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----------is planet-x on its way-------------

The ancient Babylonians believed Nibiru to be associated with their god Marduk. Nibiru
was believed to be a “celestial body” that is usually identified as Jupiter—although there
are some who believe Nibiru to be the mysterious “Planet X.”

The word itself is translated to “Planet of the crossing,” and there are those who believe that it
crossed here from another Solar System before finally stabilizing itself. It allegedly came here
from beyond Pluto. Of course mainstream scientists dismiss such claims as “pseudoscience” and
“woo,” but there are still those who believe in the legends of Nibiru.

According to Zecharia Sitchin, author of the book The Twelfth Planet, Nibiru’s orbit is “highly
elliptical,” which causes it to go from beyond the orbit of Pluto to as near as the asteroid belt
between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. According to Sitchin, Nibiru completes one orbit cycle
every 3,600 years, and it supposedly disrupts the asteroid belt and causes a lot of trouble.
Whenever it comes close enough to Earth, it unleashes chaos in every sense of the word —
volcano eruptions, tsunamis, vast flooding, hurricanes, pole shifting—you name it. There are
many who believe Nibiru is once again heading this way.

So why can’t we see it? It’s theorized that Nibiru’s current position in space cannot be seen from
us here on Earth. If the ancients truly believed in it, they must have been able to physically see it
at some point. Unfortunately it would appear that by the time they saw it, it was close enough to
bring destruction. Humans did exist and flourish 3,600 years ago, so we can only assume we’ll
survive the catastrophe this time as well, right? But if Nibiru is truly as unstable as some believe,
what if it comes closer to us this time or crashes into us completely!?

When it comes down to it, there really isn’t evidence of Nibiru or any such “rouge planet”
existing at all. The ancient Sumerians did have cryptic writings about their god Marduk and his
“collision” with Tiamet — which is said to have been their name for Earth, but what does that
have to do with an invisible, rouge planet bringing along the apocalypse in current times? Isn’t
there sufficient evidence that the ancients simply referred to Jupiter as Nibiru?

Whether you believe that there is sufficient evidence of Nibiru and that it’s heading this way or
not, the myths and tales surrounding it are very intriguing. Even if there really is a Planet X that
is heading this way, there isn’t anything we could do about it. While it’s nice to speculate and
debate, in the end there’s nothing we could ever do to stop such a large object from heading this
way. There are other large objects such as asteroids that are more likely to destroy us, but there’s
no use worrying about any of it. While it’s perhaps scary to think that someday this world could
be destroyed forever, it will happen sooner or later. Perhaps the end could come as soon as 2012,
and if not that, then the death of the sun billions of years from now will surely do us in
Catholic Church has even developped an own ritual for the exorcism. The Roman Rites
Register dated 1614 is a classical guide for exorcists that is still applied today. It contains
prayers, bible recitations, litanies and formulas of banishment.

Demons as well as angels are invisible for the human eye. But both can assume a shape or slip
into the body of an animal or a man. When the demon has taken possession of a man, then it will
be spoken of a demonic possession. The expulsion of demons out of a man is called exorcism
and is spread throughout all religions. Exorcism belongs to the tasks of shamans and medicine
In East-European Judaism the religious master (Zaddik) is responsible for the exorcism of the
devil. His main opponent is the Dibbuk, an embracer and a shocker who climbs up from the
realm of death to take possession of a human soul. Incense, prayer and blowing a schofar horn
will drive him away.
Priests feel as well called upon to the expulsion of the devil because Jesus was considered to
have been a great exorcist. Catholic Church has even developped an own ritual for the exorcism.
The Roman Rites Register dated 1614 is a classical guide for exorcists that is still applied today.
It contains prayers, bible recitations, litanies and formulas of banishment.
How can a possessed be recognized? There exist four different criteria how to reveal the devil:
1. The person must understand or speak in a language that is completely unknown to him.
2. He must possess the abilities of clairvoyance, mind reading or has to give information
about events at a distant locality and
3. must dispose of extraordinary physical strength.
4. During the interrogation by the exorcist, the demon in the person has to give true
The rules in the Roman Rites Book warn the priest explicitely not to exceed his competence. He
is not allowed to advice or give any medicine to the possessed. If possible, the exorcism should
be carried out at a church, in camera but in presence of relatives. The priest should always carry
a crucifix with him and should place relics on breast and head of the possessed. Each catholic
priest is allowed to pratice exorcism.
How can a physical or psychic abnormity be distinguished from an obsession? It can be stated by
performing a trial exorcism. When the person shows no reaction to it afterwards, he is not
possessed. When he falls into a trance, speaks or understands strange languages, develops
supernatural powers, is able to clairvoyance and reacts aggressive towards holy objects, so the
suspicion is confirmed. The possessed feels the difference between a holy and an unholy rosary.
He will rush at it and tear it into pieces. Possibly he reacts also physically and gets blisters.
For the devil/s him/themself/ves possession is a terrible punishment because he/they is/are
locked up in the man like in a prison.
But why God let happen the haunting of a man? Possession could be considered a punishment of
God or the effect of a curse. Nevertheless, there exist also innocent victims who were attacked
“out of the blue”. Catholic Church sees in the possession an educational measure of God. It is
considered a pedagogical example of God to demonstrate what a devil can make out of a person.
Afterwards the person can repare everything. It is said to be also instructive for the environment
when God helps to overcome the possession.
In the year 1973 the famous American movie “The Exorcist” entered the cinemas. The director
consulted with Jesuits. His story explains the fear of growing up what plays a major role in most
cases of possession. Strange powers have taken possession of the girl Regan and have changed
her character. The movie demonstrates this according to classical sample of possession: Regan
speaks in a changed pitch, talks in a strange language. Paranormal phenomena appear. She
retches green pulp, her facial skin changes. Levitations happen: She herself floats over the bed.
Objects fly through the air.
Why this movie has become such a success? Students’ riots in Paris and Berlin, Anti-Vietnam
demonstrations, bomb attempts, attacks on ambassies, hijackings, the Watergate affair, Allendes’
fall in Chile: The world threatened to break asunder. In the mirror of the fate of the possessed
Regan an entire fatherless generation found itself again who also have to live between those

