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Conversation with #dyscultured

(09:45:44 PM) The topic for #dyscultured

is: #dys137 records Wednesday, June 8th at 9:30pm Eastern / 6:30pm Pacific. Join us! (09:45:44 PM) mode (+ao acurrie acurrie) by ChanServ (09:46:01 PM) acurrie: hey, what'd i miss? (09:46:10 PM) Alex: Nopthing (09:46:16 PM) victriviaqueen: Andrew! And then there were two... (09:46:29 PM) Alex: Yep (09:46:30 PM) acurrie: need 5 min to get audio set up (09:46:32 PM) Alex: Hello Anth (09:46:34 PM) victriviaqueen: It's ALIVE (09:46:42 PM) Alex: Bok bok bok bopk (09:47:01 PM) victriviaqueen: thank you jade! [clap] (09:47:24 PM) Alex: We should bring me on to talk about WWDC (09:47:28 PM) Alex: :D (09:47:40 PM) Alex: Just to piss Andrew off (09:50:03 PM) victriviaqueen: pfft. family. (09:50:28 PM) Alex left the room (quit: [ZN] Quit: "http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"). (09:50:39 PM) acurrie: fuck me (09:50:46 PM) Alex [Mibbit@ZeroNode-0hd17m.bchsia.telus.net] entered the room. (09:50:48 PM) Alex: DAMMIT. (09:50:52 PM) Alex: Navigated away. (09:50:55 PM) victriviaqueen: we had a bee swarm recently in Victoria. (09:51:12 PM) Alex: FIRST BEE SWARM! +10 (09:51:16 PM) victriviaqueen: nah, he saild last week he might not be here. (09:51:33 PM) victriviaqueen: no, I was actually talking about real bee swarms -- covering a car. (09:52:14 PM) victriviaqueen: http://www.ctvbc.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20110523/bc_bee_swarm_110523/20110523/? hub=BritishColumbiaHome (09:52:16 PM) Alex: Woah. (09:53:02 PM) victriviaqueen: sounds like a b-movie. :P (09:53:23 PM) Alex: Dah dum. Psh (09:53:36 PM) victriviaqueen: heh (09:55:30 PM) Alex: iCare? I don't have that. (09:55:41 PM) victriviaqueen: GODDAMNIT sSTOP SINGING THAT SONG. (09:55:46 PM) acurrie: ok, audio's working (09:56:07 PM) Alex: FRIDAY FRIDAY. GOTTA GET DOWN ON FRIDAY. LOOKING FORWARD TO THE WEEKEND. (09:56:38 PM) victriviaqueen: I cannot abide that Friday song. Shane's doing better now. (09:56:43 PM) Alex: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pi00ykRg_5c (09:56:46 PM) anth: going to add ac (09:56:48 PM) Alex: ^^ The only version worth hearing (09:56:52 PM) shanebee [Mibbit@ZeroNode-rpqp60.vc.shawcable.net] entered the room. (09:56:55 PM) acurrie: not yet you won't (09:57:06 PM) acurrie: have to open my bazillion firefox windows first (09:57:07 PM) victriviaqueen: I have to use mibbit in a separate window. (09:57:47 PM) victriviaqueen: Nine-fifty-fuck-seven would be a good album title. Not great, but good. (09:57:57 PM) dysciple-043 [Mibbit@ZeroNode-o3u8em.phnx.qwest.net] entered the room. (09:58:04 PM) Alex: Consider it done, victriviaqueen (09:58:05 PM) Alex: :D

(09:58:24 PM) Alex: CAN'T TOUCH THIS (09:58:37 PM) Alex: Nope. (09:59:00 PM) victriviaqueen: sounds like a starship captain from Futurama (09:59:16 PM) victriviaqueen: Zapp Branigan (09:59:19 PM) victriviaqueen: ? (10:00:18 PM) victriviaqueen: <3 Dr. Zeus song rocks. (10:00:21 PM) shanebee left the room (quit: [ZN] Quit: "http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"). (10:00:30 PM) shanebee [webchat@ZeroNode-rpqp60.vc.shawcable.net] entered the room. (10:00:49 PM) acurrie: let's do this... (10:00:57 PM) victriviaqueen: NO WAY. (way) (10:01:31 PM) Alex: /usr/bin/chatroom? (10:01:31 PM) victriviaqueen: Awesome. Rogers and Hammerstein Dyscultured. (10:01:53 PM) acurrie: can youse hear us? (10:01:56 PM) Alex: Dur (10:01:59 PM) Alex: Yup (10:02:53 PM) victriviaqueen: we can hear you (10:03:02 PM) shanebee: how the hell do you type into this thing (10:03:07 PM) shanebee: oh (10:03:09 PM) shanebee: there we go (10:03:09 PM) Alex: With the keyboard (10:03:10 PM) victriviaqueen: "Linux. Everything works, it just takes a fuck of a lot of time." (10:03:15 PM) shanebee: hey, alex (10:03:17 PM) Alex: Lol (10:03:18 PM) shanebee: SHADDUP! (10:03:20 PM) Alex: Hey shanebee (10:03:39 PM) Alex: OKAY (10:03:48 PM) shanebee: i totally just bit my tongue (10:03:58 PM) shanebee: call SOCAN (10:04:17 PM) victriviaqueen: call 1-800-BLOWME. (10:04:24 PM) Alex: Okay (10:04:29 PM) victriviaqueen: :D (10:05:47 PM) Alex: JUST KIDDING! Everyone know's it's 1-888.... (10:05:52 PM) Alex: FAIL. kows (10:05:55 PM) Alex: FAILx2 (10:05:57 PM) Alex: KNOWS (10:05:58 PM) victriviaqueen: True Dad. (10:06:00 PM) Alex: There we go. (10:06:03 PM) victriviaqueen: er True DAT. (10:06:05 PM) victriviaqueen: damn. (10:06:28 PM) Alex: Lol (10:07:52 PM) victriviaqueen: HAHAHAH "FUCK! Can we do that again?" "No." :D (10:08:06 PM) victriviaqueen: He who holds the controls... (10:08:26 PM) victriviaqueen: tack the original in as an outtake at the end. (10:12:10 PM) acurrie: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/toronto/student-cites-freedom-of-

