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Mind Control

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Mind Control Thought Reform Dumbed Down Brainwashing Terror Cults Torture Behavior Disney Illuminati MKULTRA Blank Slate Domestic Abuse Stalking Ritual Abuse Fake Memory? Janet Reno Catholic Church Conclusion

If you've ever read your email spam or the classified ads in a progressive paper, you may have run across programs offering assertiveness training and domination hypnosis. Maybe you've learned that your computer can be used to flash brief messages while you work to help quit smoking. These are just a few of the many household Mind Control products on the market today promising that by using their simple tricks you too can be master of the world. The basics of Mind Control are as old as mankind itself. Convincing someone to adopt an idea or perform a task is commonplace. Children begin learning the skills of persuasion at an early age. They may bribe, beg, bully, rationalize, guilt, peer pressure and any number of other tactics in order to get their way. Many people hone these skills over the years to control friends, family and coworkers. Flicking through some of the saner sections of neuro-linguistic programming texts (minus the new age content) brings up the subtle use of language and body-language to influence other people, writes an online friend "Mom" in personal correspondence. One method of this is "mirroring" the actions and words of the other person. Mom explains how: Mirroring fosters a sense of ease or trust. Courting couples tend to do this intuitively(watch dating couples and see how they mirror things like sipping coffee, taking a bite of food, etc.)but it can be used as a way of making the mirrored party susceptible to persuasion. By doing the opposite to mirroring, the other party can be made ill-at-ease and be less amenable to persuasion (basically it rubs them up the wrong way). Mom points out entertainer Derren Brown, whose website reveals that he can seemingly predict and control human behaviour. He doesn't claim to be a mind-reader, instead he describes his craft as a mixture of magic, suggestion, psychology, misdirection and showmanship. Brown "primes" his audience members to respond in predetermined ways. The phenomenon may be found in simpler form per a circulating email that has the reader calculate the number six several times then asks for a vegetable. It claims 98% of people will choose carrot. Mom also notes Mind Control games that prime players based on their personality. Conformists will end up visualizing one image (eg, an elephant in Denmark) while nonconformists will see another (eg, an emu in Dubai).

Getting people to respond predictably is the core of advertising. The average person is bombarded with hundreds of advertisements a day, and the use of social and psychological phenomenon is crucial to grab their attention. There is also the basic assumption that the audience will believe the ad to be true, a key component in catapulting the propaganda. Propganda comes in three flavors white, or true facts, gray, and black, or blatant lies the purpose of which is to change public opinion. For example, the US Military has long dropped propaganda fliers on enemy troops depicting death and destruction from superior firepower. On the home front, President George W. Bush's administration has been criticized for producing illegal, fake news announcements to sell its federal programs. Vance Packard, in his 1957 book The Hidden Persuaders, brought the concept of "subliminal advertising" to the attention of the general public. Using hidden images or sounds to subconciously affect peoples' purchasing habits is a powerful tool. While businesses vehemently deny using covert and possibly illegal methods of advertising, observers have claimed it common practice and appearing in numerous adverts. Auditory and visual stimuli have long been used to set the mood in movies and on tv. Usually this involves playing a song or showing a scenic background. Taken a step further, certain sounds elicit physiological changes such as increased heart rate, and specific colors and images alter aggression levels. The power of video became apparent during the 1998 Japanese airing of the "Electric Soldier Porygon" episode from the children's animated cartoon series Pokemon. Rapidly alternating red and blue flashes were responsible for causing hundereds of children and many adults to have photosensitive epilepetic seizures. Evening news coverage again triggered the response in some viewers. Chemistry is a powerful tool for those practicing Mind Control. From getting people to talk to driving them mad, chemists strive to improve on their magic potions. In the late 1950s, researchers began experimenting with a poison found in the blood of schizophrenics. 'Taraxein' induced psychotic behavior in those administered the compound. Early tests were even conducted combining taraxein with the powerfully hallucinogenic drug LSD.

