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9-11-01 USA Twin Tower Attack

3-10-11 Japan QuakTsuNuke
= ========
12-21-12 Pole Shift-End of Civilization

Researched by:

Agape Foundation (Agasoft)

April, 2011

Question: We all know that USA and Japan are the richest countries in the world. But notice, USA
lost many lives on 9-11-01 twin tower attack.

Now Japan lost more lives on 3-10-11 Quake-Tsunami-Nuclear Meltdown. At first the count was
below 1,000 dead, but the latest count is passing the 25,000 mark!

Now add the two dates together and you get 12-21-12.

9-11-01 USA Twin Tower Attack

3-10-11 Japan QuakTsuNuke
= ========
12-21-12 Pole Shift-End of Civilization

Seems familiar?

Based on Discovery Channel, that date is the last day of the earth.

Now, your surprise will double if you remove the dashes separating the numbers and you add them
as ‘united’ numbers:

= ========

What do you think? Is there some meaning or is the sum of the two dates a mere coincidental and
does not deserve our slightest concern?

Chona & Sayas

My Answer Based On My Research

April 15, 2011

Dear Chona and Sayas,

Thank you for the text above that you forwarded to me separately. We can be very thankful for the
person who originally wrote that and sent it to us.

To me, it is not mere coincidence. It has a very important meaning crucial to us.

This answer is going to be a long explanation and discussion about three topics, namely:

• the USA 9/11

• the recent Japan 3/10/11; and
• the increasingly dreaded 12-21-12

Since I do not have power of my own to unearth the meanings of these three interesting topics,
being only a mere researcher and a truth seeker, and not a channeler (someone to whom God or the
angels channel the message and information), therefore, I am depending on what others have
received from Above and am sharing them to you.

Due to its size, I cannot send this whole article or ebook to you via cellular phone, so I will post
this in the internet, name the website as www.US911_Jap311_and_12-21-12_blogspot.com and
am sending to you this website/weblog address to your cellphone.

It is understood that you need to open and read it in the internet so you can read this.

So let me begin my discussion and explanation for each of the three topics.

Part I
The USA 9/11/01 Twin Tower Attack –
What Had God to Say thru His Servants?

Part II
The Recent Japan 3/10/11 Quake-Tsunami-Nuke Meltdown

Part III
The increasingly dreaded impending 12-21-12 –
Is it Year 2000 Postponed Coming of the Lord?
What Did and Does God Say about It thru His Servants?
What Dangers? What Opportunities?
Is It “Behind the Clouds Is a Silver Lining”?
Is It Hope Behind Colossal Destruction?
Dawn after the Dark Midnight?
Is 12-21-12 the Threshold – the exit door for this old corrupt civilization and the entry door for the
New Era of Love, Light and Life?

Part IV
Contact to Share your own Ideas-Opinions, Research-Findings and Revelations

Part I
The USA 9/11/01 Twin Tower
Attack –
What Had God to Say thru His

Message from our Father in Heaven 25th day of May, 2002,
Linda Newkirk

"A Clap in the Heavens!"

"My Beloved Child, I am your Father in Heaven. Listen to Me, My Child, and record what I say,
that My Little Ones may have understanding. What is at hand is a bitter pill to swallow; for
illusion shall become evermore a reality and reality an illusion."

"My Child, reach out and take the glistening sword from the angel."
"Father, I have it in my hands and it is a heavy sword; but even as I touch it, I see fire and hear a
deep rumbling."
"My Child, I want you to pick up that sword and I want you to divide the Clinton/Bush White
House. Take that flaming sword, My Child, and let it fall through the middle of this whore house."
"Yes, my Father, I take this sword and I do as You say."
"Then, My Child, take this sword and slice and dice the NSA, the CIA and the FBI."
"My Father, as You say."
"Now, My Child, take your foot and squash their evil plans into a state of utter powder."
"Father, I have done so and even the fragments of their plans have been consumed by burning
"This is so, My Child and look, what do you see."
"I see angels, who are rounding up these evil ones, and they are throwing them into prison."
"My Child, all that you have been instructed to do shall manifest in reality and it shall begin even
today. I will show you what is being done to your enemies; for you will read of it in the news."

