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External Tables Concepts

The external tables feature is a complement to existing SQL*Loader functionality. It enables you
to access data in external sources as if it were in a table in the database.
Prior to Oracle Database 10g, external tables were read-only. However, as of Oracle Database
10g, external tables can also be written to. Note that SQL*Loader may be the better choice in
data loading situations that require additional indexing of the staging table. See Behavior
Differences Between SQL*Loader and External Tables for more information about how load
behavior differs between SQL*Loader and external tables.
To use the external tables feature, you must have some knowledge of the file format and record
format of the datafiles on your platform if the ORACLE_LOADER access driver is used and the
datafiles are in text format. You must also know enough about SQL to be able to create an
external table and perform queries against it.
This chapter discusses the following topics:
How Are External Tables Created?
Using External Tables to Load and Unload Data
Datatype Conversion During External Table Use
Parallel Access to External Tables
Performance Hints When Using External Tables
External Table Restrictions
Behavior Differences Between SQL*Loader and External Tables

How Are External Tables Created?

External tables are created using the SQL CREATE TABLE...ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL statement.
When you create an external table, you specify the following attributes:
TYPE - specifies the type of external table. The two available types are the ORACLE_LOADER
type and the ORACLE_DATAPUMP type. Each type of external table is supported by its own
access driver.
The ORACLE_LOADER access driver is the default. It can perform only data loads, and
the data must come from text datafiles. Loads from external tables to internal
tables are done by reading from the external tables' text-only datafiles.
The ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver can perform both loads and unloads. The data
must come from binary dump files. Loads to internal tables from external tables
are done by fetching from the binary dump files. Unloads from internal tables to
external tables are done by populating the external tables' binary dump files.
DEFAULT DIRECTORY - specifies the default location of files that are read or written by
external tables. The location is specified with a directory object, not a directory path. See
Location of Datafiles and Output Files for more information.
ACCESS PARAMETERS - describe the external data source and implements the type of external
table that was specified. Each type of external table has its own access driver that
provides access parameters unique to that type of external table. See Access Parameters.
LOCATION - specifies the location of the external data. The location is specified as a list of
directory objects and filenames. If the directory object is not specified, then the default
directory object is used as the file location.
The following example shows the use of each of these attributes:
CREATE TABLE emp_load (employee_number CHAR(5), employee_last_name CHAR(20),
employee_first_name CHAR(15), employee_middle_name
(employee_number CHAR(2),
t_name CHAR(18),
st_name CHAR(11),
dle_name CHAR(11)))
LOCATION ('info.dat'));

The information you provide through the access driver ensures that data from the data source is
processed so that it matches the definition of the external table. The fields listed after CREATE
TABLE emp_load are actually defining the metadata for the data in the info.dat source file. The
access parameters are optional.

Access Parameters
When you create an external table of a particular type, you can specify access parameters to
modify the default behavior of the access driver. Each access driver has its own syntax for access

See Also:
Chapter 14, " The ORACLE_LOADER Access Driver"
Chapter 15, " The ORACLE_DATAPUMP Access Driver"

Location of Datafiles and Output Files

The access driver runs inside the database server. This is different from SQL*Loader, which is a
client program that sends the data to be loaded over to the server. This difference has the
following implications:
The server must have access to any files to be loaded by the access driver.
The server must create and write the output files created by the access driver: the log file, bad
file, and discard file, as well as any dump files created by the ORACLE_DATAPUMP access
The access driver does not allow you to specify a complete specification for files. This is because
the server may have access to files that you do not, and allowing you to read this data would
affect security. Similarly, you might overwrite a file that you normally would not have privileges
to delete.
Instead, you are required to specify directory objects as the locations from which to read files
and write files. A directory object maps a name to a directory name on the file system. For
example, the following statement creates a directory object named ext_tab_dir that is mapped
to a directory located at /usr/apps/datafiles.
CREATE DIRECTORY ext_tab_dir AS '/usr/apps/datafiles';

Directory objects can be created by DBAs or by any user with the CREATE ANY DIRECTORY
After a directory is created, the user creating the directory object needs to grant READ and WRITE
privileges on the directory to other users. These privileges must be explicitly granted, rather than
assigned through the use of roles. For example, to allow the server to read files on behalf of user
scott in the directory named by ext_tab_dir, the user who created the directory object must
execute the following command:
GRANT READ ON DIRECTORY ext_tab_dir TO scott;

The name of the directory object can appear in the following places in a CREATE
The DEFAULT DIRECTORY clause, which specifies the default directory to use for all input and
output files that do not explicitly name a directory object.
The LOCATION clause, which lists all of the datafiles for the external table. The files are
named in the form directory:file. The directory portion is optional. If it is missing,
the default directory is used as the directory for the file.
The ACCESS PARAMETERS clause where output files are named. The files are named in the
form directory:file. The directory portion is optional. If it is missing, the default
directory is used as the directory for the file. Syntax in the access parameters enables you
to indicate that a particular output file should not be created. This is useful if you do not
care about the output files or if you do not have write access to any directory objects.
The SYS user is the only user that can own directory objects, but the SYS user can grant other
users the privilege to create directory objects. Note that READ or WRITE permission to a directory
object means only that the Oracle database will read or write that file on your behalf. You are not
given direct access to those files outside of the Oracle database unless you have the appropriate
operating system privileges. Similarly, the Oracle database requires permission from the
operating system to read and write files in the directories.
Example: Creating and Loading an External Table Using

