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Урок английского языка по теме “What can you do in spring?

” (The 3rd form)

Учитель: Цупа Мария Петровна

Дата: 23.04.2018
Цель: совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Seasons and
weather»; а также развитие умений говорения.
 активизировать употребление лексики по темам «Поры года»,
«Погода», «Что можно делать …?» в разных видах речевой
 развивать умения восприятия и пониминия речи на слух, чтения, а
также совершенствовать умение говорения в заданной ситуации;
 содействовать формированию коммуникативных навыков;
 создать условия для привития интереса к изучению английского языка;
Тип урока: урок развития речевых умений.
Оборудование урока: наглядность (картинки), учебное пособие и рабочая
тетрадь “English 3” 2009 Л.М. Лапицкая, А.И. Калишевич, Н.М. Седунова,
Т.Ю. Севрюкова, раздаточный материал, аудиозаписи.
Ход занятия
1. Организационный момент, Warm-up
T: Good day, dear boys and girls! I am very glad to see you! How are you today?
Look out of the window. What’s the weather like today? Is it rainy? Is it snowy?
Can we play snowballs today? Can we play badminton today? Can we play ice-
hockey today?
What season is it now? Do you like it? What can you do in spring? What seasons
do you know? Do you like summer? autumn?winter?
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя, T-Cl (2 min)
T: Постановка цели урока. What is the theme of our lesson? (“What can you
do In spring? In summer? In autumn? In winter?”)

T: У каждого человека, наверное, есть свои объяснения, почему ему

нравиться то или иное время года. Одним людям нравиться погода в это
время года, другим – возможность заниматься любимым делом.
What is the weather like in summer? What can you do in summer?
What is the weather like in winter? …………. ………in spring?
What is the weather like in spring? ………… ……….in autumn?
What is the weather like in autumn? ………………….in winter?

T: −What’s your favorite season, Maksim? What about you, Alesya? Do you know
what is my favorite season? My favorite season is…(указываю на закрытую
картинку) hidden here. If you want to know let’s speak, read and write about
seasons and weather today!

2. Фонетическая разминка.
T:-Do you remember Mr. Tongue? Let’s see what does he do? One day Mr.
Tongue wakes up. It’s spring and the weather is warm and sunny. Mr. Tongue says
[ɔ]. He washes his face with cold water [u]. Then he brushes his hair, brushes his
teeth [θ] and drinks tea. The tea is hot and Mr. Tongue says [ai]. Then he wants to
play football, but it’s rainy and windy. The drops fall [p], [b]. The wind blows [h].
The trees whisper [∫]. Mr. Tongue listens and falls asleep.
T:-Now Mr. Tongue is sleeping. Your sounds are beautiful and we can take off one
lock. (1. снимаю один «замочек»)

3. Лексическая зарядка.

What seasons do you know? Работа в парах.

-Look at the papers and read the riddles, then put the numbers in the correct order.
(отгадывают загадки, заносят номера в таблицу.)

№1. The weather is cold. Usually it snows. The days are short and the nights are long.
You can see snow everywhere. The rivers and lakes freeze and we can go skating and

№2. It is a very nice season. The weather is fine, it is warm. There are many green
trees in the streets, in the parks and in the yards. Sometimes it rains, but as usual the
sun shines brightly. The birds return from the hot countries and make their nests.

№3. It is hot or warm. The days are long and the nights are short. There are many
green trees and nice flowers in the parks and in the squares. The pupils don't go to
school, they have got their holidays.

№4. It is cool. The weather is changeable. It often rains. The days become shorter and
the nights become longer. The birds prepare to fly to the South. One can see yellow,
red, brown leaves everywhere.

Thank you for an excellent reading and speaking. 2 we can take off one more

4. Aудирование: песня (What can we do in spring? P 99 ex1)

T: - You are smart and very attentive.

5. T: What can Mr. Tongue do in different seasons in different weather? Let’s see.
Now, please, go to the board and match the seasons, the weather and the actions.
(ученики соединяют времена года, погоду и выражения по своему
усмотрению, проговаривая получившиеся предложения (структура In winter

it’s cold and snowy. We can skate, play snowballs and ski. Oстальные дети
следят за правильностью подбора выражений.)
Pабота в парах. (Все слова перемешались, помогите собрать)
- Work in pairs. Make up words. (составляют слова в парах.)
На столе разбросаны слоги и нужно составить слова.
Sun/ny wa/rm co/ld clo/udy fog/gy win/dy au/tu/mn win/ter spr/ing
sum/mer rai/ny sno/wy play foot/ball play volley/ball play ten/nis play ice-
hoc/key play bad/min/ton play bas/ket/ball play snow/balls ska/te
-How clever you are! Soon we’ll open the picture.
Опора на доске.
E.g In winter it’s cold and snowy. Mr. Tongue can skate, play snowballs and
T:- You gave many correct answers and 2. we can take off one more lock.
T: - You are smart and very attentive.
6. Актуализация и закрепление знаний по теме.
T: - Open your books at page 100, ex.3. Look at the picture, read them, please,
and correct 3 mistakes. Ученики сверяют свои ответы с правильными.
P: ……….
1. It's summer. It's hot and warm. We can swim in summer.
2. I like autumn. It's windy and rainy. We can see yellow, orange and red leaves
in autumn.
3. I like spring. It's warm and sunny. We can play football and basketball.
4. Let’s take off one lock.

T: Let’s play!
 Ребята, у вас на столе есть карточки, на которых начало или конец
предложений. Вы сейчас встанете и найдёте согласно содержанию себе
We like summer because….. It is hot and bright. We can swim.
We like autumn because….. It is rainy and windy. We can go for a walk.
We like winter because…. It is cold and snowy. We can skate and ski.
We like spring because…. It is warm and sunny. We can play football.

T:-Brilliant answer! It gives us one more lock 6.(Summer)

7. Физкультминутка.
-Let’s have a rest. Stand up. Let’s fly, run, play football, swim, go, jump, play
volleyball, ski, skate, climb a tree, hide, sit down, close your books, open your
books. (выполняют действия)
-That was a real fun to watch you climbing the tree, playing football and
swimming. Let’s take off another lock.

9. Говорение , Работа в группах
T:-I want you to divide into 4 groups.
-How many seasons are there in a year? Name them.
-  The first group will present WINTER, the second group – SPRING…
-Do you understand what you have to do?
— Повторим правила дружной работы.
Please, start your work.
(У каждой группы лист бумаги А4, набор картинок с изображением детских
забав, соответствующих их времени года, фломастеры, ножницы, клей.
Учащиеся готовят свой баннер и готовятся защищать его).
— Now it’s time to show the results and present your work.
-Which group will be the first?
-Who is the speaker?

10. Домашнее задание.

- Please, write down your homework: PB p 101,ex.5. Complete the sentences
Какие времена года ты любишь и почему?

11. Подведение итогов урока. Итоговая рефлексия.

У вас на партах лежат смайлики. Дорисуйте на них— улыбку, если вам
понравился урок; -грустную гримасу, если урок не понравился,— оставьте
смайлик без улыбки, если вам на уроке было неинтересно.

-…You are very active today, 9. …You are active but make many mistakes,8. …
You are not very active,7. …You can work good, but today you’ve got 6.
-Thank you for the lesson. Good-bye.

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