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Progress in Cardiology

Type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, and vascular risk:

Rationale and evidence for correcting the
lipid imbalance
Rafael Carmena, MD, FACP, FRCP Edin Valencia, Spain

Type 2 diabetes is an important cardiovascular risk factor. A significant component of the risk associated with type 2
diabetes is thought to be because of its characteristic lipid btriadQ profile of raised small dense low-density lipoprotein levels,
lowered high-density lipoprotein, and elevated triglycerides (TGs). Trials of statins and fibrates have included substantial
numbers of patients with diabetes and indicate that lipid lowering reduces cardiovascular event rates in these patients.
However, statins alone do not always address all the lipid abnormalities of diabetes. Fibrates, which have low affinity for
peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor a (PPARa), improve most aspects of the atherogenic dyslipidemia of diabetes.
Chronic elevations of free fatty acids (FFA) induce insulin resistance and contribute to the lipid triad of diabetes. Therefore,
reducing their levels is likely to ameliorate insulin resistance and improve the lipid triad of diabetes. PPARs are intimately
involved in the regulation of FFA: PPARa modulation increases FFA catabolism and PPARg agonism (eg, by
thiazolidinediones) increases TG lipolysis, FFA transport, conversion of FFA to TGs, and safe storage of FFA. Integrating
potent PPARa and PPARg activity may deliver greater improvement of the diabetic dyslipidemic profile and its attendant risks
than selective PPAR activation. (Am Heart J 2005;150:859-70.)

Diabetes is a substantial contributor to the global There is now abundant evidence of the major impor-
burden of disease. Current prevalence is estimated at tance of dyslipidemia as a cause of CVD—that lipid
170 million cases, the majority being type 2 diabetes, abnormalities are a more important risk factor for CVD
with this figure expected to be more than double by than hyperglycemia. In the UKPDS, intensive treatment
2030. Excess health-care costs in diabetes are mainly of hyperglycemia prevented or slowed the microvascu-
because of the complications of atherosclerotic cardio- lar complications of diabetes but only had a small and
vascular disease (CVD). The increased risk attributable nonsignificant effect on CVD risk.1 Decreased high-
to diabetes is such that individuals with diabetes with no density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and elevated
previous history of myocardial infarction (MI) have the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels
same likelihood of CVD as persons with prior MI but no predicted coronary heart disease (CHD) in the UKPDS to
diabetes. It is progressively recognized that the a greater extent than hyperglycemia.2
increased CVD morbidity and mortality are because Although high LDL-C predicts increased CVD risk in
of the atherogenic dyslipidemia, which characterizes patients with diabetes, raised LDL-C levels are not a
type 2 diabetes. The causes of this distinct lipid profile characteristic part of the diabetic dyslipidemic profile;
and approaches to reducing the associated CVD risk are the prevalence of high LDL-C levels in individuals with
the subject of this review. diabetes is similar to that in the general population.
However, compared with nondiabetic persons, people
with diabetes often have a different LDL particle size
Type 2 diabetes and vascular disease distribution, which is apparent as an increase in highly
Major traditional cardiovascular risk factors (eg, atherogenic, small dense LDL (sdLDL) particles. Diabetes
hypertension, smoking, and a procoagulant state) only is further characterized by elevated triglycerides (TGs)
partly explain the increased risk of CVD in diabetes. and reduced HDL-C, a pattern that is 2- to 3-fold
more common than in people without diabetes. Thus,
individuals with diabetes have a characteristic
From the University of Valencia and Hospital Clı́nico Universitario, Valencia, Spain.
Submitted October 27, 2004; accepted April 3, 2005. atherogenic dyslipidemia of decreased HDL-C, elevated
Supported by a grant from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, RCMN (C03/08), Madrid, Spain. TGs, and increased sdLDL.
Reprint requests: Rafael Carmena, Hospital Clı́nico Universitario, Blasco Ibáñez, 17,
46010 Valencia, Spain.
E-mail: carmena@uv.es Pathogenesis of diabetic dyslipidemia
0002-8703/$ - see front matter
n 2005, Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved. Although diabetes is an established CVD risk
doi:10.1016/j.ahj.2005.04.027 factor, CVD is often already present when diabetes is
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November 2005

