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AI Concepts and heuristic search techniques

Q.1 What is Artificial Intelligence? What is an A.I. Techniques?

Q.2 What is main advantage of A* Algorithm over Hill climbing algorithm?
Q.3 Explain how heuristic search differs from the DFS, BFS, Search techniques. Suggest
a suitable Heuristic evaluation function for the problems stated below.
i) Sliding tiles(8-puzzel)
ii) Tac-Tac-Toe
iii) Traveling salesman problem
Q.4 Write algorithms for BFS, DFS and simulates both the technique on water jug
Q.5 What are the problems encountered during hill climbing and what are the ways
available to deal with these problems?
Q.6 Explain the process of simulated annealing with example?
Q.7 Write A* algorithm and discuss briefly the various observations about algorithm?
Q.8 Discuss AO* algorithm in detail?
Q.9 Write in detail about the constraint satisfaction procedure with example?
Q.10 Explain how the steepest accent hill climbing works? What is local maximum?
What is ridge? What is plateau?
Q.11 What is AI Technique? What are some less desirable properties knowledge
Q.13 Write in detail about the mean end analysis procedure with example?
Q.14 Illustrate how to define a problem as a state space search with an example?

Q.15 Discuss the merits and demerits of depth-first and breadth-first search with the
Q.16 What is the limitation of problem reduction algorithm?
Q.17 What is constraint satisfaction?
Q.18 What is operator subgoaling?
Q.19 Write generates and test algorithm? How is hill climbing different from generate
and test?
Q.20 When hill climbing fails to find a solution? List the ways to overcome hill climbing
Q.21 Differentiate steepest accent from basic hill climbing?
Q.22 Differentiate simple hill climbing from simulated annealing?
Q.23 What are the components essential to select an annealing schedule?
Q.24 What is best first search process?What are its advantages.
Q.25 What is the limitation of problem reduction algorithm?
Q.26 Illustrate how to define a problem as a state space search with an example?
Q.27 Consider the complex two-person game, based on Zero-sum and perfect
information presumptions. Average branching factor id three and lookahed depth is
also three.
i) How many leaf nodes must we investigate using MINIMX procedure? Draw the
corresponding sub-tree and justify winning move.
ii) How does the ALPHA-BETA pruning algorithm influence overall task
Complexity. Add ALPHA-BETA values to the problem tree and mark out
pruned(unnecessary) nodes. One digit values of static evaluation function of leaf
nodes are given in sequence:
8-7-2, 9-1-6, 2-4-1 || 1-3-5, 3-9-2, 6-5-2 || 1-2-3, 9-7-2, 8-6-4

Q.28 Write the good state space representation for water –jug problems. Analyze these
problems w.r.t seven problems characteristics.
Q.29 Give the good state space representation for
i) Water jug problem
ii) Missionaries and cannibals problems

