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SUNDAY, MAY 29, 1904 GR.

OWTH AND D e v e l o p e m e r i t of

leading citizens boih resident and nonfor t w o terms, be,ng: defeated at t h e recent election held M M April, at which time 1* O Pritcb.-rd. county superintendent of roads and bridge*, w a s elected by a small m a j o - n y . Upon the incorporation of the town a lav rate of one-fifth of one per cent was made -v fixed rate, and although the Income derived from t a x revenue was light the city, under a good, c o n s e c u t i v e administration, managed to remedy -nany of the e v i l s and by dire economy w a s able of the racking plants real e s t a t e v a l des took a Jump and w i t h t h e passing of each week wlu**s gradually i n creased until now only the vacant property in the surburban parts of t h e tiy can be had at a reasonable price. The ground for t h e t w o plants w a s donated to t h e companies by Iind hold-* ers w h o were interested in the locating of the t w o industries north or the river. After sites had been decided upon for the building of t h e plants companies were formed which bought up ail s a l e able vacant property adjacent t o t h e rered douole its original value, but are still holding for the future a s they b e lieve that North Fort Worth Is. like St. Joseph and other packing house centers, destined t o become a city of 15.000 or *0 eco population. Certain it 1* that no other feature of a g r o w i n g city will g o farther In a convincing future than t h e condition and sale of i t s real With the substantiality or the city assured and a continuance of the rapid strides of progress which have c h a r acterized Its past history t h e packing house city has a n unlimited field for


straight municipal election w a s held for a mavor. five aldermen and a city marshal!. James D Farmer, w h o baJ been largely Instrumental In espousing the M U M of c i t y government, w a s

/ B y B. Tl_ Webb. J r ) buildings on the principal b u s l From a mere v i l l a g e of a f e w h u n s t r e e t s a r e fast g i v i n g w a y to dred inhabitants t o a n up-to-date and :<!>: tar:tisa| houses, many of thoroughly modern c i t y of 7,500 people is the history of North Fort Worth at has L _ . . during1 th past t w o year-*. In fart hardly t w o years a s t h e advent of t h e root t o have a atrlctly fire district s o t w o great packing houses marked t h e that t h e liability t o l i f e and propert era of g r o w t h and prosperity of t h e packing house city. Until It w a s a n assured thin* that branch h o u s e s of t w o of t h e g r e a t e s t concerns of t h e United States would be located In t h e city of Fort Worth, very l i t t l e i n t e r e s t had ever been t a k e n In property north of t h e Trinity river and t h e population consisted principally of people w h o had chosen s location on that side of t h e river to avoid the dust and confusion ot a city. Marine w h i c h w a s t h e central location of t h e North Side prior t o t o * erection of t h e packing plants c o n sisted of a postoffice, a f e w stores and a scattered resident population, a, m a jority of w h i c h were dependent upon work in t h e c i t y or Fort Worth for a livelihood. W i t h the certainty of t h e coming off t h e meat Industries real estate a t once took a n aerial v o y a g e , v. it Ji values Increasing steadily until even t h e residence lots in t h e suburbs of t h e little city In a short time were almost at a premium. t*th specula' and home s e e k e r s flocking tn for i n vestments, some intending t o m a k e t h e North Side their permanent home w h i l e others wished t o buv and hold property merely for t h e benefit of a n advance The business section of t h e city In the Immediate vicinity of t h e o l d Marine postoffice w a s the first t o sell to investors, and within a short t i m e business h o u s e s of all k i n d s were under erection and a s fast a s completed were rented o u t for t h e c a r r y i n g on off the xarlous k i n d s of commercial b u s i ness. After t h e establishment of a good business center in Marine merchants began t h e erection of s t o r e s around t h e s t o c k yards, a n d today In what is known a s t h e stock yards d i s trict, nearly every c l a s s of b u s i n e s s 'a represented, including grocery stores, saloons, drug stores, restaurants, c o n fectionary stands, real e s t a t e offices and offices of t h e members of t h e l e g a l and medical profession. As a place of residence there a r e sections of North Fort Worth which are not to le surpassed anywhere !n the state. While- t h e c i t y a s y e t haa nf rert : "larger towns possess, a t t h e s a m e time the most needful have been sect and with the a d v a n t a g e s of natural slopes and a good elevation, t h e city an Ideal place for a home. Building Is gradually spreading o u t until n o w the extreme limits of t h e Incorporation are t h u k l y settled Vast e x p a n s e s of rolling prairies, which t w o years a g o were untouched by t h e hand of p r o g ress and Improvement h a \ e been s u r ve>ed and platted into c i t y lots and are now covered w i t h neat houses, the homes of men w h o arc Interested In business properties of the g r o w i n g city and w h o have settler! In t h e town b e cause they preferred it for Its c o n v e nience t o their b u s i n e s s and it* desirability a s a p l j c e of residence Not only h a s t h e laboring c l a s s of people w h o are employed at t h e packing houses and stock \ a r d s bought h o m e s there, but a l s o a great many of t h e officials of the plants and stock yard* and even some of t h e commission m e n who h a \ e offices a t the l l \ stock e x change have bought property and


