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Cooperative Learning Tasks

Perfect Score: 15 Points (5% of the overall grade) Criteria A. Doing the assigned tasks B. Sharing ideas/ additional knowledge Number of points earned 2 Focused on the given task most of the time Offered ideas/shared information not totally necessary for the completion of the task Score

C. Listening to others D. Cooperating with group members

3 Focused on the given task all the time Offered ideas/reported findings valuable to the completion of the task -

1 Distracted from the given task Was not able to offer any ideas/report findings for the completion of task

E. Score Obtained (Scientific Writing/ Correctness of Answers)

5 Score obtained is 90-100% of perfect score.

Listened attentively to Listened attentively co-members most of to co-members the time sometimes Encouraged and Distracted the work supported ideas and of others, delaying efforts of others, the completion of enabling the group to the task work smoothly and finish the task on time Number of points earned 4 3 2 1 Score Score Score Score obtained is obtained is obtained is/ obtained is above 75% above 50% above 25% less than of perfect of perfect of perfect 25% of score. score. score. perfect score. Total

Perfect Score: 10 Points (5% of the overall grade) Criteria A. Completion B. Organization Number of points earned 2 1 Some sections are Barely made notes. missing. The notes do not There is no logical or have proper headings numerical sequence or dates but they are followed in notestill arranged in a taking. logical sequence. Overall notebook is Overall notebook is kept in a satisfactory kept in a below condition. satisfactory condition. Made additional Barely made notes. notes to reinforce learning. Total Score

C. Neatness

3 All required sections are complete. All notes have proper headings and dates; they are arranged in a logical or numerical sequence. -

D. Additional Entries

Prepared by: John A. Javier Jr. III | Makati Science High School | S.Y. 2011


*with help from www.teach-nology.com

Individual Portfolio*
Perfect Score: 15 Points (5% of the overall grade) *see separate rubric

Perfect Score: 15 Points(5% of the overall grade) Criteria A. Sharing Number of points earned 2 1 Offers ideas or Merely answers rote opinions rarely questions; no ideas or opinions shared Asks questions that are answerable but do not promote further discussion about the lesson Does listen when others talk sometimes; has a tendency to repeat given answers Meets standards in reporting result of cooperative learning activity. Rarely interacts in blog/forum/ message boards. Asks questions that are not directly related to the topic Score

3 Offer ideas or opinions regularly Asks sensible and clarifying questions that lead to active class discussion about the lesson Listening when others talk; can incorporate or build off on the ideas of others Exceedsstandards in reporting result of cooperative learning activity. Interacts in blog/forum/ message boardsmost of the time.

B. Questioning

C. Listening

Does not listen when others talk; has a tendency to ask for the question/idea shared. Fails to report due to poor attendance.

D. Oral Reporting

E. Online Interaction

Never interacts in blog/forum/ message boards.


Prepared by: John A. Javier Jr. III | Makati Science High School | S.Y. 2011


*with help from www.teach-nology.com

ICT Integration Technology Operation,Online Collaboration, and Digital Citizenship

Perfect Score: 15 Points (4% of the overall grade) Number of points earned Exceeds Meets the Needs Expectations Standards Improvement (3) (2) (1 )

Standards A. Select and use computer applications effectively and productively in submitting outputs. (using word processor, spread sheet, slide presentation, video/photo editor, etc ) B. Use digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. (using internet, search engine, etc ) C. Use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others(using facebook, http://sirjj.edu20.org, email, etc ) D. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology. (following net etiquettes) E. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity.



Prepared by: John A. Javier Jr. III | Makati Science High School | S.Y. 2011


*with help from www.teach-nology.com

Week-End Blogging (e-Reflective Journal)Rubric

Perfect Score: 10 Points (4% of the overall grade) Number of points earned Strong Developing (3) (2) Shows few, if any Have several kinds errors in standard of errors in standard written English that written English that do not interfered interfere with with understanding. understanding.

Category (Indicators) A. Writing Conventions Clearly written

Beginner (1 ) Have frequent and severe errors in standard written English that interfere with understanding. Contains minimal information for reader.


B. Quality of Content Thoughtful and creative. Refers to the lesson and its concepts, both scientific and pedagogical C. Personal Reflection  Reflects upon what interested and/or excited him or her about the current lesson  Reflects upon how he or she could adapt ideas from the current lesson to learning science him/herself D. Comments on others entries Comments to classmate s blog entries to challenge/help peers think critically.

Contains substantial information for reader.

Contains minimal information for reader.

Conveys evidence of a personal reflection.

Conveys little evidence of a personal reflection.

Shows no personal reflection.

Score ( x 2)

Comments to two classmates' blog entries. Reply shows careful thought given to other students' comments and they reply in a manner that promotes conversation.

Comments to two classmates' blog entries. Reply shows little thought has been given to students' comments and new reply promotes little conversation.

Comments to classmates' blog entries are not submitted.


Prepared by: John A. Javier Jr. III | Makati Science High School | S.Y. 2011


*with help from www.teach-nology.com

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