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Nepenthes Bicalcarata Cultivation

Nepenthes bicalarata becomes an enormous lowland

plant and requires lowland temperatures and humidity
to survive.
Cultivating Ease - Easy
Type - Lowlander
Temperature - Keep it warm at all times. Although it can tolerate cool
temperatures, it should be kept between 75 and 95 degrees farenheit for
optimum growth.

Humidity - Should be very high at all times. Does not appreciate low
humidity, as the leaves and pitchers will turn pitch black. Tendril burn
and aborted, mis-shaped pitchers are also signs of low humidity or
sudden humidity drops. Humidity should be above 70% at all times for
optimum growth.
Light - Shaded conditions. It grows very well in a large chamber under
lights. It does not handle high light levels well while producing lower
pitchers. Higher light levels are possible for the upper climbing vine.

Moisture - Keep the plant wet. Do not let the soil dry out. The plant
grows in a very wet condition, and allowing the soil to dry out will stunt
the plant, and also cause a sudden blackening of leaves and pitchers.
Keeping the plant wet enough after the plant grows to a large state can be
a challenge, as a deeper pot with a well drained soil is difficult to keep wet
without very frequent waterings.

Soil - Long Fiber Sphagnum / Sphagnum Peat Moss

Size - The plant will grow to an enormous proportions, with a diameter
which can exceed 6 feet.

Details: N. bicalcarata is very easy to grow while a small plant. It can

grow from a 3" diameter plant to a foot and a half in just a matter of
months. However, larger plants require larger and deeper pots, which
can cause the soil to dry out unless you water frequently. A drop in
humidity or allowing the soil to even venture onto the slightly dryish side
will cause the leaves and pitchers to turn jet black. While smaller, the
pitchers can be slightly elongated. But as the plant gets larger, the
pitchers become enormous pouches that rest on the ground with very
wide mouth openings. The two fangs in which this species is famous for
are more like thorns in larger pitchers, and I have seen some pitchers
have2, 4, and even 6 of the fangs. These fangs will also produce nectar,
which is quite an ominous site.

Propagation - Appears to be rather easy from cuttings.

Just a little addition: if you choose to use fert., try to get one without copper and
without/with minimal amount of zinc and urea.
Nepenthes Aristolochioides X Spectabilis
Grow in partial sun at room temperature and keep damp year round. These
plants don't appreciate water-logged conditions, so keep the pot well drained
and don't leave it in a tray of water. They appreciate high humidity, so regular
misting is recommended.


XX – XX – XX


30 – 10 – 10
1ra 2da 3ra

Por así decirlo, cuando :

- Primera cifra más alta -> crecimiento (hojas, pseudobulbos, keikis etc.)
- Segunda cifra más alta -> floración (crecimiento de la vara)
- Tercera cifra más alta -> engrosamiento de los capullos, también favorece a las raíces
- Las 3 cifras iguales (o caasi iguales ) -> es balanceado, lo puedes utilizar siempre
(menos cuando la planta está en reposo, entonces no se debe utilizar ninguno!)

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