--------------who was st.nicholas-----------

St. Nicholas is represented on icons very often, probably most frequent than any other
saint. The ecclesiastical history records two people with the name “Nicholas”. Both of them
are reputed to be holy: Bishop Nicholas of Myra (lived in the 4 th century) and Nicholas of
Sion, Bishop of Pinara (died 564).

The Greek Church worshipped the two bishops already since the 6 th century. But in the
Occident, the worship concentrated on the Bishop of Myra. His bones were carried off to Bari in
the South of Italy. Nicholas was pressumably born in 270 in the small village Patara near Myra,
in present-day Turkey. Myra had been a significant town at the Mediterranean coast east of
Rhodos. Nowadays, the fishing-village Demre is located at that place. Nicholas was a very
faithful man, he became Bishop of Myra and he was highly esteemed by Emperor Constantine in
The worship of Nicholas is based on legends, myths and more than thousand reports from the
population. During the Middle Ages he belonged to the “Fourteen Helpers in Need”. Deeds are
told of that are difficult to reconcile with the brain.
The eldest report describes that Nicholas saved three men from death in the last minute because
they were innocent. In another case he appeared the Emperor in dream and prevented the
execution of three generals. They also were condemned innocently and Nicholas discovered that
it was a corrupt functionary who had to be blamed for the wrong accusation. Another time he
preserved three daughters of a completely indebted man from being sold to a brothel. Nicholas
threw three nuggets through the window so that the women were able to purchase the dowry for
a marriage.
The next story is quite creepy: A landlady had slain three young men and had them pickled.
Nicholas resuscitated them. When Myra was haunted by a famine, Nicholas went to the ships
which had loaded wheat for the imperial court. He asked the sailors to deliver him 100 measures
of wheat at a time. The sailors did it relunctantly. How should they explain to the court where
100 measures of wheat had gone?
But when the freight was unloaded at the imperial court, not one gram was missing! But the
wheat had saved Myra’s population from starvation and it had increased always anew for two
years. Further legends narrate of miraculous sick-healings, salvage from distress at sea and
Nicholas saved a boy from drowning, brought back an abducted son to his parents and exorcised
demons of a poisoned well.
On 6 th December 343, Nicholas died. His compatriots burried him in a “Martyrion”; that was  a
church which was errected above the tombs of martyrs. This church was extended to a great
Nicholas Basilica. Already shorly after his death, he was worshipped as a saint. People went on a
pilgrimage to his tomb. Also at his tomb, a miracle now happened.
There a liquid started to gather, the so-called “Manna di S. Nicola” (“Manna of Saint Nicholas”).
This liquid – eight liters each year – is said to have healing powers. Blind people should have
been able to see again with the help of it.
In the year 1078, Italian merchands carried off the bones of St. Nicholas to Bari where they had
been brought to Elias Church. Then the Nicholas Basilica in Bari was constructed between 1087
and 1196. Nowadays, around twohundredandthousand believers yearly are going on a pilgrimage
that way

