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Excel 2007 Training

Index Description
1. Quick Access Toolbar i Guide to setting up the quick access toolbar in Excel 2007

2. New Functions i Explanation of new worksheet function available in Excel 2007 eg. IFERROR, COUNIFS, SUMIFS

3. Formatting Techniques i Basic formatting - Text alignment, Font size and style, Word wrapping
ii Format Cells dialogue
iii Merge and Unmerged cells
iv Conditional Formatting
vi Data validation combined with conditional formatting Advanced Topic

4. Page and Print Setup i Page break view and page setup
ii Setting the page "header" and "footer"

5. Short Cut Keys i Most useful Excel keyboard shortcuts

ii Select and move charts

6. IF Statement i Comparison Operators

ii Multiple tests using nested if statements
iii Advanced tests using logical operators

7. Lookup Function i VLOOKUP exact match, nearest match, common mistakes and problems faced by consultants
ii Advanced lookup functions using INDEX, MATCH and OFFSET

8. Autofilter i Common difficulties

9. Goal Seek dialogue i Using Goal Seek to search for the solution

10. Named Ranges i Naming cells and using names to simplify calculations
ii Dynamic Ranges Advanced Topic

11. Go To dialogue i Using the GoTo dialogue to efficiently navigate workbooks

ii. Use the GoTo Special for advanced navigation including: selecting and deleting blank rows Advanced Topic

12. Pivot Tables i The difference between Excel 2007 Pivot tables and classic style Pivot tables (Not yet available)
ii Setting up a pivot table in 2007 and understanding the options available (Not yet available)
iii Advanced pivot table functionality (Not yet available )

13. Charting Not yet available

14. Find & Replace dialogue i Find and Replace options and functionality
ii Use find a replace to modify formatting
iii Use find and replace to modify formulas and references to other workbooks Advanced Topic

15. Array Formulas i What are array formulas

ii Transpose and frequency formulas
iii Advanced queries and calculations using array formulas Advanced Topic

16. Iterative and cyclic calculations Not yet available Advanced Topic

Appendix A. Functions list i. List and description of frequently used Excel functions including examples
ii. Using "Text functions" to cure capitalisation disease

Working draft V1 07/08/2008

Excel 2007 Training

Investing time in setting up your Excel 2007 quick access toolbar can significantly reduce
frustration and improve productivity when first making the switch from older versions
The quick access toolbar is a customisable toolbar found above the menus called ribbons

The new "Office The quick access

Button" replaces the customisable toolbar
file menu

Steps to setting adding your favorite commands to the quick access


1. Select the "Office button" at the top right hand side of the Excel window

2. Select "Excel Options" at the bottom of the Office button menu

3. Within options select the "Customize" tab

4. Select your favorite commands from the list on the left. To help find your
favorite commands you can sort by the various command categories from the
pull down menu
- "Popular Commands"
Excel 2007 menus, - "Commands Not in the ribbon"
also called ribbons - "All Commands"
- Commands found in the "Home Tab"

5. Click Add

6. If you would like to remove a command, select it from your list and click "Remove"

1. QuickAccessToolbar 2/30
Excel 2007 Training

You may wish to shift the quick access toolbar below the ribbon.

6. Check the "Show Quick Access Toolbar below the Ribbon" box in options


At the end of the quick access toolbar you will find a menu button shaped as a downward facing arrow. When selected you will find a
set of options. Select "Show Above/Below the Ribbon"

You may wish to minimise the ribbon so that it only appears when you have your mouse pointer near it

Using the same options menu, select "Minimize the Ribbon"

Quick access options menu is

found on the right hand side of
the toolbar

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Excel 2007 Training

Excel 2007 has added five new and very useful functions to the Excel function library

New Function 1: IFERROR

IFERROR simplifies error checking by providing a simple method to catch errors - an extension of ISERROR.
Syntax : IFERROR(value,value_if_error)

Example: How do I prevent Excel returning an error whenever VLOOKUP can not find the search string

Excel 2003 Solution

=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP("Josh", LookupTable, 3, FALSE)), " Value not found", VLOOKUP("Josh", LookupTable, 3, FALSE))

Excel 2007 Solution

=IFERROR(VLOOKUP("Clare”, LookupTable, 3, false), “Value not found”)

New Function 2: AVERAGEIF

AVERAGEIF provides a single function to conditionally average a range of numbers based on a specific criteria – a complement to SUMIF and COUNTIF.
Syntax: AVERAGEIF(Range, Criteria, [Average Range])

Example: returns the average of "Units" where the corresponding value in "Column Beverage" is equal to "Coke"
Excel 2003 Solution - Array formula solution (see section "15. Array formulas")
{=AVERAGE(IF(D45:D49="Coke",E45:E49,""))} 2

