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Job Satisfaction is the favorableness or un-favorableness with which the employee

views his worth. It expresses the amount of agreement between one’s expectation of the
job and the rewards that the job provides. Job satisfaction this is the result of various
attitude possessed by an employee.

In a narrow sense, these attitudes are related to the job under condition with such
specific factors such as wages, supervisors of employment, and conditions of work, social
relation on the job, prompt settlement of grievances and fair treatment by employer.
However, more comprehensive approach requires that many factors are to be included
before a complete understanding of job satisfaction can be obtained. Such factors as
employees’ age, health, temperature, desire and level of aspiration should be considered.
Further his family relationship, social status, recreational, activity in the organizations
Even though organizations cannot directly impact employee personality, the use
of second selection methods and a good match between employees and jobs will ensure
people are selected and placed in to jobs most appropriate for then, which in turn will
help enhance their job satisfaction. In order to maintain and improve an employees
satisfaction and commitment to an organizations.

The form job satisfaction refers to in individual general attitude towards her (hr)
job. A person with high level job satisfactions holds positive attitude towards. The job
while a person is about the job. Job satisfaction if supposed to be an important. Key to
employee’s performance.

 According to hoppock: - Describes job satisfaction as “any combinations of
psychological, physiological and environmental circumstances that cause any
person truthfully to say I am satisfied with my job.
 According to filed man and Ameld – “ job satisfaction is the amount of overall
positive effect or feeling that individuals have towards their job”.
 According to keith Davies – “The surest signs of deteriorating contains in an
organization is low job satisfaction. In its more semester forms it links behind arid
cats strikes, slowdown, absenteeism and employees turn over, it may also be past
of grievances, how productivity problems and other organizational difficulties”.
 According to Andrew J Dubrins “ Jobs is the amount of pleases or contentment
associated with job. If you like your job intensely you will experience high job. If
you like your job intensely you will experience high job satisfaction, if you dislike
your job intensely, you’ll experience job dissatisfied.

Components of job satisfaction:

The components of job Satisfaction may be broadly classified into three major
1. Personal factors
2. Job related factors
3. Management factors.

I. Personal factors:-
a) Sex:- Most of the studies conducted abroad have found those women are
more satisfied with their job. Then men this is so in job competition and pay
perhaps the greater financial need brings about grater dissatisfaction with job man
are restress by nature. They want more freedom and can’t concentrate more time as
compared to finally responsibility because of the limited earnings they’ll be

b) Age:- The age has to do something with the degree of job satisfaction. In
other groups lower the age higher the satisfaction.

c) Education:- Higher the education lesser the satisfaction this is the general
conclusion given by the researchers. It may be partly true. That the highly education
people may have greater expectations and ambitions and when their job shows
negative signal naturally they get less satisfied.
d) Number of Dependents:- The numbers of dependents also influences the tables
of the job Satisfaction. If are have a large family it is hard to with little earnings.
This may lead to less satisfaction

II. Job related factors:-

Type of nature of work:
The permanent workers seen to be more satisfied as compared to that of
temporary and voluntarily servicing workers. The permanency in the job gives them a
kind of recognition gives them a kind of recognition and he can plan for the future in a
planned way.
In the same way routine kind of jobs gives very less J.S. everyday doing the same
type of activity and also during it again brings monetary and boredom. It is also true that
those people who have variety of jobs. That are challenging leads to creative thinking and
innovation and they will drive more satisfaction.
a) Skills:- Persons with adequate job knowledge and skills is framed to have more
satisfaction in the job and what he is doing compared to semi-skilled or unskilled
or unskilled workers skilled workers are more confident in what they are doing
and can handle the work independently and not possible with semi – skilled or
unskilled employees.
b) Occupational status:- The position that a person acquire in his career is also
another means of getting satisfaction. Usually people have a strong desire to raise
you in social hierarchy but the situation prevailing in the organization regarding

promotion policy prevents them to rise in status. Then naturally frustration walks
in and leads to lesser to satisfaction on the job.
c) Interpersonal relationship:- Social relationship and in particular interpersonal
relationship of in individual contributes a lot for achieving pleasant. It the
interpersonal exists between the worker and management there is growth change
and progress.
III. Management factors:-
Under the control of management there are many things that directly affect the
satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the workers management is concerned only of profit
and not the welfare of the employees that will directly affect the workers and there will
be dissatisfaction.
a) Wages:- The amount paid for the service put in includes major part of the
components of job satisfaction compared to other things every worker will say
salary is a very important item to gain little satisfaction. A well paid work hard
because he/she feels fully secured and as the same time a low paid worker thinks
seriously about the future and the worries about the next morning which will
hinder to work effectively satisfactorily.
b) Working conditions:- Working conditions play an important role in the concept
of jobs working conditions provide mainly lead to good health and have greater
influence on the workers perception and helps in forming positive attitude
towards the organization.
c) Training:- Training helps in acquiring new skills, fresh knowledge on the job.
This added knowledge enables the worker to work in a more scientific way and
leads to high satisfaction.
d) Job advancement:- Better profitable, satisfying promotion policies will help
keep the worker to render service more effectively. This effective service helps
the organization to grow and attain success.
e) Recognition:- Social rewards such, as recognition attention and praise tend to be
very satisfying for most employees.
However similar to contrived reward social rewards must by administer a contingent
basis. For example, apart on the work or a verbal praise of a negative boomer age affect
them a positive effect but genuine social reward contingently administrated for
performance of one target can be very effective in increasing ones jobs.

Determinates of job satisfaction:-

Many factors influence job satisfaction of employees review of research of
reveals the following important determinates of job satisfaction.
1. Supervision
2. The work group
3. Job content
4. Occupational level
5. Specialization
6. Age
7. Race and sex
8. Educational level

1) Supervision:- The first and foremost important determinant of jobs is

supervisor and the style of leadership, generally, employee centered leadership style
enhance a great amount of job satisfaction as the leaders looks after the subordinates
carefully, displays friendship respect and worth etc towards employees on the other
hand. Production oriented leader may cause low job satisfaction to employees and
may depends on the situations.
2) The work group:- Perhaps are strong human characteristics is the main
desire to be continuously associated with other according to Elton mayo if has been
foma empirically that isolated workers dislike their jobs. In words. The work group
also exerts a tremendous influence on the satisfaction of employees at work places.
3) Job content:- Another influential factor of job satisfaction is the job
content. Job content refers to the factors such as recognition responsibility,
advancement achievement, etc, in the jobs employees performs. In the study by
corker and guest it has been found that at least one job content factor is very signify

cant from the viewpoint of job satisfaction. They found that respective nature of task
is the most dissatisfied factor and pay and security here satisfying factors.
4) Occupational level:- Ample research suggest that people in higher levels
jobs one significant, reason for this high level jobs carry most prestige and self
esteem will be enhances to the extent that other people view out work is important.
High level jobs are satisfying for many other reasons too.
i. They offer excellent opportunities for the expression of the needs
for power and autonomy
ii. They reduce financial stringency of the employees.
iii. They offer tast diversity and job enrichment.
5) Specialization:- The relationship between job specialization and job
satisfaction in complex specialization leads to greater efficiency in generate, but at
the same time it lowers, the job satisfaction to some people with increasing but after a
particular point, it starts falling. That is to say after a certain point specialization lead
to dissatisfaction.
6) Age:- The relationship between age of the employee and their satisfaction
from the job is both complex and fascinating; research reveals that old workers are
satisfied workers. The relationship between age and job satisfactions postragged.

Job satisfaction usually tends to be high when people enter the work force it
plumments and then plateaus for several year (say for five to six years) up to the age of
roughly thirty years. After which there will be gradual increasement apprehension job
satisfaction may have a slight dip at the end.

Steps to improve job satisfaction:-

1) Aptitude for the job:- Job satisfaction is related to the aptitude of the employee.
If the employee is given a work for which he has no aptitude. The job will provide
no attraction to him. Hence, the question of contribution. Creativity or motivation
deos not arise. It is for the management to design jobs in such a manner that each
workers gets the job of his own choice.