External Tables Concepts

The external tables feature is a complement to existing SQL*Loader functionality. It enables you
to access data in external sources as if it were in a table in the database.
Prior to Oracle Database 10g, external tables were read-only. However, as of Oracle Database
10g, external tables can also be written to. Note that SQL*Loader may be the better choice in
data loading situations that require additional indexing of the staging table. See Behavior
Differences Between SQL*Loader and External Tables for more information about how load
behavior differs between SQL*Loader and external tables.
To use the external tables feature, you must have some knowledge of the file format and record
format of the datafiles on your platform if the ORACLE_LOADER access driver is used and the
datafiles are in text format. You must also know enough about SQL to be able to create an
external table and perform queries against it.
This chapter discusses the following topics:
How Are External Tables Created?
Using External Tables to Load and Unload Data
Datatype Conversion During External Table Use
Parallel Access to External Tables
Performance Hints When Using External Tables
External Table Restrictions
Behavior Differences Between SQL*Loader and External Tables

How Are External Tables Created?

External tables are created using the SQL CREATE TABLE...ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL statement.
When you create an external table, you specify the following attributes:
TYPE - specifies the type of external table. The two available types are the ORACLE_LOADER
type and the ORACLE_DATAPUMP type. Each type of external table is supported by its own
access driver.
The ORACLE_LOADER access driver is the default. It can perform only data loads, and
the data must come from text datafiles. Loads from external tables to internal
tables are done by reading from the external tables' text-only datafiles.
The ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver can perform both loads and unloads. The data
must come from binary dump files. Loads to internal tables from external tables
are done by fetching from the binary dump files. Unloads from internal tables to
external tables are done by populating the external tables' binary dump files.
DEFAULT DIRECTORY - specifies the default location of files that are read or written by
external tables. The location is specified with a directory object, not a directory path. See
Location of Datafiles and Output Files for more information.
ACCESS PARAMETERS - describe the external data source and implements the type of external
table that was specified. Each type of external table has its own access driver that
provides access parameters unique to that type of external table. See Access Parameters.
LOCATION - specifies the location of the external data. The location is specified as a list of
directory objects and filenames. If the directory object is not specified, then the default
directory object is used as the file location.
The following example shows the use of each of these attributes:
CREATE TABLE emp_load (employee_number CHAR(5), employee_last_name CHAR(20),
employee_first_name CHAR(15), employee_middle_name
(employee_number CHAR(2),
t_name CHAR(18),
st_name CHAR(11),
dle_name CHAR(11)))
LOCATION ('info.dat'));

The information you provide through the access driver ensures that data from the data source is
processed so that it matches the definition of the external table. The fields listed after CREATE
TABLE emp_load are actually defining the metadata for the data in the info.dat source file. The
access parameters are optional.

Access Parameters
When you create an external table of a particular type, you can specify access parameters to
modify the default behavior of the access driver. Each access driver has its own syntax for access

See Also:
Chapter 14, " The ORACLE_LOADER Access Driver"
Chapter 15, " The ORACLE_DATAPUMP Access Driver"
Location of Datafiles and Output Files
The access driver runs inside the database server. This is different from SQL*Loader, which is a
client program that sends the data to be loaded over to the server. This difference has the
following implications:
The server must have access to any files to be loaded by the access driver.
The server must create and write the output files created by the access driver: the log file, bad
file, and discard file, as well as any dump files created by the ORACLE_DATAPUMP access
The access driver does not allow you to specify a complete specification for files. This is because
the server may have access to files that you do not, and allowing you to read this data would
affect security. Similarly, you might overwrite a file that you normally would not have privileges
to delete.
Instead, you are required to specify directory objects as the locations from which to read files
and write files. A directory object maps a name to a directory name on the file system. For
example, the following statement creates a directory object named ext_tab_dir that is mapped
to a directory located at /usr/apps/datafiles.
CREATE DIRECTORY ext_tab_dir AS '/usr/apps/datafiles';

Directory objects can be created by DBAs or by any user with the CREATE ANY DIRECTORY
After a directory is created, the user creating the directory object needs to grant READ and WRITE
privileges on the directory to other users. These privileges must be explicitly granted, rather than
assigned through the use of roles. For example, to allow the server to read files on behalf of user
scott in the directory named by ext_tab_dir, the user who created the directory object must
execute the following command:
GRANT READ ON DIRECTORY ext_tab_dir TO scott;

The name of the directory object can appear in the following places in a CREATE
The DEFAULT DIRECTORY clause, which specifies the default directory to use for all input and
output files that do not explicitly name a directory object.
The LOCATION clause, which lists all of the datafiles for the external table. The files are
named in the form directory:file. The directory portion is optional. If it is missing,
the default directory is used as the directory for the file.
The ACCESS PARAMETERS clause where output files are named. The files are named in the
form directory:file. The directory portion is optional. If it is missing, the default
directory is used as the directory for the file. Syntax in the access parameters enables you
to indicate that a particular output file should not be created. This is useful if you do not
care about the output files or if you do not have write access to any directory objects.
The SYS user is the only user that can own directory objects, but the SYS user can grant other
users the privilege to create directory objects. Note that READ or WRITE permission to a directory
object means only that the Oracle database will read or write that file on your behalf. You are not
given direct access to those files outside of the Oracle database unless you have the appropriate
operating system privileges. Similarly, the Oracle database requires permission from the
operating system to read and write files in the directories.