Excel 2007 Solution

=AVERAGEIF(D45:D49,"Coke",E45:E49) 2


The "...IFS" functions provide simple solutions to the problems of summing, counting and averaging with multiple criteria.
Syntax: SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1 [,criteria_range2, criteria2…])
COUNTIFS(criteria_range1, criteria1 [,criteria_range2, criteria2…])
AVERAGEIFS(average_range, criteria_range1, criteria1 [,criteria_range2, criteria2…])

Example: if a user had the following Database, how could they sum “Units” where Beverage = “Coke” and Name = “Josh”

Name Beverage Units
Josh Sprite 2
Josh Coke 2
Julia Coke 3
Josh Coke 1
Prue Sprite 1

Excel 2003 Solution - Array formula solution (see section "15. Array formulas")
{=SUM(IF(C2:C17="Apple", IF(D2:D17="One", B2:B17, 0), 0))} 3
The formula is hard to set up correctly, many users do not know about array formulas, and it is harder to read/debug.

Excel 2007 Solution

=SUMIFS(E44:E48,C44:C48,"Josh",D44:D48,"Coke") 3
The formula is much simpler to write, easier to read, and doesn’t require array entry.

COUNTIFS and AVERAGEIFS, also new to Excel 2007, work the same way with the same benefits.

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Excel 2007 Training

Excel offers many formatting options for the contents of cells

Most formatting option can be accessed from the "Home" Ribbon

Home -> Font Group & Alignment Group & Number Group

The most regularly used options should be included in the quick access toolbar

Text Alignment Toggle Gridlines

View -> Show/ Hide Group -> Gridlines

Bold, Italic and Underline

Note Keyboard shortcuts are useful: Ctrl + B, Ctrl + I, Ctrl + U

Font Style and Size


Wrap Text Row and Column height and width

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Excel 2007 Training

The "Format Cells" dialogue provides quick access to advanced formatting options for selected cells
The Format Cells dialogue can be accessed by right-clicking on the selected area

Super BAs

Text Alignment
Align Left:
Left Indent 1:
Left Indent 2:
Align Right:
Right Indent 1:


Number Formats
General: 8/08/2008 1:41 The Sample Field is excellent for
Text: =NOW() previewing different category and
Scientific: 3.97E+04 custom formats
Time: 1:41:34 AM
Date: 8/08/2008
Date Custom: 08-Aug-08

3. Formatting 6/30
Excel 2007 Training

Merge & Unmerge are useful when developing forms such as RFI/RFP

To find the merge commands:

Home -> Alignment Group - > Merge & Centre pull down

Quick Access Buttons

Merge All Unmerge All Merge Across

Hello Notes
When Merging cells data in the target cells may be lost

When accessing the value of a Merged group, reference the top left
cell of the merged group only. Excel 07' now selects the top left cell

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Excel 2007 Training

Conditional Formatting can be used to add dynamism to formatting in worksheets and forms

To open the Conditional Formatting dialogue:

Home -> Styles Group -> Conditional Formatting

Harvey Balls Tip:

4 Improve readability of Excel
3 models by using conditional
2 formatting to alternate row and/or
1 column colours
Use Custom Number Formats to remove
numbers next to balls

Error Checking
Highlight All Numbers less than zero

Formatting Example

Formatting Example

3. Formatting 8/30
Excel 2007 Training

Data Validation can be used to prohibit invalid inputs to forms and prompt correct inputs

To open the Data Validation dialogue

Data - > Data Tools Group -> Data Validation

Example 1
Data validation with prohibitive error alert

Example 2
Data validation with warning only

Example 3
Data validation with conditional formatting
Is your company a distributor?
How many manufacturers does
your company represent as a fully
authorized distributor?

3. Formatting 9/30
Excel 2007 Training

All Spreadsheet to be handed to clients or sent to suppliers should be formatted for printing like any
The easiest way to format a spreadsheet for print is to use the page break
To go to Page Break View: View -> Page Break
To return to Normal View: View -> Normal


Print Setup Example

Set the print range

1. Drag and place the blue lines to set the print range
2. Insert Page breaks by right clicking on the desired column number and selecting insert page break

Set the page setup and Header/Footer

3. Open the Page Setup dialogue (In page break view Right Click -> Page Setup, or in Print Preview select Page Setup in top left hand corner)
4. Set the page orientation and adjust the page scale
Note: On Selecting Fit to - Excel will ignore defined page breaks and automatically set the page breaks as to best fit the number of pages. This
may be an undesired outcome if tables should not be split between pages. Instead manually set the Adjust to scale

Set the Header/Footer

5: Set the page count using the page numbers option

4. Page Setup 10/30

Excel 2007 Training

Shortcut keys can greatly improve efficiency when using Excel

This section list only a select few useful shortcuts

For additional shortcuts a good reference for the new Excel 2007 is Microsoft Website:
Excel shortcut and function keys for Microsoft Office Excel 2007

Short Cuts Using the Application Key

The shortcuts made available

by the application key can
greatly improve productivity.