2) Style of Supervision:- The employee centred supervisor style enhances job
satisfaction as the leader looks after subordinates carefully, displays friendship.
Respect and warmth etc. towards them.
3) Congenial working environment:- Job satisfaction is related to working
conditions also. The work will be more attractive if working conditions are
congenial to the task a worker proposes to accomplish good working conditions
involve such facilities as adequate light comfortable temperature attractive
4) Financial rewards:- Monitory rewards play a significant role in influencing job
satisfaction. This is because of two reasons first, money is an important
instrument in fulfilling one’s needs and secondly. Employees often see pay as a
reflection of managements concern for then employees want a wage pay system
which is simple, fair, and in line with their exceptions when pay is seen as fair
based on job demands. Individual still level and community pay standards.
5) Opportunities for advancement in career: Promotional opportunities affect job
satisfaction considerably. The desire for promotion is generally strong higher
level employees as it involves change in job content, pay responsibility,
autonomy. Status and the like. It is no surprise that employee takes promotion as
the ultimate achievement in his career and when it is realized, he feels extremely
6) Cooperative work group:- It is the work – group that fulfils the need for social
interaction of the members. If the workers has good relations with the fellow
employees and the supervisor he will feel satisfied. If the worker has good
relations with the fellow employees and the supervisor he will feel satisfied. If the
work – group enjoys a higher status. His job satisfaction will increase further.

Theories of job satisfaction:-

1) Fulfillment theory:-
Fulfillment theories regard satisfaction in terms of outcomes (rewards) a person
receives or the extent to which a person’s needs are satisfied. Schaffer thinks that job

satisfaction will vary from directly with the extent to which those needs of individuals
that can be satisfied are actually satisfied.
The difficulty with approach to be satisfaction is that satisfaction is a function of
not only what a person receives but also what he feels he should receive and want to
receive what may satisfy a person may leave another dissatisfied because of difference in
their expectation.
2) Discrepancy theory:-
This theory argues that satisfaction is the function is the function of what a
person actually receives from his job situation and what thinks he should receive or what
he expects to receive when actually received satisfaction in less than expectation
satisfaction it causes dissatisfaction porter. Thinks that satisfaction is the difference
between what are actually received and what he feels he should receive.
3) Equity Theory:-

According to equity theory a person’s satisfaction is determined by his perceived

equity. His input / output balance in turn determiners perceived equity. Input / output
balance is the perceived ratio of what a person receives from his job relative to what he
puts in the job people compare their input, output balance with the perceived input /
output balance comparison others.
According to equity theory either under reward or over reward can led to
dissatisfaction although the feeling associated with them are different under reward
causes feeling of treatment while over reward lead to feeling of guilt and discomfort.

Measures to improve job satisfaction:-

1. Improving working condition:-
One simple prescribe solution to increase job satisfaction is to improve those
conditions which are organizational sore parts. In one company job enrichment raised
the morel of electronic technicians. These by identifying the root cause of job
satisfaction the management can evolve a strategy for remedial action.

2. Transferring discontented workers:
In some cases it is also possible to remove dissatisfaction by transferring the
dissented employee to another job matching his taster and preferences. This transfer
activeness a better fit between individual and job characteristics and promotes job
satisfaction this kind of transfer may not be without certain constraint. The
dissatisfied person may be unwilling to makes from the position or he may be
incompetent to hold other challenging job.

3. Changing perception:-
Employees something has misconception about many aspects of job dissatisfaction
stems from the misconceptions about the organization. Employee may be
misinformed about certain issues, i.e. the mispriscription might be based on
inadequate or incorrect information’s. In these cases management can change the
perception of dissatisfied employees and restore job satisfaction by furnishing the
correct information discontent gets subsided overtime.

Strategies to improve the job satisfaction

Depending on the underlying cause of dissatisfaction there may be several ways
to increase the job satisfaction.
1) Set new challenges :-
If we’re stuck in a job because of lack of lack of education or a downturn in the
economy. It doesn’t mean our work has to become drudgery with a likely
imagination. We can create new challenges and make the best of the job. We have
here are some ideas that may help.
 Improve our job skills. Imaging our self in our dream job, we might see our
self as an excellent project manager – a confident communicator and a highly
organized person why not best of the job we have. Here are some ideas that may
 Develop our project, take one project that can motivate us and give us a sense
of control start small, such as organizing a work relater celebration before

moving on to larger goals working on something new can boast our
 Mentor a co-worker, once well mastered a job we may find it becoming
routine. Helping a new co – workers or an intern advance his or her skills can
often restore. The challenges and the satisfaction we desire.

2) Beat the boredom:-

 Breakup the monotony take advantage to our work breaks, read, listen to
music go for a walk write a letter.
 Cross – training does our work consist of respective tasks, such as interning
data into a base or working an assembly line? Talk with our boss about
training for a different task to combat boredom once we have completed the
training. We can switch back and forth.
 Volunteer for something different. If we hear that our company is launching a
new project volunteer for the work team.
 Ask for a new challenge. If we are comfortable doing so tell our supervisor
we’re a little bored with what we’re doing and would like a new challenge.
Keep in mind that boredom can be deadly if our job entails working with
machinery or casing for people. If our mind wanders to point that we put out
life or the lives of other in jeopardy task to our supervisor about new
challenges we can take an or seek a new position.
3) Stay positive:-
Use positive thinking to reframe our thoughts about our job changing our attitude
about work won’t necessarily happen overnight. But if were alert to ways our view of
work brings down we can improve our job satisfaction.

How to Increase Job Satisfaction:-

1. Job Enlargement
2. Job Rotation
3. Change of Pace

4. Scheduled Rest periods
5. Shorter Hours
6. Greater Autonomy
7. Automation

1) Job Enlargement:- To check the harmful effects of specialization. The

engineering factors involved in each individual job must be carefully analyzed.
Perhaps the assembly lines can be shortened so that there will be more lines and
fewer workers on each line moreover, instead of assigning one man to each job, a
group of men can be assigned to a group of jobs and then allowed to decide for
themselves how to organize the work. Such changes permit more social contacts and
greater control over the work process.
2) Job Rotation:- Many companies are seeking a solution to on – the – job
boredom through systematically moving workers from one job to another. This
practice provides more variety and gives employees a chance to learn additional
skills. The company also benefits since the workers are qualified to perform a number
of different jobs in the event of an emergency.
3) Change of Pace:- Anything that will give the worker a chance to change
his pace when he wishes will lend variety to his work. Further if workers are
permitted to change their pace that would give them a sense of accomplishment.
4) Scheduled Rest Period:- Extensive research on the impact of rest periods
indicates that they may increase both morale and productivity. Scheduled rest periods
bring many advantages.
i. They counteract physical fatigue.
ii. They provide variety and relive monotony.
iii. They are something to look forward to – getting a break gives a
sense of achievement.
iv. They provide opportunities for social contacts.
5) Shorter Hours:- Shorter work – day in many eases lead to higher
production, reduced absenteeism in an accident rate. Giving a feeling of
accomplishment. Most people get a sense of accomplishment from completing a

whole job. It the job becomes too specialized, the worker loses his feeling for the
relationship between his work and the overall process. The concept whole job gives
satisfaction to a worker.
i. That he plays a significant part in the work process as a whole, and
ii. That the process itself is important.
6) Greater Autonomy:- Possible the single most effective way of increasing job
satisfaction is to give workers more freedom to do their work in their own way. People
will work harder and derive satisfaction if they are given the freedom to make their own
7) Automation:- The effect of automation on job satisfaction depends
largely on the degree of automation that is introduced. Clearly, automation means
different things in different situation, and it is difficult to state firmly that it either
decreases or increases job satisfaction.

Factors Contributing to Job Satisfaction

Evans and Laseall (1950) found the following factors affecting job satisfaction in
order of preference.
1) Income
2) Interesting and important job
3) Pride in company
4) Fellow workers
5) Immediate boss
6) Management
7) Working conditions
8) Security
9) Chance to get ahead
10) Benefit plans
11) Safely and medical facilities.

Importance of Job Satisfaction:

1) Job satisfaction has same relation with the mental health of the people:-
Dissatisfied with one’s job may have especially volatile spillover effect. For
instance people feel bad about many other things such as a family life. Leisure activates
came time even life itself many unresolved personality problems and maladjustment arise
out of a person inability to final satisfaction in his work. Both scientific study and casual
observation provide and ample evidence. The job satisfaction is an important for the
psychological adjustment and happy living of an individual. A classic study by author
kormahalsen provides empirical evidence for the relationship between job satisfaction
and mental health. In fact job satisfaction and life satisfaction are in extricably bound.
2) Job satisfaction has some degree of positive correlation with physical health of
A study by Pilamore has come to the conclusion that people who like work,
likely to live larger here. The logic behind such result is that people with greater
satisfaction tend to have greater benefits which promote langervity on the other side of
the coin, it was countered that chronic dissatisfaction with work represents stress. This is
turn eventually takes its toll as the organization. Emotional stress as contributory factor in
the genesis of hypertension coronary artery disease digestive ailments, and even some
kinds of cancer therefore job satisfaction is essential to maintain physical health also.
3) Spread good will about organization:-
Spread good will about organization from the point of view of an organization.
People who positively about their work like are more option to voice “favorable
sentiments” about the organization to the community at large. When the goodwill of the
company goes up new analified and dynamic enervate show their interest in joining
organization. Organization thus will be in a position to enjoy the talents of people as job
satisfaction fosters a pervasive residence of public goodwill towards the organizational.
4) Individuals can live with the organization:-
A happy and satisfied individual can find it easy to live with inside the organizational as
well as outside. As the contrary a chronically upset individual make organization life
vexatious for other with whom they interact.
5) Reducer absenteeism and turnover:-

The cost of employee turns over and absenteeism is sufficient to accept the important of
job satisfaction. Higher job satisfaction reducers labour turnover and absenteeism and the
managers are compelled, if they are unconvinced about the merits of job satisfaction to
give priority adequate weight age to job satisfaction. A serious to job satisfaction. A
serious consequence of job dissatisfaction can be the employee turnover.

