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(active course of remedial treatment for a groat variety of chronic, or lingering maladies. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription h a s cured thousands of Buttering women. It is a perfect specific for the troubles peculiar to them. It eradicates the disease, stops the dragging, lite-sapping drain, and 111 a perfectly rational, natural way, builds up the wasted strength. I t will bring buoyant health. I t will put roses Into pale f a c e s solid flesh In sunken places. It does away with t h e humiliating examinations and "local treatment" so much dreaded by modestly sensitive women. Every disorder that can be reached through the blood, yields to the purifying dualities of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Besides, it builds up wholesome flesh and strength, not merely fat like filthy cod liver oil, b u t solid muscle. As on appetizing, restorative tonic, to r e pel disease and build up tho needed flesh and strength, there's nothing to equal it. It rouses every organ into healthful action, purifies and enriches the blood, braces up the whole system, and restores health and vigor.


Matinee Today. Last Time Tonight.

A YAStfOil
Will Greet, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan in This City on Monday.

ploio the plans for recoivlng the wlfo ot Iho Democratic.nominee. Mrs. . J. Blanilln was elected chairman ot tho meeting and Mrs. M. J. Caton secretary. 11 was decided to send 1 committee of live ladles to 1 Paincsvillo on Monday to moot Mr::- Bryan. This committee will consist of Mrs. Arnold Qreou, Mrs. L, A. Russell, Mrs.. H. M. Ueisk-v, .Mrs. -\i. A. Foran and Mrs. George in New England. Oroot. Mrs. 15. J. Blandln will await the return' of the committee with Mrs. Bryan at tho l-lollouden hotel, whero tho reception will b e h e l d . All tho ladies appointed WILLHERS0NSBESTATESMEM, by the general committee to assist In receiving were asked to moot the chairman HER DAUGHTERS MODELS OF at Tho Hollendeii a t 3 o'clock on Monday


The Most Beautiful Woman


, . . . ,.


A general Invitation was extended to tho ladles ot sorosis and to tho ladies of tho women s i he Cleveland jSPJiiee M e e t i n g * and n R e c e p t i o n Canton SoroslsInand to all local join with If the halt of what h a s been said and organizations Cleveland, to H o W I U b e K s c o i t c d ( o B I H H o t e l i ho commit tee on reception and to be pres- written of woman's Inhumanity to woman were true, the girl whose picture is hero ent to mtvi sirs. Bryan. t y n J'roco.^Hioii of C o m m i t t e e m e n The membership of the reception com- given would not be living today. AccordTHi PUL mon is as follows: C. P. Salon, ohiur- ing to her own words, it was another n a i l ClubsNo l i u s c i v c T i c k e t s V e t ar.: Her., .lacob Mueller. Or. S. ! i.iger- woman's letter that saved her life. Good j G i v e n O u t l a d l e s W i l l M e e t S i r s . SOll, Carl Chuissen, John Tousillg. 1* .. judges who have seen this young lady in NE~ Iloldcn, Vaclav Snndjr, I. .1. Mlttelhm'ger ; the flesh say that s h e Is today the most I BrynuClicai> C a v e t o t h e C i t y . Mueller, Dr. J. B. Plent, p r . Carl perfect specimen of female loveliness in ' TMR ^H*AT5Y O ! Anderson, L. L. Moselt, B . D. Bahcock. Mew ISngland. She Is the embodiment of that type of Tbo preparations for the reception ot John I. Nunn. M. Rohrholmcr, John W. R. Ryan, ToureU, William J. Bryan on next Monday are be- .lirousek, L. A. Russell,John J. Zlnner, Anton beauty which springs from within, and D. 3.. V. cannot be portrayed on the artist's inaniing made with a lavish hand. The several spurnoy, L. committees t h a t have been a t work mak- McGorray, C.D. G.Seltzer, .1. J. Ptak, Ed- mate canvas or lc a newspaper illustration ward Stoiier, Railway, John Bvennan, ing tho preparations will need a week's A. Nowkirk, Frank Wuclialee, George I1. rest after tho great leader o( Domocracy Marshall, George R. McKay, F. Loibllnger, Haitnor rdan Thsacar. has paid his visit. rt Kegg, Gcorgo Hewitt, George Doutliol, F . E. Kraus, A. M. Morse, J o Mr. Bryan rests over Sunday a t Lake- seph Desert, H. J. Sherwood, R. Morrlgan, Frank Hosoun, Dr. M. Boris. F . W. wood, Chautauqua. Ou Monday morning Oehrlng, A. M. McGcc, J. Sczwgltllcskl, H. GJROFLE-GiROFLA. with Mrs. Bryan and party, ho drives from 11. Lyons, W. H. Whcelock, Frank Rohor, Tomorrow Night. Grand Farewell by tho Lakewood to Ripley, N. Y., whero prepa- William J. Cibbons, R. C. Smith, Louis E n t i r e Company. TilIIrs..'ay. S?pl. 3, Annual Ctrnn Bake rations hnvo been made to have him ad- Seelbach. J. J. Duffy. H. B. Vottler, Mardress a o largeo assemblage-. A t 10:30 train tin Walsh, John A Smith, William EUCLID BEACH PARK. No. 3S n t h L o k o Snore road slops a t Sweeny, Joseph Tillman, John Belle, TWO FREE PERFORMANCES Kiploy for Mr. Bryan and party and br Judge E . J. Blandln, Dr. A. P . Pav, Frank