To access paste special:

Alt -> e -> s
Application key -> s

To access format cells

Application kept -> f

Insert a New Row

Select number of rows to
Application key -> I

Delete a Row
Select rows to deletes
Application key -> d

Selecting data
Ctrl+Spacebar Select the entire column
Shift+Spacebar Select the entire row
F8 Turn on extending a selection by using the arrow keys
Ctrl+Shift+End Extend the selection to the last used cell on the worksheet (lower-right corner)
Ctrl+Shift+Home Extend the selection to the beginning of the worksheet
Ctrl+Shift + Arrow Key Extend the selection to the last nonblank cell in the same column or row as the
active cell
(Hold Shift) + Arrow Key Extend the selection to include the next row or column
Shift+F8 or hold down CTRL Add another range of cells to the selection; or use the arrow keys to move to the
start of the range you want to add, and then press F8 and the arrow keys to select
the next range
Ctrl +Shift+* This key combination selects the current range around the active cell, the area
defined as the largest rectangle of data surrounded by white space.

Navigating within a worksheet

CTRL + Arrow Key Moves selection to the end of the range

Dialogue Boxes
Shift + F7 Brings up Thesaurus
F1 Help
Ctrl + F Displays the Find dialog box
Ctrl + G Displays the GOTO command
Ctrl + F3 Brings up the name Manager
F3 Brings up the Paste Name Dialogue

Standard Actions
Ctrl + S Save
Ctrl + P Print
Ctrl + N New workbook
Ctrl + O Open
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + X Cut
CTRL + V Paste
Ctrl + D Fill down
Ctrl + R Fill right
Ctrl + ` Toggle show formulas option

5. Short Cut Keys 11/30

Excel 2007 Training

Use IF statements to perform two alternative operations based on specified criteria

Syntax: IF(logical_test,value_if_true,value_if_false)

Logical Expressions are truth test , formed by comparing two values using a comparison operator. The result of the comparison being

Comparison Operators:
> Greater Than < Less Than
>= Greater Than or equal to <= Less Than or equal to
= Equal to (Logical Equality) <> Not Equal to

Example: Are colour 1 and 2 the same

Colour 1 Colour 2

Colour Same

If statements can be used combined or "Nested" to facilitate more tests and outcomes
Note: Up to 7 IF statements or up to 256 characters

Logic Trees can be used to plan or explain expressions: Example: Does Colour 1 match any of Colour 2,3, or 4
Colour 1:
Logical Expression 1 BLUE
Colour 2
Colour 4
Logical Expression 2 Outcome 3 ORANGE
Colour 3
Outcome 1 Outcome 2 No Match

Logical Operators can be used to "build up" Logical Expressions to incorporate more than
two values and one comparison operator

Expressions must be built up of pairs of values, with the overall output still Boolean i.e. TRUE or FALSE. Brackets are useful to group the
smaller expressions.

Logical Operators
AND Returns TRUE if all arguments are TRUE (Logical conjunction)
OR Returns TRUE if all any of its arguments are TRUE (Logical disjunction)
NOT Reverses the logic of its arguments (Logical Negation)

r p q

Colour 1 = Colour 2 OR (Colour 2 = Colour 3 AND Colour 2 <> BLACK)

Example 3: Is Colour 1 equal to Colour 2 OR ( Colour 2 equal to Colour 3 and Colour 1 is not black )
Colour 1 Colour 2 Colour 3

Expression True

=IF( OR(C80=D80,(AND(D80=E80,D80<>"BLACK"))),"Expression True","Expression FALSE")

Note: it is not often not necessary to nest operators of the same type. Up to 30 conditions
eg. OR(exp1,(OR(exp2,(OR(exp3,exp4))))) = OR(exp1,exp2,exp3,exp4)

6. IF Statement 12/30
Excel 2007 Training

Vlookup is a simple search and lookup function, but there are

many checks to ensure the lookup works correctly

Syntax: VLOOKUP(lookup value, table range, column index, [range lookup] )

Vertical lookup - Exact match

Try changing the Lookup Value, or Column Index to the right
Name Beverage Units Lookup Value: Lorin
Josh Sprite 4 Column Index: 2
Julia Coke 7 Table Range: C31:E35
Prue Coke 10 Column Name: Beverage
Lorin Coke 3
Paul Sprite 2 Equation:
Output: Coke

Vertical lookup - Closest Value

[range lookup] is an optional argument. If False, Excel looks for an exact match as in the
example above. If no exact match is found Excel returns #N/A. If however, [Range lookup] is
TRUE or omitted and no Exact Match exists, Excel assumes the lookup column appears in
numeric ascending order and looks for the closest value that is less than the lookup value.

