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Alkalizing Vegetables Alkalizing Fruits

Alfalfa Apple
Asparagus Apricot
Barley Grass Avocado
Beet Greens Banana
Beets Berries
Broccoli Blackberries
Brussells Sprouts Cantaloupe
Cabbage Cherries, sour
Capsicum Coconut, fresh
Carrot Currants
Cauliflower Dried Dates
Celery Dried Figs
Chard Greens Grapes
Chlorella Grapefruit
Chili Honeydew Melon
Collard Greens Lemon
Cucumber Lime
Dandelions Muskmelons
Dulce Nectarine
Edible Flowers Orange
Eggplant Peach
Garlic Pear
Green Beans Pineapple
Green Peas Raisins
Kale Raspberries
Kelp Rhubarb
Kohlrabi Strawberries
Lettuce Tangerine
Mustard Greens Tomato
Nightshade Veggies Watermelon
Sea Veggies
Green Spinach
Sweet Potatoes
Alkalizing Vegetables Alkalizing Fruits

Wheat Grass
Wild Greens

Alkalizing Grains & Beans Alkalizing Nuts & Seeds

Amaranth Almonds
Buckwheat Coconut
Kamut Flax Seeds
Millet Hazelnuts
Quinoa Macadamia Nuts
Spelt Pumpkin Seeds
Lentils Sesame Seeds
Lima Beans Sunflower Seeds
Mung Beans
Navy Beans
Pinto Beans
Red Beans
Soy Beans
White Beans

Balanced body chemistry is of utmost importance for the maintenance of health and correction
of disease. Acidosis, or over-acidity in the body tissues, is one of the basic causes of many diseases,
especially the arthritic and rheumatic diseases.

All foods are "burned" in the body--more commonly called "digested"-- leaving an ash as the
result of the "burning", or the digestion. This food ash can be neutral, acid or alkaline, depending
largely on the mineral composition of the foods. Some foods leave an acid residue or ash, some
alkaline. The acid ash (acidosis) results when there is a depletion of the alkali reserve or the
diminution in the reserve supply of fixed bases in the blood and the tissues of the body.

It is, therefore, vitally important that there is a proper ratio between acid and alkaline foods in
the diet. The natural ratio in a normal healthy body is approximately 4 to 1 -- four parts alkaline to
one part acid, or 80% to 20%. When such an ideal ratio is maintained, the body has a strong
resistance against disease. In the healing of disease, when the patient usually has acidosis, the
higher the ratio of alkaline elements in the diet, the faster will be the recovery. Alkalis neutralize
the acids. Therefore in the treatment of most diseases it is important that the patient's diet includes
plenty of alkaline-ash foods to offset the effects of acid-forming foods and leave a safe margin of

A healthy body usually keeps large alkaline reserves which are used to meet the emergency
demands if too many acid-producing foods are consumed. But these normal reserves can be
depleted. When the alkaline-acid ratio drops to 3 to 1, health can be seriously menaced. Your body
can function normally and sustain health only in the presence of adequate alkaline reserves and the
proper acid-alkaline ratio in all the body tissues and the blood.

For optimum health and maximum resistance to disease, it is imperative that your diet is slightly
over-alkaline. The ideal ratio, according to the world's foremost authority on the relationship
between the acid-alkaline ratio in the diet in health and disease, Dr. Ragnar Berg, is about 80%
alkali-producing foods and 20% acid-producing foods.

Below are tables of common foods with an approximate potential acidity or alkalinity, as present
in one ounce of food.

Alkali-Forming Foods
Figs 30.0 Potatoes 2.0
Soy Beans 12.0 Pineapple 2.0
Lima Beans 12.0 Cabbage 1.8
Apricots 9.5 Grapefruit 1.7
Spinach 8.0 Tomatoes 1.7
Turnip/Beettops 8.0 Peaches 1.5
Raisins 7.0 Apples 1.0
Almonds 3.6 Grapes 1.0
Carrots 3.5 Bananas 1.0
Dates 3.0 Watermelon 1.0
Celery 2.5 Millet 0.5
Cucumber 2.5 Brazil nuts 0.5
Cantaloupe 2.5 Coconuts 0.5
Lettuce 2.2 Buckwheat 0.5
Watercress 2.0
Neutral (near/neutral) Ash Foods
milk Vegetable oils
Butter White sugar
Acid-Forming Foods
Oysters 5.0 Rice 2.5
Veal 3.5 W.Wheat/Rye bread 2.5
Most Fish 3.5 Most nuts (X-almond/brazil nut) 2.0
Organ meats 3.0 Natural Cheese 1.5
Liver 3.0 Lentils 1.5
Chicken 3.0 Peanuts 1.0
Fowl 3.0 Eggs 3.0
Most Grains 3.0

Most grains are acid-forming, except millet and buckwheat, which are considered to be alkaline.
Sprouted seeds and grains become more alkaline in the process of sprouting.

All vegetable and fruit juices are highly alkaline. The most alkali-forming juices are: fig juice,
green juices of all green vegetables and tops, carrots, beet, celery, pineapple and citrus juices.
Vegetable broth ( HERE ) is an extremely alkalizing drink.

Green vegetables, raw or cooked, salad greens, cabbage, etc.
Colored vegetables: carrots, beets (except for tomatoes)
Corn (kernels or cooked as polenta)
Milk (liquid and powdered form), large-curd cottage cheese, cream, butter
Almonds, Brazil nuts
Dried fruits: dates, raisins (except those that are acidic to the taste—apricots, apples, pineapple)
Almond milk
Black olives preserved in oil
Cold-pressed oils
Natural sugar

Acidic Foods to Avoid

If you are too acidic, eating these foods could cause more of a problem.

Refined flour products: White bread, pasta

Grains: White rice
Sugary cereals and desserts: Cakes, pies, cookies
Sugars: White and brown sugar
Beans: Soybeans, chickpeas, red beans, garbanzos
Red meat: Beef, mutton, pork, cold cuts
Fatty fish: Salmon, carp, herring, mackerel
Crustaceans: Lobster, shrimp, mussels
Condiments: Capers, pickles, pimentos, mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise
Fats: Hydrogenated margarine, lard
Beverages: Coffee, tea, chocolate milk, sodas, tomato juice, orange juice, grapefruit juice, wine,
strong spirits
Vegetable Juice Recipe
Carrot Juice

Here's my favorite carrot juice recipe. I make this juice almost every morning. Very quick and easy:


1 lbs large carrots (washed and peeled)

1/2 lemon (peeled)
few green leafs such as red lettuce or carrot greens
1 apple


Put all ingredients in your juicer. (A centrifuge juicer is easiest for carrots.) Mix. Drink immediately.

I peel the carrot for taste (otherwise it tastes too earthy). I find this recipe sweet enough, but if
you're a beginner juicer or have a sweet tooth, add an apple for extra sweetness.

The health benefits of carrot juice? It provides Vitamin A, B Vitamins, Vitamin E and many minerals
(including calcium). Great for pregnant and nursing mothers, eyesight, bones and teeth, liver and
nails, skin and hair as well as helping in breast and skin cancer prevention.

Vegetable Juice Recipe

Tomato Juice

Are you looking for the best of all tomato juice recipes! This one is! You canjuice the tomatoes in
a juicer but if you have a high speed blender - such as a Vitamix or Blendec Blender - and you like
more "body" to your juice, you might like to use the blender in stead.

Here's the recipe for your own V8 juice: quick, easy and yummy!


3 cups chopped tomatoes

1 stalk celery
1 cucumber
3 drops stevia (optional)
1/2 teaspoon himalaya sea salt
cayenne pepper


Juice the tomatoes, celery, cucumber in your juicer.

Add drops stevia if you like a sweeter taste, salt, pepper and cayenne pepper to taste.

