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Worried parent writes to

minister and gets personal replY

I Bv Lnow SI WnN The mother of two children - Les- he was in his first week of work, and was
ley-Anne Tan, 14, and Andre, 1O - in the process of "studying the many ob-
wrote the letter last month. servations and suggestions" he had re-
SHE did not expect a letter she had writ-
ten to the Education Minister to go viral. She said: "These are not new con- ceived.
cerns. I have writtpn to the Ministry of She then asked him to look at the
But that is what happened, and now many comments the letter had attracted
Ms Monica Lim, 41, who also Posted the Education previously, but received no re-
plies. on her Facebook page.
letter on her blog and Faceboo! page, said
"But after the General Election, when She said: "I got another response. He
she is overwhelmed by the responses.
the Prime Minister said they would lis- said that everyone of us wanted to do
In her letter, she had called for the ed-
ten to our thoughts, I decided to put my what was best for our children.
ucation system here to be overhauled,
and voiced her concerns that it was one thoughts together and send another let- "He went on to say that while not eve-
ter.tt ry wish could be met, we could achieve
obsessed with results.
Having two children with differing more if we, the parents, teachers, educa-
She also said schools here were in-
abilities - her daughter excels academi- tors, policymakers, worked in partner-
creasingly run like businesses, and that
the strong focus on results had stifled cally, while her son is sports-oriented - ship."
has enabled her to see how the current She added her letter had achieved its
creativity and other talents.
system allows only a certain type of stu- objectives. "Realistically, I know he can-
The owner of a communications agen-
dent to thrive. not promise any more because he is new
"I amvery flatteredbut very sur-
cy said:
and needs to study the system. His re-
prised. From talking to friends, I know Her son. she felt, would do better in a
system which allowed him to explore sponse seems genuine, and i am glad
that there were people who felt like me,
more areas and which cultivated his crea- that my letter has got his attention and
but I did not expect the flood of e-mail, generated awareness of policies which
messages and comments I have received tivity and individuality.
should be changed."
from people who share the same Education Minister Heng Swee Keat
" thoughts. " has responded. In his first reply, he said Also see Fornm, Pago 439

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