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Q: What does “pseudo-conversation” mean?

A: The programming technique in which the task will not wait for the end users replies on the terminal.
Terminating the task every time the application needs a response from the user and specifying the next
transaction to be started when the end user presses any attention key (Enter, Pf1, through PF24, PA1, PA2,
Clear) is pseudo-conversational processing.

Q: How can you start the CICS transaction other than by keying the transaction ID at the terminal?
 By coding EXEC CICS START in the application program
 By coding the trans id and the trigger level on the DCT table
 By coding the trans id in the EXEC CICS START comment
 By associating an attention key with the program control table
 By embedding the trans id in the first four position of a screen sent to the terminal
 By using the program list table

Q: What are the difference between an EXEC CICS XCTL and an EXEC CICS START comment?

A: The XCTL command transfers the control to another application (having same transaction ID), While the
start, command initiates a new transaction ID (therefore a new task number). The XCTL continues the task on the
same terminal. START can initiate a task on another terminal.

Q: What are the difference between an EXEC CICS XCTL and an EXEC CICS LINK comment?

A: The XCTL command transfers control to an application program at the same logical level (do not expect to
control back), While the LINK command passes the control to an application program at the next logical
level and expects control back.

Q: What happen to the resources supplied to a transaction when a XCTL command is executed?

A: With an XCTL, the working storage and the procedure division of the program issuing the XCTL are
released. The I/O area, the GETMAIN areas, and the chained linkage section area (commarea from a higher
level) remain. All existing locks and queues also remain in area. With a LINK, however, program storage is
also saved, since the transaction expects to return and use it again.

Q: what is a resident program?

A: A program or map loaded into the CICS nucleus so that it is kept permanently in the main storage and not
deleted when CICS goes “short on the storage”
Q: What is some of the information available in the EIB area?

 The cursor position in the map
 Transaction ID
 Terminal ID
 Task number
 Length of communication area
 Current date and time
 Attention identifier
Q: What is the function of EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION command?

A: To specify the paragraph or program label to which the control is to be passed if the “handled condition”

Q: How many conditions can you include in a single HANDLE CONITION command?

A: No more then 16 in a single handle condition. If you need more, then you must code another HANDLE
CONITION command.

Q: What is the difference between EXEC CICS HANDLE CONITION and an EXEC CICS
IGNORE command?
A: A HANDLE CONITION command creates a “go-to” environment. An IGNORE command does not
creates a “go-to” environment; instead, it gives the control back to the next sequential instruction following
the command causing the condition. They are opposites.

Q: Suppose you have a field in the map by named ACCTD, and you want it bright.
Explain how can you do this during the execution of the application.
A: By moving either DHFBMBRY to the ACCTID field in the symbolic map (bright only) or DFHBMASB to
the ACCTID field in the symbolic map (askip bright).

Q: What are three ways available for a program to position the cursor on the screen?
A: 1. Static positioning: Code the insert cursor (IC) in the DHFMDF BMS macro.
2. Relative positioning: Code a CURSOR option with a value relative to zero
(Position 1,1 is zero).
3. Symbolic positioning: Move high value or –1 to the field length in the symbolic map (and code
CURSOR to the SEND command).

Q: Reducing the data traffic is the very important factor in an on-line environment.
Explain the difference between MAPONLY and DATAONLY options in the EXEC CICS SEND MAP.
A: A vast majority of map are defined as input/output, therefore, to reduce data transmission the first time the
map is send, you should use MAPONLY because this will set up the initial temple on the screen. After that,
the application needs to send only the variable data in the symbolic map (DATAONLY).
Q: How do you specify in your program which fields are not to be sent to the map (terminal)?
A: By filling the field with low value.

Q: When an application program issues an EXEC CICS RECEIVE MAP command and there is no data sent
back to the application program, what exceptional condition will occur?
A: A MAPFAIL condition will occur.

Q: What are some differences between a Temporary Storage Queue (TSQ) and Transient Data Queue (TDQ)?
A: Temporary Storage Queue names are dynamically defined in the application program,
while Temporary Data Queues must first be defined in the DCT (Destination Control Table).

When a TDQ contains a certain amount of records (trigger level), a CICS transaction can be started
automatically. This does not happen when using a TSQ.

TDQ (extrapartition) may be used by batch application; TSQ cannot be accessed in batch. The Transient
Data Queue is actually a QSAM file.

You may update an existing item in a TSQ. A record in a TDQ cannot be updated.

Records in TSQ can be read randomly. The TDQ can be read only sequentially.
Records in Temporary Storage can be read more than once, while records stored in Temporary Data
Queues cannot. With TDQs it is “one read” only.

Q: What will happen if a task issues an EXEC CICS DELETE Q TD against an Extrapartion
Transient Data Queue?
A: An invalid request exceptional condition will occur. The default action is that the task will be terminated.

Q: In an On-line environment, how can you prevent more than one user from accessing the
same Transient Data Queue at the same time?
A: By issuing an EXEC CICS ENQ against the resource. When processing is completed, a DEQ should be

Q: Is there any way of releasing a resource previously enquired by a task other than by issuing an EXEC CICS
DEQ command?
A: You can issue a SYNCPOINT command. You can also RETURN control to CICS, as
CICS automatically releases a resource when a task is terminated.

Q: What happens when an EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT is issued?

A: The Logical Unit of Work (LUW) is terminated. Everything on the Deferred Work Element (DWE) chain
is cleaned up. If Dynamic Transaction Backout (BTB) is on, everything is committed. GETMAIN areas are
freed File locks are released. I/O areas and linkages sections are released. Browses are terminated. Working
storage is not affected.
Q: What is stored in the Temporary Storage Table?
A: The TST contains the names of the Temporary Storage Queues that are to be recovered in the event of an

Q: Explain the function performed by the Program Control Table (PCT)?

A: The PCT defines the relationship between a transaction and an application program.

Q: What is a deadlock?
A: Deadlock (also known as a “deadly embrace”) occurs when a task is waiting for a resource held by another
task, which, in run, is waiting for a resource held by the first task.

Q: Which CICS program is responsible for the management of the DSA )the Dynamic Storage Area)?

A: The Storage Control Program (SCP).

Q: If, when executing a “READ INTO” command, the length of the actual (variable) length record exceeds the

length specified in the LENGTH option, which happen (if anything)?

A: You will get a LENGERR.

Q: When a second READ WITH UPDATE is given against the same file in the same task prior to releasing the

file, what will happen?

A: An INVREQ will take place

Q: How could you prevent such an error?

A: After the first read, and prior to the second read, you could:
1. Issue an UNLOCK
2. Execute a DELETE
3. Execute a REWRITE
4. Execute a SYNCPOINT

Q: You have duplicate keys and you have loaded an alternate index into RIDFLD. What would happen if you

issue a READNEXT after searching from a direct retrieval read?

A: You would get the same record twice.

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