If you like you can also add a 1/4 onion, fresh oregano and basil and red bell pepper

Mmmmm so good!

Vegetable Juice Recipe

Spinach Juice

This juice recipe is perfect for starters of veggie juicing. It's soft and sweet. Very tasty. Not bitter or
strong at all.


1 bunch spinach
2 apples
1/2 lemon, peeled (optional)


Put all ingredients in your juicer. A twin gear juicer such as the Green Star Juicer is best for
extracting greens.

Mix well and enjoy.

You don't have to add the lemon, it's good enough without it. But I just love lemon, so I always add a

Jamba Juice Recipe

Wheat Grass Juice w Orange

Jamba Juice has a great wheat grass juice recipe: They serve their wheat grass with a slice of orange.
I really like that idea. It makes the wheat grass a little fancier. And in case you don't like the taste of
wheat grass - after finishing your juice, you can take a bite of the orange!

Wheat grass is so good for you! It has most of the vitamins and minerals needed for human health.
It is a complete protein with about 30 enzymes. It has up to 70% chlorophyll (which builds the
blood). It's an excellent source of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. And
it's one of the best alkaline foods.

Read more about the amazing qualities of wheatgrass.

Vegetable Juice Recipe
Cabbage Juice

Cabbage juice is known for its ability to heal peptic ulcers. It's is full of vitamin K,
C, fiber, manganese, B6, Folic Acid, Omega 3 fatty acids, calcium, phytonutrients
and anti-oxidants. And very low in calories.

Cabbage is so good for you. Recent studies show that people who eat most cabbage
have a significantly lower risk of colon, lung, breast and prostate cancer. Even
compared to other people that eat lots of veggies.

Red cabbage has even more nutrients and protects against Alzheimer's disease (Food Science and

Juicing cabbage is a superb way to get the best out of your cabbage. Cabbage provides anti-
carcinogenic glucosinolates (anti cancer fighters). When you cook cabbage, you kill the special
myrosinase enzyme that makes the cabbage so healing, thus making cabbage less effective as anti
cancer food.

Drinking it straight might be a little too much in the beginning. Then, simply mix it with carrot juice.
Start with juicing carrots. Every day add some cabbage leafs until you're used to the taste. (The
taste isn't that strong.)

You may also try other cruciferous family members of cabbage such as kale, broccoli, and collard

What is a pH scale

On this page you can read what a pH scale is, how it relates to your health and weight loss, how to
test your pH, and how to maintain a healthy pH.

What is the pH Scale

pH stands for Potential for freeing Hydrogen ions. The difference between acidity and alkalinity is
based on the ability to free hydrogen ions.

Very simply put, the pH scale measures the amount of oxygen in your blood. When your blood is too
acid it will not carry enough oxygen. When it is too alkaline, it will carry too much.

The scale goes from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral, a pH of 0-7 is acid. A pH of 7-14 is alkaline. Each
unit of change represents a tenfold change in acidity or alkalinity. Thus the difference between a pH
of 4 and 5 is much greater than the difference between 6 an 7.
What is the Importance of Your pH

Some people know the pH scale from measuring the pH in swimming pools or labels on shampoo
bottles. In the raw food diet we use it for two other reasons.

Your body's pH is a indication of health. Different organs have different pH levels but overall, your
body's pH should be 7. The pH of healthy blood is 7.35. Thus slightly alkaline. Read below how your
pH affects your health and how you can influence it.

You can also use a pH scale to find out how alkaline or acid a certain food is after digestion. People
have categorized foods into foods with a low pH (acid foods) and foods with a high pH (alkaline
foods). See the alkaline food list for details.

pH Scale and Health

Your body functions best when the pH of your blood is 7.35. If your blood pH gets below 7 or above
7.45, your body cannot function.

Because of our Western diet high in refined sugar, processed food and animal protein, most people
are too acidic. Put on top of this stress (very acidifying) and pollution and it's a recipe for problems.

Symptoms of a Person with Low pH

Typical characteristics of an acid person are: low energy, no enthusiasm, tires quickly, irritable or
poor sleep. Acid people are often sensitive to cold, brittle teeth, weak nails or dry skin. The immune
system weakens which makes your prone to viruses (cold and flu) and recurring infections
(bronchitis, urinary tract infection).

If acidity becomes chronic, an amazing variety of illnesses may occur and shows up in your bodies
weakest spots. The result is cancer, diabetes, PMS, arthritis or allergies.

Balancing Your pH

So you see, it's extremely important for your body to maintain a healthy acid - alkaline balance.
Your blood will immediately correct even the slightest change in pH.

Your body has two ways to do this:

1. to eliminate acids from the body (through sweat, urine, breath or store them as body fat);
2. to neutralize the acids with alkaline minerals such as calcium.
Weight Loss and pH

If you're too acid and there are not enough alkaline minerals to buffer the acids with, your body will
store some of these acids in your fat. It will only release them if there are enough alkaline buffers to
neutralize them.

Now, if you want to lose weight and go on a diet of unhealthy food (sugar, high animal protein, junk
food) you will lose even more alkaline minerals and your body cannot release it's excess fat with
the stored acids. Because if it does release the fat with its acids you become too acidic. If you don't
eat enough calories and loses weight (fat) nonetheless, the released acids cannot be neutralized.
This is very dangerous. This explains why some people just can't loose weight.

Maintaining a Healthy pH

Fortunately, it's easy to stay healthy and get back to balance by eating a raw food diet. A balanced
raw food diet is rich in alkaline minerals such as organic, plant based calcium, sodium, silica,
magnesium and potassium. On this website you find many recipes, tricks and ideas to have fun and
stay healthy forever.

How To Test Your pH

The first thing to do is to test your pH so you know how you're doing on the pH scale. This is easy,
cheap and quick. In the next article you can read how to test your pH in seven easy steps.

Benefits of Beet Juice

Beets are a fabulous root vegetable and the benefits of beet juice are plenty. Beets have been used
traditionally to heal people.

Traditional Benefits

According to Wikipedia ancient Romans used beetroot as a

treatment for fevers and constipation. Hippocrates - the father
of medicine - advocated the use of beet leaves as binding for
wounds. From the Middle Ages, beetroot was used as a
treatment for a variety of conditions, especially illnesses
relating to digestion and the blood.


One of the major benefits of beet juice it that it contains a color

pigment called betalain. This is a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, fungicidal and aid in
detoxification substance. There is research that indicates that betalain may exhibit anti-cancer

Betalains may occur in any part of the plant, including the petals of flowers, fruits, leaves, stems,
and roots.
Nutritional Value of Beets

Beet roots are high in folic acid and manganese. The green leafs are high in vitamin A (127% RDA),
Vitamin C (50% RDA), vitamin K (500% RDA) as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium,
copper and magnesium, sulfur, silica and choline (see the chart below for details).

Benefits of Beet Juice - Overview

Traditionally, people use beet juice to heal: anemia, liver, skin, kidneys, lymphatic circulation,
tiredness, eye, liver, skin problems, detoxification, cancer. Beet juice may kill fungi, is a strong
antioxidant and has anti inflammatory propperties.

Important Beet Facts

 Beet juice may cause both your stool and urine to turn red. Don't be surprised if this happens!

 Beet juice benefits are very powerful. You only need a little bit of juice to get the benefits. Slowly
increase the amount from 1 ounce to 2 ounce a week.