Historical Background of the Paper Industry :
The paper industry occupies an important place, as paper can be put to many uses;
it contributes to a lot not only to economic development but also to cultural development.
The spread of education and literacy is bound to increase demand for paper.
Paper has a long history, beginning with the ancient Egyptians and continuing the
present day for thousands of years. Hand made method dominated and then during the
19th century, paper production becomes industrialized. Originality intended purely for
writing and printing purposes, a wide variety of paper grades and uses are available to
The paper derived from the French word “Papyrus” and is a substance composed
of fibers interlaced into a compact web, which can then be macerated into pulp, dried and
prepared. Today paper includes a wide range of products with very different application,
communication, cultural, educational, artistic, hygienic and sanitary, as well as for
storage and transportation of all kind of goods. It’s almost impossible to imagine a life
without a paper.
The art of making paper was first discovered in China, 2nd century BC from there
it traveled slowly towards Europe. The end of 14th century gave birth existence of number
of paper mill in Italy, France and Germany. It was the year 1837 as in the year. Dr.
Charley established a paper mill ‘Scampore’ in ‘West Bengal’. Unfortunately, it was
closed in a few years. In 1987 the royal paper mill was set up in West Bengal again. But
the time it was a bally. In 1881 the upper Indian copper mills started operation at
Lucknow. Soon after Titagpur paper mill was established at Calcutta. This was followed

by the opening of the Deccan paper mills at Pune and the Bengal paper mill at Rangraj in
1889 respectively. Until 1880 paper industry didn’t move towards on commercial line.
The production of machine made paper to begin in 1870. When the bally mill was
established in West Bengal, the units of paper industry are owned private sector. Only
four units, which are factoring news and print, are owned by public sector. During the
period of planned development, the paper industry was made rapid progress by the Govt.
of India. The production of paper goes rise from 3,50,000 tones in December 1960 to
over 2 MN tones in December 1992. There are at present 340 units producing paper and
paperboard in the private sector, which is installed capacity of 3.4 MN tones. These units
are diverse size, type and magnitude. There is about 30 large magnitude. There are about
30 large integrate mill organized and well equipped and there are about 270 small units.

Paper Grade and Products

Paper is an essential part of our lives and satisfies many human needs. We uses it
to store and communicate information [News papers, books, documents and writing
paper], for cultural and artistic purposes, to transport and protect food [packing foods,
tetra packs], for hygiene [tissues, napkins, nappies etc.] and in medicine [hospital uses]

Growth of Paper Industry in India :

There have been discovered that, the paper industry started since from mogul era.

The paper industry contributes not only to economical development, but also to
cultural development. The spread of education and literacy in bound to increase demand
for paper. The forest research institute at Dehradun comes out with a solution. Bamboo is
a raw material for pulping. In 1913 there is 7 units manufacturing around 25000 tones of
paper. The raw material consumed mainly sabbi, grass, ragi, jute, improved spruce and
wood pulp.
The first paper mill using bamboo as raw material was started in 1918 in the
entire unit which was subsequently started between mid 1920 and 1960, bamboo based.
The Govt. of India with view to reduce dependence on foreign countries for import of

news print set up the factory at NEPA with a capacity to produce 30 tones per annum in
the year 1956.
The 1st and 2nd world war proved helpful to the paper industry, as paper was great
demand by protection duty levied on imported papers. At the independence there were
less than 20 mills with a total annual production of 0.137 MN tones. Today the industry
output is over 8500 MN tones from more than 500 mills in India.
The geographical spread of the industry is given in the following table.
State No of Mills
Andhra Pradesh 39
Assam 2
Bihar 7
Chathisghad 9
Gujarat 91
Haryana 17
Himachal Pradesh 7
Jammu and Kashmir 1
Jhar Khand 2
Karnataka 19
Kerala 13
Madhya Pradesh 27
Maharashtra 90
Nagaland 1
Orissa 6
Pond Cheri 7
Punjab 73
Rajasthan 70
Tamil Nadu 34
Uttar Pradesh 94
Utharanchal 16
West Bengal 26
Total 594

At present 540 mills in India with 3,00,000 people working in the industry. Even
though increase in demand of the paper at the rate of around 7 to 8 percent. The having
slow growth in India.
Some paper mills are incurring continuous losses in recent years because
following reason.
♦ Scarce availability of raw material.

♦ Govt. regulation and increase in the rate.
♦ Fast change in technology.
♦ Threat by the public to reduce pollution from the company.
♦ Very stiff competition etc.
The challenge for the Indian paper industry to meet the ever-increasing demand of
paper, board and news print clipped due to shortage of fibers in the country. The future
demand of country is expected to grow from 5.6 MN tones in 2010 and 13 MN in 2015.
Demand for crème wove paper has increased by 8 percent in 2002, duplex board has
recorded increase by 605 percent, craft paper has registered a 6 percent rise in demand
and news prints an impressive 10 percent.
Paper in our Lives Printing Media and Entertainment :

We read 350 million magazines, 2 billion books, and 24 billion-news paper a year
all printed on paper. Children play with paper dolls, paper masks, paper board games and
paper kites. A ticket to movie is made out of paper and so are the containers and the carry
out treys for popcorn and drinks. Even the batteries in TV remote control contain paper,
and so the TV itself.

At Work and School

Most of us expect to find paper in school and business, our desk are usually
covered with it. Thanks to computers which were once expected to make ours a paperless
society. We now generate even more paper than even before. And our money, check,
stock certificate, deeds of ownership, birth certificate, and marriage licenses, all the
documents which govern our lives are made out of paper.
How world light bulbs, water glasses, or a new microwave oven be shipped without the
corrugated containers that protect them? The largest category of paper products today is
the one we take for granted-the paper board is useful to ship 95 % of all manufactured
goods (even paper) and is much lighter and more recyclable than the wooden careers of

Paper is used to build homes, sometimes it saves as a structural or decorative
component, as laminated kitchen counter fops, insulation, gypsum board, acoustical
board, wall papers, flooring and shingles paper is backing material for marking tape, sand
paper, and electrical cable wrap.
Forerunners of Paper
Before invention of paper, various cultures used many different media to record
written information like stones, metal, wood, papyrus, clay, parchment, vellum, cloth,
tree-leaves, bark and rice-pith, paper have all filled this role at one time of another.

The Indian Paper Industry :

The paper industry in India is more than a century old. At present there are over 600
paper mills manufacturing a wide variety of times required by the consumer.
These paper mills are manufacturing industrial grades, cultural grades and other
specialty paper. The paper industry in India could be classified into 3 categories,
according to the raw material consumed.
 Wood based
 Agro based
 Waste paper based
While the number of wood sassed milk is around 20 and balance 580 mills are
based on non-conventional raw materials.
The Govt. of India has released the rules and regulations and also de-licensed the
paper industry to encourage investment into their sector and joint ventures are allowed
some of the joint ventures have also started in India. The paper industry in India is
looking for state-of-art technologies to reduce its production cost and to upgrade the
technology to meet the international standards. The Govt. of India has reduced the
customer’s duty from 140% to products in India


Origin Of The Company :
The history of paper mill goes such in to the dreams of Visionaries like Sri
Chamaraja Wodeyar Maharaja of Mysore, laid the foundation stone on 1’st April 1937 at
the bank of river Bhadra. The farsightedness of the great Engineer Bharat Rathna
Mokshagondum Sir M. Visweswaraiahand then Dewan Sir Mirza Ismail become the
source of inspiration to start this industry in a remote village called Benkipura, now it is
called steel town Bhadravathi. The main purpose is to tap the forest resources namely
equiliptus trees and bamboo’s which are abounded in this place.
As all required infrastructure facilitates were available in Bhadravathi. It became
easy to start company on the bank of river ‘Bhadra’. So it is situated in his town ship area
called paper town.
Nature of Business Carried :
The primary business of M.P.M factory is production of paper. It includes cultural
paper, Newspaper, Special quality paper etc. It carry the high advanced technology for
the production of paper. This company carry’s the subsidiary business of sugar
manufacturing. (It is seasonal business)
The company organized in to corporate office and regional offices to carry out the
marketing function. They are situated at Delhi, Calcutta, Chennai and Mumbai with its
corporate office at Bangalore. It is the first largest paper manufacturer in Karanataka.
Area of Operation :
The company is organized in to Corporate office and Regional offices to carry out
the marketing function. They are situated at Delhi, Calcutta, Chennai and Mumbai with
its corporate office at Bangalore. It is the first largest paper manufacturer in Karanataka.

