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You can't judge a book by its cover means that before you can judge something,

you need to take a deeper, closer look at it. Example: "He dresses in plain clothes
and drives an old car. Who would know he is the richest man in town?" Reply: "You
".can't judge a book by its cover

The value of something is not always obvious from what we see on the surface, so
we should save our judgments until we have more experience. Example: "That
professor may seem slow and awkward, but don't judge a book by its cover. He is
".one of the brightest minds in his field

You can't judge a book by its cover means that when you have only seen the
surface of something, you cannot know what is on the inside. Example: "Don't go
falling in love with that girl so fast. Wait until you get to know her better. You can't
".judge a book by its cover

you shouldn't prejudge the worth or value of something, by its outward"

"appearance alone

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

something that you say which means that each person has their own opinion about
what or who is beautiful Personally, I can't understand why she finds him attractive,
but they do say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder in the sense that everyone finds
beauty in different things. There is beauty in almost everyone and
everything. It doesn't have to be physical beauty. It can be what's on the
inside of a person, and how they treat others. The media is hung up on the
physical aspect of beauty, making people think they need to look a certain
way in order to be considered beautiful but that's not at all true. You know
.what beauty is by the way you define it. Whatever is beautiful to you

It also means that different people will find different things beautiful and
.that the differences of opinion don't matter greatly

Time heals all wounds definition

People eventually get over insults, injuries, and hatreds.

.Negative feelings eventually erode away

Time heals all wounds." If a person has been greatly hurt or has been"
experiencing grief, this old adage or saying means that the pain will
eventually pass away. Let's suppose that a young couple's child is killed
in an accident. They are experiencing great sorrow. The death of their
child has "wounded" them. A friend tells them that "time will heal their
wounds," that gradually they will accept their child's death and continue
.on with their lives
In many instances, the saying is true. But there are MANY exceptions. It
is unlikely that a father and mother will EVER forget the death of their
child. Such a tragic event cannot be erased by the passage of time. It will
.always be part of their lives and memories

...Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Absence .... Being away

heart grow fonder... Meaning makes your heart (or feelings) grow fonder
.((or more appreciative

Therefore, whatever it is that you are away from (whether you might like it
or not) it could be home, your girlfriend, friends, school, enemies....
.whatever it is you will eventually miss it

Basically, whatever it is that you are conditioned to or grow some

feelings/attachment to, whatever circumstances you are in for an
.extended period of time, you will miss something about it

For example, i hated high school, but i loved hanging out with my friends.
Once you leave to go to college, you might miss high school simply b/c
.you want to hang out with your friends

Therefore, being away from something that you have developed some sort
of a relationship with, will make you miss it and appreciate it more than if
.....you stay there forever

Absence makes the heart grow fonder" means that the time you spend away"
from one you love makes you love that person even more. Example: "Does it bother
you that your husband goes away on long business trips?" Reply: "No. The time we
".have spent apart has been good for us. Absence makes the heart grow fonder

The word "absence" means to be away. To "grow fonder" is to care more.

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder" means the time you spend away from
someone you love ("absence") makes you love that person even more ("the heart
grows fonder"). Example: "It is much easier to get along with your parents when you
live away from home. You miss them so much and are glad when you see them."
".Reply: "It's true. Absence makes the heart grow fonder

When someone you care for is away, you miss that person and think about them
.often, and that feeling makes you want to be with them even more

'Too many cooks spoil the broth'

This means that where there are too many people trying to do something,
they make a mess of it.
It means that if too many people try to do the same thing, they end up ruining it. If
you have too many cooks trying to cook one broth or soup, they get in each other's
way and end up adding the wrong things.

It means that a simple thing like a broth (or a movie script) is better when it doesn't
have many authors contributing to it.

Too many persons involved in managing an activity can ruin it, as in Without a

conductor, every player had an idea for how the music should go too many
cooks spoil the broth . This expression alludes to each of many cooks adding
something to a soup, which finally tastes awful. It was already considered a proverb in
1575 (by George Gascoigne in The Life of P. Care ).