LaMarcuo, Hugo Proyer, Charles W. Seethem straight through to Cleveland w At 2:S0nnd S:: P . M., by out stop, except n t Ashtabula. At this ley, John Vevora. W. J. H a r t , John P . Wlltt- Ward, M. Moses. II. H. Hymen, P. '. MoPAflHBB BILL'S WL WEST. ID point Mr. Bryan makes another speech. Kenncy, C. 11. Gagen, A. P . May, John M. Sunday Positively Last Day. Hull, W. Watson, J , Schiappacasse, Tho train will arrive a t Cleveland a t 1:10 Thomas Piwonka, L. A. Willson. E . D. p. m. On its approach to the depot tho Stark, James N. Williams, Dr. J. A. Heimpresidential salute of twenty-one guns will lich, Edward Keegan, H. Proud, Dr. R. Butler, B. R. Loroy, Richard bo fired a s a greeting to Mr. Bryan. The W. salute will he tired from LakO View park O'Rourko, George A. Groot, Patrick Smith, NIAGARA FALLS OR BUFFALO by tho Cleveland light artillery. I t is T. S. Dunlap, Hon. S. S. P a r k s . Thomas Aail return OTCTV SATURDAY NIGHT, only, probable that a portion of the Democratic Rellloy, T . E. Callahan, James F. Walsh, Col. J. F . Horrick, L. Wolf, Charles Cal33.00 Vir> C. & G. Daily Linecounty central committee will go to Ashhoun, Dr. W. T . Miller, P r a n k Prasen, For tilue card PCC page 9. tabula and come to Cleveland with tho Perry Prentiss, W. T. Seiuple, 1. W. Pope, party. At tho Union depot they will be J. W. Wulf, E. J. Caskoy, Louis H. Cook, received by t h e Democratic reception Col. A. T. Van Tassel, John Graul'.y. John F.IJEiCATIOrCAT,. committee. T. Meyers, C. J. Howoy, C. H. Wagner, Tho escort from tho depot to T h o Hol- Perry Powell, William Sixi. i'iennan Baehr, lenden hotel will consist of tho reception Gideon Pease, J. E. Merrick, George Sheldon. J. C. Porncommittee, tho Democratic county central committee, tho Peoplo's party county cen- r-rono. Henry Doehmic. George .1. Mulhorn, tral committee and tho general committee Prank Maek, U P . Ohllger, William H . Barralt, A. H. Weed, Augustus Zehring, P . of tho W. J. Bryan association. The committee which is to receive the Henry Smythe, Hon. M. A. Foran, Thomas Noble, E. H. party h a s been completed nnd In its com- 0 . Fltzsimous, Hon. C. W. II. Batsman, Drew, Benjamin Carter, J. position it represents about all the nation- John Mclntyre, John McNultie, John Dunn, alities of tho earth and about all conditions Chris Eisttman, Henry Wclf, John of men. Robert Bnndlow, T . J. McManus, B. SwatIt la truly democratic. Strict partisans Held, II. C. Witter, George A. McArthur, may any it is not strictly Democratic nnd John II. Cowan. T . .1. Mooney, D, Z. Hcrr, they would bo right. Tiicrc'aro such well Charles J. Hlggins, P . B. Carroll, known Republicans as Judge Parks, Col. George Cook, Fred Kroeger, John Guonllicr, J. F . Horrick and ex-Senator Hackney G. H. Gordon, J. C. Ossman, Pctor Witt, such Populists a s Thomas J. FlUslmons Robert Rudd, Jacob Ossman, Henry L o h George A. Groot and Hugo Proyer among meler, Jacob Rledcl, David Rankin, E l ward Vail, Its members. In all, there arc 3S2 mom- John Dorsey,Potor Klrchcr, Herman Witt, William J. Byrnes. James G. Tho procession to The Hollcndcn wil McOue. W. J. McKiunle. Warren Bishop, be headed by a brass baud of forty pieces William Pato. sr., Charles Sircger, Charles In front of Mr. Uryan's carriage will uiaret Shade. John 13. Allen, H. C. the members of the Democratic central Bunts. G. W. Sharp. G. L. committee, the People's party county cen- Ensign, John Wilhelm. O. D. Carroll. tral committee and the general committee C. II. Dewald. J. D. Slater, Charles Peuof t h e William J. Bryan association. Im- nell, Major James A. Kent. B. C. Stark. J. mediately after Mr. Bryan's carriage .will P. Dawlcy, P . C. Goodman, Arthur Seeloome tho members of tho reception com- bach, Frank Martin. Mauley Tello, exmittee in carriages. Following this will Senator W. P . Hackney, C. M. LoBlond, come tho various Bryan clubs of the city J. B. Mooney, L. H. IDggert, Dr. N. P . Signal, said In an Interview on the and some from the neighboring towns. Tho Pardee, IS. R. Lattlmor, Michael Gazoll, 23d ot May, 18115: " I am only too procession will proceed to The Hollcndcn Pctor Hammer. John H. Schneider, Jacob with a nourish of bands, following tho Halter, Alois Michael. Charles II. Miller. glad to give my experience wilh the roule of Water and Superior streets. Kobart C. Wright, S. C. DarronO, Alfred nny more than it can b e produced by out- esty causes her to shrink from the Ripana Tabules, and I hope some Harrison, Victor Nusbaum, Dr. G. O. ward means ou the face of the living sub- of submitting to examinations and "local At the hotel Mr. Bryan and his wlfo will Butler. treatment." When finally torture drives fellow sufferer will bo led lo find a ject. church Bold an open reception from 3:30 to 4:30 her to seek advice, she, unfortunately, only cure in them, as 1 was. For more PERSONAL CHARMS. o'clock in tho lobby. A portion of the too often falls into hands that lack tho rare Christian Qua.ilios Especially' Need oil bv visit to M:.!