 Drink the juice raw because the most beneficial substances (like betalains) are lost when cooked.
In addition, the oxalic acid in the beet becomes harmful when cooked, but is (in moderation)
beneficial when raw(according to juice and nutrition experts Dr Walker, David Wolfe and Gabriel

 Juice the whole beets: roots plus greens. The greens contain most of the healthy minerals and
vitamins. (see the chart below)

Benefits of Beet Juice

Reverses Chronic Diseases

The raw oxalic acid in beet juice is known to be a good solvent of inorganic (= bad) calcium deposits
in the body. World no 1 raw food teacher David Wolfe suspects that inorganic calcium deposits are
the main cause of most chronic diseases. This may explain why beet juice relieves many cases of
disease related to calcification in the body, like:

• arthritis
• heart disease
• cancer
• kidney stones
• eye problems
• varicose veins
• arteriosclerosis
Like with other bad (or inorganic) calcium dissolvers (MSM, fulvic acid and zeolites), drinking lots
of beet juice may result in strong detox symptoms. When calcium dissolves, heavy metals, toxic
chemicals, and viruses are released from their "hiding places".

Therefore, it is important to start with small amounts of juice (about 1 ounce). At the same time,
boost your immune system by eating a raw food diet (rich in enzymes, super foods, medicinal
herbs), eat products that escort (chelate) the toxins safely out of your body (like clay and zeolites)
so they wont be reabsorbed and kill viruses and nano bacteria that may be released (like garlic, cats
claw, E3 Live, reishi mushroom, etc)

The relatively large amount of magnesium causes the organic (=

good) calcium in the leafs to be absorbed well.

Reliefs Skin Problems

Drinking beet juice regularly may be beneficial in the prevention

and cure of inflammations including skin inflammation like acne.
The juice also helps eliminate blemishes and promotes healthy
skin and hair growth.

Prevents Cancer

One of the huge benefits of beet juice is that research shows the
beet to be cancer-preventive. The betacyanin that beet juice
contains, helps prevent the formation of cancerous tumors and
also detoxifies the body of all harmful toxins.

Together with dissolving the bad calcium these beet juice benefits
may be extremely effective in the prevention and possibly reversal
of many types of cancer.

There has been research and success with leukemia, colon, lung
and skin, liver, and spleen, breast, prostate and testicular cancer.
This seems to be the case, even at a very low dose. (Google "beet
juice cancer" for more info.)

Prevents Birth Defects

100 grams of beet root provides 27% of the RDA for folic acid
known to prevent various birth defects in babies.

Eye Health

Raw beet greens contain two carotenoids: lutein and zeaxanthin. Science reports them to be
extremely beneficial for the eye - especially the retina. One of the benefits of beet juice (raw) is that
you can absorb the carotenoids easily while maintaining the value - these carotenoids are easily
destroyed when cooked.

The combination of iron (14% RDA) (a strong oxidant - allows oxygen in the blood) in combination
with the antioxidants (127% RDA) (prevent from damage from oxidants) in beet, make iron in
beets a valuable source of iron. Therefore, beet juice benefits anemia reversal. (To treat anemia, it is
important to also have enough vitamin B12 which is found mostly in animal food and some sea
algae e.g. (E3 Live and marine phytoplankton))

Liver Health

The betaine is one of the huge benefits of beet juice. It stimulates the function of liver cells and
protects the liver and bile ducts. Beet fiber increased production of detoxifying enzymes in the liver
(SOD, catalase, glutathione).

More Benefits of Beet Juice

Further beet juice is reported to be excellent in healing gout, kidney and gall bladder. It lowers
homocysteine, improves production of stomach acid, reduce serum cholesterol and normalize
blood pressure.

Best Way to Enjoy the Benefits of Beet Juice


As mentioned earlier, it is important to consume beets raw. The powerful betalain reduces
significantly when cooked and the oxalic acid may form calcium stones when heated.


Drink beets as a juice. Beet juice goes well with carrots, cucumber and celery.


Peel, grate and eat as a salad (i.e. with raisins, grated carrot and apples!)


Peel, grate and add purified water, apple cider vinegar (unpasteurized), sea salt, stevia or raw agave
(and herbs). Let stand for at least 8 hours or overnight at room temperature.
Benefits Flax Seed

The benefits flax seed are gigantic. From releaving both constipation and diarrhea to
reversing/stopping cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

You'll first read about benefits and than you'll find links to fantastic flax seed recipes such as
crackers, smoothies, and oatmeal. (And you don't have to be on a raw food diet to appreciate them
and get the health benefits.) This way you have a delicious way enjoy the value of these seeds).

Top 3 Benefits Flax Seed:

1. Vegan protein;
2. Omega 3 fats;
3. Fiber.

Omega 3 - Benefits Flax Seed

Benefits of flax seed oil is the high (plant based) content of omega 3. Flaxseed oil is 56% Omega 3
and 16% Omega 6. Most people have only 20% of Omega 3 that their body body needs for good
functioning. It is important for the flexibility of your cells and it will keep you warm in winter.

Stop Cancer

Dr. Johanna Budwig, a German biochemist and blood specialist, has treated cancer of all kinds with
nothing but cottage cheese and Flaxseed Oil. She says that people with cancer have blood that is low
in Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids and the blood looks greenish under a microscope.

Heart Disease, Blood Pressure and Brain Food

Further, studies show that omega 3 decreases blood pressure and lowers heart disease. It is also
important for your brain: it may help relieve depression, memory loss and psychotics.

Best Source of Omega 3

The problem with omega 3 is that it turns rancid very quickly, the advantage of using (fresh) whole
flax seeds and then grinding them is that you will get the oil in a fresh and pure state.

Fish versus Flax Seeds

Isn't fish a great source of Omega 3 fats? Absolutely.

The problem with fish is however that the fish population is decreasing rapidly. Pollution of the sea
increasing. Farm raised fish get huge amounts of antibiotics and god knows what more. And now,
farms are even experimenting with GMO fish.
I don't recommend you to eat fish regularly (or at all) as a source of this fat. Really, a vegan source,
like flax seed, is best.

Toxin Free

Thus other benefits of flax seed oil is that you can leave the fish alive and healthy and that you don't
have to pollute yourself with mercury and other toxins they carry.

Vegan Protein - Benefits Flax Seed

Anyone who read the China Study (now sold in paperback) from Professor T. Colin Campbell of the
Cornell University in New York knows the disastrous effect that animal protein may have on your

China Study

Based on this study and over 700 other studies it has become very clear that the more animal
protein you eat (including, milk, cheese, yoghurt, meat) the higher your risk of virtually all western
diseases including cancer, diabetes, allergies, autoimmune disease.

Turn Cancer On or Off

They can even turn cancer on and off by increasing or decreasing the amount of animal protein in
someones diet.

Vegan protein like in flax seed, on the other hand is save - even in higher quantities - and doesn't
have this side effect. Therefore, another major benefits flax seed is the vegan protein source.

Click here, to read more about vegan protein and a list of plant based sources.

Fiber - Benefits Flax Seed

The RDA recommends 25-25 grams of fibre each day. Most people on a western diet only get 10
grams. This results in constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and toxicity. Fibre is a fantastic source
of fibre. Add it to your smoothies, salad or eat is as crackers to get your fiber.

Cleaning Your Intestines

The fiber in flax seed will function as a natural broom aiding in cleaning your intestines from
mucus, parasites, undigested fat, old cells and toxins.

Bye Bye Constipation

One of the biggest benefits flax seed has to offer is that is that they relieve constipation.
Constipation has become such a huge and common problem for people that hospitals have "poop
departments" do deal with this issue.

Interestingly, flax seeds also help people that have chronic diarrhea by "soaking up" the water in
your intestines.

Doctors prescribe Metamucil (fibre) for people with irritable bowel syndrome. That is more
expensive than flax seed and has added sweeteners and chemicals to it to make it "tastier" for you.
Unfortunately also unhealthier. Just adding flax seed to your diet will give you the same benefit,
cheaper and more effective.

Balancing Your Blood Sugar

Lastly, fiber also aids in balancing your blood sugar which is important for people that are diabetic,
pre-diabetic or have trouble with their blood sugar. Try the "oat meal" recipe.