------------the illuminati-an invisible evil--------

The history of the Illuminati begins in 1776 with the foundation of the so-called “Order of
the Illuminati” in Ingolstadt, Germany. It was designed as secret society, was at the
beginning considerably successful but began to fall apart gradually in inner quarrels even
before its prohobition by the Bavarian Land government in 1785.
The history of the Illuminati begins in 1776 with the foundation of the so-called “Order of the Illuminati”
in Ingolstadt, Germany. It was designed as secret society, was at the beginning considerably successful
but began to fall apart gradually in inner quarrels even before its prohobition by the Bavarian Land
government in 1785. Their founder was the professor for ecclesiastical law Adam Weishaupt.
He was born in Ingolstadt in 1748 and there was educated at a Jesuitical high school. When he was 15
years old he started to study philosophy, history, political science and justice. In 1774 – with only 25
years – he was appointed a professor in ordinary for nature and ecclesiastical law. As many university-
bred men at that time, he was an adherent of the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment comprises different
mental and cultural trends: all in common was the criticism of the absolute pretensions to truth in religion
and absolute monarchy.
Within the meaning of these doctrines, Weishaupt founded a student’s order in 1776, the Perfectibilists,
to spread “enlightened” ideas. Student’s orders were very common at that time; they corresponded to
the enlightened spirit of this time. Some universities prohibited such orders, so they continued to exist
Weishaupt had a hierarchical order in mind. Minervals (the beginners) should be educated by the higher
ranks, then ascend and educate new minervals themselves. A strict system of controlling, reporting and
observation supervised the development of the order members. The society changed its name from
“Perfectibilists” into “Illuminati”. In 1777, Weishaupt became member of the Freemasons and there he
also started to recrute new members. The Freemasons were a secret society in the sense because they
knew secret rites and were obliged to silence concerning the internals of their society. The existence of
Freemason’s lodges as such was known. The Illuminati on the other hand were already hidden from the
outer world. The order soon suffered from consumption.
At the end of 1779, Knigge joined the order and he could unify the disharmonized order, last but not
least because of his personal charme. The Aeropag (the managing body under Weishaupt) charged him
to work out the system of the higher grades. Knigge used Weishaupt’s materials and as well some
symbolicism from the Freemasons. At that time, the Freemasons had 27,000 members in Germany and
the Illuminati planned explicitely to penetrate their lodges and to take them over. Knigge took part at the
Wilhelmsbadener Freemason Convent in 1782 as envoy of the Illuminati. There, he could gain a lot of
new members including famous writers and aristocrats.
In the years 1782/1783 the Order of the Illuminati had reached its peak of members and influence. At
that time the order was split up into three classes with two to three sub-classes. They had the following
I.                    Plant school or Preparation class
1.      Novice
2.      Minerval
3.      Little Illuminati
II.                 Mason class
1.      Apprentice – Journeyman – Master
2.      Illuminatus maior (Scottish Novice)
3.      Illuminatur dirigens (Scottish Knight)
III        Mystery classe
1.      Small Mysteries: a) Priest, b) Regent
2.      Great Mysteries: a) Magus (magician), b) Rex (king)
From the lower classes were requested absolute obedience, constant report concerning the own progress
and as well concerning other order members. It existed secret badges, codes, order names and as well
an own chronology. Weishaupt was dreaming of an ethical, philosophical and moral educated élite, raised
with strong disciplin, which should exercise a legitimate government. He made little of democracy.
The Order of the Illuminati never came to realize its objectives. Weishaupt disputed with Knigge, and as
a consequence Knigge left the order in 1783. A lot of other members were leaving the order also and
raised publicly approaches towards the Illuminati. They were accused of having stolen secret documents
from the Bavarian Court and of interfering in the Bavarian foreign policy. On 22 nd June 1784, elector Karl
Theodor prohibited all secret fraternities without naming them explicitely. Nine months later, he
expressed the prohibition of the Illuminati and the Freemasons. Weishaupt lost his office as professor.
In Bavaria started a regular hunting for Illuminati with house searches, arrests and expatriations.
Weishaupt, threatened by arrest, fled to Regensburg and from there to Gotha. There he lived until his
death in 1830. From 1785 on, the order was officially thought to be extincted. Since 1787 it also ended
Till today, the Illuminati stand the racket as demonical adversaries of tradition and religion. German
conservatives used the scandal of the Illuminati as an opportunity to pin the hated enlighteners. They
were accused to have been responsible fo the French Revolution. A lot of writers branded the Illuminati
as perversion of the Freemasons and imputed them to some sinister plans and deeds. Till today, they
served in the U.S.A. as cheap bugbears. In the publications of the conspiracy theorists they lost more and
more the status of a real secret society. Instead of they assumed a more demonical character and
became finally the flight point of all fears of the evil behind the world

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