-i.e.:miner than two years I never knew what i t reading room will he fetil lonod with flags To her personal charms she adds accom- ability upon which her peace of mind, her tho Church of Today." No evening ser- satisfied our host ot ladies Bargain Sale, h a s a (hat the promise and bunting and used a s a standing place happiness, and her life depends. Instead of vice was to be free from that awful plishments and social standing. T h e fact treatment based upon a vast experiouce ot br.rgnii'.s 1:1 every depari iner.t Oi cure-, for t h e lender, tho err vd passing through iliscasi'. dyspep'ia. I also had almost that s h e Is engaged to be married may which makes experts of practitioners, cures Case Avenue churchServices will bo tablishmeni has been fulfilled. We coo tho lobby. LIST I T CO MIS, cause susceptible young men to lose inter- a certainty, and failure almost an unheard resumed tomorrow wilh sermon by the lliiut to extend the i i n i i a i o n lo any win constantly a dull headache over my After the reception Mr. Bryan will pastor, Rev. F. p . Kennedy. Owing to r e - -;ay bo attracted by bargai est in her, but there aro reasons why sho that eyes. I felt so badly most of the limo quietly spend the time until the evening F r e e S i l v e r I t o m i i l t o lie G i v e n rt becomes ot particular interest to every of accident, she receivescure awhich makes pairs in grogress on file the church buildfailure a certainty aud mere acci- ing services will be held in the chapr. on The gentlemen a i iM-le.uiie, we have meeting. After his long day of travel and that 1 could net do my work a s 1 ' l i l n l V e r y Soon l l e p u l . l l e n n s Hell-- woman iu the laud. dent. bargains tor thorn. speaking It is not unreasonable to believe Cedar a v e n u e No evening service should do. I became discouraged. When a girl Is engaged s h e is preparing NOIL Tiitfi t l i o r . Tho Webb C. t h a t ho will be ttonsiiUtrnbiy faligucd. The expert specialists of the World's South churchRegular services in the Ball Building, Corner Superior and Seneca to make Iho history of the world. Whether Dispensary Medical Association, of Bufbroken down. One day Mrs. Rowan, The doors a t the Central armory and a t Six Republicans happened to moot on a her sons shall be statesmen or day labor- falo, N. Y., proprietors ot the Invalids' my employer, gave me a few Ripana Music hall, where Mr. Bryan will speak in tho evening, will bo thrown open a t 7 Detroit street car Thursday morning. They ers and whether nor daughters are In- Hotel and Surgical Institute, treat all their Warren, president of the Cleveland C. E. Tabules and told me to try them. I o'clock nnd tho first people ou hand will were the leading spirits ot Lakewood, with valids or models of perfect womanhood d e - correspondence as strictly confidential. No Her had spent nearly all my savings for pends chiefly upon t h e engaged girl her- letter ever passes beyond the eyes of the union, and Miss Dauforth of the Euclid get the best seats. No seats will be r e LONDON, Aug. 28.The British steamer 000 exception, who was a Dover B i y self. And this particular girl considered Medical Staff, of which Dr. Pierce Is presmouths iu doctoring and for different served. Jersey City, In command of Capl. Lewis, summc camper, but who lives on Euclid hcrsolt a fit subject for 1 madhouse less ident, and none is evor published unless the 1 kinds of medicines that seemed to do As soon a s tho seating capacity of tho from Bristol Aug. 12 and Swansea Aug. writer requests it for the benefit of other two halls h a s been ailed the doors will hi avoiiue and owns tho largo block a t the than a year ago. 13, for New York, which was spoken on me no good, but a s these wore given sufferers. Both men and women In any po- of the Washington C. Bl convention, 7:15, Aug. 22 by the British steamer Chnlflelil closed so a s to prevent any dangerous jam- corner of Euclid and Erie. to me 1 thought 1 might try thorn. I A HAPPY LIFE. sition of life may, therefore, apply for and sun l i m e ming. In ease there is an overflow of peoNorth churchRev. Dr. Gaston will have in lollludc Bl north and longitude 20 wesl They naturally talked ot tho times, and receive advice by letter without the least used Ihese (about a dozen) and then ple another meeting will bo held a t tho Through childhood she had been so careas his morning subject "Tho Fate of Ab- id reported having lose her propeller. corner of Bond and snpc-iicr strcels, whero the low prices which the fruit growers in fully guarded that sho had not known suf- uunoyance or fear of publicity. bought a box. The result was 1 felt salom; Some of theand the lecture room Benefits of Attending Mr. Bryan will speak from tho Plain Lakewood wore getting called out this fering or misery, hardly a moment's uuThe ladies'Inparlorevening, "Saving Faith.'' j [ur like another woman, and I am now Church." cleansed and beautified and are the T H E HIGHEST HONORS. Dealer reviewing stand. from ouo ot them: have ticcn happlnesa. B u t suddenly there came to Such is tho confidence of his fellow citialmost entirely free of my trouble The her a torrlblo revelation ot woman's woes zens In his ability, integrity, and worth, ready again for Sunday school and al! other I Mr. Bryan's first and most important "Well, those figures arc rough. I didn't with my stomach, and the ho.