"Then, Father, what will these angels do?"
"They will do much; but they will particularly harvest souls."
"Oh, Father, this is so awesome."
"My Child, do not fear the evil ones and do not fear anything they try to do to you. I will make
examples of everyone of your enemies. Every one of them, who comes to harm you in any way,
whether through word or deed, will suffer utter defeat and many, many will die. Their families will
perish and their evil words will come to naught."
"Father, I know that many are about to perish."
"You have seen it and this is so. With this, we shall stop for today. I am your Father in Heaven,
yea Jehovah, Most High God. Post this as the next Message for You and include it at the bottom of
the current Chapter of Book VIII for all to remember in times to come."
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 25th day of May, 2002,
Linda Newkirk
As I write this addendum, it is June 01, 2002. This morning I read several articles on
http://www.rense.com, all telling of complicity between the Bush White House and the FBI to
cover up the 911 massacre. Several articles speak of the FBI’s previous knowledge of the 911
massacre and others plainly state that Bush and his cohorts knew in advance about this horror. One
article calls for Mueller, director of the FBI to step down. Surely, our Father is going to judge
these mass murderers!”

Visions and Prophecies from the Mountain, thru prophetess Linda Newkirk

Message from our Father in Heaven 23rd day of June, 2003,
Linda Newkirk

"My Child, never again will America be a safe place to live. Never again. Your leaders are utterly
evil and they continue on their murderous rampages without any remorse whatsoever. They have
killed many Americans through the 911 scheme. They have started two wars for oil and greed.
(Afghanistan and Iraq). They have mobilized many in the US capitol and they continue on without
thought for anything but their New World Order. My Little One, this is Satanism. This is
Luciferianism. This is evil, what unrestrained evil ones. And, you as Americans, in general, are
more dumbed down and asleep to it all. Therefore, My Child, other countries will rise up and stop
you. Other countries will utterly destroy this country. It is here, My Little One, and it will not be
long delayed. The attacks of the bridges, of the dams, of the aqueducts, of the public places, like
subways and rails, all these things are at hand. And, I tell you, My Child, that America shall reap
as it has sown. It is madness, My Child, utter madness!"
"And, my Father, these reptilian beasts are getting bolder and bolder!"
"My Little One, they are gaining control of the whole world. They are possessing humans, creating
robotoids and surging full speed ahead with their New World Order. You are seeing it."

As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 23rd day of June, 2003,

Linda Newkirk

Visions and Prophecies from the Mountain, thru prophetess Linda Newkirk at:

Message from our Father in Heaven January 04, 2004,
Linda Newkirk

"Imminent Plot to Blow up a Nuclear Power Plant in the State of New York"
Our Cherished Brothers and Sisters, it is with a sense of urgency that we come to you today!
Within the last two weeks, or so, our Father in Heaven has told me of plans of the evil ones in this
country to try and pull off another "911". However, He states that what they have planned this time
will make "911" look like child’s play.
As I was praying today, I saw a large nuclear explosion in the Northeast part of the USA. As I
prayed for more discernment regarding this nuclear explosion, our Father in Heaven gave me a
vision of a nuclear power plant on a river and I heard the word, Catskill. From this brief bit of
information, I knew that the power plant must be in the state of New York, but was not altogether
sure. I passed this information along to Stew Webb and he came up with some information, which
seemed to point toward Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant in New York State. While I am not
altogether sure that this is the plant, I feel comfortable is stating that this planned attack is against a
nuclear power plant in the state of New York.
With this much information, I went back to our Father in Heaven in prayer and He showed me a
vision of Richard Cheney, who was looking at a map, and planning this great devastation.
Alongside of him I saw Donald Rumsfeld. I did not see the Bushes, but it is surely understood that
they would know very well what is going on. I asked our Father in Heaven why they wanted to
target New York and New York City again and He told me that they are facing such horrendous
economic problems that they want to destroy the economic seat of this country. This would surely
set the stage for increased martial law across America and would set the stage for them to bring
foreign troops into the streets of America as well. It would also serve to blind the people of this
country to the serious economic plundering that they have done in America.
This is horrendous and we must each get into serious prayer right now before our Lord and God
begging Him to intervene and stop this scheme and bring these evil ones to justice.

