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Экономические и гуманитарные исследования регионов № 6 2021

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8. Лентовская А. В. Применение информационно-коммуникационных технологий в
формировании коммуникативных навыков в иноязычной лингвокультуре / А. В. Лентовская
// Вестник Московского университета. Серия 19: Социология и политология. – 2020. – Т.26.
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УДК 37
Ревякина Н. П., Мануйлова Н. С.
Revyakina N. P., Manyilova N. S.
Аннотация. Изучение иностранных языков с каждым годом играет все более
важную роль в обучении и воспитании будущих специалистов. Этим объясняется
необходимость пересмотра не только концепции образовательного процесса в ВУЗе, но и
эффективности форм и методов работы при обучении студентов иностранному языку.
Целью данной статьи является рассмотрение преимуществ использования игровых
технологий в учебном процессе. Игровые технологии являются уникальной формой
организации процесса постижения знаний в области иностранного языка и культуры страны
изучаемого языка. Приводятся сведения о применении ролевых игр в учебном процессе как
метода активизации коммуникативной и лингвокультурной компетенции студентов.
Внимание акцентируется на игровых технологях, повышающих эффективность трансляции
знаний по иностранному языку.
Annotation. Foreign languages learning plays a very serious role in the training and
education of future specialists. This explains the need to revise not only the concept of the
educational process at the university, but also the innovation of the approaches in teaching. The
aim of the article is to consider the pros and cons of gaming technology in the educational process.
These technologies are a unique form of organizing the process of comprehending a foreign
languages knowledge. It is also important to learn much about the culture of the country. Role-
playing games are used as effective methods of active prsonal growth and communicative and
linguocultural students competence development. The main types of gaming technologies in
foreign language classes are highlighted in terms of their effectiveness.
Ключевые слова: игровые технологии, игровой метод, инновационные технологии,
методы активного обучения, преимущества, эффективность, компетенции.
Keywords: gaming technology, role-playing, teaching method, innovative approaches,
active methods, active learning, advantages, effectiveness, competencies.
Nowadays, the role of foreign languages is as important, as it has never been before. It is a
means of intercultural interaction of people from different cultures in the social, economic and
professional spheres. It is very sufficient as we have so many reasons for confrontation with other
countries. It is necessary to find mutual understanding to save our planet.
We all need to rethink some important problems in higher education, such as, for instance,
teaching of foreign languages in new conditions. The search for new consepts in education leads
to the creation of new forms and methods focused on productivity, self-organization, ability to

Экономические и гуманитарные исследования регионов № 6 2021

work in team, interest and tolerance. This arouses the researchers’ desire to create the innovative
methods of foreign languages teaching. In this process, the main emphasis should be made on the
students’ professionally significant competencies’ growth. “It will be a great contribution to the
high level of the main significant personality traits formation” [1].
Higher school should ensure new effective results in foreign language teaching by effective
pedagogical technologies. The use of active methods and forms of education will ensure students’
creative activity. It will also include elements of scientific research into the educational process.
One of the advanced educational technologies is using the game and methods of
dramatization. They are a unique human phenomenon and an important stage in a personal
development, as well as the teaching method. This aspect is considered in detail in such areas of
knowledge as psychology, philosophy, cultural studies and pedagogy (S.V. Arutyunyan, F.K.
Bleher, P.P. Blonsky, L.S. Vygotsky, O.S.Gazman, V.M. Grigoriev, O. A. Dyachkova, A. S.
Ibragimova, N. A. Korotkova, N.Ya. Mikhailenko, S. L. Rubinshtein, A. I. Sorokina, F. I.
Fradkina, G.P. Shchedrovitsky, N.R. Eiges, D.B. Elkonin and others). A significant rise in interest
in the game learning at different levels occurred in the domestic science of education in the end of
the XXth century (V.V.Petrusinsky, P.I. Pidkasisty, Zh.S.Khaidarov, S.A. Shmakov, M.V.Klarin,
A.S. Prutchenkov and others). Today it has been preserved and innovated. [2]
The problem of gaming pedagogical technology envolves different forms and methods
being an integral part of high school innovation. Of course, it has always been one of the
important interactive forms of learning, which allows you to activate all the cognitive students’
abilities. A new trend today is that games promote the use of knowledge in a new situation. Game
technologies enhance students’ empathy and the desire of learning goals realization.
Gaming technologies envolve the following teaching methods: culture acquisition,
business oriented, situational games, situations dramatization; negotiations samples, discussions
and trainings in an active mode [3]. In modern high school, game technologies are widely used in
the course of learning foreign languages. They help to develop students' readiness to “get new
information, analyse it. It evolves their creativity, both in non-stereotyped situations”. [2]. In
higher education, an important task of gaming technologies is to achieve different purposes which
can be called achievments.
Table 1. Gaming technologies functions.
self-realization in the game as a testing ground in human practice
relaxation as relieving emotional stress caused by intensive foreign languag learning
game therapy as the overcoming various difficulties arising both in the subject area and in
other types of life
diagnostic as an identification of deviations from the normative level of knowledge
competencies - both in the field of subject and personal development, self-knowledge
during the game
correction and development (making positive changes in the structure of personal and
subject indicators in game models close to life situations)
subject competencies, activation of personality reserve capabilities
intercultural development as social and cultural values knowledge
These are the most important achievements of gaming activity. Now let us consider and
analyze the issue of games typology. In science at present, there exists quite a large number of
opinions on this issue, while there is no single, unambiguous classification. In particular,
researchers (S.L. Rubinshtein, D.B. Elkonin) define the so-called “intellectual” and “role-playing”
games. The nature of the game methodology discloses that games used in the pedagogical process
are divided into subject, plot, role, imitation and dramatization. Role-playing games are
partucularly important, as their purpose is motivation improving which is important for the
students. In this regard, we will dwell in more detail on role-playing games when teaching a
foreign (English) language at the university, which are a situational-speech group exercise for the
implementation of speech skills in conditions that imitate reality.
Экономические и гуманитарные исследования регионов № 6 2021

