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Soborno = mita

Juez= judecator

Cuyo,-a = whose; en caso cuyo (in which case)

Golpe = knock

Chanchullo = negot illegal

Arrancar = to tear out, to rip off

- En la que

Me aguanto =I repress myself

Pelear = to fight; una pelea = a fight

En la cima = in varf

Por causalidad

Cajon = 1. Sertar; 2. Cutie mare; 3. Sicriu

Echar un vistazo – to have a look

Tomame como soy

Que pinta tiene!

, a  sm/f 
casa, coche, perro] owner 
1  (=propietario)   [+de
[+de negocio] owner, proprietor/proprietress 
[+de pensión, taberna] landlord/landlady 
¿quién es el dueño del caballo?  who is the owner of the horse?, who owns the horse? 
cambiar de dueño  to change hands 
2 ser dueño de: ser dueño de la situación  to be the master of the situation, have the situation in hand 
la marina era dueña de los mares  the navy was mistress of the seas 
ser dueño de sí mismo  to have self-control 
eres dueño de hacer lo que te parezca  you can do as you please 
hacerse dueño de algo  to take over sth, take control of sth 
hacerse dueño de una situación  to take command of a situation 


Borrar = a sterge

Traer = to bring

Mientras = in the meantime

Calcetines =sosete

Agradecido,a - grateful
le costaba muchísimo respirar;

todo se repite

maja, o

latir = a bate (inima)

liviano = light; likeable

amarrar = to tie up :D

: a contramano, in the wrong direction, against the traffic:conducía el autobús a

contramano por la Gran Vía, he drove the bus the wrong way down the Gran Vía

Ser-> siendo

aprendiz -diza =apprentice, trainee;

goce  = enjoyment; en pleno ~ de sus facultades in full possession of her faculties;

(placer) pleasure

Vamos y vemos..
Que la vida es un goce
Es normal que le temas
A lo que no conoces

Tropezar= to stumble; to trip

De tanto que tropiezo
Ya sé como caer

Antifaz = mask
Nunca usé un antifaz
Voy de paso
Por este mundo fugaz

Fracasar= to fail

Me da asco -> asquerozo/a

Ocio diario

Tener celos= a fi gelos

Many verbs that express liking and disliking in their different aspects have to be preceded by
object pronouns. In general, these verbs are those that provoke a change in the speaker’s personal
attitude/feelings toward something. Some important examples are aterrar (terrify), encantar
(love), gustar (like), disgustar (dislike), and so on.
A mí me encanta levantarme temprano. I love getting up early.
A Antonio no le gusta la cerveza. Antonio doesn’t like beer.
Ello is oft en used as an object pronoun, in sentences of the type Estoy trabajando en
ello (I’m working on it). In this kind of sentence, ello refers to the whole action mentioned
before, not to a particular object:
Marta: żEstán listos los ejercicios? Are the exercises ready?
Pablo: Estoy trabajando en ello. I’m working on it.
If Pablo referred to the exercises, he would have to say en ellos. The gerund trabajando can be
left out (Estoy en ello).

Algo de and un poco de, which are masculine singular constructions, mean some or a little and
are used with uncountable nouns (masculine and feminine) in affirmative sentences and in
Hay algo de leche en la cocina. Th ere is some/a little milk in the kitchen.
Hay un poco de dinero en ese cajón. Th ere is a little money in that drawer.

Unos/unas, algunos/algunas, unos cuantos/unas cuantas, and unos pocos/unas

pocas are plural determiners that have to agree in gender with their accompanying nouns.Th ey
can be translated as some or a few:
Hay chicos en la calle. There are (some) boys in the street.
Hay unas cuantas chicas con ellos. Th ere are a few girls with them.
Antonio me prestó algunos libros. Antonio lent me some books.
Sólo unos pocos alumnos van a aprobar. Only a few students are going to pass.

Algún is common in sentences of the type Algún día te arrepentirás (One/Some day
you’ll be sorry), but if the speaker refers to the past, algún is not possible; un is used
instead:Un día llegó una carta. (One day a letter arrived).

Aún = Still

* poquitín

trastornados = deranged

rechazar = respinge

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