Example: Creating and Loading an External Table Using

The steps in this section show an example of using the ORACLE_LOADER access driver to create
and load an external table. A traditional table named emp is defined along with an external table
named emp_load. The external data is then loaded into an internal table.
1. Assume your .dat file looks as follows:
56november, 15, 1980 baker mary alice
87december, 20, 1970 roper lisa marie

2. Execute the following SQL statements to set up a default directory (which contains the
data source) and to grant access to it:
CREATE DIRECTORY ext_tab_dir AS '/usr/apps/datafiles';

3. Create a traditional table named emp:

CREATE TABLE emp (emp_no CHAR(6), last_name CHAR(25), first_name
CHAR(20), middle_initial CHAR(1));

4. Create an external table named emp_load:

CREATE TABLE emp_load (employee_number CHAR(5), employee_last_name
employee_first_name CHAR(15),
employee_middle_name CHAR(15))
(employee_number CHAR(2),
employee_dob CHAR(20),
employee_last_name CHAR(18),
employee_first_name CHAR(11),
employee_middle_name CHAR(11)))
LOCATION ('info.dat'));

5. Load the data from the external table emp_load into the table emp:
INSERT INTO emp (emp_no, first_name, middle_initial, last_name)
(SELECT employee_number, employee_first_name,
substr(employee_middle_name, 1, 1),
FROM emp_load);

6. Perform the following select operation to verify that the information in the .dat file was
loaded into the emp table:


------ ------------------------- -------------------- -
56 baker mary a
87 roper lisa m

Notes about this example:

The employee_number field in the datafile is converted to a character string for the
employee_number field in the external table.
The datafile contains an employee_dob field that is not loaded into any field in the table.
The substr function is used on the employee_middle_name column in the external table to
generate the value for middle_initial in table emp.

Using External Tables to Load and Unload Data

In the context of external tables, loading data refers to the act of reading data from an external
table and loading it into a table in the database. Unloading data refers to the act of reading data
from a table in the database and inserting it into an external table.

Data can only be unloaded using the ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver.

Loading Data
When data is loaded, the data stream is read from the files specified by the LOCATION and
DEFAULT DIRECTORY clauses. The INSERT statement generates a flow of data from the external
data source to the Oracle SQL engine, where data is processed. As data from the external source
is parsed by the access driver and provided to the external table interface, it is converted from its
external representation to its Oracle internal datatype.

Unloading Data Using the ORACLE_DATAPUMP Access Driver

To unload data, you use the ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver. The data stream that is unloaded is
in a proprietary format and contains all the column data for every row being unloaded.
An unload operation also creates a metadata stream that describes the contents of the data stream.
The information in the metadata stream is required for loading the data stream. Therefore, the
metadata stream is written to the datafile and placed before the data stream.
Dealing with Column Objects
When the external table is accessed through a SQL statement, the fields of the external table can
be used just like any other field in a normal table. In particular, the fields can be used as
arguments for any SQL built-in function, PL/SQL function, or Java function. This enables you to
manipulate the data from the external source.
Although external tables cannot contain a column object, you can use constructor functions to
build a column object from attributes in the external table. For example, assume a table in the
database is defined as follows:
CREATE TYPE student_type AS object (
student_no CHAR(5),
name CHAR(20))


student student_type,
grade CHAR(2));

Also assume there is an external table defined as follows:

CREATE TABLE roster_data (
student_no CHAR(5),
name CHAR(20),
grade CHAR(2))
LOCATION ('info.dat'));

To load table roster from roster_data, you would specify something similar to the following:
INSERT INTO roster (student, grade)
(SELECT student_type(student_no, name), grade FROM roster_data);

Datatype Conversion During External Table Use

When data is moved into or out of an external table, it is possible that the same column will have
a different datatype in each of the following three places:
The database: This is the source when data is unloaded into an external table and it is the
destination when data is loaded from an external table.
The external table: When data is unloaded into an external table, the data from the database is
converted, if necessary, to match the datatype of the column in the external table. Also,
you can apply SQL operators to the source data to change its datatype before the data gets
moved to the external table. Similarly, when loading from the external table into a
database, the data from the external table is automatically converted to match the
datatype of the column in the database. Again, you can perform other conversions by
using SQL operators in the SQL statement that is selecting from the external table. For
better performance, the datatypes in the external table should match those in the database.
The datafile: When you unload data into an external table, the datatypes for fields in the
datafile exactly match the datatypes of fields in the external table. However, when you
load data from the external table, the datatypes in the datafile may not match the
datatypes in the external table. In this case, the data from the datafile is converted to
match the datatypes of the external table. If there is an error converting a column, then
the record containing that column is not loaded. For better performance, the datatypes in
the datafile should match the datatypes in the external table.
Any conversion errors that occur between the datafile and the external table cause the row with
the error to be ignored. Any errors between the external table and the column in the database
(including conversion errors and constraint violations) cause the entire operation to terminate
When data is unloaded into an external table, data conversion occurs if the datatype of a column
in the source table does not match the datatype of the column in the external table. If a
conversion error occurs, then the datafile may not contain all the rows that were processed up to
that point and the datafile will not be readable. To avoid problems with conversion errors causing
the operation to fail, the datatype of the column in the external table should match the datatype of
the column in the database. This is not always possible, because external tables do not support all
datatypes. In these cases, the unsupported datatypes in the source table must be converted into a
datatype that the external table can support. For example, if a source table has a LONG column,
the corresponding column in the external table must be a CLOB and the SELECT subquery that is
used to populate the external table must use the TO_LOB operator to load the column. For

Parallel Access to External Tables

To enable external table support of parallel processing on the datafiles, use the PARALLEL clause
when you create the external table. Each access driver supports parallel access slightly

Parallel Access with ORACLE_LOADER

The ORACLE_LOADER access driver attempts to divide large datafiles into chunks that can be
processed separately.
The following file, record, and data characteristics make it impossible for a file to be processed
in parallel:
Sequential data sources (such as a tape drive or pipe)
Data in any multibyte character set whose character boundaries cannot be determined starting
at an arbitrary byte in the middle of a string
This restriction does not apply to any datafile with a fixed number of bytes per record.
Records with the VAR format
Specifying a PARALLEL clause is of value only when large amounts of data are involved.