To check this, first eat a plain banana, then check your blood sugar (with a tool most people with
sensitive blood sugar have). Next time, eat the banana with cinnamon and flax seed recipe and
check your blood sugar again. Amazing! It will be (much) lower! Especially if you add fiber to your
diet consistently.

Optimize Benefits Flax Seed - Eat Them Raw!

To get all the benefits flax seed has to offer, it's important to eat them raw. Flax seed oil becomes
rancid quickly so make sure you get fresh (organic) flax seeds that haven't been heated above
40/115 Degrees C/F.

If you soak the seeds for a few hours, the enzyme inhibitors disappear and you'll absorb them

How to Measure Your pH

with pH test strips

It's ridiculously easy and cheap to measure your pH. All you need is a box of pH test strips. They are
about 12 USD and you can buy them at most health food stores or online. Testing your pH takes less
than a minute.

Testing your pH value is important because it instantly indicates your healthlevel. Healthy blood
has a pH level of 7.35. A pH below 7 is acid and is an indication of poor health. You may experience
symptoms like: low energy , pains and aches, mood swings, worrying and fears, poor sleep or being
over weight. If you have a pH of 5, you're probably seriously sick. You can reverse this acid state by
eating more alkaline foods.

Also, monitoring your pH is an excellent motivation to stay raw.

Read here how you can measure you pH in seven easy steps.
Step 1 - Buy pH Test Strips

Buy pH Test Strips. You can buy them at the health store or pharmacy. They cost about 15 USD.

If they don't know what you're talking about. This may help: another word for pH test strips is
litmus paper. Usually white plastic strips or yellow paper tape. You can hold these strips in your
urine to measure the PH of your urine. The yellow tape is more economical.

You can also order them online. There are many sources. Two of them
are:phmiraleliving.com or ph-ion.com.

Step 2 - Get Ready For the Test

If you have a plastic strip, take out one. If you have yellow paper
tape, you break off a piece of about 2-3 inch.

Step 3 - First Test

Test your urine. You need to pee on the pH test strip. The color will

Compare this color with the color of the pH on the test strip box.
Read the PH number.

Step 4 - Write Down the pH number.

Write down the pH number, the date and time. (Put a notebook and pen in your bathroom)

Step 5 - Daily pH Testing

You may note that every time you go the bathroom the pH number is different. When you're healthy
the number will always be around 7.3 or even up to 8 just after eating. The first urine of the day is
usually the lowest.

Check your urine every time you go to the bathroom, for at least two weeks.

Step 6 - How Healthy are You?

If the pH of your urine is mostly around 7.3 you're fine.

If the pH of your urine is lower, especially if it's below 6.5 this means
you don't have sufficient alkaline reserves to buffer acids. You are
short in minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium and
Step 7 - Get Healthy - Get Alkaline!

Add alkaline foods into your diet and eat less acid food. Eat more raw green leafy vegetables and
less food high in animal protein, sugar and grains.

Eat more avocados, vegetable soup, fresh almond milk, young coconut water, wheat grass, green
powder, green vegetable juices, smoothies, seaweed and super foods. Here you can view a full list of
alkaline foods .

Keep testing a few times a day until you always test alkaline. It's the best motivation for eating raw

Here is how to make Almond Milk


2 cups (spring) water

1/2 cup raw almonds
Pinch of salt
Few drops or half stick vanilla (optional)
Few drops stevia to taste (optional)
Nut milk bag or cheese cloth


1. Let almonds soak overnight in water.(for better digestion).

2. In the morning rinse and drain the almonds. Then put them in your blender or jar. Add 2 - 3
cups of clean (spring) water and a pinch of salt.
3. Blend well.
4. Poor the almond milk in the nut bag. It's easiest if you have a large bowl underneath to
catch the filtered milk.
5. Now holding the bag with one hand, squeeze the milk with your other hand (see the video of
victoria above)
6. Add the other (optional) ingredients and blend briefly if needed.


• If you dehydrate the almond pulp you can use it to make raw cakes and cookies.
• Drink the milk as is or use in smoothies, soups or other recipes. Many friends save it in the
fridge for about 2 days (shake before drinking), although I prefer to drink it fresh.
• You can buy nut bags at most health stores and online. They're about 5 dollars each. You can
also use nylons, cheese cloth or paint strainer.
• Going to the store to buy soy, rice, nut or cows milk takes a whole lot longer and is much
more expensive than making fresh almond milk. A Vitamix (or any other blender) full with
fresh almond milk costs you about 50 cents. You make the almond milk less than 10
Top 10 Secrets To Alkalizing The Body For Radiant Health

By Dawn Sanders | On April 4, 2007 | In Health-and-Fitness | Rated

NEWS FLASH: 6 out of 10 Americans are overweight and over acidic!

Dr. Robert Young author of “The pH Miracle” has shown that fat is actually an over-acidification
problem. What does that mean? The body creates fat cells to carry acids away from your vital
organs, so these acids literally don't choke your organs to death. Fat is saving your life! Fat is
actually a response from the body to an alarming over-acidic condition.

Here are some aspects regarding pH you may find useful. The body’s pH is measured on a scale of 0
– 14. Midrange at 7 is where the pH is balanced. Anything below 7 is acidic and a state where your
body does not function as designed. Above 7 is called Alkaline. Alkaline is the state in which your
body thrives. Disease cannot live in an alkaline environment.

With that said: when you remove acid toxins from your body, you will:

FLUSH Fat Fast resulting in easy weight loss GAIN Muscle Mass WATCH your skin glow ENJOY
maximum energy all day, everyday.

Here’s how to rid your body of that over-acidic state:

Alkalizing Secret #1 -- Drink Pure Alkaline Water – lots of it! Pure water meaning water that is
filtered. At a minimum, you should be drinking 7 ounces of water for every 10 lbs of your body
weight. So, if you weigh 130lbs, you need to drink a minimum of 91 ounces of pure water (that’s
about 3 liters). Pure water meaning water that is filtered – the finest choice is an alkaline ionization
unit (Jupiter is one of the finest on the market). If you don’t have this resource available, distilled
water is a great choice with reverse osmosis coming next. Alkaline water means water with a pH
over 7.5. Alkaline water adds oxygen to your water and helps to neutralize acids. A simple way to
alkalize your water is with a dash of baking soda. There are also wonderful alkalizing agents you
can purchase to buffer and alkalize the water.

(P.S. Avoid: coffee, black tea and sodas. – These drinks are highly acidic and do not count towards
your daily water intake)

Alkalizing Secret #2 --- Eat Celery…. This is one of the most alkaline foods you can eat. It quickly
neutralizes acids. Eat it before, after or during a meal. Celery is so high in water content that is also
works as an excellent thirst quencher. Celery is excellent for digestion.
Alkalizing Secret #3 -- Eat Green Salads – forget the cheese and croutons!
Always have a green salad on hand. Make a huge salad every 3 days and keep it in your fridge to
make it very easy to alkalize your body. Some greens that have the highest water content are:
cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, celery, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, cauliflower, carrots, and onions. A
great dressing would be cold pressed extra virgin olive oil with some lemon juice. Keep this in a
bowl in your fridge (tip: add cucumbers and tomatoes right before eating). Eat a HUGE salad with
every meal!

Alkalizing Secret #4 - Switch from cow’s milk, to almond, soy, or rice milk. Cows milk has shown to
produce an abundance of mucous in the human body. There are also few adults who can metabolize
the protein in cow’s milk properly. This protein, casein, is what a cow’s metabolism needs for
proper health, not for a human beings health. Also note that most dairy cows are injected with
hormones such as the Bovine Growth Hormone to increase their milk production. Many of these
hormones have potentially horrific side effects that can be passed on when consumed. Almond, soy
and or rice milk are excellent alternatives to dairy. They are well worth trying out.

