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S E C R E T//N O F O RN I I 20290917

APOAE 09360

JTF GTMO-CG 17 September2004

MEMORANDUM for Commander,United StatesSouthernCommand,3511 NW 9lst Avenue,

M i a m i ,F L 3 3 1 7 2 .

SUBJECT: Recommendationto RetainunderDoD Control (DoD) for GuantanamoDetainee,

ISN: US9AS-000002DP

l. (FOUO) PersonalInformation:

. JDIMSA{DRC ReferenceName: David M. Hicks

o Aliases and Current/TrueName: Abu Australia. Abu Filipini. and David Michael Hicks
. Placeof Birth: Adelaide.Australia (AS)
o Date of Birth: 7 Ausust 1975
. Citizenship: Australia

2. (FOUO) Health: Detaineeis in good health.

3. (S//NF) Detainee Summary:

a. (S/AIF) Backgroundand CaptureData: Unlessotherwisenoted,the following

backgroundnotesare basedsolely on the detainee'sstatements.

. (S) Prior History: From Juneof 1988to May of 7999, detaineetraveledfrom

Australia to Japantwice, where he worked as a horsetrainer. While residing in Japan,detainee
becameaware of the situation and strugglesoccurring in Kosovo, as well as the role of the
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). Interactionswith the Jama'at Al Tablighi (JT) in Australia
introducedthe detaineeto the Muslim faith. (Analyst Note: Jama'at AI Tablighi is a Tier 2 NGO
target. Tier 2 targets have demonstratedthe intent and willingness to support terrorist
organizations willing to attack (JSpersons or interests.) Detaineeclaimed it was the plight of
the people in Kosovo that urged him to seekthe KLA. Detaineetraveled to the Burell Training
Camp and then to the FeekanTraining Camp in Kosovo. (Analyst note: Detainee did not give
exact locations of the camps or the what the training consistedof; however, detaineementioned
thepresenceof Albanian military fficials and unifurmedGermanmilitary personnelbut was
unsure of their exactpurpose.) Detaineetrained over the courseof three months with thelKLA

BY: MultipleSources
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SUBJECT:(S) Recommendationto Retainunder DoD Control (DoD) for GuantanamoDetainee,
ISN: US9AS-000002DP