Parallel Access with ORACLE_DATAPUMP

When you use the ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver to unload data, the data is unloaded in
parallel when the PARALLEL clause or parallel hint has been specified and when multiple
locations have been specified for the external table.
Each parallel process writes to its own file. Therefore, the LOCATION clause should specify as
many files as there are degrees of parallelism. If there are fewer files than the degree of
parallelism specified, then the degree of parallelism will be limited to the number of files
specified. If there are more files than the degree of parallelism specified, then the extra files will
not be used.
In addition to unloading data, the ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver can also load data. Parallel
processes can read multiple dump files or even chunks of the same dump file concurrently. Thus,
data can be loaded in parallel even if there is only one dump file, as long as that file is large
enough to contain multiple file offsets. This is because when the ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver
unloads data, it periodically remembers the offset into the dump file of the start of a new data
chunk and writes that information into the file when the unload completes. For nonparallel loads,
file offsets are ignored because only one process at a time can access a file. For parallel loads,
file offsets are distributed among parallel processes for multiple concurrent processing on a file
or within a set of files.

Performance Hints When Using External Tables

When you monitor performance, the most important measurement is the elapsed time for a load.
Other important measurements are CPU usage, memory usage, and I/O rates.
You can alter performance by increasing or decreasing the degree of parallelism. The degree of
parallelism indicates the number of access drivers that can be started to process the datafiles. The
degree of parallelism enables you to choose on a scale between slower load with little resource
usage and faster load with all resources utilized. The access driver cannot automatically tune
itself, because it cannot determine how many resources you want to dedicate to the access driver.
An additional consideration is that the access drivers use large I/O buffers for better
performance. On databases with shared servers, all memory used by the access drivers comes out
of the system global area (SGA). For this reason, you should be careful when using external
tables on shared servers. Note that for the ORACLE_LOADER access driver, you can use the
READSIZE clause in the access parameters to specify the size of the buffers.
Performance Hints Specific to the ORACLE_LOADER Access Driver
The information about performance provided in this section is specific to the ORACLE_LOADER
access driver.
Performance can sometimes be increased with use of date cache functionality. By using the date
cache to specify the number of unique dates anticipated during the load, you can reduce the
number of date conversions done when many duplicate date or timestamp values are present in
the input data. The date cache functionality provided by external tables is identical to the date
cache functionality provided by SQL*Loader. See DATE_CACHE for a detailed description.
In addition to changing the degree of parallelism and using the date cache to improve
performance, consider the following information:
Fixed-length records are processed faster than records terminated by a string.
Fixed-length fields are processed faster than delimited fields.
Single-byte character sets are the fastest to process.
Fixed-width character sets are faster to process than varying-width character sets.
Byte-length semantics for varying-width character sets are faster to process than character-
length semantics.
Single-character delimiters for record terminators and field delimiters are faster to process
than multicharacter delimiters.
Having the character set in the datafile match the character set of the database is faster than a
character set conversion.
Having datatypes in the datafile match the datatypes in the database is faster than datatype
Not writing rejected rows to a reject file is faster because of the reduced overhead.
Condition clauses (including WHEN, NULLIF, and DEFAULTIF) slow down processing.
The access driver takes advantage of multithreading to streamline the work as much as

See Also:
Choosing External Tables Versus SQL*Loader

External Table Restrictions

This section lists what the external tables feature does not do and also describes some processing
An external table does not describe any data that is stored in the database.
An external table does not describe how data is stored in the external source. This is the
function of the access parameters.
Column processing: By default, the external tables feature fetches all columns defined for an
external table. This guarantees a consistent result set for all queries. However, for
performance reasons you can decide to process only the referenced columns of an
external table, thus minimizing the amount of data conversion and data handling required
to execute a query. In this case, a row that is rejected because a column in the row causes
a datatype conversion error will not get rejected in a different query if the query does not
reference that column. You can change this column-processing behavior with the ALTER
TABLE command.
An external table cannot load data into a LONG column.
When identifiers (for example, column or table names) are specified in the external table
access parameters, certain values are considered to be reserved words by the access
parameter parser. If a reserved word is used as an identifier, it must be enclosed in double
quotation marks.

See Also:
Reserved Words for the ORACLE_LOADER Access Driver
Reserved Words for the ORACLE_DATAPUMP Access Driver

Restrictions Specific to the ORACLE_DATAPUMP Access Driver

In addition to the restrictions just described, the ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver has the
following restrictions:
Handling of byte-order marks during a load: In an external table load for which the datafile
character set is UTF8 or UTF16, it is not possible to suppress checking for byte-order
marks. Suppression of byte-order mark checking is necessary only if the beginning of the
datafile contains binary data that matches the byte-order mark encoding. (It is possible to
suppress byte-order mark checking with SQL*Loader loads.) Note that checking for a
byte-order mark does not mean that a byte-order mark must be present in the datafile. If
no byte-order mark is present, the byte order of the server platform is used.
The external tables feature does not support the use of the backslash (\) escape character
within strings. See Use of the Backslash Escape Character.