diagnosed. The metabolic syndrome has been identified

Table I. Characteristics of the diabetic dyslipidemic profile
as a constellation of metabolic and nonmetabolic
disorders related to defects in insulin sensitivity that Parameter Consequence
leads to an increased prevalence of CVD and CVD
mortality in some3 but not all epidemiological studies.4 Raised triglyceride levels Enhanced thrombogenicity
Remnant triglyceride-rich lipoproteins
In the metabolic syndrome, as in diabetes, HDL-C levels Reduced HDL plasma levels
are lowered, TG levels raised, and sdLDL increased. Increased small dense LDL
Insulin resistance, defined as the decreased ability of Small dense LDL Increased penetration of arterial intima
insulin to act effectively on peripheral target tissues Enhanced proteoglycan binding
(especially muscle, adipose tissue, and liver), results Increased oxidation potential
Reduced plasma HDL levels Reduced antioxidant and
from a combination of genetic susceptibility and anti-inflammatory activity
obesity and is a shared characteristic, which almost
certainly contributes to the distinctive lipid triad
associated with both conditions (Table I).
The cause of insulin resistance is under debate, but it 0.1 mmol/L decrement in HDL-C.2 VA-HIT demonstrated
is probably the consequence of chronically elevated that increases in HDL-C can lower the incidence of CHD
levels of free fatty acids (FFA) that impair insulin- events.6
signaling pathways. Visceral (central) obesity, an energy- In contrast to the increasing awareness of the
rich (high-saturated-fat) diet, and a sedentary lifestyle are importance of HDL-C, acceptance of the role of raised
all strongly correlated with insulin resistance. Increased TGs in CVD is hampered because they serve as a marker
plasma levels of FFA accompany all 3 states, but visceral for other atherogenic factors (eg, low HDL-C concen-
fat is probably the most important contributor to insulin trations and elevated sdLDL levels). However, in a
resistance because of its high FFA flux. In addition, meta-analysis of prospective studies in the general
insulin resistance can be potentiated by cytokines (eg, population, the contribution of TGs to CVD was
tumor necrosis factor a and interleukin 6) and hormones independent of HDL-C.7 After adjusting for HDL-C and
that are synthesized by visceral adipose tissue. other risk factors, the increased risks associated with a
Insulin resistance impairs the normal insulin-mediated difference in TG levels of 1 mmol/L was 12% in men and
suppression of FFA release from visceral adipose tissue. 37% in women. The last component of the diabetic lipid
There is an increased flow of FFA to the liver, which triad, sdLDL, has been shown to be associated with an
results in the overproduction of very low-density elevated risk of CVD in some8 but not in all studies.9 The
lipoprotein (VLDL) and leads to increased plasma TGs. increased risk appears to be independent of HDL-C but
This situation is exacerbated by the reductions in not independent of fasting plasma TGs.
lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity and decreases in TG
metabolism that occur in an insulin-resistant state. In Effects of lipid-modifying therapies on
turn, the increased level of plasma TGs causes lowered
HDL-C levels and increased sdLDL (Figure 1). lipid abnormalities and CVD risk in
type 2 diabetes
Despite a growing appreciation of the significance of
Cardiovascular disease risk associated lipid disturbances, management of diabetes often
concentrates on glycemic and blood pressure control.
with the characteristic lipoprotein Most of the commonly used antidiabetic agents have a
changes of type 2 diabetes neutral effect (eg, sulfonylureas and meglitinides) or
The characteristic atherogenic dyslipidemia of low mildly beneficial effect (eg, a-glucosidase inhibitors) on
HDL-C, raised TGs, and high sdLDL seen in diabetes blood lipids. The exception is metformin, which
almost certainly contributes to the CVD risk in appears to reduce total cholesterol (TC) and LDL-C
individuals with diabetes. HDL-C is generally considered levels but has no effect on HDL-C or TGs.10 Overall, few
to be a cardioprotective lipoprotein, and its importance patients with diabetes receive specific therapeutic
is illustrated by epidemiological studies that demon- interventions to improve their diabetic lipid profile
strate an inverse relationship between HDL-C levels and despite that high sdLDL levels, raised TG concentra-
CVD risk for both sexes.5 For example, in the tions, and low HDL-C levels are all potentially modifi-
Framingham study, the CVD risk was increased nearly able risk factors.
6-fold in women with HDL-C levels b1.2 mmol/L When lipid modification measures are required,
compared with women with HDL-C levels N1.7 mmol/L.5 lifestyle changes are generally recommended. Although
In individuals with diabetes, the CVD risk that accom- such interventions can modify lipid parameters, there
panies a low HDL-C level is demonstrated by the UKPDS; are no data on their long-term effect on CVD outcomes.
the relative risk of CVD increased by 1.15 for each Importantly, it is often difficult for patients to maintain
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Figure 1