Drugs have long been used to alter the mind. Throughout history, societies have used a variety of plants with noticable side effects for medicinal, religious, and recreational use. Animal products have also been a source of these drugs. A much sought after property is improved sex drive. Sex and drugs and rock and roll. Sedatives made headlines in 1996 due to a huge increase in teens spiking drinks with so-called "date rape drugs." Predators surreptitiously lace victims' beverages to eliminate inhibitions and suppress memory. Whether to rob or rape, slipping someone a Mickey is "almost like the perfect crime," according to prosecutor Dennis Nicewander, "because they don't have to worry about a witness testifying against them." Sexuality is affected in a variety of ways. Hormones from mother and pre-natal siblings alter gender expression, and genetic engineering can change sexual orientation. Conditioning goes a long way in determination of kinks and fetishes. And chemical castration is even an option for some convicted felons. British news agencies reported in January 2005 of a $7.5 million 1994 US Military project to develop a "love bomb" that would make enemy troops sexually attractive to each other. Included were ideas for an "attack me" bomb to attract swarms of wasps or rats as well as a long-desired "Who? Me?" bomb that would produce a noxious odor. A substance to make the skin unbearably sensitive to sunlight was also pondered, reports BBC News. Claims of the US using damaging radioactive particles as carriers for these chemical bombs were made by the late Clare Louise Therese Wherle, a Stanford researcher come multistalking victim. Clare was not often

believed regarding what she knew about radiation and nano-tech ways of using it for abuse, writes unity4people in her obituary, but she did know her stuff. President Bill Clinton made a 1995 public apology for unethical government-sponsored radiation experiments conducted at hospitals, universities, and military bases around our nation during previous administrations. Mind control experimentation is [also] known to have taken place,but official American society almost completely denies it or even ridicules the notion, posts Allen L. Barker to the website bio.net in his article "Recent Supreme Court Ruling, and Prison Mind Control." Of all the technologies available for Mind Control, brain implants may be the most invasive. While there is little physical evidence of their diabolical use on the general population, clinical studies have shown the technology to be very effective at controlling behavior. Vance Packard in his 1977 book The People Shapers writes of Robert G. Heath, an early researcher into direct brain stimulation, who equipped dangerously aggressive mental patients with self-stimulators. A film shows a patient working himself out of a violent mood by pushing his stimulator button. Other studies have shown that animals having the ability to self-stimulate their brain's pleasure centers will starve to death rather than take time to eat.
Mind Control links

Thought Reform "Thought reform" is the Orwellian vision in which people are programmed to think alike for the prosperity of the State. Unbeknownst to Orwell, China was subjecting students to this "reeducation" process to adopt Communism. Wikipedia reports that in Influence, Science and Practice, social psychology researcher Robert Caildini shows how mind control is possible through the covert exploitation of the unconscious rules that underly and facilitate healthy human social interactions.

Robert Jay Lifton was an early brainwashing and Mind Control researcher. He used the term "thought reform" to include milieu control, mystical manipulation, confession, self-sanctification through purity, aura of sacred science, loaded language, doctrine over person, and dispensed existence. Wikipedia notes that psychologist Margaret Singer, using the work of Lifton, described in her book "Cults in our Midst" six conditions, which would, she says, create an atmosphere where thought reform is possible. Singer sees no need for physical coercion or violence. She listed methods of "thought reform" to include controlling a person's time and environment, leaving no time for thought; creating a sense of powerlessness, fear and dependency; manipulating rewards and punishments to suppress former social behaviour; manipulating rewards and punishments to elicit the desired behaviour; creating a closed system of logic which makes dissenters feel as if something was wrong with them; and keeping recruits unaware about any agenda to control or change them. Wikipedia writes of psychologist and cult counselor Steven Hassan: Using the research of Singer and Lifton and the cognitive dissonance theory of Leon Festinger, [Hassan] describes in his 2000 book Releasing the Bonds the BITE (Behavior, Information, Thought, Emotion) model, which explains mind control as a combination of control over behavior, information, thought and emotions. According to Hassan, the BITE model dispenses with any required environment control, and its effects can be achieved when the control mechanisms create overall dependency and obedience to some leader or cause. However, many scholars in the field of new religious movements do not accept Hassan's Bite model for understanding cults.
Thought Reform links