Alkalizing Secret #5 – Avoid artificial sweeteners! This includes: NutraSweet, Sucralose, Aspartame,
Saccharin…. Not only are these acidic they also have other highly detrimental effects on the nervous
system and neurological disease. Saccharin even tells you right on the package that it may cause

There is one natural sugar substitute that has had no reported side effects: Stevia.

Alkalizing Secret #6 - Eat a grapefruit in the morning wait 15 minutes before ingesting a carb or
protein. Grapefruit, similar to lemons, is also alkalizing when ingested. Some people believe
grapefruit to be a miracle fruit and I tend to support that group. Grapefruits have a very high water
content and are highly alkalizing. Eat one first thing in the morning, and wait 15 minutes before
eating a carbohydrate or protein (one or the other – do not mix). (The 15-minute suggestion is in
accordance with proper food combining and allows your system to more easily digest. This
recommendation applies to eating any fruit – fruit shouldn’t be combined with any other food type.
Once eaten, wait 15 before consuming any other food type…ie: protein or carbohydrate).

Alkalizing Secret #7 - Eliminate consumption of red meat, pork, lamb…substitute chicken, turkey or
fresh fish in small quantities. Red meats, pork and lamb are highly acidic a very low water content,
not to mention being hard on the digestive system. If you must have meat, opt for chicken or turkey.
Fresh wild fish is another excellent route to take.

Alkalizing Secret #8 - Reduce stress daily by adding yoga, tai chi, meditation, and proper breathing.
An additional factor that adds to acidosis (acidic bodies) is stress. When the body moves into stress
mode the digestive system shuts down and toxins cease to be eliminated. Thus the more toxins you
keep in your system, the more the body will store them away (acids) in fat cells! Anything we can
do to calm the mind/body will have a huge impact on alkalizing the body.
Alkalizing Secret #9 - Drink a top quality super green supplement. : Organic super greens are
known to be some of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. They infuse the body with easily
absorbed vitamins, minerals, amino acids chlorophyll, enzymes, phytonutients and alkaline salts
that help neutralize acids in the blood and tissues.

Alkalizing Secret #10 – Minimize/Avoid…. processed and refined foods. That means anything made
with white flour and white sugar or food coloring. Our bodies were not designed to digest these
chemicals and so it must do one of three things: 1. Eliminate them (if you are not hydrating
properly this is very hard to do) or 2. Neutralize them by pulling alkaline buffers where it can – like
from your bones leaching calcium, or from your blood, leaching iron. Or: 3. Park them away (in fat
cells). Bottom line here – stay away from processed food as much as possible.

In Summary: If you will start out by going down the list of tips and add one secret each day, there’s
a tremendous possibility that you will be amazed with what you experience. Simply increasing the
amount and type of water you drink can and often will be a HUGE shift in how you feel. Let me tell
you – it only gets better! And remember…the name of the game is progress not perfection. Be gentle
with yourself – for many people, these secrets represent a huge life change. I urge you to educate
yourself on pH balance with the acid/alkaline dance.

Note: The information in this article is for educational purposes only and is not designed to
diagnose or treat an illness.

About The Author: Dawn Sanders, pH Weight Loss Coach, is results oriented having learned on a
personal level the magic of balancing the body’s pH for weight loss and for an extraordinary life. She
follows Dr. Robert Young’s “pH Miracle” and “The New Biology”. Visit her website at:

About Alkaline Body pH

The Internal pH of the Human Body

Is One of the Key Factors in Maintaining Organic Balance

The scale that is used for measuring the pH, or hydrogen ion concentration … is from 0 to 14, with 7
being the neutral point. Thus, an Alkaline Body pH means that the pH of the blood is above 7 with
the ideal pH being 7.35. Outside of this range … the body activity is no longer optimal and the
metabolism is out of balance.

The pH of the body is influenced by metabolic subproducts and our diet. Thus, pH is directly
affected by the various categories of food that we eat and the internal mechanisms involved in their
processing. Some foods that are acid in their composition can become alkalinizing following
metabolization, e.g. lemons. Accordingly, it is to become more consciously aware of the impact that
various food groups and our eating habits have on the internal environment of the body.

An acid body = oxidation which = decay

Excessive acidity causes numerous disturbances such as:

Weakening of the skin, hair, nails, teeth

Deterioration of the digestive tract
Excitability of the nervous system, sciatica
Tendency to depressive illness
Muscular spasms and cramps
Enhances susceptibility to infections
Chronic fatigue
Blockage of certain minerals which become unavailable

The basic element matrix in our local universe is … Hydrogen. Thus, the Potential of Hydrogen (pH
Alkaline) is a key factor in our Gene-Assist and ReGene-Assist. An alkaline environment in the
body … assists the physical, Etheric and Subtle Bodies to attract, hold and stabilize the Light
Encoded Impulses which are necessary to communicate the Harmonic Keynotes for the optimum
functioning of the human biology and the Transformational Process.

Simple Facts About Life And Alkaline pH

The EGG … I took a free range chicken egg and measured its pH:

The white of the egg has a pH of 9

The yoke of the egg has a pH of 6.5

Now, isn’t that revealing? How is that?

The white of the egg with a pH of 9 … acts as a protective cloak … shielding the yolk from bacteria,
viruses, and fungi. While it’s structure, bearing the Hydrogen Matrix, brings forth life and
participates in the millions of cells forming the body of the new baby chicken.

Like the Egg … when the fluids of the human body are maintained at an Alkaline Level … it protects
the body from bacteria, viruses and fungi … as well as bringing forth the Life-Giving Form of the
hexagonal geometry (the six pointed star) inherent within the Hydrogen Matrix.

The Hydrogen Matrix … The etymology of Hydrogen reveals two words:

Hydro … meaning Water

Gen … (from Greek means Genês) = Born
So Hydro-gen = "Born From Water"

Which reflects the embryonic and birthing process of most species. The Hydrogen Matrix (Alkaline
pH) … is the bringer and protector of life … it carries the Life-Giving Form.

The body is 75% water … which is H2O. Which means that there are two atoms of hydrogen and
one of oxygen in a Trinitized relationship. Thus, there are twice as many hydro-gen atoms as oxy-
gen contained within a water molecule. When we look at the etymology of oxy-gen we have the

Oxy/Oxi = Acid = burning/combustion

Gen = Genes = Born
So Oxy-gen = "Burning of the new born genes"
Accordingly, an Acidic pH breaks down the normal functioning of the biological systems … resulting
in degenerative conditions within the body and providing a receptive environment for chronic

Factors Influencing Body pH Levels

The following factors will have an influence on the pH Level of the body:

Acidic Foods … such as fast foods, meats, grains, greens, most fruits, refined salt, sugar, condiments
(pickles, ketchup, etc.), soda pop etc. have a pH ranging from 2.8 to 5.5 which is highly acidic.

Alkaline Foods … Almonds, all melons, unpasturized honey, bee pollen, maple syrup, figs, dates,
natural yogurt, cheese and dairies, earth vegetables, apricots, avocados, coconut, grapes, molasses,
raisins and lemon … are all alkaline forming foods.