Fort Worth's Great Advantages in Handling Trains and Business
**A train of twenty to forty freight cars brought In here rrom any direction can be distributed t o fourteen other railroad outlets from Fort Worth Inside of an hour," said a practical man the other day. and be added: ~i don t enow another city tn the country where It could be dune In less ^J than half a day. and In most places' *t * would take a day or more. A s compared with Iallas. let me teU yon what Is a * fact. Tralnloads of agricultural l o p l e - " ments sent to a Dallas firm for various parties in the state have repeatedly b e n brought to Fort Worth for distribution t o the different connecting roads." This may sound like brag, but they are plain statements of fact, and the reasons are obvious, when we consider that at nost other cities railroads are rreightttuslness Is concerned, cars being exchanged around the outside of the buslcenter by belt lines. In Fort Worth the Texas and Pacific railroad was granted a broad strip of land through what !s now the center of the city- Crossing this wide Up Is another, s o that bisecting tt*e map of Fort Worth In both directions Is a great Iron cross. The Texas and Pacific


The Telegm started


k 'i'j*!**f*m?x *%?*&:

has been libera! In Its arrangements with I, and also contributed to the cost of the steel viaduct across all of lbs tracks, and this Improvement, with the Ion of the trackage, gives a m t excellent opportunity for making up trains with close connections and prompt service. The consequence Is that there is more freight cars In Fort Worth at a n y time all the cars t o be round in Dallas. ). Austin and Galveston, nutacturers and others will do well t o bear this fact In mind in seeking a location as to central sites, as to tracking facditles and a s to most prompt and economical securing of raw material and distribution of products. North Fort Worth the system of freight car interchange 4s also easy and admirable. Fort Worth is the great radway center between Kansas City and Los Angeles. Its great advantages in this respect can hardly be overestimated a s , a basis for future growth in wealth and population.

(Continued rrom of 150.000. It will be only a short time until w e have a larg number of mills and factories built and operated In Fort Worth. This Will g i v e work t o a large number of people, at fair salaries, w h o a r c now small retail merchants on HonMon and Main streets. They wall close -up these

v i e w of t h e rapid g r o w t h of t h e t o w n It would hardly tie surmised t h a t t h e Wrger proportion of t h e population consisted of a c l a s s or well-to-do p e o ple w h o intend t o m a k e It their permanent home a s t h e advent of great commercial concerns such a s t h e packing pi ints a s a rule draw a. floating population w h i c h w i t h t h e tide of d i s satisfaction move t o t o m e other place. where, in their minds, they believe they can be betterd. if not in location, li business a d v a n t a g e s Various add! w i n be> reduced to a minimum and t h e Insurance and water rates cut down until now It is estimated that fully accordingly. Prior to t h e time of t h e l^ae people interested in bur-mea on erection of t h e packing plants t h e main the north s i d e ..re living outside or the business section of t h e city w a s a r o u n l corporate l i m i t s or the town. Un^en Marine, but kith the gradual increase Heights, one of the principal residence of population, brought about by t h e section* has a pop-ilation or I.O0Q p e o - coming of the t w o g r e a t commercial ple, while D n m o n d 11 ill and other a d - resident shortly after the completion ditions contain a n c p i a l number of of t h e t w o packing plants began a movement t o have the t o w n incorporated The original Instigators of 1TH I t m W r K t l t l i IMI'OHTs^CIWhile >ct in ll infancy In more wu>8 this movement were O W. Matthews, than one. North Fort Worth, from a secretary and treasurer of t h e Fort