Behavior Differences Between SQL*Loader and

External Tables
This section describes important differences between loading data with external tables, using the
ORACLE_LOADER access driver, as opposed to loading data with SQL*Loader conventional and
direct path loads. This information does not apply to the ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver.
Multiple Primary Input Datafiles
If there are multiple primary input datafiles with SQL*Loader loads, a bad file and a discard file
are created for each input datafile. With external table loads, there is only one bad file and one
discard file for all input datafiles. If parallel access drivers are used for the external table load,
each access driver has its own bad file and discard file.

Syntax and Datatypes

The following are not supported with external table loads:
Use of CONTINUEIF or CONCATENATE to combine multiple physical records into a single
logical record.
Loading of the following SQL*Loader datatypes: GRAPHIC, GRAPHIC EXTERNAL, and
Use of the following database column types: LONGs, nested tables, VARRAYs, REFs, primary
key REFs, and SIDs

Byte-Order Marks
With SQL*Loader, if a primary datafile uses a Unicode character set (UTF8 or UTF16) and it
also contains a byte-order mark (BOM), then the byte-order mark is written at the beginning of
the corresponding bad and discard files. With external table loads, the byte-order mark is not
written at the beginning of the bad and discard files.

Default Character Sets and Date Masks

For fields in a datafile, the settings of NLS environment variables on the client determine the
default character set and date masks. For fields in external tables, the setting of NLS
environment variables on the server determine the default character set and date masks.

Use of the Backslash Escape Character

In SQL*Loader, you can use the backslash (\) escape character to mark a single quotation mark
as a single quotation mark, as follows:

In external tables, the use of the backslash escape character within a string will raise an error.
The workaround is to use double quotation marks to mark the separation string, as follows:
part_et. et_ ../..../../na toc.ht ind ../../mix. ../../dc
htm par /in v/port m ex. 101/b12 omm
ams de al_3.h htm039/toc. on/ht
.ht x.h tm htm ml/fe
m tm edbac

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Notes about this example:

The employee_number field in the datafile is converted to a character string for the
employee_number field in the external table.
The datafile contains an employee_dob field that is not loaded into any field in the table.
The substr function is used on the employee_middle_name column in the external table to
generate the value for middle_initial in table emp.

Using External Tables to Load and Unload Data

In the context of external tables, loading data refers to the act of reading data from an external
table and loading it into a table in the database. Unloading data refers to the act of reading data
from a table in the database and inserting it into an external table.

Data can only be unloaded using the ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver.

Loading Data
When data is loaded, the data stream is read from the files specified by the LOCATION and
DEFAULT DIRECTORY clauses. The INSERT statement generates a flow of data from the external
data source to the Oracle SQL engine, where data is processed. As data from the external source
is parsed by the access driver and provided to the external table interface, it is converted from its
external representation to its Oracle internal datatype.
Unloading Data Using the ORACLE_DATAPUMP Access Driver
To unload data, you use the ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver. The data stream that is unloaded is
in a proprietary format and contains all the column data for every row being unloaded.
An unload operation also creates a metadata stream that describes the contents of the data stream.
The information in the metadata stream is required for loading the data stream. Therefore, the
metadata stream is written to the datafile and placed before the data stream.

Dealing with Column Objects

When the external table is accessed through a SQL statement, the fields of the external table can
be used just like any other field in a normal table. In particular, the fields can be used as
arguments for any SQL built-in function, PL/SQL function, or Java function. This enables you to
manipulate the data from the external source.
Although external tables cannot contain a column object, you can use constructor functions to
build a column object from attributes in the external table. For example, assume a table in the
database is defined as follows:
CREATE TYPE student_type AS object (
student_no CHAR(5),
name CHAR(20))


student student_type,
grade CHAR(2));

Also assume there is an external table defined as follows:

CREATE TABLE roster_data (
student_no CHAR(5),
name CHAR(20),
grade CHAR(2))
LOCATION ('info.dat'));

To load table roster from roster_data, you would specify something similar to the following:
INSERT INTO roster (student, grade)
(SELECT student_type(student_no, name), grade FROM roster_data);

Datatype Conversion During External Table Use

When data is moved into or out of an external table, it is possible that the same column will have
a different datatype in each of the following three places:
The database: This is the source when data is unloaded into an external table and it is the
destination when data is loaded from an external table.
The external table: When data is unloaded into an external table, the data from the database is
converted, if necessary, to match the datatype of the column in the external table. Also,
you can apply SQL operators to the source data to change its datatype before the data gets
moved to the external table. Similarly, when loading from the external table into a
database, the data from the external table is automatically converted to match the
datatype of the column in the database. Again, you can perform other conversions by
using SQL operators in the SQL statement that is selecting from the external table. For
better performance, the datatypes in the external table should match those in the database.
The datafile: When you unload data into an external table, the datatypes for fields in the
datafile exactly match the datatypes of fields in the external table. However, when you
load data from the external table, the datatypes in the datafile may not match the
datatypes in the external table. In this case, the data from the datafile is converted to
match the datatypes of the external table. If there is an error converting a column, then
the record containing that column is not loaded. For better performance, the datatypes in
the datafile should match the datatypes in the external table.
Any conversion errors that occur between the datafile and the external table cause the row with
the error to be ignored. Any errors between the external table and the column in the database
(including conversion errors and constraint violations) cause the entire operation to terminate
When data is unloaded into an external table, data conversion occurs if the datatype of a column
in the source table does not match the datatype of the column in the external table. If a
conversion error occurs, then the datafile may not contain all the rows that were processed up to
that point and the datafile will not be readable. To avoid problems with conversion errors causing
the operation to fail, the datatype of the column in the external table should match the datatype of
the column in the database. This is not always possible, because external tables do not support all
datatypes. In these cases, the unsupported datatypes in the source table must be converted into a
datatype that the external table can support. For example, if a source table has a LONG column,
the corresponding column in the external table must be a CLOB and the SELECT subquery that is
used to populate the external table must use the TO_LOB operator to load the column. For

