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There are those who believe everything they hear, as we learn from Proverbs 14:15:
“The simple believes every word, but the clever one watches his step.”

Once upon a time, there were two very widely recognized symbols: one a CRUX (X,
the TAU), based on the name of the anti-Mashiach (the sun-deity of Babel, Tammuz),
and the other a SEAL, based upon the name of a king of Yisrael (Da’ud, written with
two letters shaped as triangles).
The pagan origins of one of them is completely ignored, while the other is constantly
attacked because it was ADOPTED by pagans.


Each of us has an opinion, however we have to allow for others to have their own.
The adversary succeeds when division occurs, and this topic is one of the areas
people can be “tossed” about in their understanding. Sure, the seal of Da’ud was
adopted by pagans, as was the serpent on the pole (Nehushtan). Pagans also
employed Hebrew words for their deities, and some folks today are convinced these
words are now polluted and cannot be used. The seal of Da’ud has been used as a
hot-button by Christians to vent their hatred toward our older brother, Yahudah,
blaming them for what the Romans did to our Master Yahusha. In truth, we are all
responsible for His death, but He told us that He is the One Who laid it down, telling
Pilate that his authority comes from far above.
In fact, the authority which Pilate possessed, to rescue or put to death, came from the
very Person standing before him, Yahusha.

We cannot “blame” any group, because Yahusha said no one takes His life from Him:
Joh 10:17, 18: “‘Because of this the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life,
in order to receive it again.
No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have authority to lay it
down, and I have authority to receive it again. This command I have received
from My Father.’” Knowing this, we can stop laying the blame on others.

When we see the seal of Da’ud, it is merely the name of a king of Yisrael, Da’ud; it is
not a symbol of evil, nor “religious”. It is made up of two triangles (the letter DALETH
in Hebrew is the triangle). If we fall for the deception, we help promote anti-Semitic
sentiments that propagate hatred based on its association with the tribe of Yahudah,
but most who do this are not aware of any harm by doing so. They truly believe they
are helping others dodge what is perceived to be an “abomination” in the eyes of
Yahuah. All the while, they are not consciously aware of that the CRUX symbol is the
sign of the anti-Mashiach, Tammuz. The CRUX is the abomination, not the seal of

The diversion tactics of the adversary are truly amazing, but as over-comers we must
also remember that love and peace must be our focus. The deceived don’t know they
are doubly deceived, so we must stay close to them to help them see that things like
this do not serve the objective of love, but rather hate. Even the CRUX, which is
definitely an abomination, must not be exposed so as to divide anyone. If we had only
stayed in the Truth, none of these controversies would be there at all. Yahusha draws
men into a relationship, but the adversary divides us using “religion”. We can’t play
that game. Let’s strive to not be “simple”, and avoid striving with one another. Men
invented both the CRUX and the SEAL, so they can both be ignored and forgotten.
Let’s stop using both of these symbols, and adopt the one that Yahuah designed, the
MENORAH. It symbolizes His Torah, and neither of the other two promote the fruits
of the Spirit as the Torah does.

We can be thankful that no one is doing this in front of the seal of Da’ud,
which should indicate which one of them is the abomination promoted
by the adversary:
Deu 5:7-10: “You have no other mighty ones against My face.
You do not make for yourself a carved image, any likeness of which is in the
Heavens above, or which is in the earth beneath, or which is in the waters
under the Earth, you do not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, Yahuah
your Elohim, am a jealous El, visiting the crookedness of the fathers upon the
children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but
showing kindness to thousands, to those who love Me and guard My

The dragon has deceived the whole world, but our faith has overcome the world.
Love is the goal,
brother Lew

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