-.dnoho | E v Q r v o t e r w b o 0 S . G S t 0 p 0 E t h | , n s i , , . speech will be made a t tho Central armory. blame the farmers for feeling sore, b u t in her own soul racking experience. Sho that Dr. Pierce hos been honored by elec- church purposes. is all gone 1 always keep the Tabules Besides Mr. Bryan there will he several just wait until we get McKlnley i n . " found herself afflicted with one of tile tor- tion to the highest offices in the gift of Old Stone church, on tho squareScrv- 1 ... s i i , c r facts should read Mr. Harvey' other speakers a t each place. A t t h e turing ailments peculiar to her sex. T h e tho poople ot Buffalo; first, to the Stale ices Sunday a t 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Coins Financial School." By special ou hand and take one now and then armory Mr. Charles Mlssar will call llu "Well," spoke up his opposite, "what agony sho endured in silence caused so Senate, and later to Congress. Such, how- standard time, with preaching bv Prof. H. rangement the Plain Dealer is able to crder as I feel I need it. They have truly meeting to order and Introduce the chair- will come ot thatwhat will McKlnley complete a breakdown In body and mind ever. Is the doctor's pride In and love for W. Hulbert of Lane seminary. His morn- it sent to any address for 15 cents, postage worked wonders for me. (Signed), man ot tho meeting, Mr. Charles P. Snlcn d o ? " that s h e became an object of pity to her his profession that he has since repeatedly ing topic will be, "Some Indisputable Sug- prepaid. Address The Plain Dealer, Cor After Mr. Bryan h a s spoken Hon. Martin declined high office ln order that he may MAItY TIIUMUL13. 52 Pleasant ov., Streets, Cleveland. "Why, I am surprised a t your question! friends and a pussls to physicians. A hor- best serve the public by sorvlcg his pa- gestions About Heaven." and tho evening A. Foran will take the platform Osliliosh. Wis." rible attack of ecxema, which so disfigured tients, who are scattered over every state topic, "Mary, the Mother of Jesus." Bible Thomas G. Fllzsimous will occupy the why, do? ho will have a new arrangement her t h a t she was ashamed to show her face, T h e len'.porfirs t;o H u n t school a t 9 a. ra. Strangers espeeiallv welKipnns Tabules ot tho uirllt made a t ouco and then wo platform in conclusion of the mealing. and territory In the land. Dr. Pierce has 1 At Music hull B. L. Ooli'.baeh i will have revenue to meet tho expenses of added to her misery. Her case attracted on file many thousand letters from grateful come to all services of this church. price OU ..fiiii VIENNA. Aug. I! . -The proposed mil! Disciple. No call tho meeting to order and inlrodi Iho government, and that will do awny wide attention; medical aid was freely pooplo, many of whom were cured by his tary review in honor of tho czar and 'czar to tit" itniniis rlic-nii.-ii: ra sought here, there and yonder, b u t without remedies after having been given up as inMr. Arnold Green a s chairman. In i bia h a s been postponed until tomorrow 0 Spruce s'.. Nov.- V-. '.i. Samp! vii-.i i it.mts. with tho bond selling annoyance." dition to Mr. Bryan's speech ih.< meeting "Now," replied his Republican friend, " 1 avail. Travel, medical springs, and health curable by local physicians and noted spe- B. Dunham Avenue churchRev. Andrew account of heavy rain. The emperors a r e Chalmers, tho pastor, will preach Sun- shooting nt Lainz. will bo addressed by Mr. G. A. drool and am surprised in truth a l your amazing resorts proved oqually futile I t was while cialists. Many of theso grateful patients Mr. L. A. Russell. I t is probable, If conla tho south. When she had been brought have specially requested that- their cures day morning a t 10 o'clock 0:1 "Abiding in ditions permit, that Mr. Bryan will make Ignorance! Don't you know t h a t when wo to the verge of human endurance, and be published for the benefit of other suf- Christ." The Sunday school meets a t in wo If During the Past sixty Years, and a third speech from iho balcony of The put McKlnley ollice a mec-t during Ilia whan her reason seemed about to be swal- ferers. Statistics show that there are not 11:30, and Y. P. S. C. E. a t S:15. blotter, '.lie le .levees I-lxi (.e'lml :1:1s hoe Whole term ot hoslllo senatea cases of female disorder iu Euclid Avenue Christian churchMr. A bi-ililiiiii: relief le the ' iteilsiinds w!io Jioi senate pledged lo no legislation of this lowed up In suffering that, h e r friends three Dr. l'ierco's remedies will a hundred that not cure for iiroindiiiis. Asthma, etc.. sort unless coupled with a true coinage loomed how Mrs. J. P. Smith of Oakfus- promptly am! permanently. No matter how M. Atkinson of Wabash, Ind., will speak used itbo wisdom for you '0 clvc it awool. It not tl Freckles, Blotches, proviso? Don't you know that wo can do kee, Cleburne county, Ala., had bech res- serious the case may be, no m a t t e r at 10 a. m. Sunday. No evening service. It lias cured mai y o: :.'