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Fitometer - Online Fitness Test

Körperbezogene Ergebnisse
Tu IMC es 22.47; te encuentras en el rango normal. Es importante que continues haciendo deporte y ejercicio, a la vez
que llevas una dieta sana. Der BMI (Body-Mass-Index) ist eine Maßzahl für die Bewertung des Körpergewichts eines
Menschen. Sie wurde von Adolphe Quetelet entwickelt. Da Übergewicht ein weltweit zunehmendes Problem darstellt,
wird die Körpermassenzahl vor allem dazu verwendet, auf eine diesbezügliche Gefährdung hinzuweisen. Der BMI gibt
lediglich einen groben Richtwert an.

Heart Rate:
Your resting pulse rate is in a desirable range. Unfortunately, a resting pulse rate higher than 70 is more common!
Lower rates such as yours are usually only seen in endurance athletes.

El índice de Broca indica que tu peso es normal. Intenta mantener este peso con una dieta sana y equilibrada.

The formula for men is: body length in cm minus 100. For women, it\'s body length minus 100 and then minus another
10%. The Broca-Index is only an approximate estimate and fits to medial body length. As you may have a longer or
shorter body, the Broca-Index is less applicable. There are always varying factors that aren\'t included, so don\'t take
these results as the end-all-be-all.

Waist-Hip Ratio:
Body fat plays an important role. Typically, men store their energy reserves (fat) around the abdomen. Ideally, the WHR
should smaller than 1.0. Your waist-hip ratio is 0.98 and evenly spread. Still, ensure that you maintain a healthy diet and
get adequate exercise.

Excellent. The analysis of your test show that you are in excellent health. High blood pressure and obesity are
completely foreign to you.

Risk Factors

Your alcohol consumption is nothing to worry about. However, keep in mind, that with every intoxication, nerve cells die.
Concentration, retentivity and attention are reducing. Drinking any alcohol on a regularly basis will lead to liver
inflammation, in some cases, cirrhosis of the liver.

Your diet is exemplary! You are well aware of the benefits of a healthy diet that consists of more energy, better physical
performance and overall health.

Healthy living is very important to you. However, you can still improve it and avoid future illnesses.

Gesundheitsbezogene Ergebnisse

Physically you feel great. To keep this optimal state, pay attention to your posture, be careful during physical activity,
and even watch your diet. You are what you eat.

Congratulations! You are in very good condition. However, please be careful and get necessary rest, especially if you
are an athlete. When you are sick and your immune system is weak, you are at severe risk of damage to your health
through over-training or overexertion.

Motor Functions
Not bad! With a stamina capability to keep your cardio-training over 30 minutes, you are a little bit over the average. To
improve the capability of your heart and circulation, you should do stamina training on a regularly basis. Try to take
longer distances with a low speed. In time, try to raise your speed step by step.

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Your strength capabilities are ok, but could be improved. Try adding strength training to your regular weekly activities.
Well developed muscles help prevent injuries of bones, ligaments and joints.

Tu rango de movilidad está por debajo de la media. Deberías tratar de incrementarla haciendo estiramientos de manera
más regular. En tu estado, eres vulnerable a lesionarte y tu fuerza está muy limitada para actividades normales.

Well done. Under even difficult conditions, you will not have any problems with everyday life. By starting new sports
activities, it is possible to increase that even further as you work new muscle groups.

With your current fitness level, you are about average. This is not necessarily a good thing. Increasing your physical
activity is recommended.

The Fitometer shows that you are in good health. You have a talent for sports. What other sports could you do that
increase your movement and work different muscle groups than your current ones? Try to combine sports with a healthy
diet and enjoy your health and fitness well into old age.

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