Income Tax Rate(1)
$0 - $9,999 $ - 15% Lookup Value: $ 104,000
$10,000 - $29,999 $ 10,000 30% [range lookup] TRUE
$30,000 - $99,999 $ 30,000 34% Column Index: 2
$100,000 and over $ 100,000 40%

Output: 40%

Points to look out for

i. Closest Value Match Requires Lookup column in ascending order. Hint: use sort
Ascending Type Example
Ascending number -2, -1, 0, 1, 2,
Ascending Dates January - December
Alphabetic A-Z

ii. Watch out for numbers formatted as text. Hint multiply all by 1
Number formatted as Text: 10
Formatted as a Number: 10
Cells are not Equal - Equality: FALSE

iii. If there are more than one exact match. Excel returns the first occurrence, searching from the
top of the lookup column downwards

iv. Two text fields may occasionally appear equal, but the number of spaces before or after the
text may prohibit Vlookup from finding an exact match. The trim function can often resolve
this problem by removing all spaces from text except for single spaces between words.

v. Cannot lookup or use the search function for strings containing forbidden characters eg. "~".

7. Lookup Functions 13/30

Excel 2007 Training

The Filter Tool and Advanced Filter Tools are useful during data categorisation
To activate Autofilter: Data -> Sort Group -> Filter

Tips when using Auto Filter:

Select the Range over which you would like to apply the autofilter - this ensures the filter does not end at the
first blank row

Before commencing work on a worksheet with filters, first check to Filter Symbol & Heading Bar
ensure the filter is not active. Row numbers will turn blue and a
filter symbols will appears above columns to which a filter has
been applied.

Avoid using "Freeze Panes" setting when applying autofilters as this function as it can make the location of
the top o the filter confusing.

Autofilters only hide rows. Thus, be careful of copying and pasting data to and from autofiltered ranges. Copy
and Paste functions applied to all hidden rows in Excel 2003, causing problems when categorising data. This
problem has been resolved in Excel 2007 except when using the paste special command.

Please ensure any client using Excel 2003 does not use paste or autofill down with autofilters. Advise
instead to use the drag and copy function.

Do not try to sum or count filtered data using the standard functions. instead use the subtotal command or a
pivot table.

Subtotal Options
Function_num Function_num
(includes hidden values) (ignores hidden values) Function
2 102 COUNT
3 103 COUNTA
4 104 MAX
5 105 MIN
7 107 STDEV
8 108 STDEVP
9 109 SUM
10 110 VAR
11 111 VARP

Advanced Filter and Remove Duplicates can be used to Select unique values
To activate remove duplicates: Data -> Sort Group -> Remove Duplicates

New to office 2007, Remove duplicates can be applied over multiple rows and columns

To activate advanced Filter : Data -> Sort Group -> Advanced

Advanced filter is an existing functionality from Office 00'

Rather than removing duplicates, Advanced Filter allows unique values

to be selected and copied to an alternate location.

8. Autofilter 14/30
Excel 2007 Training

Example Database

Subtotal 265
Sum 232

Officer Day Hours

David Mon 1
David Tue 3
David Wed 2
David Thu 3
David Fri 3
David Sat 1
David Sun 2
Phil Mon 13
Phil Tue 13
Phil Wed 13
Phil Thu 13
Phil Fri 13
Phil Sat 13
Phil Sun 13
Jeremy Mon 7
Jeremy Tue 8
Jeremy Wed 6
Jeremy Thu 3
Jeremy Fri 3
Jeremy Sat 5
Jeremy Sun 3
Peter Mon 13
Peter Tue 13
Peter Wed 13
Peter Thu 13
Peter Fri 13
Peter Sat 13
Peter Sun 13
Simon Mon 8
Simon Tue 3
Simon Wed 6
Simon Thu 3
Simon Fri 2
Simon Sat 3
Simon Sun 8

8. Autofilter 15/30
Excel 2007 Training

Goal Seek is a useful numeric equation solver

Goal seek enables the computation of the input to a problem for which the output is known
To open Goal Seek: Data -> Data Tools Group - > What-If Analysis - > Goal Seek

Solver Parameters
Set Cell The cell containing the formula that calculates the information you seek
To Value The target value - the value for which you want the set cell to equal
By Changing
Cell The input cell that Excel changes - the value you want to know

What sales volume do I need to break even?
Profit = Revenue - Cost

profit ($19,500.00)

volume 10000
price $3
unit cost 0.45
fixed cost 45000
Intermediary revenue $30,000.00
variable cost 4500.00