.. :..-:-h: !) ini; Cedar Avenue churchRev. Harris R. now? constipi'ii'.ii, ' ' nothing whatever In the lino you suggest cued from a similar ordeal. Ri,'it;'.vo;n)i, Kiv.cuia, what friends, physicians and speFor tics nnd the prospect Is !baI there will 1 during all those four y e a r s ? " cialists may say, no matter how helpless Cooley will preach in the morning on Sanative Pills. Scald ilaai'.. Tetter, thousands of ou! of town visitors n i c e "Wall, 1 never thought of itcertainly and hopeless the patient may feel, "Every Day Religion." aud all o t h e r skin C o n g r e s s i o n a l IVomlneoa. at the meetings, representing -,11 ihe com Methodist. it she will write to the World's Dispensary you a r e right." disorders positively try wiihl radius of eighty miles ot the OMAHA, Neb., Aug. 2S.Ross I. Ham"Then since I am right, what else can tors treated my case tor years. They all Modioal Association, a s Buffalo, N. Y of Lorain Street churchThe pastor. Rev. cured with city. Medina (manly ha;, slated that MoKtllloy do when we p u t him In other gave mo up as hopeless; they said I could which Dr. Piorce Is President, s h e will A. E.-Winter, will speak a t both services. mood has been nominated .'or congress i>\ will send a delegation or S00 nnd San the third Nebraska than continue Just as Cleveland leaves not bo cured and could not l i v e I suf- promptly receive, free of cost, such plain, His subject in die evening will bo "Away the Republicans dusky, Akron. Ashtabula. Ravenna straightforward, confidential advice as will W. If. Robb for conuntold pains and district at Columbl again Lorain and other placed have sent word off, selling bonds financialnnd again, and feredcnu describe, for sixmisery, such as no enable her to ours herself a t home. If, as 1 Democratic fusion years. I was con- It sometimes happeus. her case doesn't gross bv Populist distress only pen r-ftlCE 5 0 C A BO/I. ^ t h a t they will have large representations the scandal and forces In the eight congressional district; hnvo soft, M':. o'li .Tii) !:-fi)ihf on hand. As a help to this movement piling up ou us, j u s t as it h a s piled Up oh fined to my bed most of tho time. I e x - yield entirely to the remedies named, the by the pastor morning and evening. among Its neighboring towns It h a s been Cleveland to the end that four years from pected the cold hand of death every day. I records show that by visiting Dr. Pierce's Jects, morning, "The Christian Law ot Prank Bailess for congress in the fourth Iowa district by the Democrats. Hri .l l 8 KEJL L ' S *SOAPm arranged with all the railroads running now all the power on earth will nol bo was aflliotcd with 'Female Weakness' Invalids' Hotel cod Surgical Institute aud Love;" evening, " H e a r t Surrender." ! , ' if. ,11. S-.-iid Slump tf ITiio i- inrto. anto Cleveland to run special trains a t less able lo prevent the free silver men from bearing-down sensationspain in the small placing herself under the treatment of tho Broadway churchThe pastor, Rev. C. lf11.S'> t o St. I ' a o l stiui IKetnrn$14.M0 I'.'.'.lif.VOs.. h.'HPOW.'.l .v CI)., HULA. t h a n half rates. It Is thought that turning us out, and putting thoir plaus Into of my hackmy bowels costive, also pal- corps of skilled specialists, who have suc- B. Manchester, D. D., having returned Via the old reliable Lake Shore and Michnrrangeraent will greatly swell the a t - operation! 1 ' pitation ot tho heart. When I began tak- cessfully treated thousands upon thousands from his vacation trip, will preach a t igan Southern Raliway. Rein:: on Aug. 30. tendance of out ot town people and make "You nro right, no administration ever ing the wonderful medicines that cured mo, of eases, she will soon go forth a well, 10:35 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. In the even- 31 and Sept. 1. Choice of routes out of Mr. Bryan's reception here a mam stood under the pressure of hard times I could sit up only a lew minutes a t a strong and happy woman. After years of ing he will give an account of somo Inter- Chicago. Special train wilh free chair cars affair. through to St. Paul, leaves Monday, 10:10 right or wrongtho voters demand and time, I was so weak. I took Dr. Pierce's experience 11 has been found that there aro esting vacatiou experiences. Favorite Prescription three times per day, very, very low cases not. curable by Dr. secure a change." Jennings Avenue churchThe pastor, n. m. Call a t once a t ticket office, 237 SuAlt tho committees Interested In "Now, gentlemen, we nro all McKlnley his 'Golden Medical Discovery' three times Rev. F. A. Gould, will preach in the morn- perior street. work of the reception nro Instructed to ing on "The Alabaster Box of Ointment" meet a t The Hollcndcn a t 12:15 p, m. lo mon, wo all intend to vote for him, but per day, and one of Br. Pierce's Pollols Pierc-'s p -..