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Name: ___________________________________________ Date:__________________ Period:__________

Chemistry Final

Know the following information from each chapter.

Chapter 11
• Parts of an atom- Proton, Neutron, Electron-know how to draw and charges of each
• Difference between mass number and atomic number
• How to read the periodic table
◦ atomic number (# of protons and electrons)
◦ chemical symbol
◦ metals/nonmetals/metalloids
◦ groups- Names and numbers
◦ Atomic mass- atomic # = # of neutrons
• Isotopes
• Atomic Theory - (Democritis, Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, and Bohr)
• Bohr model diagrams v. Modern Day
• How to find atomic mass
Sample problems:
Magnesium occurs naturally as 79% Mg-24, 10% Mg-25 and 11% Mg-26. What is the atomic mass of Mg?

Boron occurs naturally as 80 % B-10 and 20% B-11. What is the atomic mass of B?

Chapter 12
• Properties of metals, nonmetals and metalloids
• What does the periodic law state?
• Rows=periods
• Why are elements on the periodic table grouped together?
• Why is hydrogen put with the elements in group 1?
• For what purpose are lanthanides and actinides placed on the bottom of the periodic table.

Chapter 13
• How to find valence electrons
• What are valence electrons
• Difference between ionic and covalent bonds
• Which groups easily gain electrons/which easily give away (lose) electrons
• How to write an electron dot diagram (see practice below)

Li S Cl Ar Na
• Positive and negative ions (positive if lost an electron/negative if gained an extra electron)
• Chemical bond
• Nonmetal + Nonmetal usually forms what kind of bond?
• Metal + Nonmetal usually forms what kind of bond?

Chapter 14
• What is a chemical reaction?
• 4 types of chemical reactions
• Difference between a catalyst and inhibitor
• Factors cause the rate of the reaction to increase
• Law of conservation of mass
• Law of conservation of energy
• Reactant and products (what side of the equation are they on)
• What does the arrow mean?
• Activation Energy
• Difference between subscript and coefficient and when are they used
• exothermic v. endothermic
• Balancing equations (see practice below)

____NaBr + ____ Cl2 → _____NaCl + _____Br2 Type of reaction ________________________

_____Al2O3 → ____Al + ______O2 Type of reaction ________________________

____P4 + _____O2 → _______P4O10 Type of reaction ________________________

Chapter 15 will be given after all presentations are made

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