The M.P.M limited concentrate his activity mainly on through out Nation. But its
excess popularity in regional in the process it supplies paper to leading newspapers in
there daily printing.
Main Customers of M.P.M Factory Papers are,

M.P.M. News print is used for printing Newspaper in all languages in India. A
few of important customer are as follows,
English News Paper
♦ Times of India
♦ New Indian Express
♦ Deccan herald
♦ The Hindu
♦ The State man
♦ The Tribhuvan
Kannada News Paper
♦ Prajawani
♦ Samyuktha Karnataka
♦ Udayavani
♦ Kannada Prabha
Tamil Paper
♦ Dina malar
♦ Dinakaran
Telugu News Paper
♦ Enadu
♦ Vartha
♦ Andra Bhumi
Marathi News Paper
♦ Sakal
♦ Maharastra times
♦ Samachar

Ownership Pattern :
The company way incorporated in the year 1936, and started with a small capacity
of 4000 tone per annum, with a capital of Rs.25,00,000, 10% being contributed by the

Govt. of Mysore. Mysore paper mill was a small company formed in the joint sector. The
first 4000 tones of writing and printing paper produced under the brand name ‘BISON’
where found to be immediately acceptable.
It is a 350 crores public sector company, It possess Rs 815 Crores of land in the
year of 1977 the Mysore papers mill become Govt. co. When the state Govt. has
increased its share holding in the company to the extent of 56.2% remaining is in public.
In 11/02/84 started regular crushing of sugar commenced with a capital Rs 20
Crores by the Government, Bank and shareholders.
Competitors Information :
The Mysore paper mill has his competitors. They are,
Company name Capacity in Million T.P.A.
TNPL 0.18
Hindustan News print 0.14
Ballarampur industry 0.10
West coast paper mills, 0.09

[Note: The M.P.M. million T.P.A. is 0.09]

[Source: Magazine MPM]
TNPL [Tamilnadu News Print Limited] :
Exports to 20 countries
♦ Largest exporters of wood free exports
♦ World largest bagasse based paper mill
♦ Market leader in computer stationary
♦ Unique pulping and processing system
♦ It is an Eco friendly paper.
HNP [Hindustan News Print] :
It is exports to 6 countries
♦ It’s mainly exporting newspaper in large quantity
♦ Market leader in culture paper

Balarampur Paper Mills, Andhra Pradesh :
♦ BILT graphic paper limited mill merged with BALT US $80 million raised it
achieved three lakh million tonnes production in last year.
♦ It used wood chips for the production of paper.
West Coast Paper Mills Limited Dandeli :
♦ Excise duty relationship has affected small.
♦ Demand for printing paper expected to grow by 5.7% per annum, and packaging
♦ Important threat for product is negligible due to protection of 62.86%.
♦ Paper production has increased 9% to 99%, 154 tonnes to 9100 tonnes.
♦ 100% pulps supply from duplex board.
♦ 29-05-2001 lowest PV ratio of 1.74

Infrastructure Facility :
The M.P.M. has his own land of 815 Acres in this 549 Acres is town ship and
remaining 266 Acres is factory areas.
In this factory 3123 are working in this 2807 works in Bhadravathi. And other in
Shimoga, Bangalore and regional offices.
The Employees of the MPM have been provided with residential accommodation
to the extent of 65% of the employees at nominal rate of rent per month

Workmen’s Quarters 1332

Staff Quarters 190
Office Quarters 232
Total 1754

M.P.M. Kalyana Mantapa

One kalyana mantapa is constructed in the township for employees / public to
conduct marriage and cultural programme at reasonable rates.
Paper Town Police Station

One police station to maintain law and order situation in township Strength of
police staff as under.
House Building Society
Two house building societies, they are
♦ M.P.M. employees, house building co-operative society Bangalore
♦ M.P.M. employee building co-operative society, Bhadravathi
School, Sports and Cultural Activities Club
♦ Kannada Shishuvihar
♦ Paper town English school
♦ Paper town high school
♦ Paper town Junior college

Sports and Cultural Activities Club

Sports and cultural activities are conduct to provide recreational facilities to the
employees and their families.
M.P.M. Provides
♦ Indoor shuttle badminton court
♦ Out door ball badminton
♦ Golf ground
♦ Shuttle badminton
♦ One swimming fool
♦ 2 hand ball courts
♦ Small grained for foot ball and athletics
♦ Multi gym

♦ Clubs
♦ Health club
♦ Gents recreation club for employees

♦ Officers club
♦ Offices ladies club
♦ M.P.M. Badminton Hall
♦ Vanitha Samaj

Guest House
♦ VIPs Room 2(A/c)
♦ VIPs Room 7 (A/c)
♦ General 22 (5A/c)
Officers hostel 48 Rooms accommodation in inside the M.P.M. factory infra
structure there is 266 Acres. 69 departments. In the inside of M.P.M. factories there are
61 vehicles used for the factory purpose

A combined 16-bed hospital with 6 medical offices is available for MPM

Achievements and Awards :

♦ It is Asia’s second largest and India’s first largest co.
♦ In the year 2000 the co. has ventured to obtain. ISO 9001 certificate in the global
♦ ISO 14000 certificate (for pollution control)
♦ 5 times best purifier of water award by water purification board of India.


Mysore papers mill committed to deliver products and service to satisfy the needs
of customer.
♦ To make continuous effort to improve quality by continuous training
♦ To actively involve people to contribute toward high productivity through
teamwork and innovation.
♦ To consciously work toward conversion of resources and minimization of
wastes of all forms.

♦ Customer Satisfaction
♦ Consistent quality
♦ Competitive price.

Quality Policy
The company feeds back the information form the customer as to the quality of
product defects if any observation and keep close touch with the customer in order to
ensure that the product supplied are as per the customer requirements. Quality assurance
policy adopted is to satisfy the customer by supply of defect free product’s and services
at all time.

Work Flow Model :

Fig. 2.1 shows workflow model

Purchase Orders
At the first stage the company receives purchase order from its agents. They are
mentioning the product grade, quality, quantity etc.
Release Raw Material to Pulp Mill
The purchase department releases the raw materials to the pulp mill
1. Pulping Process

In this pulping process the raw material pulping made in pulper with water. It will
under go cleaning of pulp, refining and addition of required chemicals.

2. Production Process
a. The pulps are passes to the paper machine and it passes through solid
press water removal. Then it passes through Dryer machine and it passed
change calendar machine next it passes to the online coating machine
3. Size Cutting
Then passes to the size cutting machine in this machine they cutting the paper
bands according to the customer requirement

4. Finishing Yard
The finished yard paper boards are passes to the stores or finishing yard.

5. Packaging
The next step is packing. The workers pack the paperboards in bundles as orders.

6. Documentation
Before delivering the paperboard to the customers it should be documented in the
stores ledger.

7. Dispatching
After documentation in proper ledger than the next process is dispatching the
goods to customers.

Future Growth and Prospectus :

The industry should help to optimize Capacity utilization through innovation and
modernization of existing large mill. In this connection, the price fixed by the
government for the various type of paper where unrealistic and did not provide for
reasonable return capital. As a result the industry was hard put to ploughs book funds for
expansion and modernization with the removal and distribution control on white printing
in 1988, paper industry was able to get remunerative prices.
Product Profile :
The product profile manufactured by MPM limited is Newspaper print, cultural
paper (i.e. writing, printing and packaging specialty paper) sugar and MolassesThe
factory is situated at Bhadravathi with one machine for the manufacture of newsprint and
three machines for the production of cultural varieties of paper and one sugar mill unit.

