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05-2005) Adopted by the Board of Directors May 17, 2005

Rules and Regulations on Member participation in Board Of Directors' meetings

In compliance with Florida Statutes Chapter 720.303 (2) (b), and the By-Laws of Mystic Cove Homeowners Association, Inc., Section 4.2.6, the Board of Directors hereby proposes and adopts the following provisions:

All meetings of the Board of Directors (except those as specifically defined in FS 720.303(2)(a) &(b)) are open to all Members of the Association, and members are welcomed and encouraged to attend and observe all proceedings. As a courtesy to the Members of the Association and, when appropriate, the Board may cause the agenda for any such meeting to include an "open forum" or period of time during which Members may address the Board with their comment, concerns, and/or questions. The "open forum" (or other such designation denoting a similar purpose or function) may be held prior to, during, or following the conduct of any and all official business for which the meeting was convened, at the sole discretion of the Board from time to time.

When an "open forum" is conducted, the Board may provide a sign-up sheet for those Members wishing to speak during that meeting. The total time of the "open forum" may be limited by the Board, in the interest of conducting the balance of the agenda's business, however the Board will not unreasonably deny members the opportunity to address the Board due to time constraints.

In the interests of conducting an orderly meeting, individual Members may be limited to one (1) appearance before the Board, per meeting held, and may be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes per appearance.

The Board is under no obligation to respond to, comment upon, or take any immediate action on any matter expressed during such "open forums." Members attending, observing, and addressing the Board during any open meetings are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful, courteous manner consistent with the professional conduct of a business meeting. Those failing to do so may be asked by any Director to excuse themselves from the meeting, or may be removed from the meeting, if necessary. These Rules and Regulations may be amended from time to time by the Board of Directors, as permitted by FS720.303(2)(b), and supplement but do not supercede or replace the provisions of FS720.303 (2)(b) & (d), as amended, regarding the rights of members to speak on any matter placed on the meeting agenda by a petition of the voting interests of the Association.

Adopted by unanimous vote of the Directors on May 17, 2005.

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