MissIoADi.ACKM/>M$f .


concerns, business i s gradually drifting north on Main street toward what Is commonl> known a s the stock >ards district, where already nearly every branch of business is represented Commercially speaking t h e city is divided into t w o MCtaons, that of Marine proper, and t h e stock jstrds business district, but w i t h t h e rapidity which has characterized t h e thrift of t h e merchants of t h e town it is now only a matter of months until the whole of Main street from Marine to Exchange avenue will h t h i c k l y s e t t l e ! w i t h


ight bo Justsi nd H.mt i s far ahead of that or tlie o r d n a r , frrowmsf c i t y From a, few o . . I * swn* a ptftstoffice and the usual blaclksipitll s h o o of t h e villas.;. the corr.rr.c'cia! importance h a s urown to lar^e proportion* Store buildings now n n ~ ( n e t t l y ;n three of t h e leading stret ts of tl e bus.ness section, and In those Mores c a n be found a n y t h i n g that the l t r g e r tores of A city contain. Be'c!*s t h e n n n v grocery store*), d m * stores and markets. North Fort Worth now ha* t w o l i r ^ e department ' l o r e s , where the feminine shopper c a n find anything from a DM t o t h e l a t e s t in tailor-made g o w n s . * a \ l n g both time and expanse an her shoppings The

Worth Stock Yards Company. James D. Farmer, vice president of t h e N a l l o m l U \ e Stock Commission Company and William 1 \ McLean, j r . w h o w a s e m Ployed In the capacity of an attorney to bring the matter t o perfection a n l Push it before t h e s t a t e government. The people then living on the North Side felt t h a t they should be exempt from t h e h i g h t a x r a t e assessed in Fort Worth a s t h e t o w n w i s only a n overgrown village w i t h practically n o modern a d v a n t a g e s w h a t e v e r . In the e a r l y fall of IMS a special election w a s held t o decide t h e question of Incorporation w i t h the result that the town w a s made a municipality by a l a r g e majority. F o l l o w l n c t w o months, a

business concerns or every k n o w n d e scription. Since January of this year no less than t w e n t y new buildings have been erected around Main street and Exchange avenue, which i s t h e c e n tral business point adjacent t o t h e stock yards and packing houses and as fast a s e i c h has been completed business concerns have been opened up and n o w w i t h a w a t e r w o r k s s y s t e m and electric l i g h t s that section of the town has a s aniny a d v a n t a g e s t o offer t o the resident a s a n y or t h e larger and more up-to-date cities o f double the population. ITS MCMC1PAL OVKRSSIE*T. With a v i e w ' t o its future importance center'some the X

