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Waking from the Dream of Forgetting B: Now, once upon a time, I believe is your phrase, there was a gathering

of what we shall call gods. These gods realized that they were the creators of all that they wished to experience, and that they could create anything that they could imagine to experience as a real reality in any way they so decided to experience that idea. Let us say, one day they all got together and decided to experience the idea of being unaware for they were always aware, always awake, and always knowing. And since they were always knowing, one or two, does not matter how many, suggested, Well then, the experience that we have not had, is not knowing. How about, lets create the experience of not knowing." "Oh, all right; sounds like fun. So they all created an idea into which they could project themselves, and in which, for all practical intents and purposes, they would no longer be awake, but would be asleep. They would no longer know, but they would forget. And in the creation of this reality they discovered something, that the creation of a reality in which you can forget means that along with that experience you may create the idea of continuing to forget. This they discovered, but in a sense did not know they had discovered it, for they were not cognizant of what forgetting really means. For they even forgot that there was something to discover what the whole idea was all about. In creating a realm of forgetfulness, they even forgot why they had created it. And this created the idea of the cycle of always looking towards that realm, and never anywhere else, for to them, they had forgotten that there was anywhere else to look. Thus even upon leaving the physical form, once they had projected themselves into it, they never looked beyond the idea of that which they had created, and so continuously returned again and again and again to that experience, adding more and more and more momentum, more energy to the idea of forgetting, even more and more and more. Now, after a time there were beings that had also chosen to play that game, to different extents, for different purposes, in different areas of the diversicated universe. Some were, Ill say, ahead of others, some were behind, so to speak; all experiencing the idea of forgetting at different rates. Now, in the course of time which was a creation along with the realm of forgetfulness, let us say, another side effect, another fringe benet which was perhaps not counted upon exactly there came to pass, in the many different areas, that beings did begin to remember. And as they remembered, they remembered that there were others of their kind, other gods that went other places to play the same game. So now that they had remembered, and, in a sense, more or less gotten through a certain portion of the game at least enough of it so that they became aware that they were in fact playing a game they decided to look up the other gods and see how they were doing. Well, some of them remembered; some did not. And thus it was understood the idea of the differentrates of time, the different dimensionalities that were created in the creation of the limited idea of theuniverse. The idea that there is variance and diversication allowed them to realize that time, as aconcept, now existed, and that not everyone got through with the game at the same time. And somewere still playing certain portions that others had nished playing many, many years before. 1 In this way there are also the gods, portions of the gods, that have not ever chosen to play the game of physical reality. Now, those beings that remembered themselves, and went searching for their friends

and found their friends not remembering, many times were opening up to their memory to know that they could communicate with those that had not yet chosen physical reality, and went to them to discuss the entire idea of the differences that now existed, since they knew they had those that had not yet been physical a larger overview of all the differences within the oneness. To those overselves those gods who had not played that game of limitation, or game of forgetting there was even some time spent getting them to even believe that such a thing as time existed, before it could be discussed as to what had happened to the rest of the gods. Once they basically understood, they agreed to always be available, should anyone choose to remember, so that it could be immediately recognized that there was, and is, a mirror and a reection beyond, in a sense outside of, in a sense, the limited game that some gods continued to play. Therefore, there is the opportunity for the gods that are still playing this game, at any moment, to remember that they are in fact playing a game, and to remember that they have created everything in that game. For those that have played, and those that have no, are aware that those that have chosen to play, have chosen so because it is one more thing that does exist within All That Is. And the enrichment of experiencing everything that All That Is has to offer well, let us say, it is a very well rounding experience. For those beings that have not chosen to play that game have not experienced every corner of All That Is, and cannot relate to the gods that have chosen to play the game in many ways, and are choosing, in and of themselves, to manifest their own manifestation in ways that have not in their terms, in your terms partaken of all that All That Is has to offer. Where the gods who have chosen to play the game, have. And therefore, once they remember that they are playing the game, (they) can remember that they have given themselves the opportunity to play the game, so that they will then contain that experience as one more experience that All That Is has to offer and will then know, once they remember, that they do contain all of All That Is. That they are all of All That Is, that they are the creators, these gods, the creators of the universes. You are those gods, as if you did not guess. You are the gods that have created the universes. All That Is did not create the universes. All That Is created you; you created the universes, all of them. If you wish to say All That Is created the universes, then All That Is created the universes through you. Do you follow me? AUD: Yes. B: All That Is is the universe did not create the universe. All That Is is the universe; you created theuniverses. There is a distinction, and what it means is this, that all that you consider to be learning issimply remembering whom and what you are.Do you follow me? AUD: Mmhmm. Yes. B: For you are the universes and, in that sense, anything goes.

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