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Walk With God I encourage you to challenge your own faith. Not just accept mine, or someone elses.

I would encourage you to follow no religion as only weak minded individuals do. But seek frst the Kingdom of God, and all His righteousness shall be added unto you. I might add its the righteousness I fail to understand much of the time. Much like I do not fully grasp, or understand God either. I would be foolish to attempt to give a full explanation of God. Just as an ant would be foolish to give an explanation of the human race. We are only able to explain, the unexplainable in the limited understanding, and means of understanding that were gifted to us by God, our creator. We would also be nave to ignore the fact that almost all cultures had creation narratives, salvation narratives, and food narratives that paralleled the Semitic stories that western civilization based it's modern religions on. Because of those narratives I tend to recognize that there are two stories. Those of the Takers, and those of the Leavers. The Takers are those who know good and evil, and the Leavers those who live in the hands of God... Many of the prophets, and those who followed God were destroyed by man because they were leavers. They lived in the hands of God. Many leavers were killed by Christians expanding a taker society. The writer of Hebrews speaks of the leavers in Hebrews 11. The world was unworthy of them. Not insignifcantly he starts this passage with Abel, the frst leaver. Takers rendered themselves above the laws governing all of life. As an example we can begin with the story of The Fall of Man. Eating the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil provides God symbolically with the knowledge they need to rule the world- the knowledge of who shall live and who shall die. The fruit nourishes only God, however, God saw that if Adam ("man") were to eat from this tree, he might think that he gained God's wisdom and in his arrogance, destroy the world and himself. "And so they said to him, you may eat of every tree in the garden, save the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, for on the day you eat of that tree, you will certainly die." This story was recorded by the leavers and explains the origin of the Takers. If it were of Taker origin, the story would be of liberating ascent instead of a sinful fall. The ancient Semitic herders among whom the tale originated, the story of Cain killing

Abel symbolizes the Leaver being killed off and their lands taken so that it could be put under cultivation. These ancient herders realized that the Takers were acting as if they were God, with all the wisdom of what is good and evil and how to rule the world. And as a result God banished Cain and his people from the Garden and they were brought from a life of bounty in the hands of God to one of being the accursed tillers of the soil. To begin discerning the Leavers' story, the Takers' Agricultural Revolution was a revolution against the Leavers' story. The Leavers take what they need from the world and leave the rest alone. Living in this manner ("in the hands of God"), Leavers thrive in times of abundance and dwindle in times of scarcity. The Takers however, practicing their unique form of agriculture aka Totalitarian agriculture produce enormous food surpluses, which allows them to thwart God when they decide it's the Takers' time to go hungry. "When you have more food than you need, then God has no power over you." Thus, the Taker revolution was tantamount to another Tower of Babel. Constantly rebelling against God in search of removing the need for Him. The Takers were themselves ruling the world instead of trusting in a benevolent God. "So we have a new pair of names for you: The Takers are 'those who know good and evil' and the Leavers are 'those who live in the hands of the gods'."

WHAT I BELIEVE I believe that God created the Heavens, and the Earth. And all of the expansive Universe that we fail to comprehend, and explore. I believe that God desires mankind to Love, and to Worship Through Action and Adoration with our entire beings. Our heart, mind, soul, and body. He also desires us to benevolently love creation and to protect it, not destroy it. I believe that God took a people who were once not his people and made them his own. That people was the Nation of Israel. I believe that the Nation of Israel rejected God, and his teachings, and his laws. But more importantly I believe the Nation of Israel rejected God himself, and his desire to walk with them, and to have a relationship with them. More so I believe God still cared, and loved Israel. So much so that he continued to

send unto them prophets, messengers of the very heart, and soul of God to attempt to rekindle this relationship. Mankind has recorded this romance in The Bible, and other historical documents. God's desire for mankind was immensely passionate, and desirous the same as it is today. He desired one thing. To bring unto them a mutual desire, a longing in their hearts to again walk with him. Again the Nation of Israel rejected God. God was not fnished. He sent another man, to rekindle and inspire a relationship with Israel. A man who fully walked with God, and yet was fully God because He walked with God. Unto this man was granted all things. All authority in the heavens and earth. Yet because he was fully God, and fully man. He did nothing that was outside of Gods will. Thus he was perfect. So perfect that he was called the Son of God by man who came into contact with him. If you had the opportunity to know this man you would see the characteristics, and the very image of God, made perfect in the imperfect body of a man. Though I do not comprehend that. I believe that in faith. The same faith that allows me to walk with God, though imperfectly. The nation of Israel rejected this man, as either a prophet, or as one who walked with God, and was the Son of God. The messiah of Israel, and of the entire world. For the very purpose of Israel was to be the messiah of the entire world. A light unto nations, and people who did not know God, or comprehend him. They were meant to teach the nations how to walk with God. But the leaders of Israel conspired with the leaders of this world. The greatest empire in the world Rome who held dominion over Israel, and they put him to death. Much like many followers of religions do today. They conspire with the leaders and ways of this world to again put to death those who walk with God, and who desire to share his message of a better way. Again rejecting a relationship with God, and his desire that they would walk with him. But those who accept God, and know him fnd salvation. And because of their walk with God, those who come in contact with them see God, and desire likewise to walk with him. But the world desires to kill them, to destroy them. For their guilt has created enmity and division with those who walk with God.