Goal Seek Options: Office Button -> Excel Options -> Formulas

Change Accuracy:
"Maximum Change " - Goal seek will solve to an accuracy of "Maximum change" - default of 0.001
meaning accurate to -0.001 -> 0.001
"Maximum Iterations " - For difficult problems the maximum number of iterations may need increasing
to ensure convergence

Limitation: if problem has more than one solution - Goal seek will only find one answer

9. GoalSeek 16/30
Excel 2007 Training

Use names to clarify formulas, keep track of constants or build a worksheet


Cell names can be modified using the Name box found next to the formula bar

Names can be managed, changed and deleted using the Name manager
To open the Name Manager: Formulas -> Define Name Group -> Name Manage or Ctrl + F3
To open paste the Paste Name dialogue: Formulas -> Define Name Group -> Use in Formula or F3

Naming the answer to the ultimate question 42

Using the ultimate answer in a formula 84

Using hyperlinks with named ranges for navigation Click here to go to the ultimate answer

10. Named Ranges 17/30

Excel 2007 Training

Dynamic Ranges are a simple and effective technique to ensure data updates
are passed through to charts or pivot tables
Dynamic ranges are particularly useful when setting up analytic models where the input data is constantly changing,
regularly updated, uncertain and/or variable in size. Particularly useful in Sourcing Engagements!!!

A dynamic range works by combining the Naming functionality of Excel with the OFFSET and COUNT (or COUNTA)

Example - Using Dynamic Ranges with Graphs

Try adding/removing data points
x values y values Dynamic Range Example
1 32
2 42 100
3 55
4 65
5 77 60
6 55
7 63 40
8 50 20
0 2 4 6 8 10

Example - Using Dynamic Ranges with Pivot Tables

Try adding/removing data points or adding a new data column. Click Refresh on Pivot table after a change is made.
Name Beverage Units
Josh Sprite 2
Josh Coke 2
Julia Coke 3
Josh Coke 1
Prue Sprite 1

Name (All)

Sum of Units
Beverage Total
Coke 6
Sprite 3
Grand Total 9

10. Named Ranges 18/30

Excel 2007 Training

How it works:

1. Excel can keep track of any new data entries and/or new column fields by counting the number of rows and columns
containing data . Hint : it is possible to count all entries in an entire row or column eg. COUNTA(B:B) or

2. The OFFSET command is used to select the database range dynamically by using count to define the width and
height of the range.

Syntax: OFFSET(reference,rows,cols,height,width)
- reference refers to the first cell of the range
- rows and cols defines the number of rows and columns from the reference cell to start the range (typically 0 if
reference is selected as the first cell of the range).
-height and width defines the number of rows and columns that define the range. To set the range as dynamic
count (or counta) are used to select the size of the range

3. To name the range click Formulas -> Define Name Group -> Name Manage
Click New, Choose the Name and select the desired dynamic range using the Offset formula

4. When selecting data for a chart, simply paste the range name in the series box
In Excel 2003, it is necessary to proceed the range name with the file name. This will automatically update when the
file is saved under a new name

5. When using a Named Range to define the Pivot Table database, simply type in the name of the range .

10. Named Ranges 19/30

Excel 2007 Training

Go To and Go To Special are Excel's most powerful navigation tool

To open Go To: Ctrl + g

The Go To Tool will allow you to select all named cells

and ranges:


In the reference field, it is possible to type the desired cell reference or range. Try complex combinations, eg:

Note: References to difference worksheets are proceeded with the worksheet name and an exclamation mark as
follows: 'Worksheet Name'!A1

11. GoTo 20/30

Excel 2007 Training

The Go To Special dialogue allows the quick and easy selection of objects,
comments, or cells with special characteristics or entries.

Example 1: Delete blank rows

Often data is provided by a client in a very rough format.

Regularly the data has missing/blank rows that must be
removed. It can be tedious to manually select and delete
these gaps. Go-To Special offers a quick and effective

Select the entire column or desired range. Use Go-To

Special to select the blank cells. Delete the blank cells
(Application key -> d). Select "Entire Row".

Example data - remove the blank rows in the data below

Row1 Row1 Row1
Row2 Row2 Row2

Row3 Row3 Row3

Row4 Row4 Row4
Row5 Row5 Row5

Row6 Row6 Row6

Row7 Row7 Row7

Row8 Row8 Row8

Row9 Row9 Row9
Row10 Row10 Row10

Example 2: Select precedents and/or dependent cells.