and left as the conflict ended. From Kosovo, detaineeflew to East Timor (TT) in order to take
part in the conflict there, but he was disappointedby his lack of readinessand participation in
certainsituations. (Analystnote: Detaineedid not elaborateon the abovecomment. The
detaineementionedon severaloccasionshis wishesto be engagedin combat. However,
detainee'slate arrival in Kosovopreventedhimfrom gaining the experienceand training he
wished to acquire, which led to his disappointmentin East Timor.)
o (S/A{F) Recruitment and Travel: In the fall of 1999, detaineeflew to Karachi,
Pakistan(PK). In Decemberof 1999,while performingmissionarywork for the JT in Pakistan,
the detaineemet with representativesof the Pakistan-basedKashmiri separatistgroup Lashkar-e-
Tayyiba (LeT). (Analyst Note: Lashkar-e-Tayyibais a Tier I target. Tier I targets are defined
as terrorist groups, especially thosewith state support, that have demonstratedthe intention and
the capability to attack USpersons or interesfs.) Detaineetraveled to Lahore, PK, to meet with
the LeT headof foreign affairs,Abu Omar. In Quetta,PK, detaineejoined the LeT and traveled
toMuzzafarabad, PK, for basic combat training. Upon completion of training, detaineeresided
in severalsafehousesand attemptedunsuccessfullyto infiltrate the Line of Control (LOC) into
Indian-controlledKashmir. Due to the PakistaniInter-ServiceIntelligenceDirectorate(ISID)
controlling the number of troops in Kashmir, the detaineestatedhe would have waited several
months or longer for an attemptedinsertion into Kashmir. (Analyst Note: The Pakistani Inter-
ServiceIntelligence Directorate (ISID) has strong ties with the LeT in regard to insertion tactics
into Kashmir.) Detaineestayedin Lahore, PK, for severalweeks until traveling to Tetaponi, PK,
locatednear the border of Kashmir, but he was unable to find an alternative route into India
having tried going through Afghanistan(AF). Detaineethen sought to enter Afghanistan for a
secondtime. He was successfuland traveled by bus and taxi to Kandahar,AF, in searchof
military training, basedon information from a contact with the Taliban in Pakistan. He then
retumed to Lahore and made his way to a madrassain Karachi, PK, where he studiedthe Koran
for four months.
. (S) Training and Activities: In December2000, detaineereturnedto Kandaharand
was introducedto the Al-Qaidaorganization. Detaineetrainedat Al-Qaida's Al Farouqterrorist
camp and receivedthe following training: Basic Military Training, Cityfurban Tactics, Mountain
Tacticsand Intelligence/TargetGathering. (AnalystNote: Detaineetrained with ISN 202, ISN
036, ISN 10007,and ISN 02l while at the Al Farouq camp.) Detaineealso met Mohammed
Atef, who was Al-Qaida'sNo. 3 in chargeof military operations.Detaineetrainedwith A1-
Qaida at multiple locations in Afghanistan, including the Abu Obeida terrorist camp for urban
warfare training. (Analyst Note: Detainee stated that ISN 535 was an explosivestraining
instructor at the Abu Obeida camp.) He left the surveillancecourseprior to completion and
went to visit the front lines. Detaineewas then called back to Kandahar for anothermeeting with
Abu Hafs, a senior Al-Qaida planner and coordinator. (Analyst Note: Abu Hafs is a Tier 2 High
Value Target.)
. (S) Capture Information: As the Taliban lines fell, andjust prior to the captureof
Mazar-e-Sharifby the Northern Alliance, detaineefled the areato Konduz, AF, by riding in a
truck. Detaineethen traveled to Bagram, AF, where Northern Alliance national soldiers arrested
him. He was turnedover to US Forcesand incarceratedon the U.S.S.Pettiloo.

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SUBJECT: (S) Recommendationto RetainunderDoD Control (DoD) for GuantanamoDetainee,
ISN: US9AS-000002DP

b. (S) Transfer to JTF GTMO: Detaineewas subsequentlytransportedto GuantanamoBay

Naval Base,Cuba,on l1 January2002.

c. (S) Reasonsfor Transferto JTF GTMO: Detaineemay provide knowledgeof Al-Qaida

Training Camps in Afghanistan.

d. (S/AIF) Reasonsfor ContinuedDetention:

. (U) Detaineehas beenidentified as a personsubjectto trial by Military Commission.

o Detaineehas been formally chargedwith conspiracy,attemptedmurder by an
unpriviledgedbelligerent,and aiding the enemy.
o (S/AIF) Detaineeis associated,directly or indirectly, with the following detainees:
ISN 024,ISN 760,ISN 03I, ISN 041,ISN 068,ISN 079,ISN I57, ISN 258,ISN 074,ISN 535,
ISN 055,ISN 05I, ISN 202,ISN 036,ISN 072,ISN 146,ISN 075,ISN 1OOO7, ISN 043,ISN
011, ISN 015, and ISN 079. Many of them have extensiveeducational and military backgrounds
associatedwith well-known extremistgroups.
. (S) Detaineehas had direct involvementwith seniorAl-Qaida leadership,including
UsamaBin Laden.(AnalystNote: MohammedAtef was Al-Qaida's No. 3, in chargeof military
operations, and Abu Hafs is a senior Al-Qaida planner and coordinator, as well as a Tier 2 High
Value Target.)
. (S) Detaineeactively soughtout extremistorganizationsthroughoutthe world in
order to train, operate,and fight with them.
. (S) The detainee'struthfulnesslevel is low, and he is very likely to have information
regardingterroristoperationsand tactics.
. (S) Detaineeusednumerousaliasesand obtainedtremendousknowledgeon ingress
and egressroutesto and from Pakistanand Afghanistan,as well as the locationsof guesthouses
throughout the region.
. (S) Detainee'sinvolvementand extensivetraining with the KLA, LeT, Al-Qaida,
Taliban,and Jama'atAl Tablighi make him a highly skilled and advancedcombatant,as well as
a valuableassetand possibleleaderfor extremistorganizations.
. (S) Detaineeis an admitted/swornfighter for Al-Qaida and has written a statement
affirming such.