>--.. . .in and in the evening on " T h e Influence of prepare lo march lo tile depot. The pro- don't you all sec that wo cannot do any- every night. IlostB Of AviHciiimiK K i l l e d . IN ALL. BRANCHES "These medicines cured mo. I feel out tho land, and when such a cose is Our Friendships on Our Character." cession both ways will bo accompanied thing by circling him. except to keep up MADRID, Aug. 2S.The Spanish minisfour years mora of this financial stress as well a s I ever did in my life. Through found tho patient is not askod to luauigc la by a large military band. Euclid Aveuuo churchW. H. Rider, aEHERALEtOAVHIGCO Mustul'thor and e-.per.se. u u . it, tho will of God. and these medicines, I candidly experiments Dr. Pierce a s to her pastor. Subject of the morning sermon, ter a t Constantinople reports that theduring Some trouble Is going to be experienced and slavery lo a gold bond syndicate?" advised by sulmans killed hosts of Armenians "Then," said one, "you believe that we have been restored to tho best of health." by the committee In tho matter of stage "The Roturn to Christ." Union service the -ioting of Wednesday and dragged title condition. tickets. Some sharpers about tho town have got lo die anyway, and It is belter HUNDREDS O F DOLLARS LOST. When Dr. Pierce, ot Buffalo, N. Y., in tho evening; place and speaker to be their bodies through the streets. that wc die a t once?that we all lay down Have got out a lot of spurious tleke announced Sunday morning. edition of and are disposing of i:,,-. -,, -. .. lral . ,,..,, at once?" Another loiter figures in the remarkable published tho firstThe People's his work, Franklin Avenue churchSunday mornCommon to persons who believe Unit lliev are bu "No, I don't look a t it that way, we experience ot this Massachusetts girl. It Sunday excursions every week via the Sense Medical Advlter, ing tho pastor. Rev. Dr. Lewis, will dellvev i n g tho genuine article and nrorurint-'a had belter take our free silver dose a l was written by Mrs. John G. Foster, 33 Put an end to misery. Doan's Ointment h e announced t I r a t a sermon on the topic, "The Christian a s Nickel Plate Road a t one f a r e Ask 'scat within arm's rear.!', of Mr. llrv.-in. U onco than take it after four years more ot Chnpin street, Oanandalgua, N. Y., and 320 will cure the worst case of Itching Piles after 630.000 c 0 p I 0 s Seen by Others." Iti the evening his sub- agents. t h o tickets that have been issued so far financial suffering on the present plan. reads: " I was troubled with eczema, or there ever was, and do It almost instantly. had been sold a t tho ject will bo "The Christian's Song." however, are bogus and will not bo rccog Wc will bo loss likely lo dlo under it now salt rheum, seven years. I doctored with a Venrs of Buffering relieved In a single Dlhb regular price, 1.50 per Asbury churchRev. E. J. Moon, Ph D., ailzed. No Official ticket will be issued than thenthat is the common souso way niimbor of our homo physicians aud reGet Doan's O'utuieut from your dealer. copy, the profit on pastor. Preaching a t 10:30 and 8. Suntill Monday morning and no ticket will of lacing this troublewe cannot prevent colvcd no benefit whatever. I also took We are the agents which would repay day school a t 2:30 p. m. Epworth league bo recognized unless it hears Iho sin blm for tho great a t 7 o'clock. At the morning service the tho association. Only members or the a tree silver trial by this country by elect- treatment from physicians in Rochester, for the largest and amount of labor aud ordinance of baptism will be soleinclzed ing McKlnley todayit will only follow New York, Philadelphia, Jersey City. different committees who will act as .;,.,m 0 n 0 y expended in and a class ot probationers received Into rctarios and vice presidents a t tho meet hia electionwhy not take it nt onco and Blnghamton. nnd received no benefit from best equipped hard producing it, ho would full membership. done with i t ? " them. In fact, I have paid out hundreds of ings will receive the stage passes. distribute the next half wood door factory Silence nnd gloom settled over them all dollars to tho doctors without benefit. My Epworth Memorial churchTho last million free. As this It h a s boon arranged thai a large detail as they slopped off a t the s q u a r e . brother come to visit us from the west and W W TIT!,!