coordinates s and θ take the old meaning that
1 1 1
T= M ( xɺ 2 + yɺ 2 ) + Jθɺ 2 + m( xɺ 2 + yɺ 2 ) motion of the system restricted by the constraint
2 2 2 of form now
− 2m( L − s ) cos θ xɺθɺ
ɺɺ − 2m( L − s ) yɺθɺ − 2m cos θ yɺθɺ)
+ 2m sin θ xs u=0 ; v =0 (39)

The matrix of inertia of the system then has the form The matrix of the transformation from the old
coordinates to the new the ones
A = [ A1 , A 2 ]
where, 1 0 0 0
 m 0  0 1 0 0
 0 2 
J + m( L − s )  H= (40)
A1 =  0 L cos θ 1 0
 m sin θ − m( L − s ) cos θ   
  (36) 0 − L sin θ 0 1
 −m cos θ −m( L − s )sin θ 
 m sin θ − m cos θ  The matrix of inertia in the new coordinates is of the
 −m( L − s ) cos θ −m( L − s )sin θ  form
A2 =  
 (m + M ) 0 
 
 0 (m + M ) 

A = H T AH =  A1 , A 2  Qos =
1 T
 sɺ θɺ uɺ vɺ  ∂ s A  sɺ θɺ uɺ vɺ  =
 m mL sin 2θ 
 mL sin 2θ J + ms 2 + 4mL ( L − s )sin 2 θ  m( s − 2 L sin θ )θɺ 2
A1 =  0  1 T
 m sin θ ( ML + ms ) cos θ  Qθo =  sɺ θɺ uɺ vɺ  ∂θ A  sɺ θɺ uɺ vɺ 
  2
 −m cos θ −( ML + 2mL − ms ) sin θ 
= 2m cos 2θθɺsɺ + 2mL ( L − s )sin 2θθɺ 2
 m sin θ −m cos θ  1 T
( ML + ms ) cos θ −( ML + 2mL − ms )sin θ  Quo =  sɺ θɺ uɺ vɺ  ∂ u A  sɺ θɺ uɺ vɺ  = 0
A2 =   2
 ( M + m) 0  1 T
  Qvo =  sɺ θɺ uɺ vɺ  ∂ v A  sɺ θɺ uɺ vɺ  = 0
 0 ( M + m)  2
(41)  m( L sin 2 θ − s )θɺ 2 
 
2mL cos 2θ sɺθɺ + mL( L − s ) sin 2θθɺ 
Qo = 
 0 
0 0 0 0   
0 2ms − 4mL sin 2 θ m cos θ m sin θ   0 
∂s A =  (45)
0 m cos θ 0 0 
 
0 m sin θ 0 0  Q* = Q*s + Qθ* + Q*u + Q*v
(42) , (46)
= ∂ s Aqɺ *s + ∂θ Aqɺ θ* + ∂ u Aqɺ *u + ∂ u Aqɺ *v
∂θ A = [ M,N]
 0 2mL cos 2θ 
2mL cos 2θ 4mL( L − s)sin 2θ  qɺ *s =  sɺ 2 θɺsɺ us
ɺɺ vsɺɺ  ; qɺ θ* =  sɺθɺ θɺ 2 uɺθɺ vɺθɺ 
 m cosθ −(ML + ms)sin θ 
  qɺ *u =  su ɺ ɺ  ; qɺ *v =  sv
ɺ ɺ θɺuɺ uɺ 2 vu ɺ ɺ vɺ 2 
ɺɺ θɺvɺ uv
 m sin θ −(ML + 2mL − ms)cosθ 
 m cosθ m sinθ  By following (41), (45) and (46), we calculate
−(ML + ms)sin θ −(ML + 2mL − ms)cosθ 
N= 
 
 0 0  2ms cos 2θθɺ 2
   ɺ 2 ɺ 
 0 0  *  4mL( L − s )sin 2θθ + 2mL cos 2θθ sɺ 
Q = (47)
 m cos θ sɺθɺ − ( ML + ms )sin θθɺ 2 
∂u A = 0  ɺ ɺ
 −( ML + 2mL − ms ) cos θθ + m sin θ sɺθ 
∂v A = 0
Due to the constraints to be of the form Eq. (39), the
Let calculate the quantities Q, Qo , Q* in the new condition of ideality will be of the form Eq. (8),
coordinates with taking into account of Eq. (39) that where, the matrix D is written as follows
1 0 0 0 
Q = HTQ D=  (48)
0 1 0 0 
1 0 0 0   mg cos θ 
0 1 L cos θ L sin θ   − mgs sin θ  (44) By the condition of ideality of the constraints
0 0 1 0  0  restricted to the system
  
0 0 0 1   − Mg 
DR = 0 (49)
 mg cos θ 
 −(ms + ML ) g sin θ  We get
= ;
 0 
  Rs = 0 ; Rθ = 0 (50)
 − Mg 
Motion equations of the system under consideration
Qo = Qso Qθo Quo Qvo  by Eq. (28) now are written as follows

 m mL sin 2θ   ɺɺ
s will be realized, if the magnitude of reaction
 mL sin 2θ 2 2 *   ɺɺ
4mL( L − s )sin θ + ms + J  θ  force Ru equals zero. By this condition it is easy to
 find the instant of time when the beam falls from the
 m sin θ ( ML + ms ) cos θ  0
   vertical wall. The above mentioned method allows
 −m cos θ −( ML + 2mL − ms )sin θ   vɺɺ determining easily the reaction forces between the
 m sin θ −m cos θ   ɺɺ
s animal and the beam.
( ML + ms ) cos θ −( ML + 2 Lm − ms )sin θ  θɺɺ
+  
 M +m 0  0  4. Conclusion
  
 0 ( M + m)   vɺɺ
The presented method allows calculating easily the
 mg cos θ − m( s − 2 L sin 2 θ ) − 2mL cos 2θθɺ 2   0  reaction forces by means of a simple itinerary.
 ɺ2   
 −2mL( L − s ) sin 2θθ + −(ms + ML) g sin θ  +  0  Especially, the introduced method is based on the
 −2m cos θ sɺθɺ + ( ML + ms ) sin θθɺ 2   Ru  matrix calculations, which is easy to apply the
    special software such as Maple, Mathcad, and
 −( ML + 2mL − ms ) cos θθɺ − m sin θθɺsɺ   Rv 
Matlab. The proposed method may be applied for the
(51) problems of calculating the reaction forces in the
joints in mechanisms [1, 6, 7, 18], in industrial
The reaction force by the vertical wall acting on the robotics or in the systems with the unilateral
beam AB, i. e. the reaction force at the end A is constraints [11].
calculated by the expression

s + ( ML + ms ) cos θθɺɺ
Ru = m sin θ ɺɺ Acknowledgement
+ 2m cos θ sɺθɺ − ( ML + ms )sin θθɺ 2
The publication is completed thank to the financial
support from the National Basics Research Program
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Rv = −m cos θ ɺɺ
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