Emotions … The Alkaline Level of the body is also greatly influenced by your emotions. Joyous,
happy, love-filled emotions tend to create alkaline-forming chemical reactions in the body.
Conversely, emotions which are filled with anger, fear, jealousy, hate, etc. ... create acidic-forming
chemical reaction in the body.

pH Food Guideline

Here is a brief guideline regarding the pH of various processed and natural foods. These pH factors
could vary according to brand names and methods of production … accordingly, allow a variance
factor of +/- .2


Canned Spaghetti & Meatballs


Canned Corn

Canned Pink Salmon


Canned Vegetable Soup


Canned Lentils

Canned Brown Beans


Baby Food Vegetable Chicken


Baby Food Custard


Baby Food Peaches

Most Salad Dressings
3 to 3.5

Spaghetti Sauce
3.5 to 4.5

All Meats
5 to 5.5

All Greens and Grains

5.8 to 6.2



3.5 to 3.8

Milk Homogenized

Soya Milk

Colas and Most Soft Drinks

1.8 to 2.5

Root Beer
3.8 to 4.5

Grape/Cranberry Juice

2.1 to 3

Most Fast Foods – Burgers & Hot Dogs

5 to 5.5

Pizza (average)
3 to 4

Cookies, Biscuits, Pastries

4 to 5.5

Corn Chips, Cheezies, Munches

4 to 5.5

Note: most fruits and greens turn alkaline in the body

In addition … 99% of all processed foods and fast foods, munchies, pops, etc … have a General
Vitality of between 100 to 250 with a few reaching 400. Compared with fresh organic vegetables
which have General Vitality readings in the 2,000 plus range … with a Life Force 150 to 200 points
higher than the General Vitality. Commercially grown produces have a General Vitality range from
400 to 1200 … the reading is less for seedless and genetically tampered produce.

The Life Force (measured in units of White Light Potential) for natural untampered fresh organic
produce is on average 100 points higher than the General Vitality. For genetically tampered and
seedless produce … the Life Force will read lower than the General Vitality by 100 points or so. For
processed, canned and other fast foods … the Life Force will be lower than the General Vitality by
70 to 120 points on average.

These foods cover a wide range of people’s diets and are for many a part of their daily reality. Be
one a vegetarian or a meat eater … the acidic conditions in the body are prevalent. Now, when we
add to all of this the various types of acidic water that are consumed (distilled, deionized, reverse
osmosis, super filtered, etc.) … is it any wonder that the human body is subject to all sorts of dis-

Balancing Your pH

Accordingly, it is to bring the pH of the "body fluids" into an acceptable range … between 7 and 7.5
... which will then influence the blood to maintain its optimal 7.35 pH level. How?

One of the key factors is the water that we drink. Water accounts for up to 75% of the body and
thus the fluidic intake greatly impacts the pH of the body. Unfortunately, a lot of the water that is
being consumed is acidic ... including distilled water, reverse osmosis, and deionized water ... which
have had their minerals or buffers removed. Alkaline water is not readily or easily available in most
communities ... however, we now have a very simple solution to alkalize water which will bring it to
an alkaline level and geometrically restructure the water with the Life-Giving Form of the Star of
David adding a substantial amount of Bio-Photons.

Happy Mood Salt

All Natural Alkaline Salt
Alkalize and Mineralize Food & Water
Here are the words of Ron Garner, BEd, MSc
author of "The 4 Keys to a Long Life"
"Happy Mood Salt is the best product on the
market for alkalizing the body. It really works!"

Happy Mood Salt ... can be added to water (a pinch) as well as sprinkled onto your food. Imagine,
the simple act of sprinkling Happy Mood Salt onto, for example, a slice of pizza changes the pH from
acid to alkaline. It can even increase the pH of a cup of coffee, for those who wish to enjoy such
without feeling guilty. The Happy Mood Salt contains 20% of natural source minerals in harmonic
balance (80% sodium chloride). That is 5% more trace minerals than pure unrefined sea salt. It is
the minerals in the body that facilitate many of our biological functions and the alkalinity are in
balance ... using a maximum of 1/3 teaspoon per day a 1/4 lb will last a single adult for 2 months.

The Different Types of Salt

Next, let us take a look at different salts and their effect on the pH and ORP. Himalayan Pink Salt
has become a popular new item in the natural health industry. However, you will note from the
tests indicated below that natural unrefined sea salt (such as Paludier or Celtic) is a far superior
choice for your daily salt needs ... and that Happy Mood Salt out performs both of them for its
alkalizing effect (pH) and oxido-reduction (ORP).
Test 1 - We added each salt type, in the quantities indicated on the left, to 225 ml of water while
checking the effect on the pH and ORP of the water samples. The pH and ORP of the water before
adding the salt read : pH 7.01 and ORP 156.

Quantity Salt Unrefined

added to 225 ml Sea Salt
Himalayan Happy
water (Paludier)
Pink Salt
½ gr. 8.22 154 6.01 160 9.15 123
1 g. 8.75 142 6.08 161 10.10 104
2 g. 9.2 131 6.1 164 10.40 77
3 g. 9.58 118 6.14 167 10.48 62
5 g. 9.8 105 6.15 175 10.56 55
8 g. 9.88 84 6.15 182 10.58 51
Saturation very close at 8 grams


Unrefined Sea Salt ... note that the pH immediately increases (becoming more alkaline) by 1.21
points when ½ gram of salt is added and gradually increases to 9.88 (2.87 points) at the saturation
point of 8 grams. At the same time the ORP is dropping and becoming more anti-oxidant.

Himalayan Pink Salt ... note that the pH immediately decreases (becoming more acidic) by a full
point when ½ gram of salt is added and then slightly increases to 6.15 at the saturation point of 8
grams. At the same time, the ORP is going up, becoming more oxidating or degenerative.

Happy Mood Salt ... note that the pH immediately increases (becoming more alkaline) by 2.14 points
when ½ gram is added and again increases by almost another point when 1 gram is added, followed
by a gradually increase to 10.58 at the saturation point of 8 grams. At the same time the ORP is
significantly dropping, becoming more anti-oxidant.

Because of the suggested methods of use for the Himalayan Pink Salt we performed another test to
see the effects over a 48 hour time period.

Test 2 - Adding two chunks of Himalayan Pink Salt to 400 ml water

Himalayan Pink Salt pH ORP

Start Water (No Salt) 7.01 156
After 36 Hours with salt 6.58 244
After 48 Hours with salt 5.91 279
The addition of the Himalayan Pink Salt to the water is decreasing the pH making it more acidic and
increasing the ORP (less negative ions equals increased oxidation). This is consistent with all my
other tests, when the pH goes down the ORP, or oxidation rate, will go up. So even if my pH meter
was off a little the ORP is confirming the oxidation factor.

Perhaps this is due to the Sodium Chloride content in each of the salts, as indicated below:

Sodium Chloride Total S-C

Himalayan Pink Salt 37.4% 59.8% 97.2%
Unrefined Sea Salt 33.0% 50.9% 83.9%
Happy Mood Salt 35.3% 44.7% 80.0%

 The Himalayan Pink Salt with 97.2% Sodium Chloride leaves room for 2.8%
trace minerals.
 The Unrefined Sea Salt (Paludier) with 83.9% Sodium Chloride leaves room for 16.1%
trace minerals.
 The Happy Mood Salt with 80.0% Sodium Chloride leaves room for 20% trace minerals.

Another thing that needs to be understood by the general public is how to read a laboratory
analysis. When testing for mineral elements the laboratory report will list each element that has
been tested. However, the equipment used to make the analysis has a detection limit , below which
there can be no confirmation if the element is present in the sample. When you see a “< ” sign in a
lab report it simply means that the detection limit of the lab equipment is designed to read only up
to the level indicated ... thus, all “< “ elements have not been detected in the sample
provided. Accordingly, these elements should be removed when publishing mineral content of any
substance. Many of the lab reports, published on the internet, for Himalayan Pink Salt falsely
represent the presence of up to 37 elements that are below detection limits.