small, dense HDL TG CE TG- rich HDL


TG Normal LDL
TG- rich
remnant CETP

LPL Chylomicrons

TG TG- rich LDL





sd LDL

Proposed mechanism for generation of sdLDL and lowering of HDL. Adapted from Syvanne et al. Lancet 1997;350(s1):20-3.

the required lifestyle changes. Therefore, most individ- The reduction in the risk of CVD events in general
uals will require pharmacotherapy, the mainstays being populations has been demonstrated in 2 primary
statins and fibrates. In the general population, lowering prevention trials. However, these studies, the AFCAPS/
of LDL-C levels by statins reduces CVD morbidity and TexCAPS and the WOSCOPS, included very few patients
mortality, whereas decreasing TGs and raising HDL-C with diabetes (Table II),15,16 and therefore, the evidence
concentrations with fibrates also improve survival. for the impact of statins on primary prevention of CVD
However, the proven benefits of lipid-lowering therapy in diabetes is limited. There have been more placebo-
on mortality in nondiabetic individuals may not be controlled secondary prevention trials of statins that
directly translatable to individuals with diabetes-specific have included relatively large numbers of individuals
metabolic abnormalities. Those trials of lipid lowering with diabetes (Table III). Together, they indicate that
that have included patients with diabetes do demon- these agents reduce the risk of CVD events in people
strate a reduction in CVD associated with diabetes and with diabetes. One such investigation was the 4S,17,18
are discussed below. Importantly, many of them inform which included 202 individuals with diabetes. The
recommendations for the treatment of dyslipidemia in reduction in risk of total mortality of 43% in the diabetes
diabetes, including the guidelines formulated by the group over 5.4 years was not statistically significant, but
American Diabetes Association.11 there was a significant 55% reduction in the risk of major
CHD events (Table II).17 A subsequent analysis of the 4S
LDL-C in diabetes: the effect of statins further included 281 patients with diabetes diagnosed
Statins inhibit hepatic 3-hydroxy-3methylglutaryl based on a fasting plasma glucose z7.0 mmol/L.18 In
coenzyme A reductase, the enzyme catalyzing the rate- these patients, simvastatin lowered significantly the risk
limiting step in hepatic cholesterol synthesis. The net of major CHD events from 37.5% to 23.5%, which was
effect is to lower plasma concentrations of cholesterol- similar to the relative reduction in the individuals with
carrying lipoproteins, the most prominent being LDL. normal glucose status.18 This expanded analysis showed,
Newer members of the class, such as atorvastatin, can for the first time, the benefits of statin treatment in
affect LDL subtype composition,12 raise HDL-C, and impaired fasting glucose subjects.
lower TG levels,13,14 but these effects tend to be modest The CARE study and the LIPID study assessed the
compared with the reductions in LDL-C. effects of pravastatin in individuals with and without
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Table II. Changes in lipid parameters and cardiovascular disease risk with statin therapy in placebo-controlled studies with type 2 diabetes
Number of subjects Total population*

Mean Lipid level Mean Change in

duration inclusion Lipid baseline lipid levels
Study Design (y) Total Diabetes criterion parameter lipid levels (%)