News Prints
M.P.M. limited products two types of News print. They are,
♦ White newsprint
♦ Pink Newsprint
The Newsprint’s manufactured by M.P.M limited it supplies only to the registered
Newspaper agencies and against specific orders.

Organizational Structure of Mysore Paper Mills Ltd.





G.M.(Marketing) G.M.(Production) G.M. (H.R. D. & P) COMPANY


(PROJ) (In (HRD&P)


(NP) (IA)



Raw Materials (RM)

Cellulose in the from of fibers in the basic raw materials for papermaking.
Cellulose is not available in pure from except cotton (85%). So we use the trees
containing about 55-65% cellulose as RM for RM for paper production.

Consideration of Raw Materials.

Suitability: Raw materials should have high % of fibers.

Availability: It should be abundantly available in nearest places.
Cost: Raw materials should be cheaper and paper
production cost should be low.

Raw material for MPM.

Mainly Bamboo, Euca, Acacia are used and trace amount Pine, Casurina also
used as raw material, MPM takes the raw material from different sources. The table of
courses is given below.

Bamboo Euca wood

Private 40% 35% 10%
Forest 60% -Nil- -Nil-
Captive -Nil- 65% 90%

Chipper House:
In chipper house the raw material’s i.e wood logs are cut in to small pieces (chips)
with the help of chipper, and the pieces are stored in a tank called ‘SILO’.


Chipper is classified into two types in MPM based on wood lthey chip . Each
chipper contains two types of blades for chipping. One us dead knife and other is fly

Guiliar Chipper: 5 chippers are working.

Pallman chipper: 2 chippers are working.
Guiliar Chipper:

It is used to cut the hard wood like Euca and Acasia. In this chipper fly knife are
added to big disk, which are rotating with the help of motors, when the log comes in
between dead knife and fly knife it will be cut into small pieces of equal dimension. The
chips are taken to chip screen through conveyor. The chip screener will separate the over
sized and accepted chips. The sized chips will go to rechipper for making small chips.
The accepted chips are stored in SILO.
Pallman chipper :
It is used to chip the softwood like Bamboo. Here the fly knife is adjusted to drum which
rotates with the help of motor. In pallman chipper “Feed rolled” are used to crush the
raw material. When the raw material i.e., bamboo is fed, the feed rollers crushes the feed
and the drum type fly knife will chip the raw material, when it comes in contact with the
dead and fly knife. The clips will be conveyed to clip screener for separating the dust and
over sized from accepted chips. The accepted chips are stored in SILO. The over sized
will go to rechipper for making small chips.
Chip Size:
It is very important to maintain the size of chips because in CPM II the liquor
should penetrate easily. Chip size must be in between.
Length : 13 to 25mm
Breadth : 10 to 12mm
Width : 5 to 6mm

Pulping Technology at MPM:

In MPM 3 varieties of pulp is produces. They are.

CSRMP: (Cold Soda Refiner Mechanical Pulping) for Euca and Acacia.
CPM I: Chemical Pulp Mill for Bagasse.
CPM II: chemical Pulp Mill for Bamboo and wood.


(Stock Preparation Plant & Paper Machine IV)

In SPP II the pulp from CSRMP HD tower and chemical HD tower were drawn
for refining fibers is a constituent of fibrils. When the pulp is subjected to refining, the
outer layer of fibers is peeled off and the fibrils are swelled and disintegrated. The
amount of refining is determined by freeness. Freeness is the dryness quality of beaten
stuff, density how it will behave on the paper machine wire. The beaten pulp in the ratio
♦ CSRMP - 60%
♦ Chemical pulp - 20%
♦ The imported chemithermo mechanical pulp –15%


(Stock Preparation Plant & Paper Machine I, II, III)

The working of SPP I & PM I,II, III is same as SPP II & PM IV but the brightness
of the paper is maintained above 80% as per customer requirement. The PM I, II, III
contain singe wire where as in the SPP PM IV machine double wire is used. And it
contains the finishing house for cutting the paper as per the requirement. The cutter
papers are transported to the use


Bagasse from Blower Bamboo Eucalyptus

Bagasse Yard Pallmann CSRMP G.R. Chippers 5

CPM I chipper E Nos Nos

Bagasse CPMII
Bagasse Digesters 3
Digester Nos
M&D Soaker

Blow Tank 1 Blow tank 2


B.S.Washers NaOH B.S.Washers

4Nos 3 Nos Soaking Bin
Centricleaner Centricleaner Refiners 5
CE Furnace
NaoH 4 stage 3 stage
Ca(OCl)2 Bleaching Bleaching B.S.Washers
Refiners plant Centricleaners

ROSIM Mixing 1 stage Bleaching

Refiners Bb Chest Refiners 4

PM 123 3 Nos Nos
house Finishing


People :
In HR department 35 employees are working inside the company.
The HRD AND Administration department of MPM Is located at Bhadravathi. The
division is headed by General Manager (HRD & A). The department consists of number
of departments like personal, HRD, welfare and a number of section for e.g. Training,
Public relation, For convenience sake, he department is considered to consist of 2 major
departments; personal (Mainly dealing with is officers) and HRD &A (mainly dealing
with officers, expect training and developing activities, which are organized for both
officers and non officers. This department reports to the manager personal and HRD)

Policies :
I. Personal Department:
 Recruitment, promotion, transfer, retirement, manpower planning performance
appraisal, grants increment, pay fixation and time office.
 Manual operation and maintenance of personal records of all non officers.
 Complaints with statutory obligation under various labor enactments.

Industrial Relations:
Grievance handling.
• Negotiation and dealings with the unions.
• Discipline.
• Monitoring/ compliance with statutory obligation in respect of contract labor.
• Legal coordination on matters relating to labor material, marketing and forest
II. WELFARE (In mill only)
Management of industrial canteen.
Compliance of statutory obligation under the forest act.
Administrative aspects of medical aids to employees and independents.
Issuing of uniforms, footwear, safety and plant welfare.
Implementation of workers education schemes.
Employees counseling.

Training and development (For officers and Non officer).Development and
implementation of orientation and induction programs.
Development and implementation of apprenticeship training.
Development and implementation of leadership development programs for workers
training and coordination of quality circles.
Town welfare.
Allotment quarters.
House keeping activities of township.
Practices and Procedures :
1. Public relation.
Liaisons with government department and control of MPM guesthouse and its
Liaison with press correspondents.
HRD in detail with expenses incurred in Department:

Industrial Relation:
Retrenchment: In the case of retrenchment 1 day wages are given to the employees
who retreat form the work.
Lay off: In the case of lay off 50 of wages for 4 days are given to the employees. They
will be recruited again when the company needs them again.

Disciplinary Action: if employees conduct any miss conduct, then he will be given a
notice about his misconduct. If he does not report to the date mentioned in the notice,
then action will be taken according to the Disciplinary Act. The explanation must be in

Dispute: if any dispute arises, the dispute is solved according to the industrial Dispute
Act.1947, if the dispute is not solved in collective bargaining & Conciliation, then the
letter is written to the Government about the failure of the dispute, then the government
sends the dispute to the labors Commission or other according to the Act.

Compensation: Compensation is given to those employees for whom accident has been
occurred during employment period. The following detail shows the calculation of
compensations according to rules and regulation of the company.
2. Transportation.
♦ Maintenance of vehicles and arranging transport as and when require by the
department as well as by the employees.

II. HRD Department:

1. Manpower planning recruitment, conformation grant of increment, promotion, transfer,
pay fixation, retirement in respect of all officers.
2. Automated maintenance of seniority/service particulars of officers (HRIS).
3. Officer’s grievance handling ad disciplinary in respect off all officers.
Marketing decisions and procedures of MPM regarding delivery of production
order processing: most companies today are trying to shorten the order to payment cycle
i.e., elapsed time between an orders transmission by sales persons, order entry and
customer credit check, inventory and production scheduling order and invoice shipment
and receipt of payment.
Here at MPM Ltd., all the regional offices get the orders from their dealers and
authorized customers of newsprint, including Bangalore office. These offices send the
order entry to the corporate office Bangalore; this will transmit the order entry to the
marketing division of MPM Bhadravathi. This Bhadravathi division gets the confirmation
from the production department about the availability of raw materials and production
schedules for producing the ordered paper product. If the production department says yes
for production then they will give the permission for production and confirms it to the
Bangalore office (if no also). After production of paper product will be stored in the
warehouses and dispatched, as power the department will go for collection of payment
after giving minimum credit period of 45 days. If the customer made any complaints, this
will handle by marketing division with co-ordination of production department.