So save your money, for your daily salt needs the Natural Unrefined Sea Salt (Paludier or Celtic) is a
far superior choice than the Himalayan Pink Salt ... and for alkalizing and oxido-reduction the Happy
Mood Salt is a better choice. Note that the Happy Mood Salt is restricted to 1/3 teaspoon daily
intake and we recommend that Unrefined Sea Salt supplement the remainder of your daily salt

The beneficial properties of sea salt … come only from Unrefined Sea Salt! So let there be an
absolute distinction made in terms of what sea salt truly is. Unrefined Sea Salt is light gray in color
and is moist to the touch. The moisture present in Unrefined Sea Salt assures us that it still contains
the numerous elements that buffers the sodium chloride part of the salt and make up as much as
16% by weight in valuable trace elements and macro-minerals. The gray color comes from the
clay beds that line the bottom of the salt ponds. This is pure, edible clay, an essential food that
enhances the bio-energetic quality of the salt crystals and ionizes them as they form. Thus, so
called "sea salt" found in our health food stores … that is white in color and dry to the touch … only
designates its origin not its quality … and is as detrimental to human health as all other forms of
refined salts.

Unrefined Sea Salt … is naturally harvested by hand and sun dried according to ancient traditions
and contains not only sodium chloride but also 80 plus trace elements and minerals from the ocean
plasma that are in perfect symbiosis with each other and the human body matrix. Thus, Unrefined
Sea Salt is a living medium, a Live Essence Substance, that offers a remarkable mineral balance
relative to the internal environment of the human body. All of its elements are naturally dosed in
proportions close to those of the internal human environment and form a highly active biological
synergy. Contrarily, mineral supplementation which is used as a popular method of treatment
whenever a deficiency is diagnosed … fails to recognize that minerals work in conjunction with each
other, and they cannot work to heal when their concentration is increased disproportionately
beyond the level of parts per million.

Thus, Unrefined Sea Salt has countless therapeutic uses. It can help in correcting excess acidity,
restoring good digestion, relieving allergies and skin diseases and preventing many forms of cancer.
This natural salt provides a steady boost in cellular energy and gives the body a heightened
resistance to infections and bacterial diseases.

It is recommended that one not only use the Unrefined Sea Salt as a food additive but use it also as a
bath additive. Used in the bath water … the body will absorb the minerals through the process of
osmosis … and bathing in Unrefined Sea Salt assists in removing toxins and miasmic imprints from
the Etheric and Subtle Bodies.

In addition … the following alkaline forming foods should be introduced into the diet on a regular

Apricots ... Molasses ... Avocados ... Lemons ... Coconut ... All Melons ... Figs ... Milk Products ... Dates &
Raisins ... Natural Yogurt ... Grapes ... Unpasterurized Honey ... Maple Syrup ... Root Vegetables
(potatoes, rutabaga, etc) ... Alfalfa and Other Sprouts ... Cayenne ... Lithothamnium (algae)

And the King is … ALMONDS (untreated) 15 to 20 per day

When consuming almonds … we recommend that you soak the almonds for 24 hours prior to
consumption. This starts the germination process in the seed and thus activates its Life Force.
Accordingly, the digestive system is able to assimilate more of the elements contained within the
almonds as well as having direct access to the active Light-Life Force. You may wish to make a
daily morning ritual of preparing the almonds by placing them in a small bowl with good quality
water. The next morning they are ready to eat. When the bowl is empty … simply add more
almonds and water and allow them to soak until the next morning. This process can be used to
activate the Life Force in all forms of seeds and nuts prior to consumption. Try adding a handful of
shelled sunflower seeds with the almonds for daily consumption.

A lot of our processed foods are highly acid including most commercial flours. Accordingly, it is
recommended that one bake their own bread and add alkaline forming substances, such as
Lithothamnium, to the dough in order to raise the pH. You could also add sprouted grains and
seeds to the bread dough and use alkaline forming sweeteners … such as maple syrup, molasses or
unpasteurized honey … instead of sugar.

Lithothamnium, which is a sea algae, can be added to many of your dishes in order to raise the pH.
Using ¼ to ½ teaspoon Lithothamnium per cup of flour for all of your baking needs. It can be
added to spaghetti sauce, porridge, soups, or desserts … and as a general guideline it is to use about
¼ teaspoon per serving. It can also be taken in water or juice, ¼ teaspoon per glass, in order to
assist in raising the pH and mineralizing the body. It has a neutral taste, per se, and therefore will
not alter the culinary taste experience.

Monitoring Your Body pH

We suggest that one monitor their Body pH Level on at least a weekly basis. Monitor daily if you so
desire. It is a good practice to be aware of the Alkaline/Acid condition of your body. The pH is
measured by a urine or saliva test … which is very simple to do and requires less than a minute of
your time.

The best way to monitor the Body pH Level … is by using a Digital pH Meter. This will give you an
exact reading from 0 to 14 pH Levels ... so that you can monitor when your body pH is exactly
between 7.1 and 7.3. Digital pH Meters are available in most hydroponics stores. The other option
available … is to use Hydrion pH Testing Strips which are available through most drug stores and
some health food stores. These are color coded into a general pH range … and you should look for
test strips that will register half-point increments. When using these test strips as your guideline …
balance the body pH between 7 and 7.5. If the test strips read above 7.5 consume acid forming
foods or beverages until it stabilizes between 7 and 7.5. Do Not exceed this range for excessive
alkalinity can also cause some health related problems such as: indigestion, cramps, drowsiness,
itching, sore muscles, creaking joints, etc.

Acid Alkaline Balance Diet

Most Alkaline Alkaline Lowest Alkaline Lowest Acid Acid Most Acid

Maple Syrup, Rice Raw Honey, Raw White Sugar, Equal,
Stevia SWEETENERS Honey,
Syrup Sugar Brown Sugar Aspartame,
Sweet 'N Low

Lemons, Dates, Figs,

Watermelon, Melons, Grapes, Oranges, Bananas,
Plums, Blackberries,
Limes, Papaya, Kiwi, Cherries, Sour Cherries,
FRUITS Processed Cranberries,
Grapefruit, Blueberries, Pineapple, Peaches, Rhubarb
Fruit Juices Prunes
Mangoes, Apples, Pears, Avocados
Papayas Raisins

Asparagus, Okra, Squash, Carrots, Tomatoes, Potatoes

Onions, Green Beans, Fresh Corn, Cooked
BEANS (without skins),
Vegetable Juices, Beets, Celery, Mushrooms, Spinach,
VEGETABLES Pinto Beans, Chocolate
Parsley, Lettuce, Zucchini, Cabbage, Peas, Kidney Beans,
LEGUMES Navy Beans,
Raw Spinach, Sweet Potato, Potato Skins, String Beans
Lima Beans
Broccoli, Garlic Carob Olives, Soybeans,

Seeds, Pecans, Peanuts,
Almonds Chestnuts NUTS SEEDS
Sunflower Cashews Walnuts

Olive Oil Flax Seed Oil . OILS Corn Oil

Sprouted White Rice,

Wheat, White
Amaranth, Millet, GRAINS Wheat Bread, Corn,
Flour, Pastries,
Wild Rice, Quinoa CEREALS Spelt, Brown Buckwheat,
Rice Oats, Rye

Venison, Cold Turkey, Beef, Pork,

Water Fish Chicken, Lamb Shellfish

Eggs, Butter,
Soy Cheese, Soy Yogurt, Cheese,
Breast Milk Milk, Goat Milk, EGGS DAIRY Buttermilk, Raw Milk Homogenized
Goat Cheese, Whey Cottage Milk, Ice Cream

Herb Teas, Beer, Soft

Green Tea Ginger Tea BEVERAGES Tea Coffee
Lemon Water Drinks

Note that a food's acid or alkaline-forming tendency in the body has nothing to do with the actual
pH of the food itself. For example, lemons are very acidic, however the end-products they produce
after digestion and assimilation are very alkaline so lemons are alkaline-forming in the body.
Likewise, meat will test alkaline before digestion but it leaves very acidic residue in the body so,
like nearly all animal products, meat is very acid-forming.

Where do we find good fats?