Q.30 Explain MINIMAX procedure in detail

Q.31 Explain how Heuristics search is used for
i) 8 Puzzle
ii) Block world
Q.32 Write MINIMAX algorithm and explain with suitable example the concept of
ALPHA-Beta cut-offs.
Q.33 Why do we study game-playing? What are different types of games?
Q.34 Explain MINIMAX algorithm with an example
Q.35 Write short note on Alpha-Beta pruning.
Q.36 Explain waiting for quiescence and secondary search.
Q.37 Waiting for quiescence helps in avoiding the horizon effect. Explain with an
Knowledge representation.
Q.1 How is predicate logic helpful in knowledge representation?
Q.2 Define semantic networks.
Q.3 What is the need of facts and its representation?
Q.4 What is property inheritance?
Q.5 Discuss in brief about ISA and Instance classes.
Q.6 Give some use of conceptual dependency.
Q.7 Define inference. Define logic.
Q.8 Write short notes on uniqueness quantifier.
Q.9 Write short notes on uniqueness operator.
Q.10 Define WWF with an example.
Q.11 Define FOL with an example.
Q.12 Difference between propositional and FOL logic.
Q.13 Define forward chaining and backward chaining.
Q.14 Write notes on long term and short term memory.
Q.15 Name any 3 frame languages.
Q.16 Write short notes on SCRIPTS.
Q.17 Define frames.
Q.18 What are various Issues in knowledge representation? Explain.
Q.19 State Representation of facts in predicate logic.
Q.20 How will you represent facts in propositional logic with an example?
Q.21 Explain Resolution in brief with an example.
Q.22 Write algorithm for propositional resolution and Unification algorithm.
Q.23 Explain in detail about forward and backward chaining with suitable example.
Q.24 Explain steps involved in Matching.
Q.25 Explain in detail about semantic nets with its types and application with suitable
Q.26 Explain in detail about frames representation.
Q.27 Write and Explain Unification Algorithm.
Q.28 Write and explain algorithm for converting Predicates to clause form.
Q.29 Write and explain algorithm for converting propositions to clause form.
Q.30 Write an algorithm for resolution in predicate logic.
Q.31 Write an algorithm for resolution in propositional logic
Q.1What is TMS? Explain the applications.
Q.2 Show how TMS can be used in medical diagnosis.
Q.3 Explain JTMS & ATMS with suitable example.
Q.4 What is perception? What are different techniques used in solving perception
Q.5 Explain different stages in natural language processing with suitable examples.
Q.6 How perceptive tasks can be simulated? Explain.
Q.7 Explain significance of perceptive tasks with respect to i) Speech ii) Vision
Q.8 What is perception? What are different techniques used in solving perception
Q.9 Explain discourse and pragmatic processing.
Q.10 Explain Waltz algorithm for line labeling.
Q.11 What is understanding? Why understanding is hard?

1. What is planning? How planning is different from programming?
2. Explain various components of a planning systems,
3. Explain Goal stack Planning with suitable example:
4. What is Non- Linear planning
5. What is Block world
6. Write short notes on
a. Hierarchical planning,
b. Least commitment strategy,
c. Planning versus programming.
7. Compare Goal stack planning with non linear planning methods.
8. Design the operators and specify their respective Precondition (P), Delete (D) &
Add (A) lists.
9. Consider the following where wish to proceed from the start to goal state.

Start Goal
10. Describe the start and goal states for the above problem. Solve the problem using
Goal Stack Planning.
11. What is planning? Explain components of planning system?
Learning & Neural Networks

1. What is leaning by induction

2. Explain Failure-driven learning with suitable examples
3. Where we have experience learning by exploration,
4. Explain learning in Neural Networks
5. What is Perceptrons?
6. Write sort notes on
a. Back propagation Networks.
b. unsupervised learning,
c. Application of Neural network
7. What is learning? Explain
i) Learning by analogy
ii) Rote learning
iii) Learning by parameter adjustment.
iv) Learning in GPS
8. What is learning? Explain different types of learning?
9. What is perceptrons? Explain fixed-increment perception learning algorithm.
10. Explain applications of neural network.

AI languages & Expert systems '
1. How prolog answer to the queries?
2. What is Recursive rules in prolog.
3. Explain the syntax prolog programs
4. How prolog can be used in AI.
5. Explain with block diagram architecture of expert system,
6. What is expert system shell
7. Explain the process of knowledge acquisition.
8. Explain MYCIN - Case Studies of an expert system.
9. What is the need of logic programming? Explain how Prolog answers queries
(and therefore runs programs).
10. In order to develop an expert system for financial analysis for the loan sanction,
how one must proceed with:-
a) Expert system design
b) Knowledge database
c) History management
11. Explain the architecture of expert system? Explain the process of knowledge
12 Explain recursive rules, syntax and meaning of prolog program.