Parallel Access to External Tables

To enable external table support of parallel processing on the datafiles, use the PARALLEL clause
when you create the external table. Each access driver supports parallel access slightly

Parallel Access with ORACLE_LOADER

The ORACLE_LOADER access driver attempts to divide large datafiles into chunks that can be
processed separately.
The following file, record, and data characteristics make it impossible for a file to be processed
in parallel:
Sequential data sources (such as a tape drive or pipe)
Data in any multibyte character set whose character boundaries cannot be determined starting
at an arbitrary byte in the middle of a string
This restriction does not apply to any datafile with a fixed number of bytes per record.
Records with the VAR format
Specifying a PARALLEL clause is of value only when large amounts of data are involved.

Parallel Access with ORACLE_DATAPUMP

When you use the ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver to unload data, the data is unloaded in
parallel when the PARALLEL clause or parallel hint has been specified and when multiple
locations have been specified for the external table.
Each parallel process writes to its own file. Therefore, the LOCATION clause should specify as
many files as there are degrees of parallelism. If there are fewer files than the degree of
parallelism specified, then the degree of parallelism will be limited to the number of files
specified. If there are more files than the degree of parallelism specified, then the extra files will
not be used.
In addition to unloading data, the ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver can also load data. Parallel
processes can read multiple dump files or even chunks of the same dump file concurrently. Thus,
data can be loaded in parallel even if there is only one dump file, as long as that file is large
enough to contain multiple file offsets. This is because when the ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver
unloads data, it periodically remembers the offset into the dump file of the start of a new data
chunk and writes that information into the file when the unload completes. For nonparallel loads,
file offsets are ignored because only one process at a time can access a file. For parallel loads,
file offsets are distributed among parallel processes for multiple concurrent processing on a file
or within a set of files.

Performance Hints When Using External Tables

When you monitor performance, the most important measurement is the elapsed time for a load.
Other important measurements are CPU usage, memory usage, and I/O rates.
You can alter performance by increasing or decreasing the degree of parallelism. The degree of
parallelism indicates the number of access drivers that can be started to process the datafiles. The
degree of parallelism enables you to choose on a scale between slower load with little resource
usage and faster load with all resources utilized. The access driver cannot automatically tune
itself, because it cannot determine how many resources you want to dedicate to the access driver.
An additional consideration is that the access drivers use large I/O buffers for better
performance. On databases with shared servers, all memory used by the access drivers comes out
of the system global area (SGA). For this reason, you should be careful when using external
tables on shared servers. Note that for the ORACLE_LOADER access driver, you can use the
READSIZE clause in the access parameters to specify the size of the buffers.

Performance Hints Specific to the ORACLE_LOADER Access Driver

The information about performance provided in this section is specific to the ORACLE_LOADER
access driver.
Performance can sometimes be increased with use of date cache functionality. By using the date
cache to specify the number of unique dates anticipated during the load, you can reduce the
number of date conversions done when many duplicate date or timestamp values are present in
the input data. The date cache functionality provided by external tables is identical to the date
cache functionality provided by SQL*Loader. See DATE_CACHE for a detailed description.
In addition to changing the degree of parallelism and using the date cache to improve
performance, consider the following information:
Fixed-length records are processed faster than records terminated by a string.
Fixed-length fields are processed faster than delimited fields.
Single-byte character sets are the fastest to process.
Fixed-width character sets are faster to process than varying-width character sets.
Byte-length semantics for varying-width character sets are faster to process than character-
length semantics.
Single-character delimiters for record terminators and field delimiters are faster to process
than multicharacter delimiters.
Having the character set in the datafile match the character set of the database is faster than a
character set conversion.
Having datatypes in the datafile match the datatypes in the database is faster than datatype
Not writing rejected rows to a reject file is faster because of the reduced overhead.
Condition clauses (including WHEN, NULLIF, and DEFAULTIF) slow down processing.
The access driver takes advantage of multithreading to streamline the work as much as

See Also:
Choosing External Tables Versus SQL*Loader

External Table Restrictions

This section lists what the external tables feature does not do and also describes some processing
An external table does not describe any data that is stored in the database.
An external table does not describe how data is stored in the external source. This is the
function of the access parameters.
Column processing: By default, the external tables feature fetches all columns defined for an
external table. This guarantees a consistent result set for all queries. However, for
performance reasons you can decide to process only the referenced columns of an
external table, thus minimizing the amount of data conversion and data handling required
to execute a query. In this case, a row that is rejected because a column in the row causes
a datatype conversion error will not get rejected in a different query if the query does not
reference that column. You can change this column-processing behavior with the ALTER
TABLE command.
An external table cannot load data into a LONG column.
When identifiers (for example, column or table names) are specified in the external table
access parameters, certain values are considered to be reserved words by the access
parameter parser. If a reserved word is used as an identifier, it must be enclosed in double
quotation marks.

