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We are a raell-establi*h*d forTlpffny in the Aviation Indurtry.

We invite suitatlly
quali{ietl, dynamic antl highly mutivitted individuahi t$ fill the fol}owing posts. We
ofhr ir gnod working pnvirnnment rvith aftr*ctive remunerttion p*ckags for the right

l. Qunlity Assurance Enginet'r

Reports to thc Qunlity Assurancn and S*ftty hilanagcr, inr,'clves conelucting
audits and surveillance tr) ensnrs all *ngine*ring pr*cedttres and processes ilre
cani*d sut a$ per the marutenance managsment organizilfion expotiitir:n ilnd
the Malay"sian {:ivil Aviation Rtgulations.
r Fossess Aircraft h{*intrlnance Engin*els License (AI!{f,L} rlr Tertiary
Qualification in the relatrd aviation disciplines
r Good command *f English both in sprken and written
r fiqxrd cclmmunication skillr
r Po*sess souttd lcadcrship and msnagement qualitits
r Posscss *ound kn<lwledge nf the Mnlaysian Civil Aviatinn R+gulati*tts
r Those who are waitir:g ferr DCA LWTR {License Without'l'}Trc Rating}
examiriatir:n rssults ilre enct)ttraged tr: apply

2. Pl*nning $xe*nfive
Repcrts tr) Planning Engirreer, inr,*lvtls sehrlduling and plnnning of
maintcnanc* ss requircd by the Aircraft h'laintcnance Programnrc *nd ths
Malaysiatr Civil Aviation Regulationx
r Degree in aeronautical and asrosp{rcf rvith 3 yrs aviatian experienco, or
r Diploma in aircrs{t rnaintenance rvith 4 yrs aviatiun expsrience. cr
r Ce.rtiticute in aircrerft nraintEnance with 6 yrs aviatipn exptriencc., or
r SPM rvith l{} yrs aviation expcriettcc
r Ccod comtnend of Engli,th hntli in sprlken and r+ritten
r fioed communication skills

3. Operetion* Assistant {Kuching/tulit'i}

r Male - age l8 y*nrs and nhove
r Qualilic*tion SPM or equiv*lent
r Profi*ier* in English and Bahasa Malaysia, both verbal and written
r Flea$anl perso**lity with ceimputer liteffite and able kl rvork
independsntly with nrinirnum supcrvisicn *nd able to wcrk crr shift cluty

4. PuhlicatiCIn Clerk
r Age 18 Years antl sbov*
r Qualificetion .$PM or equivnlcnt
r Prnficierx in English and Bahasa Mnlaysia. h*th vcrtlal and n'ritten
r Pleasnnt personality rvith computer lit*rate and ahle ta work irrdependently
wlth rnininrum $upervisiun and able t* work on xhilt duty

Interested c*ndidates are invited to epply in writing enclosing ctstailei{ CV, wtrk
experienges, L:urrsnt and expec.ted salary, together: lvith a ;:asxport-*ize plrat*graph and
telephnne cnntact, to reach us not later than Fr,L-dlv.3'd .!une 28L1.

tlirect*r of Humrn Resourte & Adminirtr*tinn

P. O, Bor, 138?
9372{l Kuching
liarawalg Malaysin.
Only sh*rtlisteel tttnrlidates r+'rIl fie natit'icd

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