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• Just recently I've received some messages of people

asking me what I think about all the recent events taking

place in our world. It seems that all this things getting the
attention of the religious world. They watch with stupor
everything that's happening. And I believe they do it with
good reason.
◦ They look with incertitude and fear to our world today,
desperately trying to search for the solution that the
world cannot give.
◦ The question that we should pose right now is, now
what? What are we supposed to do?
• This human condition was long before predicted by Jesus
◦ Luke 21:25,26
▪ The text tells us that there would be a certain
moment in time when humanity wouldn't stand the
succession of events that would menace the
humanity in general. A moment in history where all
those events would take place at the same time.
▪ Beloved we are living in changing times. And
changing times require a a time to change. The Lord
asks us to make of this a moment to strengthen our
faith and learn how to hold on the everlasting arm.
Difficult moments can be used to lift up high the
banner of Christ's Kingdom.
▪ This is something that needs to be done steadfastly.
Why? Because of the event that comes right after.
• Luke 21:27
• Here's the problem. We're not in Japan or Libya. We don't
see children starving around us. We have good medical
care. The Lord says that the church in the last days is a
church “almost” unaware of her own condition.
◦ Rev. 3:17,18
▪ That is the problem. This last people on earth have
apparently everything, but still something's missing.
• If we go to the book of Ezequiel, we'll have an even harder
picture of how the Lord see's His people.
◦ Ezequiel 37:1,2
▪ It's a terrible vision. Further on, Ezequiel understands
that the vision refers also to the spiritual condition of
God's people.
▪ Then God challenges Ezekiel with a strange question.
▪ Ezequiel 37:3
• A question that forces Ezequiel to look at what
sometimes we don't want to see. We prefer to close
our eyes to. The Laodicean church preferred to see
how much they were able to build and to work for.
• I can imagine Ezequiel, kind of shivering his
shoulders, shaking his head and at the same time,
saying “what am I supposed to say Lord? You're the
only one who can answer that.”
• Ezequiel 37:4
◦ I've spoken to people that complain about the
spiritual condition of the church. And whenever I
hear this comments I remember this text. We are
this dry bones. People that somehow with the
course of life, they lost sight of the reason why
we are a church. People that with the problems,
difficulties of life, with the traumas of a life of
sufferings, lost track of how sweet it is to trust in
our Heavenly Father.
◦ The beauty of this, is that the Lord is sharing this
vision to say “I understand” the reasons that
brought you to this condition, but now it's time to
put an end unto it, and it's time to change. It's
time to wake up. It's time to hear the Word of the
• Ezequiel 37:5
◦ You shall live. Do you understand what the Lord
is telling us? It doesn't matter what's happening
in our world. Even in the midst of all this
tragedy's I'm still the life giver. While we focus on
our world's condition we might lose track of
what's really important.
◦ This is what the devil fears the most in our days.
When the people of God go through a process of
revitalizing their spiritual lifes (REVIVAL), he fears
because he knows that it's the Spirit of the Lord
getting in action. When that happens you get
excited for your church. You get enthusiastic
about sharing the good news of Salvation.
Because there's a new life force in you. You
rejoice with every single opportunity to show
others that the Lord loves you so much that he's
coming back for you.
• Ezequiel 37:6,7
◦ A bone by it self can't do much. But the text tells
us that each bone will take it's place and will
connect one another. We, as such by
understanding the times we are living, we're
called to connect one another and get ready for
this last pouring of the Holy Spirit.
• Before the final visitation of God’s judgments upon the
earth, there will be, among the people of the Lord, such a
revival of primitive godliness as has not been witnessed
since apostolic times. The Spirit and power of God will be
poured out upon His children. At that time many will
separate themselves from those churches in which the
love of this world has supplanted love for God and His
Word. Many, both of ministers and people, will gladly
accept those great truths which God has caused to be
proclaimed at this time, to prepare a people for the Lord’s
second coming. The enemy of souls desires to hinder this
work.... {FLB 326.2}
◦ Ezequiel 37:10-12
▪ My people – The same words He uses to call out those
who are in Babylon in Revelation 18.
◦ I'm not saying that we can forget everything
about what's going on around us. But our focus
shouldn't be there, but the Lord. While getting
distracted with it, we don't see our own condition
and need of Him. Yes, the world is in chaos,
there's tragedy's happening left and right. But
how's my relationship with Him? What's the
vision that my Heavenly Father has of me? What
does He see in my life?
◦ That's why in this last days there's one clear
simple request from the Lord:
▪ Luke 21:28
• Look up; it doesn't say just to look around and be
petrified with what's happening.

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