A watched pot never boils

Meaning: If you want to heat water until it boils, and you watch it while you wait,
then it seems to take a very long time. In the same way, anything that we wait for with
eager attention seems to take a very long time: like waiting for someone to arrive,
waiting for the phone to ring, waiting for a letter to come.

Be patient. The things you desire will come to fruition in their own time.

don't count your chickens before they're hatched

You should not count on something before it happens.

Don't assume that you will get something. Wait until you actually have it.
This means that you should wait until you know whether something has
produced the
results you desire, rather than acting beforehand.

"Don't count your chickens until they're hatched" means that you can hope certain
things happen in the future, but you cannot know for sure that they will happen until
they actually do happen. Example: "Do you think that Bill is going to offer you a
promotion this month?" Reply: "I won't count my chickens until they have hatched."
"Chickens" start out as eggs, and you can count the eggs, but not all of the eggs will
hatch to become chickens. "Don't count your chickens until they've hatched" means
don't make plans based on something happening until that thing has already happened.
Example: "Next Friday I will finally be able to pay you back that money I owe you."
Reply: "Ha. I won't count my chickens until they have hatched." "Don't count your
chickens until they've hatched" means that you should not count on something
happening until you are sure that it will happen

Time is money
One's time is a valuable commodity, as in I can't stay home and wait any longer; time
is money, you know . This proverbial term goes back to one first recorded in 1572,
time is precious , in a discourse on usury.

Time can make money but from money no one can make time. In this
modern world where life is moving so fast, there is a shortage of time.
Therefore, it is necessary to know the value of time.

Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all

Having experience of love, even if it ended, is better than having no experience of


Love is worthwhile despite the pain involved in separation.

It means love is worth the hurt it can cause. If you loved and it ended
badly it was still worth it in the end. To love and be hurt is better than to
never have experienced love.

You can't teach an old dog new tricks definition

People who have long been used to doing things in a particular way will not abandon
their habits

A person cannot change who they are, a person cannot change their

'A fool and his money are soon parted'

This idiom means that people who aren't careful with their money spend it

.Stupid people spend their money carelessly and soon become poor

.It is easy to get money from foolish people, especially rich ones

'Better late than never'

This idiom suggests that doing something late is better than not doing it at

It means pretty much what it says - better to have whatever it was happen late than to
not have it at all. You might hear this when something didn't happen or arrive exactly
when expected, but did show up or occur.
It means it is often better to do something after it is due than never to do it.
The grass is always greener on the other side of the

You use this proverb to say that the things other people have or their situations always
look better than your own,
even when they are not really so.
People are never satisfied with their own situation; they always think others have it

Something that you say which means that other people always seem to be in a better
situation than you, although they may not be.

It is often shortened to "The grass is greener on the other side," or even 'The grass
is greener."


Don't compare your talents with others. The grass is always greener on the other
side of the fence. Just do your best.

'Money doesn`t grow on trees'

This means that you have to work to earn money; it doesn't come easily or
without effort.

It means that you have to work for money, it's not easy to come by. People will say
money doesn't grow on trees, because typically trees are abundant, and the things that
grow on trees are easy to get. You have to work for true money.

said to warn someone that they have to be careful how much money they
spend, because there is only a limited amount.

Mum, I'd like a new bike." "I'll have to think about it - money doesn't grow"
"!on trees, you know

Rome wasn't built in a day

Meaning: All things take time to create. And great things like the city of Rome take a
very long time. So we shouldn't expect to accomplish something or achieve success

It takes a long time to create something complicated or impressive.

Valuable projects take time.

Said to emphasize that you can not expect to do important things in a
.short period of time

Said to emphasize that great work takes time to do. Nothing of importance
can be done in a short period of time.

Don't expect immediate outstanding earnings fom your new buisiness.
Rome wasn't built in a day.

Variety is the spice of life definition

Something that you say which means life is more interesting when it
changes often and you have many different experiences.

Changes and new experiences make life delightful.


You use this proverb to say that if you do a lot of different things and meet different
people, etc., your life becomes more interesting.

Having and experiencing a lot of different things is what makes your life interesting.


Variety is the spice of life, and there's a lot of it at the English Language Center. You
can meet people from many different countries, and there are a lot of activities you
can participate in.

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