WOSCOPS16 Primary prevention 5 6595 76 LDL 4.0-6.0; TG 1.8 12

Pravastatin TC N6.5 HDL 1.1 5
(40 mg/day) LDL 5.0 26
vs placebo sdLDL NR –
ApoA-I NR –
ApoB NR –
AFCAPS/15 Primary 5.2 6605 155 TC 4.65-6.82; TG 1.78 15
TexCAPS prevention LDL 3.36-4.91; HDL 0.96 6
Lovastatin HDL V1.16 for men LDL 3.9 25
(20-40 mg/d) and V1.22 for sdLDL NR –
vs placebo women TG V 4.52 ApoA-I 1.26 7.2T
ApoB 1.2 18.9T
4S17,18,42 Secondary 5.4 4444 202 TC 5.5-8.0 TG 1.5 9
prevention HDL 1.19 8
Simvastatin LDL 4.87 34
(40 mg/d) sdLDL NR –
vs placebo ApoA-I NR –
ApoB NR –
CARE19,43 Secondary 5 4159 586 TC b 6.22; TG 1.7 14
prevention LDL 2.98-4.51; HDL 1 5
Pravastatin TG b3.96 LDL 3.6 28
(40 mg/d) sdLDL NR –
vs placebo ApoA-I NR –
ApoB NR –
LIPID20,21 Secondary 6.1 9014 782 TC 4-7 TG 1.6z 11
prevention HDL 0.9z 5
Pravastatin TG b 5.0 LDL 3.9z 25
(40 mg/d) sdLDL NR –
vs placebo ApoA-I NR –
ApoB NR –
HPS23,44 Primary and 5 20536 5963 TC z3.5 TG 2.1 A
secondary HDL 1.06 z
prevention LDL 3.4 A
Simavastatin sdLDL NR –
(40 mg/d) vs ApoA-I 1.2 A
placebo ApoB 1.16 A
ALLHAT-LLT45 Secondary 4.8 10355 3638 LDL 3.1-4.9 TG 1.7 3.5
prevention (2.6-3.3 if HDL 1.2 3
Pravastatin known CHD LDL 3.8 29
(20 mg/d and TG b3.9) sdLDL NR –
vs usual care) ApoA-I NR –
ApoB NR –
ASCOT-LLA25 Primary 3.3 19342 2532 TC V 6.5 TG 1.7 14
prevention HDL 1.3 0
Atorvastatin LDL 3.4 28
(10 mg) vs sdLDL NR –
placebo ApoA-I NR –
ApoB NR –
CARDS26 Primary 3.9 2838 2838 LDL V 4.14 TG – –
prevention TG V 6.78 HDL – –
Atorvastatin LDL – –
(10 mg) sdLDL – –
vs placebo ApoA-I – –
ApoB – –

TChange at 1 year.
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Table II. continued

Diabetes population* CVD events, total population CVD events, type 2 diabetes

Mean Change in Reduction in Reduction in

baseline lipid levels Active risk of CVD Active risk of CVD
lipid levels (%) Outcome Placebo treatment events (%) Placebo treatment events (%)

NR – Nonfatal 7.9 5.5 31 ( P b .001) – – –

NR – MI plus
NR – fatal CHD
NR –
NR –
NR –
1.9 15 Fatal and 5.5 3.5 37 ( P b .001) 43 ( P = NS)
0.9 6 nonfatal MI,
3.9 5 unstable
NR – angina,
NR – or sudden
NR – cardiac death
1.7 11 All-cause 7.9 5.5 30 ( P b .0003) 43 ( P = .087)
1.1 7 mortality
4.8 36
NR –
NR –
NR –
1.9 13 Nonfatal 13.2 10.2 24 ( P = .003) 20.4 17 13 ( P = NS)
1 4 MI plus
3.5 27 fatal CHD
NR –
NR –
NR –
NR – Nonfatal 15.9 12.3 24 ( P b .001) 23 19 19 ( P = NS)
NR – MI plus
NR – fatal CHD
NR –
NR –
NR –
2.3 A First major 25.2 19.8 24 ( P b .0001) Prior Prior Prior CVD:
1.06 Az vascular event CVD: 36 CVD: 36 18.4
3.2 A ( P = .002)
NR – No CVD: 13.5 No CVD: No CVD: 33
1.2 A 9.3 ( P = .0003)
1.10 A
NR – All-cause 15.3 14.9 1 ( P = NS) – – 3 ( P = NS)
NR – mortality
NR –
NR –
NR –
NR –
NR – Nonfatal 30 1.9 36 ( P = .0005) 3.6 3.0 16 ( P = .43)
NR – MI plus
NR – fatal CHD
NR –
NR –
NR –
1.95 19 Major CV event – – – 9.0 5.8 37 ( P = .001)
1.39 1
3.04 40
1.53 0.1
1.17 23
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November 2005

