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2011 May

Dear friends,

Greetings from Moldova! We're still here, by the grace of God. :) It's been some time since I've written,
there's much to say, but I'll just give you a taste of what's going on recently. Little by little we see God
building His church here in Greater Grace of Moldova & what a privilege for us to be here to see it! We
have continually met people in the last several weeks that have been especially prepared by God--divine

About a month ago, Andrei gave a gospel tract to someone in the park who was at the time speaking with
someone on his cell phone. The young man looked at Andrei with somewhat of a scowl, but took the tract
and walked on. Some time later, Viktor (young man to whom he gave the tract) & Dumitru found Andrei
again & said to him with great excitement, "This message is amazing, you should tell everyone about
this!" Well said, Viktor, that is our heart's desire! :) Since then, these two precious young men have been
coming out for services. They love the fellowship & are growing in their capacity to hear the Word.

--Ask & keep on asking--

The reason I'm even able to relate this story, plain & simple, I believe, is because God answers prayer! :)
God has really stirred our hearts in prayer recently & every week we're seeing remarkable answers to
those prayers. We're filling up the golden vials with prayers (Revelation 5:8) & God is answering!

The Lord is putting us in front of spiritually needy people & people whose hearts have been opened to the
Lord. Almost daily we are being reminded by the Lord through unusual encounters that He so loves the
world & desires that all men would be saved. What an amazing privilege we have to be on the frontlines
to rescue lost souls from a Christ-less eternity! "Some wish to live within the sound of a church or chapel
bell; I wish to run a rescue shop a yard from hell" (C.T. Studd). Make us fishers of men, Lord, and fill our


The month of March always brings with it one of our biggest highlights of the year, the European
Convention in Budapest. This year we took 9 full-blooded Moldovans & one American from our church
here & glory to God, we had the time of our lives! What a joy it is to see people start to realize more that
they are a part of something far bigger & far wider in scope than they originally believed, the Body of
Christ. Though I didn't hear a testimony from each one about the week, I did see the ear-to-ear grins that
started to come over their faces about the middle of the week & didn't seem to want to go away. :) Praise
the Lord for how personally He ministered to us that week.
THANKS so much! to the team that came for two amazing days after Eurocon--Zsolti, Pastor Kornel,
Brenda, Lorraine, Dana & Mary! It was a tremendous blessing to our church here & each person added so
much to the richness of those days. Thank you!

THANK YOU SO MUCH for your prayers for us here! If the Lord brings it to mind, pray for us that God
would give us HUMILITY and teach us HOW TO PRAY without ceasing.

We would also love to hear a few words from YOU, if you can & please send us also your personal or
ministry PRAYER REQUESTS. We would be so thankful to receive them and pray also for you!

Thankfully to you & the Lord, with much grace & love in the Lord,


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