speech-after-suspension-for-online-videos/article2043954/ (10:12:17 PM) victriviaqueen: [claps] (10:14:51 PM) dysciple-543 [Mibbit@ZeroNode-lp84s3.cable.teksavvy.com] entered the room. (10:18:49 PM) acurrie: http://www.internetservices.publivate.com/ (10:20:49 PM) victriviaqueen: but the numbers are CRAZY for FB in Canada -- like one third of canadians use the fucking thing. (10:23:46 PM) acurrie: http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/politics/article/1003855--federal-conservativeswebsite-hacked-reports-of-harper-choking-on-hash-brown-false (10:24:13 PM) victriviaqueen: Did you see the follow up?

(10:24:23 PM) anth: no (10:24:26 PM) victriviaqueen: (10:24:43 PM) victriviaqueen: (10:24:52 PM) victriviaqueen: (10:25:35 PM) victriviaqueen:

Yes, Lulzhack or something he tweeted a link to a file full of conservative contributors and their emails lemme find a link. Lulzraft sorry http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/politics/article/1004720-conservative-party-donor-list-tweeted-by-hackers?bn=1 (10:27:13 PM) acurrie: http://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/hrjpv/stop_harper/ (10:29:28 PM) anth: Hop Starper! (10:30:04 PM) victriviaqueen: Shane, that sums up 90% of the "activism" I see in Victoria. Maybe 95% (10:30:13 PM) acurrie: google news: http://news.google.ca/news/search?q=page+stop+harper (10:31:48 PM) Alex: SHOWE TITL! (10:31:51 PM) Alex: TITLE (10:31:53 PM) victriviaqueen: brb - homework meltdown. (10:32:04 PM) Alex: "Stop Harper... PS Let's go to Denny's!" (10:32:14 PM) acurrie: http://torrentfreak.com/un-disconnecting-file-sharers-breaches-human-rights-110603/ (10:35:19 PM) HarperInBoston [Mibbit@ZeroNode-47eqmm.ca] entered the room. (10:35:29 PM) HarperInBoston: evening all (10:37:58 PM) victriviaqueen: (back) (10:38:16 PM) HarperInBoston: hi cheryl (10:39:17 PM) HarperInBoston: you mean MY government? (10:39:33 PM) victriviaqueen: hi Jeff. (10:40:06 PM) HarperInBoston: crap- she knew it was me (10:40:13 PM) Alex: I totally agree, Sndrew (10:40:14 PM) Alex: Andrew (10:40:20 PM) acurrie: shit, trying to find a cc/youtube link (10:40:52 PM) dysciple-543 left the room (quit: [ZN] Quit: "http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"). (10:40:56 PM) victriviaqueen: oh, I HATE youtube comments. (10:41:11 PM) victriviaqueen: actually that is spelled "FIST" (fucking juvenile morons) (10:41:24 PM) victriviaqueen: no it'll be useless. (10:41:33 PM) acurrie: http://dyscultured.posterous.com/creative-commons-finally-working-with-youtube (10:41:37 PM) acurrie: will have to do... (10:44:24 PM) victriviaqueen: Shane, very few people understand CC (10:45:24 PM) HarperInBoston: i don't understand CC - will have to get Tony to teach me (10:45:36 PM) heywood [Mibbit@ZeroNode-v10l16.cable.rogers.com] entered the room. (10:46:14 PM) anth: http://io9.com/5808604/10-physical-gestures-that-have-been-patented (10:46:25 PM) victriviaqueen: I saw that. Lameness. (10:50:16 PM) anth: http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/organgrinder/2011/jun/06/cheesburger-ben-huhnewspapers-open-source (10:52:08 PM) acurrie: http://www.reddit.com/r/canada (10:52:45 PM) victriviaqueen: Oh I was hanging out in Reddit's Random Acts of Pizza last night. Makes me feel warm and happy. (10:52:55 PM) acurrie: http://www.techdirt.com/blog/casestudies/articles/20110602/12480014528/lady-gagasays-099-albums-make-sense-especially-digital.shtml (10:53:35 PM) acurrie: random acts of pizza...? (10:54:01 PM) victriviaqueen: http://www.reddit.com/r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza/ (10:55:46 PM) Alex: Today I thopught (10:55:53 PM) acurrie: http://www.news.com.au/technology/dont-panic-but-the-internet-might-breaktomorrow-just-a-little-bit-and-were-sure-theyll-fix-it/story-e6frfro0-1226071115396 (10:56:48 PM) acurrie: alex, are you drunk? ;) (10:57:32 PM) Alex: dskhfreuigntorbh (10:57:34 PM) Alex: ivhe8j45iy5hjvifobnuisrthbe (10:57:35 PM) Alex: Myabe (10:57:42 PM) anth: http://dyscultured.posterous.com/oh-thank-you-google-die-old-browsers-die