Review of Literature

The researcher has to survey the available literature releting to his field of study.
He must keep himself update in his field & related areas. Literature is consists of book
encyclopedias year books, textbook, reference books & Journals.
The researcher starts the review of literature with the selection of a problem for
research continues through the review stages of the research process and ends with the
report writing.
The researcher collected the review of Literature through following Books and
journals & handbooks for their research study.

a. Dr. P. Subba Rao (2001)

Personal and human resource management. (Himalayas publishing house)
In this text book author discuss about what is job satisfaction. He says job
satisfaction, refers to a persons feeling of satisfaction on the job, which acts as a
motivation to work. It is self – satisfaction.
He also explains about the factors leads for job satisfaction, such as personal
factors controlled by the management.

b. Keith Davis (2002).

Organizational Behavior (human behavior at work) 11th edition Hill publishing
company limited.
This review say job satisfaction may lead to increased absenteeism. Turnover and
other undesirable behaviors. So employees want to develop satisfaction among their
employees. The vast majority of workers in the united stress report that they are satisfied
with their job although they may be dissatisfied wit specific aspects of there.
High job involvement leads to higher level of dedication and productivity in
workers. High performance and envitable rewards encourage high satisfaction through a
performance. Satisfaction efforts loop committed employees are also more likely to
embrace company values and beliefs.

c. Fred luthans (2005)

Organational Behavior 10th edition MC Graw Hill/Irwin New yark. This review says
that job satisfaction as involving cognitive, effective and evaluative relations or
attitudes and sutes, it is a pleasurable or appraisal of ones job or job experience.
Job satisfaction is a result of employees perception of how well their job provides
those things that are received as important. It is generally recognized in the
organizational behavior field that job satisfaction is the most important and frequently
studied attitude.
Some factors influence on job satisfaction. I.e. pay promotion, supervisor working
condition etc. who are promoted on the basis of performance is more satisfied, then
who are promoted on the basis of seniority.

d. Biranchi N – Puhan (1999)

Indian Psychological abstract and review volume 6 sage publications, India pvt.Ltd.
New Delhi.
This study result reveal that the employees of public and private sectors differed
significantly in their job satisfactions, job and work involvement. However gender of
the employees did not influence these variables.

e. Panda Tapan K (2001) job satisfaction of dotcom employees.

Indian experiments management and labour studies.
Sage publications India pvt ltd New Delhi.
This study assesses the level of job satisfaction among the employees of dotcom
companies. A sample of 150 executives of various levels context managers to vice –
President of dit.com companies spread over 6 cities of India was administer. The scale for
perceived importance of job factors, results revealed that majority of the 5, was satisfied
with their job but dissatisfied with their companies.
Apart from experience none of the other Personal factors like, age, sex and
marital status had a significant influence an overall job satisfaction. The important causes
of job satisfaction were unstable nature of the industry turnaround of venture, faculty,
Model, non – responsive market and lack of job security. Moreover majority of the 5,
were dissatisfied with their family and social life.

f. Principles of organizational behavior Fourth edition.
Robin Fincham Peter Rhodes.
In this text book author discuss about the feelings or ‘affective response’ someone
experiences in a job role Job satisfaction has been treated as both a cause and effect of
other organizational variable such as ‘burnout’ and ‘work performance’.
In job satisfaction research there seems to be a good understanding of the key
characteristics of jobs which lead to “Positive effect”. In individuals, although the
relationship between measures of job satisfaction and behavior at work, such as
absenteeism and productivity is a complex and possible indirect one.
And also he explained that correlation of the job satisfaction i.e. Gender, age,
personality, social, class etc. Job and life satisfaction Author revealed that the extent to
which job and life satisfaction are connected has long been a question which sociologists
from more and Engels onwards have attempted to answer.
Behavioral correlates of job satisfaction Here author explained that if people are
content with their work. This will be reflected in behavior which is favorable for the
organization. Even if now a day’s job satisfaction research is seen as part of the
occupational health/ stress literature it was this highly plausible assumption which
initially fuelled interest in the concept.
And also he explained the characteristics of job i.e. people are usually expressing
something more like a feeling about their thoughts about it. Seeing job satisfaction as
essentially an affective rather than cognitive response means the concept can be planed
more squarely in the broader context of well being.

g. Organizational Behavior Tenth edition Stephen P Robbins (2004)

Prentice – hall of India.
In this text author discuss about what is job satisfaction. He says job satisfaction
as an individual’s general attitude toward his or her job.
He explains the measuring job satisfaction. He says that widely used approaches
are a single global rating and a summation score made up of a number of job facts.

And also he explains the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance.
Researchers have recognized this interest, so we find a large number of studies that have
been designed to assess the impact of job satisfaction on employee productivity,
absenteeism and turnover.

h. Personnel and Human Resource management 5th revised edition 2005 M.M
Sharma. Himalaya publishing house.
In this text author discuss about what is job satisfaction He says job satisfaction is a
combination of psychological, physiological and environmental circumstances that
causes a Person to say. “I am satisfied with my job” such a description indicates the
variety of variables that influence the satisfaction of the individual but tell us nothing
about the nature of job satisfaction.
And also he explains the factors contributing the job satisfaction i.e. Income,
Pride in company, fellow workers, management, Benefit plans security working
condition etc. And the text includes ways of measuring job satisfaction.
And he explains how to increase job satisfaction, i.e job enlargement, job
Rotation, change of pace shorter hours, automation etc.
He also explains about the factors leads for job satisfaction, such as Personal
factors inherent in the job factors controlled by the management.

i. Agarawal Krishna (1998)

Indian journal of psychometric and education. Sage publications Indian pvt. Ltd New
Studies job satisfaction and job stress in hierarchical ranks of employees working
in two private Organizations. A total of 60 employees 20 from each rank was
administered the job satisfaction scale and the occupational stress index.
Result revel that those who perceived themselves to be close to management were
satisfied and less stress then those who did not perceive themselves to be close to the
top management.

j. Organizational Behavior and management special Indian edition (7th)
Business world
John m. Ivancevich, Robert konapaske, Mocheel T. Matteson.
Tata McGraw Hill publishing company ltd.
This review says that job satisfaction as involving cognitive effective and evaluative
reactions or attitudes and sates it is a repleasurable or appraised of one’s job or job
experience. He explains factors influence on job satisfaction. I.e. income, promotion
working condition etc.

And author explains effect of job satisfaction on employee performance i.e.

employee Productivity absenteeism, and turnover. Also explain how employees can
express dissatisfaction i.e. Exit, Voice, Loyalty, Neglect etc.

Research Methodology

The research is a systematic scientific search for pertinent information on a
specific topic, any enquiry would prove to be a failure, the validity of the study lies in
methodology which includes motivation for the study. Objective and scope of the
study tools of data collection, sources of information, report design, research design
limitation of the study etc.

Aim and objective of the study

1) To identify the satisfaction level of the employees on their job.
2) To know the training and development programme conducted by the organization.
3) To assess the level of job satisfaction among employees in the industry.
4) To assess the factors contributing for the employees.

Scope of the study

A study on job satisfaction at MPM Bhadravathi. It is of 5026 employees. It
randomly selected employees to know there level of satisfaction through questionnaire.
The study may be beneficial for the department and the employees department
can benefit by knowing the employees level of satisfaction. For the employees indirectly
helps them to convey their expectations regarding the job security. Safety appliances
welfare measure etc to the department. This project highlight the scope for future
improvement in above requirements provided to the employees. The scope of the study of
this confined only MPM.

Research Design:-
The task of defining the research problem is the preparation of the research of the
design of the research project known as research design.

In the present study researcher has been adopted. Descriptive research design to
analyses the characteristics of the issues related the topic. Through this study researcher
identify the problem and collect the opinion about the job satisfaction. Some factors
influence the satisfaction. I.e training programme, promotion system, performance
measurement and also these are all is to leads the dissatisfaction about their jobs.

Hypothesis means a theory which is to fully reasoned in their words.
 The research would be significance to present situation.
 Job satisfaction is depending upon wage, organization structure management.
 The organization provides good facilities to do the job well.
 Higher level of job satisfaction of employees in MPM.

Sampling or Sample Size:-

In the present researcher has been collected information from the so respondents.
To select these respondents researcher has been adopted the simple sampling methods.

Universe of the Study:-

The employees in the MPM industry constitute the universe of the study.

Data Collection:-
The collection of data includes
1) Primary – Data Collection:-
The researcher has been collected the data directly from the employees by using
interview schedule.

