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Mobile Phone

A m obile ph one, cell phon e or h and phone is an electronic dev ice used to m ake m obile telephone calls across a wide geographic ar ea, ser v ed by ma ny public cells, allowing the user to be m obile. By contr ast, a cor dless telephone is u sed only within the r ange of a single, priv ate base station, for exam ple within a hom e or an office. A m obile phone ca n m ake a nd r eceiv e teleph one calls to and from the public telephone network which includes other mobiles a nd fixed-line phones across the wor ld. It does this by connecting to a cellu lar networ k prov ided by a m obile network opera tor . In addition to telephony , m odern mobile phones also support a wide v ar iety of other ser v ices such a s text messaging, MMS, e-mail, In ter net a ccess, shor t-ran ge wir eless com m unications (infr ared, Bluetooth), business applications, gam ing and photograph y . Mobile phones tha t offer these m ore gener al computing capabilities a re referred to as sma rt ph ones. The first handheld mobile phone was demonstrated by Dr. Ma rtin Cooper of Motorola in 1 97 3 , using a handset weighing 2 kg. In 1 983 , the Dy naTAC 8000x wa s the fir st to be comm er cially av aila ble. In the twenty y ea rs from 1 990 to 2 01 0, worldwide mobile phone su bscriptions gr ew fr om 1 2 .4 m illion to ov er 4.6 billion, penetr ating the dev eloping economies and rea ching the bottom of the economic py r amid. Th e WHO relea sed a report on 3 1 May 2 01 1 classify ing cell phone radiation a s a "carcinogenic hazard."

Types of Mobile Phone

Basic Mobile Phone It is the sim plest and th e most or iginal of all the mobile phones that y ou would see in the m arket. The chea pest of them all, it is sold in m ax im um num ber s. Though with cost of technology falling and custom er expectations r ising m ost of the ba sic mobile phones now com e with v a lue additions like r ing tone options, etc. Most of the mobile phone bra nds offer basic m odels. Smartphones These phon es are for those who want a single gadget to be fully loaded so tha t it can ser v e any and ev ery purpose - from comm unication to com puting a nd from enter tainm ent to productiv ity . Sma rtphones do multiple tasks fr om em ail and web br owsing to play ing m usic, captu ring a nd pla y ing v ideos, storing a nd managing data and m any

fr om em ail and web br owsing to play ing m usic, captu ring a nd pla y ing v ideos, storing a nd managing data and m any oth er functions too. These hav e higher price ta gs but the featur es they offer fully justify their price. RIM's BlackBer ry , Nokia's N97 a nd Apple's iPhone ar e som e of the m ost popu lar sma rtphones. Most of the la test mobile phones fall in this category . PDA Phones Per sona l Data Assistant phones a re the fav orite com pa nion of business execu tiv es. Running on operating sy stem s like MS Mobile Pocket PC an d Palm OS these are offer ed by HP, Palm One and th e likes. In fact the m obile phone ma rket has becom e so dem anding, dy nam ic a nd com petitiv e that the line that div ides sm artphones fr om PDA phones is fast fading. GSM/CDMA Mobile Phones GSM (Global Sy stem for Mobile Com mu nications) and CDMA (Code Div ision Multiple Access) are the two m ost im por tant a nd com m only u sed networ king technologies and y our phone would be designed to work on either. Both the technologies hav e their own pr os and cons and sam e get tra nsferr ed to the corresponding mobile phone. The latest innov ations though h av e now m ade it possible to use both the technologies in the sam e mobile phone. See Dua l SIM Mobile Phone for m or e.

Ther e a re lots of com mu nications dev ices in the ma rket a nd one needs to buy such a dev ice, which has m ost of the essentia l functions in it. In order to buy such a comm unica tion dev ice one should be aware of its adv anta ges a s well. Ther e a re m any websites, which prov ide accur ate and u p-to-date infor mation abou t most of the latest m obile phones. If y ou hav e su fficient am ount of m oney then y ou ca n buy som e of the efficient com m unication ga dgets. Howev er , one should alway s buy handsets that h av e been m ade by reputed com panies like Nokia, Sam sung, Motorola a nd many more.

Toda y , with the arr iv a l of internet fa cilities, it has become quite easy to get inform ation a bout v a rious m obile phones. Ther e a re ma ny websites, which belong to m obile phone r eta ilers a part from the ones which a re ma intained by the mobile phone ma nufa ctur er s. One ca n v isit th ese websites to read the details a bout som e of the latest com m unication dev ices. In a ddition, these websites also publish m any rev iews on good ha ndsets. You sh ould r ead the good r ev iews and enrich y our knowledge on the latest mobile comm unication technologies like Bluetooth, GPRS a nd Wi-Fi. Toda y , m ost of the mobile users like to ha v e m obile com munica tion phones, which a re slim and sleek. If a handset is slim and sleek then the user can hold it in his hand quite com forta bly . He can, therefore, keep on ta lking for a long dura tion. So when y ou buy such a han dset then m ake sur e that it is slim and sleek at th e sam e tim e. Those huma n beings who like listening to music can go for com m unication dev ices, wh ich a re specifically designed for enjoy ing music. Most of th e latest music-centric m obile phones hav e got digital speakers, which let m usic lov ers enjoy v arious kinds of m usic in a n extraor dinary way .