Precedents are the inputs to a formula in the active cell

Dependents are cells contain formulas that refer to the active cell

Use Go To Special to select the precedents to the formula in C

Formula: 1 + 2 = 3
1 2 3

Precedents to Cell C Direct Dependent to Cells A & B

11. GoTo 21/30

Excel 2007 Training

Excel 2007 Pivot Tables

To Insert a Pivot Table:
Insert -> Tables Group -> Pivot Tables

Toggle between 07'

Pivot Table and
Classic Pivot Style

Example Pivot table

Pivot Table Example

12. PivotTables 22/30

Excel 2007 Training

The find and replace dialogue can be used to assist in many ways, from replacing text, changing
cell formats to locking formula references

Short cut to open Find and Replace: Ctrl + f

Instead of searching for a value, search for

particular formatting and replace with a
different formatting
Search only active sheet or
all sheets in active
workbook Find exact match taking case (capital letters) or
ignoring case (eg Hello = heLLo)
Search by rows or columns
(only important in large Match entire contents of cell (only finds cells
datasets) where the entire contents exactly matches the
search text
Search contents of cell search within cell content - very useful for
formulas, cell values, or cell modifying formulas.

Warning! before using "Replace All" save a backup of your worksheet and make sure you set all options correctly

14. Find And Replace 23/30

Excel 2007 Training

Example 1 - Use Find and Replace to change formatting

Search for "=" and format Change to "Currency with 2

"Percentage with 1 decimal" Replace with zero decimal points decimals" and yellow background

10.0% 10% $0.10

20.0% 20% $0.20
30.0% 30% $0.30
40.0% 40% $0.40
50.0% 50% $0.50

Example 2 - Use Find and Replace to change a formula by locking all cells referring to column C

Look in Formulas and replace

"=C" with "=$C$"
Original Formulas Resulting
referring to column C Original Formulas Restulting Formulas Formulas
Column C (values) (text) (values) (text)

1 1 =C14 1 =$C$14
2 2 =C15 2 =$C$15
3 3 =C16 3 =$C$16
4 4 =C17 4 =$C$17
5 5 =C18 5 =$C$18
6 6 =C19 6 =$C$19
7 7 =C20 7 =$C$20

Example 3 - Use Find and Replace to change a reference to another worksheet or even workbook

It is not uncommon to link/reference data between two separate workbooks.

For example you may keep all your assumption separate in one workbook and reference your assumption in another workbook making your calculations

Unfortunately, if you change the name of your reference workbook the link is not updated.
One way to resolve this is to search for the original workbook name within your formulas and replace with the new workbook name

Assumptions1.xlsx (old assumption) Calculations.xlsx workbook referencing old assumptions

1 1
2 Assumption 1 3.141593 2 =[Assumptions1.xlsx]Sheet1!A2
3 Assumption 2 5 3 =[Assumptions1.xlsx]Sheet1!A3
4 4

search and replace within formulas

"[Assumptions1.xlsx"] with "[Assumptions2.xlsx]"

Assumptions2.xlsx (updated workbook) Calculations.xlsx workbook referencing new assumptions

1 1
2 Assumption 1 6.283185 2 =[Assumptions2.xlsx]Sheet1!A2
3 Assumption 2 10 3 =[Assumptions2.xlsx]Sheet1!A3
4 4

Extension of Example 3
This method can also be used when moving/copying a worksheet from 1 workbook (eg a template) into another workbook. When you copy a worksheet
from 1 workbook to another, all the formulas reference the original workbook. If you want to update all the formulas so they now reference the new
workbook simply do a search for "[oldworkbook.xlsx]" and replace with nothing ""

To check all formulas are updated correctly, toggle the formulas option
Formulas -> Formula Auditing Group -> Show Formulas
CTRL + `

14. Find And Replace 24/30

Excel 2007 Training

Array Formulas often provide an efficient approach to performing complex


Array formulas act on ranges of cells and can return a result in either a single or range of cells

Array formulas can be recognised by curly braces "{" surrounding the formula

Some useful Excel inbuilt functions can only be implemented as array formulas eg. Frequency, Transpose

When Entering an array formula, you must first select the cell or range of cells you want Excel to place the
formula results. Then, after entering the formula, you must press Ctrl + Shift + Enter

The Frequency Array Formula is a useful in performing frequency analysis

The frequency function counts how many values in an array "data array " occur within given value ranges "bin
array ". This function can be used to generate custom histograms
Syntax: {=FREQUENCY(data array , bin array )}


data array bin array Frequencies Bin Ranges

79 70 1 <=70
85 79 2 >70 <=79
79 89 4 >79 <= 89
85 2 >89
89 Data Histogram
Example slide 3
using Histogram 2
Example Histogram <=70 >70 <=79 >79 <= 89 >89

15. ArrayFormulas 25/30

Excel 2007 Training

Count unique values among duplicates

Count the number of unique text and number values in cells B2:B10 (which must not contain blank cells)