2) Secondary Data Collection:-

The secondary are collected through website, HR books News paper and company
records journals Industry annual represents, University library.
Tools for data collection:-
In the present study the researcher developed the Interview questionnaire for the
purpose of collecting the data from the respondents.
Keeping in view of the objective of the study research tools has been developed
both open and close ended questions prepared in the interview schedule, Along with the
interview the observation method also incorporated in this study.

Sampling Procedure:-
The researcher collected the information regarding the department which is
existing in MPM from personal department; finally researcher selected the 10
departments for the collecting data about the research study and also selected the
minimum 5 employees from each department for fulfilling their requirement.

Limitations of the Study

• An employee has fear to reveal the negative aspects.
• This information is collected from the limited respondents.
• Lack of the co-operation from the respondents.
• In proper communication.
• Problem of understanding
• They feel uncomfortable because of lack of the willingness


In this section of the research report it is an attempt to describe the personal information
of the respondents. This information is required to know about the personal attributes of
the employees before venturing into their perception views on the topic under analysis.

Table 1

Classification of respondent’s as per gender


Male 43 86
Female 7 14
Total 50 100

The above table shows that the male respondents are 86% and whereas the female
respondents are 14% , hence from the above chart it is clear that the majority of the
respondents are male and this may be due to the nature of work exiting.

Table 2

The designation of the respondents


Helper 08 16
Assistant 10 20
Operator 07 14
Supervisor 09 18
STA 08 16
Dryer 04 08
Fitter 04 08
Total 50 100

The above table shows that 20% of the respondents are comes under assistant, 18%
of the respondents are comes under the supervisor, 16% of the respondents are comes
under the STA, 16% of the respondents comes under the helper, 14% of the respondents
comes under operator, 8% of the respondents are comes under the dryer, 8% of the
respondents are comes under fitter.

Table 3

The Department wise distribution of the respondents

Chipper house 05 10
The above N.C.C 04 08
Finishing 06 12
table shows
Paper machine 16 32
that 32% of
the Training 04 04
respondents Pulp mill 03 06
comes under Training 03 06
Safety 02 04
Stock 03 06
123, 12% of Paper machine 4 04 08
the Total 50 100
respondents comes under finishing, 10% of the respondents comes under the chipper
house, 8% of the respondents comes under the training , 8% of the respondents comes
under the paper machine 4, 6% of the respondents are comes under the stock preparation
plant , 6% of the respondents are comes under the printing, 6% of the respondents are
comes under the pulp mill, 4% of the respondents are comes under the safety.

Table 4
The marital status of the respondents


Married 48 9
Unmarried 2 4
total 50 100

The above table shows that 96% majority of the respondents are married remaining
4% of the respondents are unmarried.

Table 5
The education qualification of respondents


Primary 05 10
Secondary 22 44
PUC 02 04
Degree 11 22
PG 01 02
Technical 9 18
Total 50 100

The above table shows that 44% of the respondents are completed Secondary, 22% of
the respondents are completed Degree, 18% of the respondents are completed technical,
10%of the respondents are completed primary, 4% of the respondents are completed p u
c, 2% of the respondents are completed P G.

Table 6
The nature of work of the respondents

Technical 25 50

Manual 12 24

Clerical 03 06

Supervisor 10 20

Total 50 100

The above table shows that 50% of the respondents comes under technical work,
24% of the respondents comes under manual work, 20% of the respondents comes under
supervisor, 6% of the respondents comes under clerical.

Table 7
The nature of the job of the respondents

Permanent 47 94

Temporary 00 00

Contact 03 06

Total 50 100

The above table shows that 94% of the respondents are belong to permanent and
remaining 6% of the respondents are contrac
Table 8
The salary in rupees per month of the respondents

Below 10000 04 08

10000- 15000 08 16

15000- 20000 15 30

Above 20000 23 46

Total 50 100

The above table shows that 46% of the respondents comes under the above 20000,
30% of the respondents comes under the between 15000-20000, 16% of the respondents
comes under the between 10000-15000, 8% of the respondents comes under the below

Table 9
The experience of the respondents
1-5 years 04 08
5-10 years 00 00
10-15 years 00 00
Above 15 years 46 92
Total 50 100

The above table shows that 92% of the respondents are experience comes under the
above 15years , 8% of the respondents are experience comes under the 1-5 years ,
Table 10

The factors effects on job satisfaction of respondents

Particular Strongly Agree Neutral disagree Strongly Total

agree dis agree
R % R % R % R % R % R %
Training 06 12 38 76 06 12 00 00 00 00 50 100
leadership 05 10 32 64 13 26 00 00 00 00 50 100
Fringe 04 08 06 12 14 28 26 52 00 00 50 100
Insurance 04 08 15 30 23 46 05 10 03 06 50 100

The above table shows that 76% of the respondents are agreed that training
programmer is effects on job satisfaction, 12%of the respondents are strongly agreed,
12% of the respondents are opined neutral.
64% of the respondents are agreed that leadership is effect on job satisfaction, 26% of
the respondents are opened neutral, 10% of the respondents are strangely agreed that
leader ship is effects on job satisfaction.

52% of the respondents are dis agree that fringe benefits is effects on job satisfaction ,
28%of the respondents are opinioned neutral, 12% of the respondents are agreed, 08% of
the respondents are strongly agreed.
46 % of the respondents are opined neutral that insurance is effects on job satisfaction,
30% agreed, 10% of the respondents are opined dis agree, 08% of the respondents are
opined strongly agreed, 06 % of the respondents are strongly dis agreed. Those insurance
effects on job satisfaction.

Table 11

The opinion about welfare facility in industry of respondents

particular Excellent Very Good Average Poor Total

R % R % R % R % R 5 R %
Canteen 33 66 15 30 00 04 00 00 00 00 50 100
Medical 33 66 13 26 04 08 00 00 00 00 50 100
Safety 39 58 13 26 08 16 00 00 00 00 50 100
Bonus 03 06 03 06 09 18 30 60 5 10 50 100

The above table shows that 66%of the respondents are opined that excellent about
canteen facility, 30% of the respondents are opined very good, 4% of the respondents are
opined good.
66 % of the respondents are opined that excellent about medical facility in the industry,
26% of the respondents are opined very good, 8% of the respondents are opined good .

58% of the respondents are that excellent about safety provision, 26% of the respondents
are very good , 16 % of the respondents are opined good .
60% of the respondents are opined that average about bonus facility industry, 18% of the
respondents are opined good, 10 % of the respondents are opined poor, 6 % of the
respondents are opined very good , 6% of the respondents opined excellent.

Table 12

The social demographic profile is influence on improving performance

level of respondents


Strongly agree 00 00
Agree 35 70
Neutral 15 30
Disagree 00 00
Strongly 00 00
Total 50 100

The above table shows that 70% of the respondents are agreed that social
demographic profile is the responsible factors on improving performance a level, 30% of
the respondents are neutral.

Table 13
The level of satisfaction regarding the work environment


Highly satisfied 03 06
Satisfied 36 72
Average 11 22
Dis satisfied 00 00
Highly dis 00 00
Total 50 100

The above table shows that 72% of the of the respondents are satisfied with their working
environment, 22% respondents are opined average, 6%of the respondents are highly

Table 14
The job security in the industry of respondents


Yes 50 100
No 00 00
Total 50 100

The above table shows that the all respondent have job security in the industry

Table 15

The opinion about training and development programme in

the industry of respondents.


Excellent 02 04
Very good 34 68
Good 12 24
Average 02 04
Poor 00 00
Total 50 100

The above table shows 68% of the respondents are opined very good about the training
and development program in the industry, 24% that of the respondents are opined good ,
4% of the respondents are opined average, 4% of the respondents are excellent.

Table 16

The respondent’s opinion about industry provides a good

salary to employees for improving standard of living.


Strongly agree 03 06
Agree 37 74
Neutral 10 20
Disagree 00 00
Strongly 00 00
Total 50 100

The above table shows that 74%of the respondents opined agreed about the industrial
provides the good salary to employees for improving standard of living, 20%of the
respondents are opined neutral, 6% of the respondents are strongly agree.

Table 17
The level of satisfaction regarding superior subordinate relation’


Excellent 01 02

Very good 31 62
Good 18 36
Average 00 00
Poor 00 00
Total 50 100

The above table shows that 62%5of the respondents opined very good about superior
subordinate relation, 36% of the respondents are good , 2% of the respondents are opined

Table 18
The opportunity for use new technology of respondents.

Yes 37 74
No 13 26
Total 50 100

The above table shows that 74 % of t of the respondents yes, that the opportunity to use
the new technology in the industry, 26 % of the respondents opined no.