Oral questions

11. What is artificial intelligence?

12. What is Intelligence? How it is different from knowledge?
13. How do you check whether machine is behaving intelligent or not?
14. What is knowledge?
15. How do you define AI?
16. What are different tests for intelligence?
17. What are different properties of internal representation?
18. What is heuristics?
19. How do you say that heuristics is apposite of algorithm?
20. Give heuristics function for:- (8-puzzel, block world problem, chess, water jug,
monkey and bananas, traveling salesman, 8-queen)
21. What are weak methods?
22. What are disadvantages of generate and test method?
23. What are drawbacks of hill climbing?
24. What are variations for hill climbing?
25. What are the best examples where we can use means-end analysis?
26. Why we study game playing?
27. What are different types of games?
28. What is static evaluation function?
29. For which type of problems minimax search can be used?
30. What is alpha and beta pruning?
31. What is ply?
32. What do you mean waiting for quiescence?
33. What is need of secondary search?
34. Where you have seen application of NLP?
35. What is Context free grammar?
36. What NLP is hard to implement?
37. What is script? What are different components of scripts?
38. What type o searching takes place in Prolog?
39. What is perception?
40. How do we perceive the things?
41. What is planning? What does planning involve?
42. How planning is different from problem solving?
43. Why do we study block world problem?
44. What is least commitment strategy?
45. What is the need of language like Prolog?
46. Explain how prolog answers queries?
47. What is AI?
48. What are the task domains of artificial intelligence?
49. List the properties of knowledge?
50. What is an AI technique?
51. What are the steps to build a system that solves a problem?
52. What is a state space?
53. Explain the process operationalization?
54. How to define the problem as a state space search?
55. What does the production system consists of?
56. What are the requirements of a good control strategy?
57. What is chronological backtracking?
58. Give the advantages of depth-first search?
59. Give the advantages of breadth-first search?
60. What is combinatorial explosion?
61. Give an example of a heuristic that is useful for combinatorial problems?
62. What is heuristic?
63. Define heuristic function?
64. What is the purpose of heuristic function?
65. Write down the various problem characteristics?
66. What is certain outcome and uncertain outcome problem with examples?
67. What are the classes of problems with respect to solution steps with eg?
68. Illustrate the difference between any-path and best problem with examples?
69. What are the types of problems with respect to task interaction with a person?
70. What is propose and refine?
71. What is monotonic production system?
72. What is nonmonotonic production system?
73. What is commutative and partially commutative production system?
74. What are weak methods?
75. Write generate and test algorithm?
76. How is hill climbing different from generate and test?
77. When hill climbing fails to find a solution?
78. What is local maximum?
79. What is ridge?
80. What is plateau?
81. List the ways to overcome hill climbing problems?
82. Differentiate steepest accent from basic hill climbing?
83. Differentiate simple hill climbing from simulated annealing?
84. What are the components essential to select an annealing schedule?
85. What is best first search process?
86. State ‘Graceful decay of admissibility’
87. What is an agenda?
88. What is the limitation of problem reduction algorithm?
89. What is constraint satisfaction?
90. What is operator subgoaling?
91. Define playing chess
92. Explain briefly the various problem characteristics?
93. What are the problems encountered during hill climbing and what are the ways
available to deal with these problems?
94. Explain the process of simulated annealing with example?
95. Write A* algorithm and discuss briefly the various observations about algorithm?
96. Discuss AO* algorithm in detail?
97. Write in detail about the constraint satisfaction procedure with example?
98. Explain how the steepest accent hill climbing works?
99. Write in detail about the mean end analysis procedure with example?
100. Illustrate how to define a problem as a state space search with an example?
101. Discuss the merits and demerits of depth-first and breadth-first search with
the algorithm?