See Also:
Reserved Words for the ORACLE_LOADER Access Driver
Reserved Words for the ORACLE_DATAPUMP Access Driver

Restrictions Specific to the ORACLE_DATAPUMP Access Driver

In addition to the restrictions just described, the ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver has the
following restrictions:
Handling of byte-order marks during a load: In an external table load for which the datafile
character set is UTF8 or UTF16, it is not possible to suppress checking for byte-order
marks. Suppression of byte-order mark checking is necessary only if the beginning of the
datafile contains binary data that matches the byte-order mark encoding. (It is possible to
suppress byte-order mark checking with SQL*Loader loads.) Note that checking for a
byte-order mark does not mean that a byte-order mark must be present in the datafile. If
no byte-order mark is present, the byte order of the server platform is used.
The external tables feature does not support the use of the backslash (\) escape character
within strings. See Use of the Backslash Escape Character.
Behavior Differences Between SQL*Loader and
External Tables
This section describes important differences between loading data with external tables, using the
ORACLE_LOADER access driver, as opposed to loading data with SQL*Loader conventional and
direct path loads. This information does not apply to the ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver.

Multiple Primary Input Datafiles

If there are multiple primary input datafiles with SQL*Loader loads, a bad file and a discard file
are created for each input datafile. With external table loads, there is only one bad file and one
discard file for all input datafiles. If parallel access drivers are used for the external table load,
each access driver has its own bad file and discard file.

Syntax and Datatypes

The following are not supported with external table loads:
Use of CONTINUEIF or CONCATENATE to combine multiple physical records into a single
logical record.
Loading of the following SQL*Loader datatypes: GRAPHIC, GRAPHIC EXTERNAL, and
Use of the following database column types: LONGs, nested tables, VARRAYs, REFs, primary
key REFs, and SIDs

Byte-Order Marks
With SQL*Loader, if a primary datafile uses a Unicode character set (UTF8 or UTF16) and it
also contains a byte-order mark (BOM), then the byte-order mark is written at the beginning of
the corresponding bad and discard files. With external table loads, the byte-order mark is not
written at the beginning of the bad and discard files.

Default Character Sets and Date Masks

For fields in a datafile, the settings of NLS environment variables on the client determine the
default character set and date masks. For fields in external tables, the setting of NLS
environment variables on the server determine the default character set and date masks.

Use of the Backslash Escape Character

In SQL*Loader, you can use the backslash (\) escape character to mark a single quotation mark
as a single quotation mark, as follows:
In external tables, the use of the backslash escape character within a string will raise an error.
The workaround is to use double quotation marks to mark the separation string, as follows:

part_et. et_ ../..../../na toc.ht ind ../../mix. ../../dc

htm par /in v/port m ex. 101/b12 omm
ams de al_3.h htm039/toc. on/ht
.ht x.h tm htm ml/fe
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How Are External Tables Created?

External tables are created using the SQL CREATE TABLE...ORGANIZATION

EXTERNAL statement. When you create an external table, you specify the
following attributes:

• TYPE - specifies the type of external table. The two available types are
the ORACLE_LOADER type and the ORACLE_DATAPUMP type. Each type
of external table is supported by its own access driver.
o The ORACLE_LOADER access driver is the default. It can perform
only data loads, and the data must come from text datafiles.
Loads from external tables to internal tables are done by reading
from the text-only datafiles in the external table.
o The ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver can perform both loads
and unloads. The data must come from binary dump files. Loads
to internal tables from external tables are done by fetching from
the binary dump files. Unloads from internal tables to external
tables are done by populating the binary dump files of the
external table.
• DEFAULT DIRECTORY - specifies the default location of files that are
read or written by external tables. The location is specified with a
directory object, not a directory path. See Location of Datafiles and
Output Files for more information.
• ACCESS PARAMETERS - describe the external data source and
implements the type of external table that was specified. Each type of
external table has its own access driver that provides access
parameters unique to that type of external table. See Access
• LOCATION - specifies the location of the external data. The location is
specified as a list of directory objects and filenames. If the directory
object is not specified, then the default directory object is used as the
file location.

The following example shows the use of each of these attributes:


2 (employee_number CHAR(5),
3 employee_dob CHAR(20),
4 employee_last_name CHAR(20),
5 employee_first_name CHAR(15),
6 employee_middle_name CHAR(15),
7 employee_hire_date DATE)
13 FIELDS (employee_number CHAR(2),
14 employee_dob CHAR(20),
15 employee_last_name CHAR(18),
16 employee_first_name CHAR(11),
17 employee_middle_name CHAR(11),
18 employee_hire_date CHAR(10)
date_format DATE mask "mm/dd/yyyy"
19 )
20 )
21 LOCATION ('info.dat')
22 );

Table created.

The information you provide through the access driver ensures that data
from the data source is processed so that it matches the definition of the
external table. The fields listed after CREATE TABLE emp_load are actually
defining the metadata for the data in the info.dat source file. The access
parameters are optional.

Access Parameters

When you create an external table of a particular type, you can specify
access parameters to modify the default behavior of the access driver. Each
access driver has its own syntax for access parameters.

These access parameters are collectively referred to as the
opaque_format_spec in the SQL CREATE TABLE...ORGANIZATION
EXTERNAL statement.
See Also:

• Chapter 13, "The ORACLE_LOADER Access Driver"

• Chapter 14, "The ORACLE_DATAPUMP Access Driver"
Location of Datafiles and Output Files

The access driver runs inside the database server. This is different from
SQL*Loader, which is a client program that sends the data to be loaded over
to the server. This difference has the following implications:

• The server must have access to any files to be loaded by the access
• The server must create and write the output files created by the
access driver: the log file, bad file, and discard file, as well as any
dump files created by the ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver.

The access driver does not allow you to specify a complete specification for
files. This is because the server may have access to files that you do not, and
allowing you to read this data would affect security. Similarly, you might
overwrite a file that you normally would not have privileges to delete.