Visions and Prophecies from the Mountain, thru prophetess Linda Newkirk

Message from our Father in Heaven 21st day of January, 2004,
Linda Newkirk

“I repeat Myself. What has been sent to you through this vision is true! And, this and worse will
come to pass if those in power do not repent, come back to Me, and honor My commandments."
"Father, this is dreadful."
"It is, My Child, and one would think that they would have learned their lesson from being
anthraxed by the Bushes and their cohorts in crime. But, they learned nothing. Instead, these very
whores gave George W. Bush and his cohorts in crime the Patriot Act on a silver platter. They
voted for it and never read it. And, even so as the bars were going up around them, they applauded
the Patriot Act. Now that they work in an armed fortress and every word on their telephones is
monitored, do they feel any safer? No, My Child, they do not; for they have given away your
constitutional rights to mad men. They have signed away your government to anarchists. And, as
never before in the history of this land, they have given a leader unparalleled power to invade
another country for oil and to continue to carry out such attacks against other countries on a whim.
Oh, what a clever war the war on terror; but did I not tell you in the book of Leviticus that I would
put terror over any nation when this nation becomes evil? So, I, Myself, have assigned this terror
to this nation and you, as a nation, will repent, or perish. And, this means that the governing body
of this nation! These bought and paid-for whores will circumspectly survey their lives, clean them
up spiritually and come back to Me, or they will soon be out of a job and you, as Americans, will
not have to be concerned with a government, which has sold you down the Satanic drain. With
this, we shall stop for now. I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God."
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 21st day of January, 2004,
Linda Newkirk
White Buffalo Calf Woman


Message from our Father in Heaven 23rd day of June, 2003,

Linda Newkirk
Message from our Father in Heaven 23rd day of June, 2003,
Linda Newkirk
Message from our Father in Heaven 23rd day of June, 2003,
Linda Newkirk
Message from our Father in Heaven 23rd day of June, 2003,
Linda Newkirk

<Back to Table of Contents>

Part II
The Recent Japan 3/10/11

<Back to Table of Contents>

Part III
The increasingly dreaded impending 12-21-12 –
Is it Year 2000 Postponed Coming of the Lord?
What Did and Does God Say about It thru His
What Dangers? What Opportunities?
Is It “Behind the Clouds Is a Silver Lining”?
Is It Hope Behind Colossal Destruction?
Dawn after the Dark Midnight?
Is 12-21-12 the Threshold – the exit door for this
old corrupt civilization and the entry door for the
New Era of Love, Light and Life?

The increasingly dreaded impending 12-21-12 –
Is it Year 2000 Postponed Coming of the Lord?

What Did and Does God Say about It thru His Servants?

What Dangers? What Opportunities?

Is It “Behind the Clouds Is a Silver Lining”?

Is It Hope Behind Colossal Destruction?

Dawn after the Dark Midnight?

Is 12-21-12 the Threshold – the exit door for this old corrupt civilization
and the entry door for the New Era of Love, Light and Life?


<Back to Table of Contents>

Part IV
Contact Us to Share your own Ideas-Opinions,
We know that there are others among you who hold additional information
regarding our subjects [US 9/11, Japan 3/11, & 12-21-12] which can benefit our
fellowman ascend and escape from death and perdition.

Remember, we are in the “All for One, One for All” kind of thing! Gone is the
world’s “One Win, The Rest Lose” kind of competition and struggle.

As a start, send this free ebook to your loved ones: relatives and friends.

And any of you possesses additional information regarding our topic, then, we urge
you to send them to us, via our email addresses or cellphone numbers below, so we
can include them n our next update of this ebook.

Through this ebook, we are lifting up everyone. It’s like the story of a group of 70
passengers whose bus fell in a cliff into a deep lake surrounded by a high cliff.

Everybody helped everybody climbs to safety.

Upon verification and confidence on the veracity of your information, we will

include your contribution. Thanks in advance. You can view this blog from to time to
see the updates.

Email Addresses:

Cellphone Nos: 0910-9158-369

<Back to Table of Contents>


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