(10:57:42 PM) HarperInBoston: my

friend in burlington his internet was down tonight..or it was the storm

tonite..either way (10:57:43 PM) acurrie: http://googleenterprise.blogspot.com/2011/06/our-plans-to-support-modernbrowsers.html (10:58:01 PM) acurrie: non blogspam link ;) (10:58:02 PM) victriviaqueen: where did Shane go...? (10:58:10 PM) HarperInBoston: come back shane (10:58:48 PM) heywood: the cool dulcet sounds...... (10:59:20 PM) acurrie: anyone for html5 bomberman? http://www.ricardokrieg.com.br/games/bomberman/ (11:00:28 PM) heywood: volumes kinda goin' up & down.. (11:01:14 PM) anth: http://dyscultured.posterous.com/justin-bieber-linux-that-is-all (11:01:36 PM) victriviaqueen: it's been great but I have to bail. Have fun with the rest of the show guys! (11:01:47 PM) anth: cya cheryl (11:01:59 PM) victriviaqueen left the room (quit: [ZN] Quit: "http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"). (11:02:49 PM) HarperInBoston: bye cheryl (11:04:05 PM) acurrie: http://techcrunch.com/2011/06/06/apple-imessages/ (11:04:26 PM) HarperInBoston: oh just another feature to make the iphone more like a blackberry (11:05:58 PM) acurrie: http://business.financialpost.com/2011/06/07/bootup-did-apple-just-monetize-piracy/ (11:07:36 PM) HarperInBoston: whats the link to his podcast? (11:07:50 PM) acurrie: one sec (11:08:19 PM) acurrie: here ya go: http://www.tvo.org/cfmx/tvoorg/searchengine/index.cfm? page_id=613&action=blog&subaction=viewPost&post_id=16489&blog_id=485 (11:09:17 PM) acurrie: http://www.intomobile.com/2011/06/07/postpc-era-myth/ (11:10:56 PM) heywood: my macbook is my main machine.... think i'll set up a mini though soon.. (11:13:05 PM) HarperInBoston: whooo booo Blackberry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (11:13:43 PM) HarperInBoston: BBM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (11:14:24 PM) acurrie: http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/38678_Palin_Fans_Trying_to_Edit_Wikipedia_Paul_Revere_Page (11:14:36 PM) acurrie: don't get bbm. at all (11:14:48 PM) acurrie: http://www.thespec.com/news/local/article/544742--facebook-just-changed-yoursettings-here-s-how-to-unchange-them (11:15:25 PM) Alex: I AM LEAVING FACEBOOK IF THAT'S TRUE (11:16:03 PM) acurrie: http://www.joystiq.com/2011/06/08/nintendo-stock-down-5-percent-after-wii-u-reveal/ (11:16:08 PM) acurrie: you and me both alex (11:17:02 PM) Alex: I'll keep my page, because no one can tag me with that. (11:17:08 PM) Alex: I hate Facebook so much (11:19:05 PM) heywood: Aquaman...lamest super hero.. kinda feel sorry for him.. (11:21:09 PM) dysciple-043 left the room (quit: [ZN] Quit: "http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"). (11:22:12 PM) HarperInBoston: great show! sorry i was late..time to fly home from the game and back to run our great country. night all (11:22:23 PM) acurrie: http://openattitude.com/2011/06/05/fight-lawful-access-with-liberte-linux/ (11:23:26 PM) HarperInBoston left the room (quit: [ZN] Quit: "http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"). (11:24:42 PM) acurrie: thanks honourable prime minister ;) (11:25:20 PM) acurrie: oh, the music: http://www.reverbnation.com/artist/song_details/4038619 (11:25:24 PM) heywood: thnks, got the last half hour. (11:25:41 PM) heywood: off to music... bye all (11:25:53 PM) Alex: I HAVE A P{ICTURE!@!! (11:26:25 PM) Alex: http://twitter.com/#!/ragecurator/status/77841256226623488 (11:26:31 PM) Alex: ^^^ I MADE THAT (11:27:04 PM) Alex: ... and you're dead. See y'all next week. (11:28:02 PM) bootprint left the room (quit: [ZN] Quit: "http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"). (11:28:09 PM) anth: thanks all

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