Table 19

The management recognized and makes use of abilities and skills of


Strongly agree 02 04
Agree 33 66
Neutral 14 28
Disagree 01 02
Strongly 00 00
Total 50 100

The above table shows that 66 % of the respondents are agreed that the management
recognize and makes use of abilities and skills, 28% of the respondents are opined
neutral, 4% of the respondents are strongly agreed, 2% of the respondents are dis agreed

Table 20
The opinion of respondents about a good social interaction in the
industry with employees.


Strongly agree 00 00
Agree 26 52

Neutral 22 44
Disagree 02 04
Strongly 00 00
Total 50 100

The above table shows that 52 % of the respondents are agreed the industry having a
good social interaction with the employees , 44% of the respondents are opined neutral,
4% of the respondents are disagree.

Table 21
The relation with fellow works of respondents

Yes 48 96
No 02 04
Total 50 100

The above table shows that 96 %of the respondents are feel compertable with their
fellow workers, 4% of the respondents are feel un compertable with their employee

Table 22
The comfortable life style of the respondents.


Yes 47 94
No 03 06
Total 50 100

The above table shows that 94%of the respondents are lead compertable life style, 6% of
the respondents are opined that do not.

Table 23
The feel of the respondents about their job.


Yes 46 92
No 04 08
Total 50 100

The above table shows that 92 % of the respondents are feels that this is suitable job for
them , 8% of the respondents are feels that this not suitable job for us.

The stress faces by respondents their job.

Yes 02 04
No 48 96
Total 50 100

The above table shows that 96% of the respondents are opined that they not face any
stress in their job , 8% of the respondents are have stress in their job.

Table 25
The opinion of respondents about relation between management and



Excellent 04 08
Very good 29 58
Good 15 30
Average 01 02
Poor 01 02
Total 50 100

The above table shows that 58% of the respondents are opined that very good about the
relationship of management and employee 30% of the respondents are good, 85 of the
respondents are excellent, 2% of the respondents are poor

Table 26
The opinion of the respondents about promotion system in the industry.

Excellent 04 08
Very good 31 62

Good 09 18
Average 05 10
Poor 01 02
Total 50 100

The above table shows that 62% of the respondents are opined very god about promotion
system in the industry, 18% of the respondents are feel good, 10% of the respondents are
average, 8% of the respondents are opined excellent, 2% b of the respondents are
opined poor.

Table 27

The opinion of respondents about independence in taking decision in

Yes 09 18
No 41 82
Total 50 100

The above table shows that 82% of the respondents are opined not having independence
in taking diction about their job , 18% of the respondents are opined yes


Based on analyses an evaluation of the data collected the following findings are

• The majority of the 96% of the respondents are male rest of them are female.

• The designation of the respondents is helper, assistant, operator, supervisor, sta,

dryer, and fitter, the majority of respondents comes under designations.

• The department of the respondents are chipper house, finishing, training, pulp
mill, printing, safety, stock preparation,32% of the respondents are belongs to
department of paper machine 123.

• Majority of the respondents are married and rest of them was unmarried.

• Most of the employees’ education is up to SSLC.

• The nature of job 94% majority of the respondents are permanent rest of them

• The nature of work 50% majorities of the respondents are comes under the
technical work.

• Majority of the respondents are experience above 15 years.

• The salary 46% of the respondents comes under the above 20000 rs.

• The factors effects on job satisfaction of respondents are agreed that training
programme me is effects on job satisfaction, 64% of the respondents agreed that
leadership is effects on job satisfaction, 46% of the respondents are neutral that
insurance is effects on job satisfaction.

• The opinion about welfare facility in industry 66% of the respondents are opined
excellent about canteen facility , 66% majority of the respondents are opined
excellent about medical facility, 58% of the respondents are opined that excellent
about safety provisions in the industry.

• 72% majority of the respondents are satisfied with working environment.

• The all respondents have job security in the industry.

• 68% of the respondents opined very good about the training and development
programed me in the industry.

• 74% of the respondents are agreed that the industry provides a good salary to
employees for improving standard of living.

• 62% of the respondents are opined that superior and subordinate relationship is
very good.

• 74% majority of the respondents opined they have opportunity for use new

• 66% of the respondents’ are agreed that the management recognized and makes
use of their abilities and skills.

• 52% majority of the respondents are agreed that the industry having a good social
interaction with the employees.

• 96% majority of the respondents are feel comfort with their job fellow worker.

• 94% of the respondents are lead comfortable life style.

• 92% of the respondents feel that this is suitable job for them.

• 58% of the respondent’s are opined that the relationship of management and
employees is very good.

• 96% of the respondents are opined that they not faced any stress in their job.

• 62% of the respondents are opined that promotion system is very good in the

• 82% of the respondents are opined not having independence in taking decision
about their job.

• Recognition of good work opportunity for self-development and hygienic work

• Company should provide proper safety equipment.

• Management and workers must have better working relationship.

• To improve the knowledge and skills about their job.

• To improve the interpersonal relationship between management and employees.

• Provide the training to perform better job.

• Try to improve the co-operation in the work place.

• The management is to use optimum utilization of their skills and abilities in the

• The employees are to improve their positive attitudes and opinion about their


I here by concluded that the MPM LTD is a well known established public sector
conducting and the first largest denigrated company in India, second largest in the
manufacturing of news prints cultural verities of paper and sugar. Founded by his high
ness Krishnaraj Wodeyar Bahadur in 1937 which was in corrupted 20th may 1936.

Job Satisfaction practice in MPM ltd has been analyses in detail and it is found
that the job satisfaction of the employee has not been measured with the proper rating
scale has not been fixed . measuring the job satisfaction only the fully satisfied
employees on this job can only perform to be fully satisfied of the organization. Needs in
toto it is observed though there are satisfied financial matter the express that deep
concern about the other treatment given by the organization , like promotion , motivation
through other means sorting the grievance arise among the employees. It is provided that
there negative aspects resulted in negative organization poor in the mills.



S K Bhatia
Deep and Deep publishinh pvt ltd New Delhi


Himaliam publishing House Mumbai


Taata mcgraw hill publishing company ltd new Delhi


Oxpord and IBH publishing co pvt ltd New Delhi

5) D K Bhattacharya
Himalaya publishing Mumbai

Interview Schedule

My self Rudraxi. I.B. studying in MSW in Karnataka University PG center

Bijapur. I have taken project work on “A study on job satisfaction in MPM
Bhadravathi.” Hence I solicit your kind co-operation. I kindly request you to answer this
questionnaire; your feedback will be of valuable help for research work. The information
provided by you will keep confidential and is used only for academic purposes.

1). Name:

2). Gender:

Male Female

3). Designation:

4). Department:

5). Marital Status:

Married Unmarried

6). Education Qualification:

Primary Secondary PU Degree PG Technical

7). Nature of work

Technical Manual Clerical supervisor

8). Nature of Job

Permanent Temporary contract

9). Salary in Rupees per month

Below 10000 10000-15000 15000-20000 Above 20000

10). Years of Experience:

1-5 5-10 10-15 Above 15

11). Do you feel these factors effects on job satisfaction?

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

agree Disagree
A Training Programme
B Leadership
C Fringe benefits
D Insurance

12). what is your opinion about welfare facility in your industry?

Excellent Very good Good Average Poor

a. canteen
b. medical
c.safety provision
d. bonus

13). Is social demographic profile is one of the responsible factors on improving

performance level of employees
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly disagree

14). what is your level of satisfaction regarding the work environment?

a. Highly satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Average
d. Dissatisfied
e. Highly dissatisfied

15). Do you want job security in the industry?

Yes No

16). Your opinion about training and development programmer in your organization?
a)Excellent b) Very good
c) Good d) Average
e) Poor

17). Does your organization provides a good salary to their employees for improving
their standard of living?
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly disagree

18).What is your level of satisfaction regarding superior subordinate relation?

a) Excellent
b) Very good
c) Good
d) Average
e) Poor

19) is there any opportunity for you to use new technology?

Yes No

20). Does management recognize and makes use of your abilities and skills?
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly disagree

21) is your industry having a good social interaction with employees?

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly disagree

22) Are you comfortable with your fellow workers?

Yes No

23) Are you leading comfortable life style?

Yes No

24). Are you feel this is suitable job for you?

Yes No

25). Do you feel any stress in your job?

Yes No

26). what is your opinion about relationship between management and employees?
a) Excellent
b) Very good
c) Good
d) Average
e) Poor
27). what is your opinion about promotion system in your industry?
a) Excellent
b) Very good
c) Good
d) Average
e) Poor
28). Do you feel independence in taking decision about your job?

Yes No

Thank you very much


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