Table III. Changes in lipid parameters and cardiovascular disease risk with fibrate therapy in placebo-controlled studies with type 2 diabetes

Number of subjects Total population*

Mean Lipid level Mean Change in

duration inclusion Lipid baseline lipid levels
Study Design (y) Total Diabetes criterion parameter lipid levels (%)

DAIS27 Secondary 3 418 418 LDL 3.5-4.5 TG – –

prevention and TG V5.2; HDL – –
(coronary or LDL V4.5 LDL – –
atherosclerosis) and TG 1.7-5.2 sdLDL – –
Fenofibrate ApoA-I – –
(200 mg/d) ApoB – –
vs placebo
SENDCAP28 Secondary 5 164 164 TC z5.2; TG – –
prevention trial TG z1.8, HDL – –
Bezafibrate HDL V1.1 LDL – –
(400 mg/d) sdLDL – –
vs placebo ApoA-1 – –
ApoB – –
Non-HDL – –
Helsinki Heart Primary 5 4081 135 Non-HDL z5.2 TG 2 34
Study29,46 prevention HDL 1 10
Gemfibrozil LDL 4.9 8
(1200 mg/d) sdLDL NR –
vs placebo ApoA-I NR –
ApoB NR –
VA-HIT47-50 Secondary 5.1 2531 627 LDL V3.6; TG 1.8 31
prevention HDL V1.0 HDL 0.8 6
Gemfibrozil TG V3.4 LDL 2.8 1
(1200 mg/d) sdLDL NR –
vs placebo ApoA-I NR –
ApoB NR –

TActive treatment; concentrations: mmol/L for TC, LDL, HDL, and TG; g/L for apolipoproteins.

diabetes (Table II).19,20 In the CARE study, the reduction The HPS assessed the effects of simvastatin on vascular
in the primary end point (death from CHD or nonfatal risk in the largest cohort of individuals with diabetes
MI) was significant in the nondiabetes subset (24%, P = recruited so far in a statin trial. The study included 5963
.003), but the effect in the diabetes group (13%) was not subjects with diabetes, in whom simvastatin reduced
significant. However, the relative risk of major CHD significantly the risk of first major vascular event by 22%.
events in the latter decreased by 25% ( P = .05), which This reduction was greater in those without prior CVD
was similar to the reduction seen in the overall (33%) than in those with prior CVD (18%) (Table II).23 In
population. The relative risk reduction in subjects with contrast to the results of the CARE study, the HPS clearly
diabetes in the CARE study was substantially lower shows that statin therapy reduces the risk of CVD in
than in the 4S, suggesting that the benefit of statin patients with diabetes, irrespective of their baseline
therapy is less among individuals with diabetes and low LDL-C concentrations.
LDL-C levels. The GREACE study also demonstrated the benefit of
In the LIPID study, the 19% reduction in MI or CHD statin therapy.24 Although conducted with an open
death in the subjects with diabetes was not significant,20 design, it reported a striking 55% reduction in the risk of
a finding that did not change in a 2-year follow-up study.21 a major CHD event. It was performed in 1600 patients
In an analysis of the pooled CARE and LIPID results, there with established CHD (prior MI or N70% stenosis of at
was a nonsignificant reduction of 17% for risk of least 1 coronary artery) who were randomized to receive
combined coronary death and nonfatal MI in people with atorvastatin (titrated to achieve an LDL-C goal
diabetes.22 In this pooled analysis, the baseline HDL-C b2.6 mmol/L) or usual care for 3 years. GREACE
concentration remained predictive of CHD mortality included 313 patients known to have diabetes in whom
during treatment, indicating a statin does not necessarily there was a 58% risk reduction ( P b .0001). This study,
correct the risk associated with low HDL-C.22 albeit not conducted to optimum clinical trial design,
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Volume 150, Number 5

Table III. continued

Diabetes population*
CVD events, total population CVD events, type 2 diabetes
Mean Change in Reduction in Reduction in
baseline lipid levels Active risk of CVD Active risk of CVD
lipid levels (%) Outcome Placebo treatment events (%) Placebo treatment events (%)

2.59 ~28 Mixed secondary – – – 23.7 18.4 22 ( P = NS)

1.01 ~7 and primary
3.38 ~6 combined clinical
NR – end points
NR –
NR –

2.24 33 Probable – – – 23 7 67 ( P = .01)