There are four sources of good fats:

1. Green vegetables contain good fats, but in very small quantities. To get 2 tablespoons of good fats,
a person would have to eat over 60 pounds of vegetables per day. That is impossible.

2. Seeds and nuts are richer sources of EFAs. But there is no seed or nut that gives an optimum ratio
of n-3 to n-6 to keep us healthy in our present situation with food habits. Flax is the richest source
of n-3, but a poor source of n-6. Sunflower and sesame seeds contain n-6 but no n-3. So we must
mix and match these seeds to get both EFAs in the right quantities and ratio.

3. High fat, cold water fish such as sardines, salmon, trout, herring, and mackerel contain n-3 and n-
6 derivatives. Eating fish is preferable to using fish oil capsules, due to contamination of fish oils
with mercury, pesticides, and PCBs, and due to damage done to fish oils during processing.
4. Oils made with health in mind: pressed from organically grown seeds under protection of light,
air, and heat; filtered and filled into dark glass bottles under the same protection; boxed to keep out
all light; refrigerated during storage at the factory, in stores, and in the home; and used with care in
food preparation (never used for frying, sautéing, or baking).

Oils made with this care are found in the refrigerator in health food stores. It is unusual to see such
care taken in oil preparation, packaging, storage, and use. But this kind of care is necessary if EFA-
rich oils are to retain their health benefits.




Garlic Apple Cider Vinegar Avocado Oil Cashews Chemicals

Asparagus Bee Pollen Corn Oil Brazil Nuts Drugs, Medicinal
Fermented Veggies Lecithin Granules Hemp Seed Oil Peanut Butter Drugs,
Watercress Probiotic Cultures Flax Oil Pecans Psychedelic
Banana (high
Beets Green Juices Lard Tahini Herbicides on
Broccoli Veggies Juices Olive Oil Walnuts food
Brussel sprouts Fresh Fruit Juice Safflower Oil Things like
Cabbage Organic Milk Sesame Oil ANIMAL smoking
Carrot (high (unpasteurized) Sunflower Oil PROTEIN Pesticides in
glycemic) Beef
Mineral Water Grapes food
Cauliflower Alkaline Antioxidant Grapefruit
Cranberries Clams
Celery Water Lime Fish
Chard Green Tea Honeydew Melon Lamb ALCOHOL
Chlorella Herbal Tea Nectarine . Rice Cakes Lobster Beer
Collard Greens Dandelion Tea Wheat Cakes Mussels Spirits
Cucumber Amaranth Oyster Hard Liquor
Ginseng Tea Lemon
Barley Pork Wine
Eggplant Banchi Tea Peach
Buckwheat Rabbit
Kale Kombucha Pear
Corn Salmon BEANS,
Kohlrabi Pineapple Shrimp LEGUMES,
Oats (rolled)
Lettuce SPICES All Berries Scallops MILKS
Mushrooms /SEASONINGS Tangerine Rice (all) Tuna Black Beans
Mustard Greens Cinnamon Tomato Rye Turkey Chick Peas
Dulce Curry Spelt Venison Green Peas
Tropical Fruits
Ginger Kamut Kidney Beans
Dandelions Watermelon
Mustard Wheat PASTA (WHITE) Lentils
Edible Flowers Chili Pepper Lima Beans
Hemp Seed Noodles
Onions Sea Salt PROTEIN Macaroni Peanuts
Parsnips (high Miso Eggs Spaghetti Pinto Beans
glycemic) Tamari Whey Protein Red Beans
Green Peas All Herbs Powder Cheese, Cow OTHER Soy Beans
Peppers Cottage Cheese Cheese, Goat Wheat Germ Soy Milk
Pumpkin ORIENTAL Chicken Breast Cheese, Potatoes White Beans
VEGETABLES Yogurt Processed Sugar Rice Milk
Maitake Almonds Cheese, Sheep (Clear Distilled Almond Milk
Sea Veggies Chestnuts Milk Vinegar)
Spirulina Dandelion Root Tofu (fermented) Butter
Sprouts Shitake Flax Seeds
Squashes Kombu Pumpkin Seeds
Alfalfa Reishi Tempeh
Barley Grass Nori (fermented)
Umeboshi Squash Seeds
Wheat Grass
Wakame Sunflower Seeds
Wild Greens Millet
Sea Veggies
Nightshade Veggies Sprouted Seeds
Honey (neutral)*

* Honey produces neutral ash so it is OK It is sweeter than sugar, use it sparingly.

The pH of Foods *Source - Back to the House of Health (Redford-Young, S)

The relative alkalinity or acidity of food is measured by the pH value of the ash residue that remains after the
food has been metabolised by our body. This ash can be acid, alkaline or neutral depending largely upon the
mineral content of the food.

As a basic rule - potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, silver, sodium and iron leave an alkaline residue while
sulphur, chlorine, phosphorous and iodine create an acid environment.

The foods that are either alkalising or acidifying are very easy to categorise. The common sense 'bad' foods
(sugar, refined foods, foods high in saturated fat and trans fats, meat, dairy, yeast, fizzy drinks, crisps, chocolate,
alcohol etc) all leave an acid ash. Conversely, the common sense 'good foods' (salads, vegetables etc) are

The confusing food for many people is fruit. The bottom line is that due to the extremely high sugar content,
most fruits have an acidifying effect on the body. This is a great shame due to the nutrients that they also
contain. However, the con's outweigh the pro's. The fruits that are an exception to this rule include: avocado,
lime, lemon, watermelon and tomato.
Food pH Chart

The pH score given is an approximate relative potential of acidity (-) or alkalinity (+) within one ounce of food:
Alkalising Foods/Drinks Relative pH Acidifying Foods/Drinks Relative pH

Cucumber +31.5 Pork -38.0

Alfalfa Sprouts +29.3 Veal -35

Soy Sprouts +29.5 Beef -34.5

Avocado +15.6 Chicken -18

Tomato +13.6 Eggs -18

Summer Radish +39.4 Hard Cheese -18.1

Kamut Grass +27.6 Quark -17.3

Carrot +9.5 Cream -3.9

Soy Beans (soaked) +12.8 White Bread -10

Soy Lecithin (pure) +38 Wholemeal Bread -6.5

Cabbage +14.1 Rye Bread -2.5

Celery +13.3 Pistachios -16.6

Garlic +13.2 Peanuts -12.8

Spinach +13.1 Cashews -9.3

Watercress +7.7 Margarine is not a food

Leeks +7.2 Corn Oil -6.5

Courgette +5.7 Butter -3.9

Fresh Soy Beans +12 Artificial Sweeteners -26.5

Tofu +3.2 Chocolate -24.6

Lemons +9.9 White Sugar -17.6

Limes +8.2 Fructose -9.5

Cucumber +31.5 Honey -7.6

Wheatgrass +33.8 Ketchup -12.4

Sprouted Radish Seeds +28.4 Mayonnaise -12.5

Barley Grass +28.1 Mustard -19.2

Red Cabbage +6.3 Soy Sauce -26.2

Almonds +3.6 Vinegar -39.4

Olive Oil +1 Liquor -38.7

Flax Seed Oil +3.5 Wine -16.4

Turnip +8 Beer -26.8

Asparagus +1.3 Coffee -25.1

Onion +3.0 Fruit Juice (Natural) -8.7

Watermelon -1.0 Fruit Juice (Processed) -33.6

Tea (Black) -27.1

Creating Health and Vitality

Your skin is your body's richest natural source of growth hormones. If stimulated by touch, massage and
brushing on a regular basis, your skin generates even more of these important hormones that help keep you
healthy, vital and young. Give yourself the gift of a massage with warm sesame oil to help you detoxify and
enjoy your own beauty. When you shower or bathe take a fairly stiff brush and brush your legs and arms to get
all the loose skin off and show the radiant fresh skin underneath.

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