v arious kinds of m usic in a n extraor dinary way . Such good comm unication dev ices should also hav e good m em or y power so that the users get store enough inform ation in their da y -to-day liv es. Apar t fr om this, one can buy m obile phones, which hav e good ca mera featu res. Most of the latest mobile ph ones a re m ostly m ulti-purpose ga dgets, a nd are used for taking excellent pictur es and v ideo recordings. The oth er adv an tage of buy ing fantastic ha ndsets is that these, nor ma lly h av e an outsta nding email sy stem . And, indeed one should m ake sure th at th e kind of mobile phones being bough t has an efficient em ail sy stem . If y ou ha v e got this featu re on y our mobile phone then y ou would hardly feel the need of u sing y our personal com puter. It is not that one can buy a good m obile phone only if one pay s a h uge am ount of m oney . If y ou are looking for bu y ing a good qua lity gadget at a chea p pr ice then y ou should tr y y our best to make use of num er ous offers on expensiv e com m unication ga dgets. These offer s or ra ther discounts r educe the cost of these expensiv e com mu nication dev ices and thus, th ey sav e y ou lots of 'priceless' money .

Disadvantage Som e people (especially teens) get so m uch addicted to cell phones for talking, v ideo, m essaging, gam es, etc tha t they forget the real purpose of the ph one and waste lar ge par t of their tim e in unnecessar y intera ction ov er th eir cell phones.

Noth ing m ore can be a distra ction for a teacher in the classroom, when a students phone rings. Cell phones are increa singly becom ing a problem for the schools during classroom hou rs and ar e becom ing a m eans of cheating dur ing exam inations and other kinds of ability tests. All th is is really bad and does hur t the futur e of the student, who doesnt rea lize that he/she is him /her -self responsible for it.

Hea lth of th ose liv ing in the v icinity of cell phone tower s is becoming a growing concern. Towers r esult into a n area with concr ete dev elopm ent along with destr uction of natural featur es (v egetation etc) around the place. The towers also em it str ong electromagnetic sign als, which can be health hazard for th ose liv ing nearby and who a re getting exposed to strong r adiations continu ously dur ing a good span of their liv es.

While rema ining in tou ch is good thin g bu t som etim es it becomes annoy ing to hav e to deal with continuous incom ing ph one ca lls. You are on a v acation a nd y our boss calls up, how does that sound!

Cell phone m onthly bills a re usu ally more than a landline bill. Sometimes, we m ay not r equire to hav e a cell phone but we still buy one and star t pay ing m onthly bills; so it increases our m onthly /recurr ing expenses.

Use of hands-fr ee (wired/blue-tooth ) can at tim es pa ss on loud sounds to our ea rs which can result in weakening of ear -dr ums. Nowaday s, one ca n download lots of songs, so keeping the h ands-free glued inside y our ear s for long hours can really affect th e sen sitiv ity of ea rs in the long run of life.

There hav e been ca ses of cell ph one blasts, due to the excessiv e heating up of its ba ttery . This can be a fatal issue; although r are.

No joke, the surface of a cell phone ha s m illions of ba cteria and v irus on it and that can be a strong r eason of

im m ediate skin problem on face or ca n r esu lt into other interna l infections wherein the m icrobes cr eep inside the body thr ough m outh or other openings.

Some u se the key pad excessiv ely ; due to size restrictions the buttons and key pad of the cell phone a re not natural for hum an hands; so excessiv e a nd prolon ged ty ping can be an issue for finger s and finger joints.

Th e continuous exposure of signa l to an d from ou r cell phone can be a cancer concer n, although to a m eager am ountresear ch is still going on . Howev er , the m obile phone industry has long resisted a ny suggestion of a link to cancer, though it a ccepts that m obile phon e radiation does a ffect the electr ical activ ity in the brain.

The battery pa rts and other electronic parts of a cell phone can be env ironm ental hazard if not disposed off pr operly thr ough approv ed means.

A cell phone can be helpful while dr iv ing and talking in case of ur gent m atters but increasingly it is becoming ca use of accidents because it dev ia tes the atten tion of a dr iv er; hum an bra in ca n do only one thing at a tim e (howev er small spa n of tim e it m ay be).

It can be a big tim e distr action a nd nuisance in ca lm a nd silent places like libr aries, cinem as, resta ruants, etc. Some cell phone users lose the sense of decidin g wh en and wher e they can talk on th e cell phone and wher e they cant, without sligh test consider ation for th e fellow beings ar ound.

Th e mobile phone adv ertisem ents thr ough m essages ar e becom ing a pain for the cell phone users.

You r SIM can be ex ploited as tracking dev ice and if y oure an important person then that can be a big concer n for y ou.

en.wikipedia .or g/wiki/Mobile_phone http://www.tolmol.com/bp/m obile-phon es/ty pes-of-m obile-phones.htm

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