Role-playing games are one of the effective ways of activating the material already
covered and motivation in learning new things, combining the modeling of a real communication
situation with the principle of problem solving, search and research activities. The simplest
exercises such as "dramatize the dialogue or the situation" play the leading role in a foreign
language teacher’s portfolio. Effective-motivational and operational-technical aspects of the
activity are presented in a system formula.
It is necessary to highlight the main advantages of role-play as a pedagogical technique
with great teaching possibilities. Note that the advantages are largely derived from its
- creation of imaginary situation which forms special attitude towards the outside world in
- personal activity of the participants forming the system of interpersonal relations;
- socially significant type of activity;
- special conditions formation for the process of assimilating knowledge.
Role-playing technologies are advantageous as the can be called “an ideal communication
model which is especially important for organizing learning in a linguistic environment” [4].
Becides, the game gives many chances of motivation, creating “an incentive background and the
specific individual subjective motive” [5]. Role-playing tunes the emotional tone of students and
has a positive effect on the result – the quality of assimilation of foreign language and the
development of students' communicative abilities.
In this process, it is very important to define a correct algorithm for role-playing
1. Preparation stage (the definition of the goal, the plan of the game activity and the
scenario development).
2. Informative stage (teacher should give information to the students orally or in writing).
Additionally, a specific, basic lexical and grammatical thesaurus should be given. Students must
be given help with additional explanations.
3. Execution Stage (the game - playing itself). The teacher notes the mistakes of the
students, correcting those that create a situation of misunderstanding among other students.
4. Reflection stage (analyzing the results, exchanging opinions about the difficulties and
successes). At this stage, the teacher sums up the final result of the game activity and determines
its compliance with the set goals and objectives.
Speaking about the use of role-play, we can distinguish the following types:
1. Debate (includes the development of various skills and abilities). The student's
communicative competence plays an important role in the debate. In the course of debate on a
certain topic, participants can improve their listening and speaking skills, which is quite logical, as
well as letters when participants take notes on the answers of their opponents in order to offer their
counter-arguments. Besides, conducting this particular type of role-play requires serious
preparation on the part of the participants, since students need to analyze the literature on the
relevant topic, draw up a synopsis plan that will serve as a support during the speech, and select
the theses.
2. Speed quiz (helps to check up lexical skills, diversify different types of test exercises). In
this regard, the system of testing and control of new units was developed in the form of a quiz,
which is a guess of a particular term according to its definition. A speed quiz can be interpreted as
a competition where students have to give as many words as they can in a short perid of time.
3. Exam sample: it is like one of the parts of the exam in foreign language presenting
student’s speech skills, when the examinee must: a) introduce himself; b) speak on the proposed
topic; 3) answer the teacher’s questions. It is the form of conducting that requires the teacher’s
attention to each pair of students taking part in the situation. After all, it is very significant to
understand the strong and weak points of each student in order to optimize the educational

Экономические и гуманитарные исследования регионов № 6 2021

All the above-mentioned information testifies that the game form of teaching English
enhance the development of motivating students. It is an important element joining students’
theoretical and practical knowledge. It can be called a special type of practice, in which according
to psychologists, “up to 90% of the information is assimilated” [6]. The role-playing is
undoubtedly unique educational and cognitive situation in which students feel the need to acquire
Speaking about culture, we understand it as a generalized civilized space, i.e. as a product
of human thought and activity: experience, norms that define and regulate human life, people's
attitudes to new and different ideas and the worldview. To be fortunate a foreign language teacher
must know how students understand and accept certain cultural and communicative realities. By
plunging students into the games, the teacher “should provide terms for the development of the
personality, which is necessary for successful communication not only with native English
speakers, but also with people of other cultures” [7]. This method of teaching helps the student's
personality development, and the professional and personal skills formation.
Today teachers should provide gaming technologies usage in foreign language teaching at
higher schools. These technologies promote the effectiveness of teaching a foreign language.
“They expand their cultural and communicative space; contribute to the implementation of an
active approach in learning English” [8].
The creative, free nature of gaming technologies allows you to create a learning language
environment being an active tool for managing the learning process. Students acquire the skills of
solving many problems that complicate communication in general and in a foreign language in
particular. They master the most complex skills of lexical and phraseological combining of words
in direct speech communication. Grammar is constantly trained and linguocultural realities are
being worked out. Gaming technologies activate the ability to participate in the process of real-life
Therefore, role-playing situations create the environment for students’ activities in the
future profession. Of course, it will be practical application of their competencies professional
interaction. It will also expand students’ reflexion and create a valueable attitude to life and work.
The game combines many active learning forms and methods. It gives the opportunity of
integrating with research. However, we must not exaggerate the teaching value of gaming in
learning foreign languages. They should not be the only source of getting knowledge. They should
be used in a system with other methods, technologies and forms of organizing the educational
process in higher education.

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