to d o a great deal toward public i m - property of the packing 1 plants, surveyprovements, the most c* t h e money be- ing It and platting It Into Jots and later ing expended u p o n the streets. .-* largo offering It on t h e market. In many majority or which were in had condi- cases on the Installment plan, building tion, a s practically no grading w h a t - house* on the lots aiul celling t o emever had been done on them by the ployes at a small cash payment a n l country. The city now IIJS t h e streets the remainder on easy monthly p a y In fairly good shape, has electric lights ments I D this w a y it w a s only a short and a partial water works system time until a great nrvny or the mechanwhich will shortly be Improved Upo*l ics and artisans brought hero from the and enlarged to accommodate t h e e n - North by t h e nackerles were couvlently tire population. T h e t a x rate ques- domiciled In new homes which offered tion i s also receiving t h e attention of encouragement to others, many of the council and within a hort time a whom bought lots and erected homes. new rate will be fixed which. In addition t o the school tax. will increase t h * present rate t o about ''> cents on the 1100. ITS IIKI.TII1 I.CMT4TIOV. The prevailing impression or a g r o t many people w h o have never resided In North Fort Worth i s that the city with the heavy s e w e r a g e output of the p a c k i n g plants and t h e s|.,ck yards 13 a very unhealthy location a s a pl-*ee of residence. On the other cand It i s one-of the bealthie-t -pots in the f i t The town la situated on a high knoll at a sufficient distance s o that the obnoxoua odors from t h e plants do not reach the populited districts This condition especially applies on the w e - t end around Ito-en H e i g h t s and s o m e of the larger additions which have recently been added t o t h e re-ident s-ection. The packing houses have also under construction a s r p u c tank sewerage system, which will, w h e n completed, d o away w i t h t h e entire s e w e r a g e output which will then p a s s o f r - f r o m the plants in t h e rorm or diluted water. This system Is being: put in by the packing plants at a cn*t of about $10.00 and upon Its completion the city will endeavor to m a k e arrangements with the p a c k e n e s for a connection tor an extensive s e w e r a g e s y s t e m winch s being 1 planned tot t h e city Barring; the usual contagious diseases and the common epidemics v.i.i.-i; are j-revalent In all sections or t h e country, the North Side has experienced very little local sickness In h l s annual report before a recent meeting of the council, the city pbvsician. a>tate that there had been an unusual scarcity or sickness during- the winter and spring ?nrt s u g gested that with the necessary precau li..-..; commonly used for t h e preven tion of di-eae fcerms there should l i e very little local ilines during; t h e present summer Thus ftr North Fort Worth has had but little use for a hospital and the few cases ut siekne n e n t h o a - a h m e a l w a y s been at a of a serious nature are sent t o t h e i n - [premium, and a s fast a s erected h a v firmary In the c i t y Roth the Swift been occupied. A large per tent or the and Armour racking companies mr-ln- houses now rented are *.ome**hat ina m a temporary hospital depa convenient to the laboring class strictly a s they are mostly situated in the {suburbs where property i s not s o e x lo. pensive. Now that a n e w street railbrought Into the town by transients or way has beep put In which takes in caes of indigents they a r e removed t o the more thickly portions of t h e resithe county pest h c u t e o r t o the city i d e n t sections of t h e town, homes on the hospital In Fort Worth, where a t t e n - ' o u t s k i r t s or t h e city will be more popution i s given a t the expense of tfc* lar t h a n heretorore a n d more building will be Induced along t h e new road. Some of t h e investors and speculators R C t l . KST1TK V t l X E S . bo With the first rush of speculators i wo m e bought property early have b e [c rich while others have been ofto t h e Nuitii 5id after the assurance

growth and prosperity and i t s destination Is for a population which will rival that of any city of Un age In the United States. Steps, will ahortly-~be taken t o commence plans and methods for further improving t b * c i t y and putting at o n a thoroughly modern plan and berore Its citixers hardly realire It they will be residents Of one of the greatest commercial towns of Its size In the country. With t h e establishment of t h e \ a t Industries alread ill be

cause they will be compelled t o get out or business- t o make room for big stores. Now, I b e l i e . e on Ttusk and Throckmorton streets will be our future wholesale business houses Property i s cheap at the prices asked for it. I think the railroad track should be extended all the way up Rusk street at once, s o that trackage accommodations could be had for wholesale purposes. If this was dore you would see a lot of fine buildings that treet already has some fine buildings

s* ^ -


derive benefits which can come only to a town which h a s t h e Inducements North Fort Worth offers t o new enterprise-*. Already a g e n t s representing capital from some or t h e northern s t a t e s have visited North Fort Worth and have been impressed with Its p o s sibilities a s a commercial center w i t h Its vast networtcor railroads and convenient location for wholesale and manufacturing establishments and when the time la rloe for thes c o n cerns t o look for a Southern location or a central point for a branch house Fort Worth will have the preference of all other place* for the establishment of these concerns.

that are an honor t o the cltr-Prices on real estate arc more than double what they were t w o years ag-oYou k n o w where t e e Page additioa is. Two j e a r s a g o w e ofrered lots oot there for JliP. Owners ore selling he same lots at %1*9 eachA friend of mine bought a lot on Main i l r w t about four ye:rs off* at 15.000. H w a s offered this week 19.500 cash for the same lot. I helieve that there i s not a s i n g l e lot on Slain street o u t i what would prove a Tne Investment a i SIS C O and will sell for more money O inside of one year. Kverybody w h o has a s much as J580 cash, should buy real e s t a t e In Fort WortnT

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