-; li-oil a r i i i s i . M V . quarterly meeting for Iho conference year FLAMBEAUX.. in the country. copies h a s already been of police shall be present at Hie depot he told me to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medidistributing, absolutely will be held a t this church. Tho pastor at all of tho meetings lo preserve order cal Discovery. I t had cured him. I have free.' 500,000 copies ot this most completo. will preach in the morning on " P e a c e " 1.. A. ItnxHcIl Hcft-vH (o H i m n tii and to prevent any crowding. tak?n ten bottles ot the 'Discovery' and am In the evening Rev. Dr. Muller, P. E., of The ladles' reception committee that has Item" G u a r d oC Advi'i'HllyA Rftue interesting ."..and valuable Cleveland district, will preach and adentirely cured." been unpointed to look after Mrs. Hrvan W e sell perfect hardin;j,' B r y a n Meeiiiitv. " I t was these letters." says the beauti- c o m m o n : COUPON : sense medical minister the sacrament ot the fjord's supF I > 0 S BANKERS.' while she is in the city will go to Failles Co IMMMIMII s r A good sized attdiec.ee assembled Fri- ful young womnn whose picture is here w 0 r k ever : No. 170. : p u b lished per. vlllc and board iho train there, nct-oni wood veneered doors al o n l y being CKlCflllO B o u t i n t. panymg her Into the city. These ladle- day night at Tculonla hall to listen to given, " t h a t saved my life for they In- tho recipient mail lo him, will also assist .Mrs. Bryan at the reception L. A. Russell's address to the members duced me to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- required 10 little COUPON at the above adprices lower than the dress, this NUMBER with Willson Avenue churchPreaching by and accompany her lo the meetings. scription, and his Golden Medical Discov- twenty-one (21) one-cent stamps to cover of the Thirteenth Ward Bryan club. the pastor, Rev. James Loring Cheney, P h . rue ladles of Cleveland are going lo glv FLEHARTY & CO.. , 9 S actual cost to manufaccost of mailing only, and tho book will be D., at 10 a. in. and 7 p. m. Mr. Russoll had read MeKiiiley's letter ery." Mrs. Bryan a royal welcome to this city. "These remedies roscteO. mo from a sent post-paid. It Is a veritable medical Scale Badges. Stwl East E n d churchRev. George Crart, and Eubber Btampo, Door and Yesterday tho committee ou reception of acceptance a t 1 o'clock Hint morning helpless, hopeless condition ot agonizing library, complete in one great volume ture a t many mills. KuQiber Platen, Alphabets. Lafia. held a meeting a t The Hollcnden to coin- and he offered many criticisms ou It. Ho suffering, from which neither physicians, It contains over 1000 pages and more than D. D., will preach morning and evening. ' Cbocka Check Protectors. WTwo special trains will be run lo Toronto said that somo people say that McKlnley friends, faith, nor hope 'were able to res- 300 Illustrations. The Free Edition Is pre- Morning services a t 10:15, evening services is tho advance agent ot prosperity, whereat 7:15. Sept. 7th via the Nickel Plato Road, accisely the same a s those heretofore sold at count tho Great Canadian Industrial E x - as he is really the rear guard of adversity. First churchRev. A. G. Upham, D. D.. CLEVELAND WINDOW GLASS Co. Her perfect face, features, and form, tell $1.60 except only that the books aro bouud position. One lonvos a t 0:30 a, m. nnd the Tho excursion to Toronto via Lake !n strong manUla paper covers instead of will preach a t 10:15 a. m., subjeot, "The forcibly than words, glass, doors, paints, .J other a t 0:30 p . ni. 51.50. to Toronto a u j Railway loaves Union Depot a t 10 pShore more rescue has been. The how remarkable cloth. If French cloth-covered, embossed Value ot Local Patriotism," a Cleveland . m., that medicines menGEO.. H. OLiflSTED & C 0 . , {return, . . . . 315 covers aro doslrod, send 10 cents extra centennial sermon. No evening service Sopt. 7. Round trip. J4.B0, a t 237 Superior tioned above! usod conjointly, as therein Tel. 713 86 Superior St Calvary churchA, W . Stone, pastor. A t oxplained, constitute a spentifio nnd ef- 31 cents ia all, to cover only the postage

and the extra cost of that more durable 10:15 a. m., "Earthern Vessels;" a t 7:15 and beautiful style of binding. Send NOW p. m., "Round and Round a Mountain." before all are given away. They are go- Christian Endeavor a t 6 p. m. ing oft rapidly. Third ChurchRev, Henry Madtcs, pastor. There will bo no preaching services Sunday. Sunday school a t 3 a. m.. Christian Endeavor society, 7 p. m., standard. Immanuel churchRev. Hartuiau ''! Sunday Services. r will preach in the morning Dr.30 o'clock. at Sunday school a t 11:15 a. m. Union services in tho evening a t 7:30 in the Park Congregational church. ISplKcopal. CouKresiitioital. Trinity cathedralHoly communion at Lorain Street missionThis mission, now located a t tho corner of Richards and parish house, Euclid and Perry, a t 7:30 a. m. Morning prayer, sermon by Rev. E. S. Denison avenues, will have its Sunday Barkdull, and holy communion a t catheschool a t 2 p. m. and its evening service at dral, Superior and Bond, a t 10:30 a. m. Mu7:30 o'clock. sical service a t 7 p. m. Other Services. Pilgrim churchPublic worship at Central Friendly Inn churchRev. J. L. 10:30 a. in., with sermon by Rev. Irving W. pastor., preaching a t 11 a. m. Metcalf. upon "Tho Trustworthiness ot Dawson, m., by tho pastor. Sabbath school and S p. Christ." People's service a t 7:15 p. m., a t 2:30 p. m. Christi.