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Слайд 1

- Здравствуйте! Меня хорошо видно и слышно? Отлично, мне вас тоже. Меня
зовут София, я — Ваш учитель в онлайн-школе английского языка Just School.
Давай для начала познакомимся, скажите как можно к вам обращаться? (Имена
ребенка и родителя) Отлично, приятно познакомиться!

Сейчас расскажу, что нас будет ждать на этой встрече. Мы сегодня

познакомимся с платформой, проверим текущий уровень [Имя ребенка] и
подберем курс для обучения.

— (Имя ребенка), подскажи, в каком классе ты уже учишься? (Ответ) А

английский учишь в школе? - (Да/Нет) Тебе нравится учить английский? -
(Да/Нет) Почему? А английский нужно знать? - (Да/Нет) Как думаешь, тебе
пригодится английский в будущем, когда ты станешь взрослым/взрослой? -
(Да/Нет) А где можно использовать английский? - (В путешествиях, на работе,
просмотр фильмов/сериалов и т.д.)

— Отлично! Давай тогда немножко поговорим на английском и посмотрим что

ты уже знаешь. Если тебе что-нибудь будет непонятно, ты сразу мне говори,

So in order to get acquainted, people may say "Hello" first. You know that, don't
you? So repeat with me «Hello». Nice, very well. Now, Julia, tell me please, what is
your name? You probably know that there are two main ways to say your name. The
first way is to say "My name is" and then say your name. And there is another way
when we say "I am" and then we say our name. That's understandable, right? Okay.
Good. Now, let's repeat this short dialogue completely. What is your name? And once

Now, Julia, tell me please, how old are you? Let's repeat all the numbers at once. I'll
point my fingers, and you'll say what the number is called in English, okay? Now,
please say in full phrase, I am 6. Very well. Now, let's repeat this short dialogue.
Julia, how old are you? And once again.

Now, Julia, tell me please, how are you? To make it easier for you to answer this
question, we will now study 4 phrases that will describe your mood and you will be
able to use these phrases. “I am happy”, “I am sad”, “I am angry”, “I am tired”. Now,
let's repeat this short dialogue. Julia, how are you? And once again.

Now we will listen to the song and try to sing it. Okay?

Julia, how do we translate this sentence? And what do these phrases mean?

And now we will play an exciting game. Do you see these four smileys? Now you
will choose any smiley that you like the most, but you will not tell me which one, and
then you will try to show me this emotion without saying a word. And then it's my
turn. Good job! You won the game. Now let’s meet our heroes and see if you like

Слайд 2

Do you like cartoons?

What’s your favourite cartoon? I also love cartoons very, very much. My favorite
cartoon is Sponge Bob Square Pants. Do you know this cartoon? Yes, it is very
famous and many people admire it.

Now we will choose the names for these heroes.

The first lady we have here, tell me who she looks like? I also think it's on Sponge
Bob. That's why the name Lily the Sponge is perfect for her. Do you agree with me?
Perfectly. Our next hero is a monster. Can you describe it to me? So, do you think the
name Ouch will suit him? I think so. Well, the next hero is a snowman. And we have
a good name for him, Snowbaddy. This name just emphasizes that our hero consists
of snow, right? And the last hero is a dog. And the name hotdog will suit him. Can
you describe our hero to me? Yes, from has a long body and looks like a hot dog.
Well done.

Unfortunately, our lesson is coming to an end, but I promise you that next time we
will learn a lot about our heroes and go with them on a journey. I'll tell you a secret,
did you know that Lily the Sponge lives in a watermelon?

Слайд 7.

So, (the name of student), you are so clever! (it is pronounced with enthusiasm)

Did you like today's lesson?

Yes, learning English is very funny and interesting! (it is pronounced with

I hope we are going to meet again? (intonation is going up, it is pronounced with
gnome's voice)

Great! (it is pronounced with enthusiasm)(mystery voice)

I am looking forward to seeing you next time! (intonation is going up, it is

pronounced with gnome's voice)

(Информация для родителя!) - Давайте подведем итоги. (Имя ребенка) -

молодец, он/она очень способный/способная и у него/нее определенно есть
талант к изучению английского языка! И я надеюсь мы с вами продолжим
обучение и вместе добъемся успехов в английском!
После нашего занятия с Вами обязательно свяжется наш менеджер и более
подробно обсудит все детали. Спасибо Вам за урок и до встречи


Друга частина уроку

Слайд 1.

— Здравствуйте! Меня видно-слышно хорошо? Отлично, мне вас тоже. Меня

зовут София, я — Ваш учитель. Как можно к вам обращаться? (Имя студента)
Отлично, приятно познакомиться!

Сейчас расскажу, что нас будет ждать на этой встрече. Мы сегодня

познакомимся с платформой, проверим текущий уровень [Имя студента] и
подберем курс для обучения. Начнем?!

- My name is Sofia.
- What is your name?
- How are you?
- How old are you?
- What grade are you in?
- Do you like English lessons at school?
- Do you think it is important to study English?
- Where can you use English?
- Do you think you need English in the future?
-What is your hobby?

Ok, let's go further and see what we are going to talk about today.

Please look carefully at this picture and say what you see in it. Yes, here we see the
sights of the world. These places are visited by many tourists every year. Maybe
you've seen some of them with your own eyes? And what would you like to see live
the most? This is great, English will take you one step closer to your dream.

Now we will look at interesting quotes from famous people and discuss them. Do you
know what a quote is? These are the words of famous people, and they have some
hidden meaning. When we discuss, the following introductory phrases will help us.
Please read them and try to translate. Okay

Now let's try to read the quotes and translate them.

Do you like the quotes? Which quote do you like the most? Okay, tell me, what
unites all three quotes? What is their common theme? What are they talking about?
Our topic today is travel. Unfortunately, our time is coming to an end. Okay, let's
summarize our lesson today. Now you know what a quote is. Now you can explain
quotes. We practiced translation and reading and pronouncing. Did you enjoy our
lesson today? I also really enjoyed working with you.

Thank you for this lesson and for your cheerfulness!

I see that you pay a lot of attention to your English and study diligently. This lesson
showed that you have a good level of English. However, don’t stop there. We need to
soar to new heights! Let’s be honest. There are topics that you need to improve. If
you want to know English perfectly, you need to eliminate weaknesses and
strengthen your advantages. We need to practice closing the gaps in your knowledge
and skills. We can fix these mistakes with you. So you will learn English better!

Давайте я еще на русском подсумирую, чтобы вы все хорошо понимали. Ваш

уровень английского языка сейчас где-то на конце этапа Beginner и в начале
этапа Elementary.

У вас достаточно хороший словарный запас для вашего уровня. Плюс хорошое
произношение английской речи. Вы молодец. Вы умеете выразить свое мнение
на английском, и к концу нашего обучения вы сможете уже полностью
создавать целие связные тексти.

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