Instead, you are required to specify directory objects as the locations from
which to read files and write files. A directory object maps a name to a
directory name on the file system. For example, the following statement
creates a directory object named ext_tab_dir that is mapped to a
directory located at /usr/apps/datafiles.

CREATE DIRECTORY ext_tab_dir AS '/usr/apps/datafiles';

Directory objects can be created by DBAs or by any user with the CREATE
ANY DIRECTORY privilege.

After a directory is created, the user creating the directory object needs to
grant READ and WRITE privileges on the directory to other users. These
privileges must be explicitly granted, rather than assigned through the use of
roles. For example, to allow the server to read files on behalf of user scott
in the directory named by ext_tab_dir, the user who created the directory
object must execute the following command:

GRANT READ ON DIRECTORY ext_tab_dir TO scott;

The name of the directory object can appear in the following places in a

• The DEFAULT DIRECTORY clause, which specifies the default directory

to use for all input and output files that do not explicitly name a
directory object.
• The LOCATION clause, which lists all of the datafiles for the external
table. The files are named in the form directory:file. The
directory portion is optional. If it is missing, the default directory is
used as the directory for the file.
• The ACCESS PARAMETERS clause where output files are named. The
files are named in the form directory:file. The directory portion
is optional. If it is missing, the default directory is used as the directory
for the file. Syntax in the access parameters enables you to indicate
that a particular output file should not be created. This is useful if you
do not care about the output files or if you do not have write access to
any directory objects.

The SYS user is the only user that can own directory objects, but the SYS
user can grant other users the privilege to create directory objects. Note that
READ or WRITE permission to a directory object means only that the Oracle
database will read or write that file on your behalf. You are not given direct
access to those files outside of the Oracle database unless you have the
appropriate operating system privileges. Similarly, the Oracle database
requires permission from the operating system to read and write files in the

Example: Creating and Loading an External Table Using


The steps in this section show an example of using the ORACLE_LOADER

access driver to create and load an external table. A traditional table named
emp is defined along with an external table named emp_load. The external
data is then loaded into an internal table.

1. Assume your .dat file looks as follows:

2. 56november, 15, 1980 baker mary
alice 09/01/2004
3. 87december, 20, 1970 roper lisa
marie 01/01/1999
4. Execute the following SQL statements to set up a default directory
(which contains the data source) and to grant access to it:
5. CREATE DIRECTORY ext_tab_dir AS '/usr/apps/datafiles';
7. Create a traditional table named emp:
8. CREATE TABLE emp (emp_no CHAR(6), last_name CHAR(25),
first_name CHAR(20), middle_initial CHAR(1), hire_date
DATE, dob DATE);
9. Create an external table named emp_load:
10. SQL> CREATE TABLE emp_load
11. 2 (employee_number CHAR(5),
12. 3 employee_dob CHAR(20),
13. 4 employee_last_name CHAR(20),
14. 5 employee_first_name CHAR(15),
15. 6 employee_middle_name CHAR(15),
16. 7 employee_hire_date DATE)
19. 10 DEFAULT DIRECTORY def_dir1
22. 13 FIELDS (employee_number CHAR(2),
23. 14 employee_dob CHAR(20),
24. 15 employee_last_name CHAR(18),
25. 16 employee_first_name CHAR(11),
26. 17 employee_middle_name CHAR(11),
27. 18 employee_hire_date CHAR(10)
date_format DATE mask "mm/dd/yyyy"
28. 19 )
29. 20 )
30. 21 LOCATION ('info.dat')
31. 22 );
33. Table created.
34. Load the data from the external table emp_load into the table emp:
35. SQL> INSERT INTO emp (emp_no,
36. 2 first_name,
37. 3 middle_initial,
38. 4 last_name,
39. 5 hire_date,
40. 6 dob)
41. 7 (SELECT employee_number,
42. 8 employee_first_name,
43. 9 substr(employee_middle_name, 1, 1),
44. 10 employee_last_name,
45. 11 employee_hire_date,
46. 12 to_date(employee_dob,'month, dd, yyyy')
47. 13 FROM emp_load);
49. 2 rows created.
50. Perform the following select operation to verify that the information in
the .dat file was loaded into the emp table:
51. SQL> SELECT * FROM emp;
54. ------ ------------------------- --------------------
- --------- ---------
55. 56 baker mary
a 01-SEP-04 15-NOV-80
56. 87 roper lisa
m 01-JAN-99 20-DEC-70
58. 2 rows selected.

Notes about this example:

• The employee_number field in the datafile is converted to a character

string for the employee_number field in the external table.
• The datafile contains an employee_dob field that is not loaded into
any field in the table.
• The substr function is used on the employee_middle_name column
in the external table to generate the value for middle_initial in
table emp.
• The character string for employee_hire_date in info.dat is
automatically converted into a DATE datatype at external table access
time, using the format mask specified in the external table definiition.
• Unlike employee_hire_date, the DATE datatype conversion for
employee_dob is done at SELECT time and is not part of the external
table definition.

See Also:
Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for detailed information about the
correct way to specify date and time formats

CREATE TABLE dept_external (

deptno NUMBER(6),
dname VARCHAR2(20),
loc VARCHAR2(25)
(TYPE oracle_loader
BADFILE 'ulcase1.bad'
DISCARDFILE 'ulcase1.dis'
LOGFILE 'ulcase1.log'
dname CHAR(20),
loc CHAR(25)
LOCATION ('ulcase1.ctl')

CREATE DIRECTORY mydir AS '/scratch/file_data';

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