-.u Endeavor a t 6. Open address upon "Judging One Another." Spe- air meeting a t 7. Gospel services every cial music by quartet and soloists a t both night In the week. services. Y. P. S. C. E . 6 p. m. STATUE B E P t i l l L i C n t i l K E D . Irving Street churchPreaching a t 10 a. A HINT TO WOMAN. m, by Rev. John Chapel. Sunday school C l i i c a e o P n r l c C o m m t l ; i o DcsU'ucliu.k o One reason why woman suffers in sileuce. at 11:30 a. m. Young people's meeting at 6 p. m. Evening service a t 7 o'clock. Parle churchRegular Sunday services at 10 a. m., conducted by the pastor, E . S. CHICAGO, Aug. 28.At an early In Rotarock. There will bo a union service this morning the statue "Republic," wh a t 7:30 p . m. Rev. Mr. Vinton of the Parkstood a t the head ot t h e grand basin wood M. E. church, will preach I ^ l a ^ ' A v e ; " e a c h . corner of \ * - * K j ^ J S j ^ J * * Oast Madison avenue and Qumcy s t r e e t - position was burned, by order of the So Tho 0"' -in- ! t- v '.' T. Thomr.s, will pn ai-h Side park commissioners, in the morning. In the evening reports .The figure cost about $25,000 and was from the Washington convention will be sixty feet high, standing ou a pedestal g,v n. 1 Services a? 10 a m ^ n d 7:15 p. m j g ^ ^ U g ^ J - J ^ ' d l n g Hough Avenue c h u r c n - l h c ii.-sf-n. >" a b o u i s . u . f , - lV ., cu ,,.,. Uo: g l - 0 , 1 2 d s ,., Charles W. Carroll, will prr-acii tomorrow. ,KO,:..,,,i 0 .. ;-.,.,, . v j , j l ; i l U c s l v u y e ( i s 0 , n o ef The subject in the mornmg wul .;.?. i.irst . h l , ]u,.. i n: ij ( iii,, rSi ^ , 1 swept away in a of All." T h e musical selectnm will be, ., .-i,: ,],,,,,,, ;, a t u ,- C ! i m o s t familiar to "Come, Thou Fount of Every' Bl.t.-sic;:" s!;.-!;- 5C.,,.K (.UVAV. ; ,, exposition, "Repub(Loucantoui.) In t h e evening the subject ii C " s l 0 0 , j a g |r defying that clement ot of t h e sermon will be. "Lite a Gain." The ruin. choir will sing "Rejoice in the Lord" j Tho commissioners ..ere loath to give the (Myers,) a n d "Abide With Me" (H. R. order for her destruction, and withheld it Shelley) I " m i l the improvements in die park made Franklin Avenue churchRev. B. G. : ' t necessary either to remove the statue, or Newton, who iccently accepted a call lo Jo put it in a condition la keeping with tho this church, is preaching telling sermon: >eaufy of t h e park. growing congregations, and the people I ' O W D B K U l'01l J1-K1M.HV. of Frankll:: -V env.c church will gladly join with their pastor In extending a cordial welcome to all. Preaching Sunday a t 10:15 a. in. and 7:15 p. m. Mr. Edwiu H. Douglass, tho popular tenor, has kindly conSCRANTON, Pa., Aug. 5S.T. V. Pc sented to sing tier us next Sunday morning. derly, former master workman of Seats free. Knights of Labor, ID an interview toi Prcauyieviaii, announced his intention to support Ma Bolton Avenue churchThe pastor, Rev. John Sheridan Zelie. will preach a t the McKiuIey. morning si rvicc, lf.:15, standard. No even" o explained that .MeKmley has ccvo lug service. his whole life lo tho people and t h a t r " Caso Avenue churchAf 10:15 a. m. !breath of scandai has scorched Ms Mr. Hanua an "Industi preaching in the chapel by tho pastor, Rev. He had calledt "1 am nol only not in fa cannibal," b u Pulley P. Kennedy. Subject: "Agnosticism ot Mr. Bryan's election but 1 am uncajtl Logical." No evening .service. , ceally in favor of tho election of Mr. 1 Betnany churcu -.dr. John J ,cI.cai:o ol K i r l e v . " said Mr. fow-ieily. " I do ...a. ;t! iter college, will speak a t 10:o0 a. ,...,,,. M : . ,.,,.Vi-,:,.,. M\;v or sincerity, :::. ': .:..: ...1. . K.i i-avor ; : ;e ::t. K, ; x ..,.;,.,,:,, ; -,. h ; , ' ,. g-rot::- dir ;ii evening preaching service. Sunday school. s , u l , a : l n ,,,,, ,;. 0 elector to ponder 1 at 9 a m - ! and carefully over the probable result Windermere churchThere will be industrial the business management ot 1 intrusting national workshop iu his t-i.niitig service a l 10 o'clock, with mon by Hie pastor, Rev. Charles L. Zorbsugh, ou the topic, "Judas Iscarlot, Which Also Betrayed Him." No evouing service Y. P . S. C. E. prayer meeting a t 6:15 p. in. manic, from Liverpool; Norman Glonrille churchThe wstor, Rev. Theodore Y. Gardner, having returned from Hamburg. Sailed: Columbia, 1 bis vacation, will conduct worship and will burg. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 28.Arrive! preach Sunday morning a t 10:15 and evening at 7:15. Y. P. S. C, E. at 6:15 p. in. laud, from Philadelphia. HAMBURG, Aug. 2S,Arrived: Sunday school a t 11:45 a. m., standard from New York.


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