Data Number of unique values

1 4

15. ArrayFormulas 26/30

Excel 2007 Training

The TRANSPOSE function is an array function that changes rows of a

selected range into columns and vice versa
Syntax: =TRANSPOSE(data range )


data range Transposed range

January January February March April

Array formulas present a simple means to make complex queries on data,

beyond the capabilities of the standard inbuilt function library

Summing data with a single criterion

Database How many units for "Name=Josh"

Name Beverage Units
Josh Sprite 2 =SUMIF(C48:C52,"Josh",E48:E52)
Josh Coke 2 5
Julia Coke 3
Josh Coke 1 {=SUM(IF(C48:C52="Josh",E48:E52,0)})
Prue Sprite 1 5

Summing data with criterion that uses two columns(1)

How many units for "Name=Josh " and "Product=Coke "

{=SUM((C48:C52="Josh")*(D48:D52="Coke")*E48:E52)} Can now be implemented using SUMIFS

How many units for "Name=Josh " or "Product=Coke" Counting using an OR condition
{=SUM(IF((C48:C52="Josh")+(D48:D52="Coke"),1,0)*E48:E52)} cannot be replicated using the new
8 COUNTIFS function. For this query
the only solution is using an array

How it works
The proportion of the formula (C48:C52="Josh ") creates a Boolean array, the same size as C48:C52. For each
entry of the array that equals "Josh " the array stores the value TRUE, otherwise FALSE. On multiplying the two
Boolean arrays a new array is created essentially representing the AND function. Summing the two Boolean arrays
essentially mimics the OR function.

Josh AND Coke Josh OR Coke

(C48:C52= (D48:D52= Conditions Condition Units*

"Josh") "coke") Product Product*Units Conditions Sum if(cSum1,0)
TRUE FALSE 0 0 1 2
TRUE TRUE 1 2 2 2
FALSE TRUE 0 0 1 3
TRUE TRUE 1 1 2 1
Total 3 Total 8

15. ArrayFormulas 27/30

Excel 2007 Training

Excel's function library is categorised into 11 groups with the most commonly used functions listed
For a complete listing of all available function, visit Microsoft's website

List of worksheet functions (by category)

Logical functions
Lookup and reference functions
Statistical functions
Information functions
Date and time functions
Text functions
Engineering functions
Financial functions
Math and trigonometry functions
External functions Not regularly required by consultants
Database functions Most database functions eg: DCOUNT, DAVERAGE, DSUM have been superseded in functionality made available

Logical functions
Function Description
AND Returns TRUE if all of its arguments are TRUE
FALSE Returns the logical value FALSE
IF Specifies a logical test to perform
NOT Reverses the logic of its argument
OR Returns TRUE if any argument is TRUE
TRUE Returns the logical value TRUE

Lookup and reference functions

Function Description
ADDRESS Returns a reference as text to a single cell in a worksheet
CHOOSE Chooses a value from a list of values
COLUMN Returns the column number of a reference
COLUMNS Returns the number of columns in a reference
GETPIVOTDATA Returns data stored in a PivotTable
HLOOKUP Looks in the top row of an array and returns the value of the indicated cell
HYPERLINK Creates a shortcut or jump that opens a document stored on a network server, an intranet, or the Internet
INDEX Uses an index to choose a value from a reference or array
INDIRECT Returns a reference indicated by a text value
MATCH Looks up values in a reference or array
OFFSET Returns a reference offset from a given reference
ROW Returns the row number of a reference
ROWS Returns the number of rows in a reference
TRANSPOSE Returns the transpose of an array
VLOOKUP Looks in the first column of an array and moves across the row to return the value of a cell

Statistical functions
Function Description
AVERAGE Returns the average of its arguments
AVERAGEA Returns the average of its arguments, including numbers, text, and logical values
COUNT Counts how many numbers are in the list of arguments
COUNTA Counts how many values are in the list of arguments
COUNTBLANK Counts the number of blank cells within a range
COUNTIF Counts the number of nonblank cells within a range that meet the given criteria
FORECAST Returns a value along a linear trend
FREQUENCY Returns a frequency distribution as a vertical array
GROWTH Returns values along an exponential trend
LARGE Returns the k-th largest value in a data set
LINEST Returns the parameters of a linear trend
MAX Returns the maximum value in a list of arguments
MEDIAN Returns the median of the given numbers
MIN Returns the minimum value in a list of arguments
MODE Returns the most common value in a data set
PERCENTILE Returns the k-th percentile of values in a range
PERCENTRANK Returns the percentage rank of a value in a data set
RANK Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers
SMALL Returns the k-th smallest value in a data set
STANDARDIZE Returns a normalized value
STDEV Estimates standard deviation based on a sample
VAR Estimates variance based on a sample