1.02 6 ischemic
3.66 10 change and
NR – documented MI
1.41 –6
1.31 8
4.72 12
– – MI and cardiac death 41.4 27.3 34 ( P = .02) 10.5 3.3 60 ( P = NS)
– –
– –
NR –
NR –
NR –
2.0 20 Combined 21.7 17.3 22 ( P = .006) 36 28 24 ( P = .05)
0.8 5 end point: nonfatal
2.9 No change MI; CHD
NR – death; stroke
NR –
NR –

points to the benefits of more aggressive lipid lowering lowering reduces the incidence of cardiovascular events.
in high-risk populations, such as those with diabetes. However, substantial cardiovascular risk remains, em-
Two trials involving persons with diabetes were phasizing the importance of improving other lipid
stopped early because of an apparent reduction in CVD parameters and optimizing the management of other risk
risk at interim analysis. The ASCOT-LLA study did not factors, such as hypertension.
demonstrate a significant reduction in nonfatal MI or
fatal CHD in the atorvastatin recipients who had HDL and TGs in diabetes: the effect of fibrates
diabetes. However, this may have been because the trial Fibrates improve many aspects of the atherogenic
was stopped early and there was a relatively small dyslipidemia of diabetes. Their main mechanism of
number of diabetes cases (Table II).25 In the CARDS, action is to activate peroxisome proliferator–activated
there was a significant reduction in the primary end receptor a (PPARa), which is preferentially expressed
points of major coronary events, stroke, or coronary in tissues such as the liver, muscle, kidney, and heart
revascularization procedures.26 A total of 2838 patients where fatty acids are oxidized. Its activation increases
with diabetes and without a history of CVD or high expression of genes involved in fatty acid and lipopro-
LDL-C received atorvastatin or placebo; the statin led to tein oxidation in the liver and muscle, increases the
a 37% reduction in major cardiovascular events expression of LPL in the liver, and decreases apolipo-
(Table II). The treatment effect did not vary by LDL-C protein C (apoC)-III concentrations. The hydrolysis of
pretreatment level. Thus, there does not seem to be a TGs by LPL is inhibited by apoC-III and, therefore,
given LDL-C threshold that determines whether a lowering of this apolipoprotein results in increased
patient receives a statin. LPL activity in the liver. Triglyceride levels are further
The accumulated evidence from these statin trials lowered as PPARa activation enhances their intravas-
among patients with diabetes demonstrates that LDL-C cular metabolism. The result is reduced TGs and,
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therefore, VLDL production, which leads to improve- that fibrates are likely to reduce CVD risk in this
ments in HDL-C concentrations and reduced sdLDL population. Two large-scale outcome trials of fibrates
formation. Furthermore, PPARa activation modifies the that may further elucidate the contribution of fibrates to
expression of several key genes that control HDL-C diabetes CVD risk management are the FIELD study and
metabolism (eg, adenosine triphosphate–binding cas- the LDS; the latter was stopped early because of the
sette transporter A1), resulting in increased HDL-C withdrawal of cerivastatin. Their results are awaited
levels. PPARa activation also increases the synthesis of with interest as they are powered to determine the
apoA-I and apoA-II; the former is the main component impact of fibrates on CVD risk in diabetes. Despite the
of HDL-C. undoubted benefits of fibrates, as for statins, a substan-
The effect of fibrate on coronary atherosclerosis in tial degree of cardiovascular risk remains after treatment
diabetes was specifically assessed in the DAIS. In with them. This suggests that other options should be
418 individuals with type 2 diabetes (Table III), explored to reduce the residual risk.
fenofibrate (200 mg/d) significantly lowered TC and
LDL-C, lowered TG levels, and raised HDL-C levels.27 Combination therapy for diabetic dyslipidemia with
Compared with placebo, fenofibrate treatment resulted existing lipid-altering agents
in significant but smaller increases in stenosis, a Addition of a fibrate to statin therapy can further
significantly smaller decrease in minimum lumen diam- increase HDL-C and lower TG levels. However, this
