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Secondary Subject Lesson Plan Date 11/01/2011 Page 1 of 4

Traine Subjec Researching Web
Emma Bloor Class 11a NATIONALS Unit Topic Lesson 5
e t Graphics

Introduce pupils to unit 21, and demonstrate how to find out details of web graphics on
Lesson Aims Start/end times 1:50-2:50 No of learners 20
the web.

What have the learners done so far? – in brief Teaching and learning targets from the previous lesson evaluation – identify individuals

The learners have previous knowledge on web design and Dreamweaver gained throughout N/A new unit of work
Unit 02, which is closely linked to Unit 21. Throughout unit 02, graphics for the web was
briefly covered, and fit for purpose, target audience etc. were covered throughout, and
pupils already have the knowledge in regards to the principles that underlie the research,
and design of web graphics.

Throughout this new unit, pupils will be working in PowerPoint to make uploading work to
the VLE easier.

So far pupils have no knowledge of the unit of work they are about to commence.

Learning Objectives: Learning Outcomes: Assessment:

What will be learnt (identify PLTS – IE, CT, RL, TW, SM, EP) What the learners should be able to demonstrate by the end of the What evidence will be gathered to confirm learning outcomes have
lesson been achieved?
Students will be researching, collecting and describing a range of existing
1. Pupils MUST understand how to collect data from Web Graphics to graphics / images for use in web pages. By the end of the lesson:
Participation in the classroom discussions and teacher observations.
inform their research
 All students will be able to review graphical images from web
2. Pupils MUST understand the importance of researching web graphics
Teacher observations through walking around the classroom.
to inform their work  All students will be able to describe the purpose of the graphic
and the suitability for purpose
3. Pupils SHOULD understand what information they need and should Written assessment opportunities through evidence of the work they have
use to create their own graphics  Most students will be able to describe the impact of the product created.

 Most students will be able to describe the target audience

 Some students will be able to describe the size details of the


©2010 Liverpool John Moores University: WRE Secondary

Secondary Subject Lesson Plan Date 11/01/2011 Page 2 of 4
Traine Subjec Researching Web
Emma Bloor Class 11a NATIONALS Unit Topic Lesson 5
e t Graphics
Personalised learning, differentiation and inclusion: Teaching approaches, strategies and organisation:
Identify strategies for individuals/groups Including how you will use other adults in the classroom

The group are very collaborative, and generally enjoy progressing on with their individual work. As 1. Introduce pupils to the new unit, and the new unit scenario.
a generally mature class, the pupils do not directly respond to a plenary session at the end of the
lesson as I find that this detracts from them making progress with their given tasks. As a 2. Explain objectives of lesson in regards to their research tasks.
compromise, plenary sessions have been devised as a whole class activity upon completion of
each assessment objective, and as a summarised Q & A sessions at the start of their next lesson, 3. Explain clearly expected outcomes from the lesson.
as assessment objectives usually run across 2/3 lessons, and generally inform their next AO. In
addition, the class respond better when their lessons fall earlier in the day rather than period 5 on 4. Obtaining data from a web image demonstration
a MONDAY afternoon, and extra time is taken to discuss pupil findings, and pupil learning.
5. Show pupils example of a previously researched graphic from the web, and details to
If they complete their research then they should: include in their research. Explain to them sections of the task which they have not
covered previously i.e. image sizes/image quality etc
 Progress onto their own graphics designs
6. Re-cover “MUST haves” within their research task in order to remind pupils before they
 Ask for the teacher to review their work so far in order for recommendations of progress with their own research.
improvements to be made.
7. STUDENTS CONTINUE on with their work.
Liam hill, Lewis Barratt, Susanne, and Sally are not completing Unit 21, and are continuing to work
with Miss Lightfoot on completing, and improving other units. 8. Teacher wanders around classroom answering any questions pupils may have in regards
to their work.

9. PLENARY / END of Lesson: Pupils stopped 5 minutes before end. Remind pupils to bring
their folders to the front of the room, save their work, and shut down the computers.

10. Remind pupils that there are 3 catch up after school sessions this week in order to
complete and/or improve their work from the previous unit.

Extension activities:
If they complete their research then they should:

 Progress onto their own graphics designs

 Ask for the teacher to review their work so far in order for recommendations of improvements to be made.

©2010 Liverpool John Moores University: WRE Secondary

Secondary Subject Lesson Plan Date 11/01/2011 Page 3 of 4
Traine Subjec Researching Web
Emma Bloor Class 11a NATIONALS Unit Topic Lesson 5
e t Graphics
Resources: Health and Safety Issues: PSHCE/SMSCE/Functional Skills:
other than those standard to the teaching space other than those normal for that space and other cross-curricular opportunities taken up

When utilising the printer, there should be no more Literacy through classroom discussion.
Interactive Whiteboard than 2 pupils at the printer at once.
English through written annotations on their research
Computers Pupils should not mess with the Air-conditioning

Lesson 01 PowerPoint Bags should be placed under desks

Food/drink should not be brought into the classroom

Blinds should be present in the classroom to shade out


Q 30 Establish a purposeful and safe learning environment conducive to learning and identify opportunities for learners to learn in out-of-school contexts.
Identify up to 3 standards that you hope
to evidence in this lesson. Indicate how Q Assess the learning needs of those they teach in order to set challenging learning objectives
you intend to do this.
Q 23 Design opportunities for learners to develop their literacy, numeracy and ICT skills.

*Provided for guidance only

©2010 Liverpool John Moores University: WRE Secondary

Secondary Subject Lesson Plan Date 11/01/2011 Page 4 of 4
Traine Subjec Researching Web
Emma Bloor Class 11a NATIONALS Unit Topic Lesson 5
e t Graphics
Evaluation: Evaluate the success of the learners in context of the targets set in the previous lesson, the planning produced, the resources used.
Learner progress: Your planning and facilitation of learning:
Were learning outcomes achieved? If not how is this to be addressed? How successful was the teaching and learning approach?
How will learner feedback be used? Comment on individual learner progress. Critical Changes needed for future sessions? Were learners working appropriately?
Incident? Critical Incident?

Overall targets for the next lesson: include on next lesson plan
Learner learning Your teaching Personal Targets for self development:
  

©2010 Liverpool John Moores University: WRE Secondary

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