But in this man, and those who walk with God, God was made known unto the world. The very kingdom of God is among man. And so God offered unto the world the path which to walk. To walk with him. A perfect way. A path offered to all to follow. This is called Salvation, or literally God saves us. God saves us from our loneliness, our wandering alone in this world. Instead we walk with him. We live in the hands of God. And likewise many early followers of this man, whom some throughout history have mislabeled as Jesus did indeed walk with God. And yet others have clearly attempted to obtain salvation of their own means. Because they did not understand, or submit to the ways and walk of God. Instead they corrupted God, and again defled his ways. Many who claim to know God whether Jew, Christian, Muslim, or other have claimed to follow God but do not love, or walk in the ways of God. Instead they have chosen their own path. Making a mockery of God. They have chosen the things of this world. They have chosen to wander alone in this world. They have chosen the comforts of this world. And to them this is their salvation, and their reward. I do not fully understand salvation. But I fully believe that this man embodied the true nature of God, and was fully man. I believe the life of this man offers to us the roadmap of how we we walk with God, in faith. Without seeing the destination. I believe many have walked with God. Enoch, Abel, and others walked with God. Some were spared death. Others were destroyed by Takers, and it's greed and consumption. But to walk with God is salvation in and of itself. Regardless of our outcome in this life. Very few however choose to walk with God, fewer yet continue on without looking back and deciding the ways of this world are easier , or better. Returning to their worship of this world, and their knowledge of good and evil.

HOW THIS DIFFERS FROM CHRISTIANITY To fully understand Christianity you must return to the falling away of the early followers of Yahshua. Many looked back, and chose an easier path instead of facing death. Rome offered them amnesty in the form of a state religion, called Christianity. Christianity was very much apart of the taker society. While Yahshua walked with God, and trusted in Him for provision, and care. Rome again drove a wedge between God, and His people. Creating the religion of Christianity in approximately 300 AD the emperor Constantine changed the very name of this man from the Hebrew Yahshua, meaning Gods Salvation, to Hail Zeus! or Ie Seus in Greek. By the 1500s when the J was invented this was made into the name Jesus. Christianity adopted the practices of the Sun god Zeus. They defled the sabbath instead worshiping another god on Sun Day. They forgot the sabbath and why it was created. The sabbath was a reminder for us to rest in God, as he rested on the 7th day. Throughout history more and more pagan practices, things of this world have been added unto this false religion, again and again corrupting and defling the walk with God, and thus rejecting God again. It is merely a distraction from the true way, a very simple way. To walk with God. I do not desire to create yet another religion. Nor do I have a desire to fx Christianity, or to fx any religion. I do have a desire to walk humbly, patiently, and intentionally with my creator called by many names throughout history Yahweh, the name above all names. The one true God. The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. The God of the prophets. The God of the saints. I do not claim to be anyone. Just a simple follower of this man, a man dead set on walking with God. Embracing a life separated from this world, and its ways. Yet offering to help any along the way to better love, and to better walk with God. Anything else would be individualism, and selfshness. But I will not again Hail Zeus, or walk according to the ways of this world. Nor continue defling myself with a religion that says it loves God, yet loves the world and its ways. Christianity through history has made a mockery of God. It has chosen to fght wars, embrace nationalism and the pride of nations. It does not love. It seeks its own. It has historically turned away from walking with God. In it there are some good people

who genuinely are striving to walk with God, and unto them God has a relationship with them, and he walks with them. Likewise I believe there are Jews who walk with God, and Muslims, even secularists outside of any religious background. I am not to judge but only to discern. I choose to walk with God, and embrace the ways of Yahshua. I encourage all to have a simple walk with God, embrace a genuine faith, follow His teachings, and be discerning of what a true walk in God is, and how that relationship plays out in our lives, and our lifestyles. Apart from the Taker Society. WHAT ARE THE TEACHINGS OF YAHSHUA ? When reading in the Bible, the teachings of Yahsua are everywhere. Some of my favorite passages clearly remain intact even within the underlying texts translated into English. The Sermon on the Mount is possibly Yahshuas greatest sermon recorded in history. He constantly preached on love, and the law. The law was fulflled in his life, and it should be fulflled in ours. He constantly lived, and walked with God. He trusted in the very hands of God to provide for Him. The law is summed up in Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and love your neighbors as yourself. This passage fulflls all things. This is truly the highest calling for us, as children of God. Another passage in James speaks of True Religion. True religion is protecting widows, and orphans in their distress, and remaining undefled from the world. I believe it's really that simple. Live in the hands of God. Walk with Him. Love others. And your salvation comes from walking in harmony with Him. Yet we must remain undefled from the world, from the taker society. We must trust God. We must not hoard, or store up riches but trust in God to provide to us all that we would need. In Faith, David Krug

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