A. Common Functions 28/30

Excel 2007 Training

Information functions
Function Description
CELL Returns information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell
ERROR.TYPE Returns a number corresponding to an error type
ISBLANK Returns TRUE if the value is blank
ISERR Returns TRUE if the value is any error value except #N/A
ISERROR Returns TRUE if the value is any error value
ISEVEN Returns TRUE if the number is even
ISNA Returns TRUE if the value is the #N/A error value
ISNONTEXT Returns TRUE if the value is not text
ISNUMBER Returns TRUE if the value is a number
ISODD Returns TRUE if the number is odd
ISTEXT Returns TRUE if the value is text
N Returns a value converted to a number

Date and time functions

Function Description
DATE Returns the serial number of a particular date
DAYS360 Calculates the number of days between two dates based on a 360-day year
EOMONTH Returns the serial number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months
HOUR Converts a serial number to an hour
MONTH Converts a serial number to a month
NETWORKDAYS Returns the number of whole workdays between two dates
NOW Returns the serial number of the current date and time
TIME Returns the serial number of a particular time
TODAY Returns the serial number of today's date
YEAR Converts a serial number to a year

Text functions
Function Description
CHAR Returns the character specified by the code number
CLEAN Removes all nonprintable characters from text
CONCATENATE Joins several text items into one text item
DOLLAR Converts a number to text, using the $ (dollar) currency format
EXACT Checks to see if two text values are identical
FIND, FINDB Finds one text value within another (case-sensitive)
FIXED Formats a number as text with a fixed number of decimals
LEFT, LEFTB Returns the leftmost characters from a text value
LEN, LENB Returns the number of characters in a text string
LOWER Converts text to lowercase
MID, MIDB Returns a specific number of characters from a text string starting at the position you specify
PROPER Capitalizes the first letter in each word of a text value
REPLACE, REPLACEB Replaces characters within text
REPT Repeats text a given number of times
RIGHT, RIGHTB Returns the rightmost characters from a text value
SEARCH, SEARCHB Finds one text value within another (not case-sensitive)
SUBSTITUTE Substitutes new text for old text in a text string
TEXT Formats a number and converts it to text
TRIM Removes spaces from text
UPPER Converts text to uppercase
VALUE Converts a text argument to a number

Example - cure for Capitalisation disease

Example text: CapitalISes THE first LETTER in eAch woRd of a tExt vAlUe

=PROPER(D201) Capitalises The First Letter In Each Word Of A Text Value

=UPPER(LEFT(D201,1))&LOWER(RIGHT(D201,LEN(D201)-1)) Capitalises the first letter in each word of a text value

=TRIM(E205) Capitalises the first letter in each word of a text value

Engineering functions
Function Description
CONVERT Converts a number from one measurement system to another

=CONVERT(1, "lbm", "kg") Converts 1 pound mass to kilograms

A. Common Functions 29/30

Excel 2007 Training

Financial functions
Function Description
ACCRINT Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest
ACCRINTM Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity
AMORDEGRC Returns the depreciation for each accounting period by using a depreciation coefficient
AMORLINC Returns the depreciation for each accounting period
DB Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period by using the fixed-declining balance method
EFFECT Returns the effective annual interest rate
FV Returns the future value of an investment
NPV Returns the net present value of an investment based on a series of periodic cash flows and a discount rate
PV Returns the present value of an investment
RATE Returns the interest rate per period of an annuity
RECEIVED Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security
XNPV Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows that is not necessarily periodic
YIELD Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest

Math and trigonometry functions

Function Description
ABS Returns the absolute value of a number
CEILING Rounds a number to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance
EXP Returns e raised to the power of a given number
FLOOR Rounds a number down, toward zero
INT Rounds a number down to the nearest integer
LOG Returns the logarithm of a number to a specified base
LOG10 Returns the base-10 logarithm of a number
MMULT Returns the matrix product of two arrays
MOD Returns the remainder from division
MROUND Returns a number rounded to the desired multiple
PI Returns the value of pi
POWER Returns the result of a number raised to a power
PRODUCT Multiplies its arguments
RAND Returns a random number between 0 and 1
RANDBETWEEN Returns a random number between the numbers you specify
ROMAN Converts an arabic numeral to roman, as text
ROUND Rounds a number to a specified number of digits
SQRT Returns a positive square root
SUBTOTAL Returns a subtotal in a list or database
SUM Adds its arguments
SUMIF Adds the cells specified by a given criteria
SUMPRODUCT Returns the sum of the products of corresponding array components


Example Number: 3.141592654

=ROUND(D262,1) 3.1
=CEILING(D262,0.1) 3.2
=FLOOR(D262,0.1) 3.1
=MROUND(D262,0.01) 3.14

A. Common Functions 30/30

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