e. (S) IntelligenceFocus: Detaineestill possesintelligencevalue; however,due to his

currenttrial by Military Commission,JTF GTMO will not continueexploitationefforts. It is
assessed that the detaineewas of high intelligencevalue due to prior interrogationsand due to his

o Routesof ingressand egressthroughoutthe region

. Can provide info on Al-Qaida's structureand training, his capture,the uprising at
Mazar E Sharif, LeT insertion tactics, and the Taliban
o Associationwith the LeT, ISID, Taliban,and seniorAl-Qaida leaders

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SUBJECT: (S) Recommendationto RetainunderDoD Control (DoD) for GuantanamoDetainee,
ISN: US9AS:000002DP

r Detainee's urban warfare tactics learnedat the Abu Obeida camp

o Associationswith and identification of numerousdetaineesat GTMO
o Locations of tenorist-affiliated guesthousesthroughout the region

4. (S/A[F) Detainee'sConduct: Detainee'soverall behavioris compliant,but he hasbeen

deceptive. Prior to being put on hold on 24February04, detaineewas highly influential and
often led in prayer,conductedspeeches,and organizeddisturbances.Detainee'srapportwith his
interrogatorsdeterminesthe length and validity of his interviews. The detaineehas otherwise
beenpassiveduring his stay in JTF GTMO. On 28 October2002,detaineewas overheardsaying
he would rather be a mercenarythan a terrorist. Detaineeoften attemptsto procure information
from US military personnelwith whom he interacts. He sometimesrefusesto eat or drink, take
medication,and shower. Detaineepossesses leadershipqualities;and other detainees,including
ISN 024, hold him in high regard. (AnalystNote: MohammedAtef was Al-Qaida's No. 3 in
charge of militory operotions, approacheddetaineeregarding his willingness to be a martyr,
which the detaineedeclined.)

on 24 February2004, and
5. (S) EC Status: Detainee'senemycombatantstatuswas reassessed
he remains an enemy combatant.

6. (S) JTF GTMO Assessment:

a. (S/A{F) Summary: Detaineeis a personsubjectto trial by Military Commission. He has

beenformally chargedwith conspiracy,attemptedmurderby an unpriviledgedbelligerentand
aiding the enemy, It is confirmedthat this detaineeis a memberof Al-Qaida and its global
terrorist network. The detaineeis an admitted/swornfighter for Al-Qaida and has written a
statementaffirming suchon 21 March 2003. Detaineehastraveledextensivelyto seekout
extremistorganizationsfor the training aspect,as well as for the combatexperience.Detainee's
statementsthat he wants to be a mercenary,as well as his history, indicate that he is likely to
pursuesucha careerif released.Detaineeis associatedand hastrainedwith numeroushigh-level
Al-Qaida operatives,as well as Tier 1 Targets,Tier 2 NGO's, and foreign intelligenceagencies,
suchas the ISID. The detaineeis highly trained,experienced,and combat-hardened, which
makeshim a valued member and possibleleader for any extremist organization. It has been
determinedthis detaineeposesa high risk, and posesa significantthreatto the US, its interests
and allies.

b. (S) Recommendation:JTF GTMO recommendsthis detaineebe retainedunderDoD


S E C R E T //N O F O RN I I 20290917
S E C R E T i/N O F O RN I I 20290917
to RetainunderDoD Control(DoD) for Guantanamo
SUBJECT:(S) Recommendation Detainee,

7. (S) Coordination: JTFGTMO notifiedthe CriminalInvestigativeTaskForce(CITF)of this

recommendation 2004. CITF assessed
on 17September this detaineeto be a highrisk on 30
June2004. JTFGTMO andCITF agreeon thethreatassessment of this detaineeashigh.

/gb /J,P-
/ / JAY w. HOOD
l/ nrigadierGeneral,US Army


S E C R E T //N O F O RN I I 20290917

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