eter, and a nonsignificantly smaller decrease in mean combination is potentially associated with an increased
segment diameter with fenofibrate. The study was risk of side effects, particularly myopathy and abnormal
underpowered to examine clinical end points, but liver function tests. It is becoming clear that of the
fenofibrate did result in a nonsignificant reduction fibrates, gemfibrozil has the greatest potential to
(22.3%) in specified cardiovascular events compared interact with statins. It increases statin plasma concen-
with placebo. In the SENDCAP study, bezafibrate tration by affecting glucuronidation pathways in the
(400 mg/d) failed to slow the progression of carotid or liver. In the author’s experience, the combination of
femoral arterial disease, but this may have been because fenofibrate with a statin has proved to be an effective
of the very small size of the trial (164 people with and well-tolerated drug combination in high-risk indi-
diabetes) (Table III).28 However, there was a 67% viduals with severe mixed dyslipidemia. Moreover, it
reduction ( P = .01) in the incidence of confirmed and makes sense to monitor safety parameters, and all
probable MI. In summary, while giving some insight into patients should be counseled to stop the drugs in case
the effects of fibrates on diabetic dyslipidemia, the of severe muscle pain and tenderness suggestive of
relatively small patient numbers in the 2 studies limits myopathy. More formal evidence on the safety of a
the conclusions that can be reached about CVD risk. statin-fibrate combination should become available from
Other studies have evaluated the effects of fibrates in the ACCORD study, which is investigating the efficacy
populations that have included patients with diabetes. of combined fenofibrate and simvastatin therapy. It is
The Helsinki Heart Study investigated the effect of underway in the United States, and results are expected
gemfibrozil (600 mg twice daily) on CHD in 4081 men in 2008 or 2009.
aged 40 to 55 years (Table III).29 The relative risk Other combinations have been evaluated in small
reduction of major cardiac end points with gemfibrozil populations of diabetic patients and appear to improve
was 34% ( P b .002) in the general population. Both the aspects of the lipid profile. The potential of atorvastatin
increase in concentration of HDL-C and the decrease in and extended release nicotinic acid combination was
LDL-C levels, but not changes in TG, were predictive of a assessed in 53 patients with diabetes.30 In patients with
reduction in CHD events. Gemfibrozil reduced the low HDL-C, the combination was associated with a
incidence of major CHD events in patients with diabetes larger increase in LDL-C and LDL particle size and a
by 60% compared with placebo, although this reduction greater reduction in TGs than statin monotherapy. In the
was not statistically significant largely because of the HATS, the combination of simvastatin and niacin was
small patient number (135 individuals with diabetes). studied in 160 patients with established CHD and low
VA-HIT was a secondary prevention trial of gemfibrozil HDL-C (b0.9 mmol/L in men and b1.03 mmol/L in
therapy (Table III).6 The incidence of CHD events in the women),31 34 of whom had diabetes or impaired fasting
627 men with diabetes was reduced significantly by glucose. The combination therapy decreased TGs by
24%, which was similar to the decrease seen in subjects 40% and LDL-C by 31% and increased HDL-C by 30%.
who did not have diabetes. There was no change in The combination therapy was associated with less
LDL-C levels, indicating the importance of other lipid progression of average coronary stenosis and a trend
parameters as risk factors. toward fewer clinical events. Glycemic control did not
The reported trials of fibrates have generally included deteriorate with nicotinic acid therapy.
too few subjects to determine reliably the reduction in A new therapy for treating dyslipidemia is the selective
CVD risk in people with diabetes, but they do indicate intestinal cholesterol absorption inhibitor ezetimibe. In
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Volume 150, Number 5

