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You will listen to sentences in the passive voice.

Listen to the sentences and re-write them in

the active voice so that they have the structure S-V-O (subject-verb-object). Then indicate the
tense of the verb phrase. If you don’t know the doer or author of the action, you can create your
own. For example, if you hear
“all arrangements have been made”
you can write
“My secretary has made all arrangements.”
1. I prepared food shortly TENSE= SPast
2. My uncle will meet you at the airpot TENSE= Simple Future )
3. Police have discovered the evidence TENSE= Present Perfect)
4. He will have made wedding announcement when you come (Future Perfect continous)
5. Has he signed the form? TENSE= PP
6. Alan’s knowledge doesn’t impress me of TENSE= SPresent
7. Are you helping all customer TENSE= Present continous
8. is a student flying that airplane? TENSE= PC
9. The sales assistant has explained the detail about the warranty (TENSE= Present P
10. Your appearace wasn’t infueceing the judge TENSE= Past C
11. Had your wife dilivered the package before you got the the office? (TENSE= Past Perfect
12. ___________________________________. TENSE=
13. When are you going to invite me to join the team? TENSE= Present C
14. TV advertisement easily fools you. TENSE= SPresent
15. Did Sue knock the vase to the floor? TENSE= Simple past
Notes: evidence: bằng chứng; form= mẫu, đơn; Alan; warranty: bản chứng; judge quan toà;
fool=deceive; vase; Sue; knock=gõ/đánh rơi

Choose the correct word for each description:

illegible oversleep inefficient misinform impossible bilingual impatient autobiography indiscreet

1. She takes a long time doing the simplest job. She’s inefficient ( bất tài, ko có khả năng)
2. Don’t tell Bill; he’ll tell everyone. He’s indiscreet( ko kín đáo, hớ hênh)
3. Can’t you wait a minute? Don’t be so impatient
4. I can’t read a word of his letter. His handwriting is illegible ( chữ khó đọc)
5. I can’t work out the answer. It’s impossible
6. Your life story written by you- autobiography ( việc viết tự truyện)
7. To sleep longer than usual- oversleep ( ngủ quá giờ)
8. A ship which can travel under water- submarine ( tàu ngầm)
9. To give some the wrong information- misinform( báo tin tức sai (V)
10. Able to speak two languages- bilingual
Write out the five words:
1. _________ 2. _________ 3. graphics 4. evacute 5. desktop

Answer the following questions:

1. How did she get the virus?
A) from the Internet B) from a CD C) not enough information A
2. Why was she frustrated?
A) her computer crashed
B) the email attachments could not be opened
C) she had to reload the email software many times A
3. How did she send photos to her sister?
A) using the Internet B) using regular mail service C) through a friend C

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