102. How is predicate logic helpful in knowledge representation?

103. Define semantic networks.
104. What is the need of facts and its representation?
105. What is property inheritance?
106. Discuss in brief about ISA and Instance classes.
107. Give some use of conceptual dependency.
108. Define inference.
109. Define logic.
110. Write short notes on uniqueness quantifier.
111. Write short notes on uniqueness operator.
112. Define WWF with an example.
113. Define FOL with an example.
114. Difference between propositional and FOL logic.
115. Define forward chaining and backward chaining.
116. Define Horn clause.
117. Define Canonical horn clause.
118. Write notes on long term and short term memory.
119. Name any 3 frame languages.
120. Write short notes on SCRIPTS.
121. Define frames.
122. Issues in knowledge representation
123. State Representation of facts in predicate logic.
124. How will you represent facts in propositional logic with an example?
125. Explain Resolution in brief with an example.
126. Write algorithm for propositional resolution and Unification algorithm.
127. Explain in detail about forward and backward chaining with suitable
128. Explain steps involved in Matching.
129. Explain in detail about semantic nets with its types and application with
suitable examples.
130. Explain in detail about frames representation.
131. Disucss about conceptual dependency.
132. Explain in detail about scripts and CYC along with their uses.
133. Define NMR
134. Define Justifications
135. What is non monotonic inference?
136. Difference between JTMS and LTMS
137. Define Bayes theorem.
138. What do you mean by Rule based system?
139. Define fuzzy logic.
140. What is credit assignment problem?
141. Define Frame problems.
142. What is planning?
143. What is nonlinear plan?
144. What is understanding
145. State different types of mapping
146. What do you understand by Default reasoning?
147. Is minimax depth fist search or Breadth first search.
148. What are singular extensions?
149. What is a Bayesian network?
150. Define dumpster Shafer theory.
151. What is goal directed mode.
152. Write in short about iterative deepening.
153. What are the components of planning system?
154. Explain in detail about Non Monotonic Reasoning with an example.
155. Describe the logics for NMR.
156. Sketch in detail about DFS and BFS implementation of NMR.
157. State how JTMS can be used to solve medical diagnosis.
158. Show how TMS are useful tools in solving constraint satisfactions
159. Explain in detail about minimax procedure.
160. Explain the effect of Alpha beta cut off over minimax.
161. How would the minimax procedure have to be modified to be used by a
162. program playing 3 or 4 persons instead of 2 persons.
163. Explain in detail about components of planning system.
164. Explain about various planning systems with appropriate examples.
165. What is understanding and state what makes it hard to understand.

Unit IV
166. What are expert systems?
167. What are the most important aspects of expert system?
168. What are the characteristics of expert system?
169. Sketch the general features of expert system?
170. Who are all involved in the expert system building?
171. Explain the role of domain expert?
172. Explain the role of knowledge engineer?
173. What is the use of expert system building tool?
174. Compare the merits of human over artificial expertise?
175. Compare the merits of artificial over human expertise?
176. Give the structure of an expert system?
177. Define knowledge base, facts, rules, interpreter, scheduler and inference
178. What are different ways of representing knowledge?
179. Explain rule based knowledge representation?
180. Give an example for representing knowledge using semantic nets?
181. Give an example for representing knowledge using frames?
182. Explain the knowledge acquisition process?
183. Explain the approaches in interviewing the expert?
184. What is meant by protocol analysis?
185. What is the use of expert system tools?
186. Name the programming languages used for expert system applications?
187. What are the types of tools available for expert system building?
188. What are the typical components of an expert system support
189. Explain debugging aids, I/O facilities, explanation facilities and
knowledge based editors?
190. What are the stages in the development of Expert System Tools?
191. Name the programming methods supported by expert system tools?
192. What are the knowledge representations supported by expert system tools?
193. What are the applications of EMYCIN?
194. Explain symbolic reasoning?
195. Explain blackboard architecture?
196. Explains semantic net.
197. Explain the following terms: Backward chaining, Database, forward
chaining, frame, inference chain, slot, rule and natural language.
198. Explain reasoning.
199. Explain end user.
200. Explain heuristic rule with an example.
201. What is the need for expert system tool while building expert system.
202. What are the common pitfalls in planning an expert system?
203. What are the pitfalls in dealing with the domain expert?
204. What are the pitfalls during the development process?
205. Where is expert system work being done?
206. What is meant by a commercial expert system?
207. Name any two expert system used in research?
208. Name any two expert system used in business?
209. Explain XCON?
210. Name any three universities and mention the expert system tools
Developed there?
211. Name any three research organization and mention the expert system tools
developed there?

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