combination with a statin, it results in greater improve- LPL, fatty acid transport protein, and acetyl CoA
ments in LDL-C than an increase in the statin dose. synthase, which have important roles in the hydrolysis
Among patients with diabetes who were taking thiazo- of TGs, transport of FFA, and conversion of FFA to
lideinediones, ezetimibe, in combination with simvasta- TGs, respectively.
tin 20 mg/d, resulted in a 21% decrease compared with a As FFA-induced insulin resistance is linked with
0.3% decrease with simvastatin 40 mg/d.32 Thus, this the characteristic lipid disturbances of diabetes, the
complementary action is likely to be very useful in insulin-sensitizing effects of PPARg activation may
individuals intolerant of higher doses of statins or in have clinically relevant effects on the lipid profile.
individuals who, despite maximum statin dosage, still do Both commercially available PPARg agonists, pioglita-
not achieve their LDL-C goal. zone and rosiglitazone, improve aspects of the lipid
triad of diabetes, for example, decreasing the propor-
Dual PPARa a/gg agonism as a potential tion of sdLDL.36,37 However, differences between these
thiazolidinediones are emerging.38 For example, al-
therapeutic approach to improve though both pioglitazone and rosiglitazone can improve
diabetic dyslipidemia HDL-C levels, LDL-C and TC levels tend to remain
Although the importance of lowering LDL-C with unchanged or are lowered by pioglitazone,38 whereas
statins in populations with diabetes is recognized, it is LDL-C and TC levels are slightly raised with rosiglita-
likely that significant CVD risk will remain because most zone.38 Several trials are currently underway or are
agents in this class only have modest effects on HDL-C being planned to investigate the effects on atheroscle-
and TGs. Elevated FFA levels are a potential therapeutic rosis of rosiglitazone (eg, STARR) and pioglitazone (eg,
target as they are central to the development of insulin PROACTIVE study).
resistance and drive the characteristic lipid abnormali-
ties of diabetes. Dual PPARa/g agonism
Plasma FFA levels can be lowered by nicotinic acid and Dual PPARa/g agonism has potential advantages over
nicotinic acid analogues. However, their usefulness is selective PPAR activation for the improvement of
limited because the initial decrease in plasma FFA levels diabetic dyslipidemia via more effective lowering of
is followed by a sharp rebound that temporarily FFA. PPARg exerts its beneficial effect through in-
increases insulin resistance. creased fat storage and improved insulin sensitivity, and
PPARa activation enhances lipid catabolism. Therefore,
PPARa agonism dual activation of both receptors may offer improve-
The benefit of fibrates on CVD risk in diabetes is a ments in the lipid profile beyond that observed with
result of their activation of PPARa. Although fibrates activation of the separate PPAR isoforms. Although
have only relatively low affinity for PPARa, they elevate theoretically attractive, a combination of selective
HDL-C, lower TG levels, and reduce sdLDL in studies in PPARa and selective PPARg agonists may not be the
nondiabetic and diabetic patients. The lowering of FFA optimal clinical approach. For example, gemfibrozil
that accompanies PPARa has the potential to lower considerably increases the plasma concentrations of
insulin resistance, but whether fibrates do so is rosiglitazone (eg, peak rosiglitazone concentration 24
uncertain because clinical studies report either hours after dosing is increased almost 10-fold and the
decreased33 or unaltered34 insulin sensitivity. Specific half-life prolonged from 3.6 to 7.6 hours), which
high-affinity PPARa agonists decrease insulin resistance increases the risk of concentration-dependent adverse
in rats and lower lipid levels.35 Higher-affinity PPARa effects of rosiglitazone and raises the need for careful
agonists may well potentiate the benefits of activation of monitoring.39 This interaction probably occurs because
this PPAR by increasing FFA catabolism and reducing of inhibition of CYP450 2C8 enzyme-mediated biotrans-
insulin resistance, with consequent effects on athero- formation of rosiglitazone by gemfibrozil. It remains to
genic diabetic dyslipidemia. be determined whether an interaction occurs between
all thiazolidinediones and fibrates.
PPARg agonism Dual PPARa/g agonists offer an alternative approach
PPARg is highly expressed in adipose tissue as well as to combining the activities of selective activation of the
in other tissues such as the intestine, spleen, and muscle 2 PPARs. In animal studies, they have been demonstrat-
tissue. Activation of this PPAR isoform (eg, by thiazoli- ed to lessen insulin resistance and have additional
dinediones) results in the generation of small adipocytes, beneficial effects on FFA and glucose metabolism.40,41
which causes a net flux of fatty acids into subcutaneous These properties could provide a suitable addition to
adipose tissue and away from other tissues. This existing therapeutic approaches to the treatment of
redistribution has been postulated to improve insulin diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and associated CVD risk.
sensitivity. Insulin resistance may also be lowered by Therefore, integrating PPARa and PPARg activity may
PPARg agonism because it increases the synthesis of deliver greater benefits than selective PPAR activation.
American Heart Journal
868 Carmena
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Representatives of the class that are in late clinical diabetic dyslipidemia by raising HDL-C levels and
development include muraglitazar and tesaglitazar. lowering TGs and sdLDL levels.

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