Dumbed Down One means of bringing about thought reform is by "dumbing down" the population so it has less experience from which to draw. Throughout the 1980s and into the mid-1990s, the reading level of texbooksdropped by two grade levels. That is, what used to be third-grade material is now fifth-grade material, writes Nancy Montgomery in her 1996 article "Dumbed-down texts too easy, too simple, too boring, critics say" for the The Seattle Times. According to Literacy Volunteers of America, the 1992 National Adult Literacy Survey discovered that up to 51 percent of American adults lack a sufficient foundation of basic skills to function successfully in our society. Carl Sagan, whose television series "Cosmos" popularized science, warned that people must know the workings of science in order to be less easily manipulated. A 2002 Seattle Times article entitled "What we don't know about science could fill books" reported the National Science Foundation discovering that only about a third of adults showed a good understanding of the scientific process. Jim Keith writes in Mass Control that since the advent of "progressive education" schools have not been intended to educate, but simply to regiment. Today's schools are producing young adults primed to follow orders rather than think critically. According to Alvin Toffler in his landmark book "Future Shock," nothing could be better calculated to produce people uncertain of their goals, people incapable of effective decisionmaking under conditions of overchoice.
Dumbed Down links

Brainwashing 'Brainwashing' came into vogue in September 1950 when Edward Hunter coined the term as a translation of hsi-nao meaning "to cleanse the mind" in an article on Communist Mind Control. China was using new psychological techniques to convert people to their way of thinking, including American prisoners of war. Robert Lifton defined the "brainwashing processes" to include assault on identity, guilt, self-betrayal, breaking point, leniency, the compulsion to confess, the channeling of guilt, reeducation: logical dishonoring, progress and harmony, and final confession and rebirth. Wikipedia reports on sociologist Benjamin Zablocki: [Zablocki] sees brainwashing as "term for a concept that stands for a form of influence manifested in a deliberately and systematically applied traumatizing and obedience-producing process of ideological resocializations" and states this same concept had historically also been called thought reform and coercive persuasion. FACTNet uses "coercive psychological systems" as an umbrella term for all mind control including brainwashing, thought reform, destructive and coercive persuasion. They list tactics that include increasing suggestibility, establishing control over the person's social environment, prohibiting disconfirming information, making the person re-evaluate the most central aspects of his or her experience, creating a sense of powerlessness, creating strong aversive emotional arousals, and intimidation. In 1957, sociologist Albert D. Biderman published "Communist Coercive Methods For Eliciting Individual Compliance" in the Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine. Biderman's Chart of Coercion includes isolation, monopolization of perception, induced debility and exhaustion, occasional indulgences, and devaluing of the individual.

Apart from describing the average workday, businesses are also exploiting their power by secretly investing in their workforce through so-called "dead peasants" insurance. Companies including Disney and Wal-Mart have taken out tax exempt life insurance policies on their employees, most often without their knowledge or consent, sometimes even illegally. Working someone to death has become highly profitable.

Brainwashing links

Terror Cults Death plays a critical role in Mind Control that promises Allah's grace for becoming an assassin. From at least as long ago as 11th Century Persia (Iran), beautiful virgins have been promised to terrorists who enter the afterlife participating in a jihad. The reward of paradise is a powerful tool to control behavior. Anthony Stahelski, in the March 2004 Journal of Homeland Security, notes that terrorism researchers have compared terrorist groups to cults, and they have concluded that the cult modelis applicable to terrorist groups. Stahelski identifies five phases in the inculturation process of violent cult groups: depluralization, selfdeindividuation, other-deindividuation, dehumanization, and demonization.
Terror Cults links

Torture Governments' long history of employing torture was brought to light again during the US occupation of Iraq when the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and military personnel were placed under investigation after graphic photographs of their abuse surfaced in April 2004. Many of the images depicted sensory deprivation and the Soviet-style self-inflicted pain of standing until cooperating. Phillip Adams, in "Torture as American as apple pie" for The Australian, paraphrases Alfred McCoy's A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation from the Cold War to the War on Terror: [In the 1950s,] Donald Hebb found a form of torture far more effective than drugs or beatings. He could induce a state of psychosis within 48 hours, even in the healthy, well-adjusted students who volunteered to be guinea pigs. "By sitting them in a cubicle with goggles, gloves and headphones, cut off from their senses and sensory stimulation, they soon suffered hallucinations and then breakdown." Combining the KGB technique with Hebb's discoveries produced a distinctively American style of torture, detailed by the CIA in their KUBARK counterintelligence manual. Refined in the field during the Kennedy years, in Central America and Southeast Asia, the approach was marketed by John F. Kennedy's Office of Public Safety. By 1971 over a million police officers in 47 nations had been trained, including 85,000 in South Vietnam and 100,000 in Brazil. Confessions elicited through beatings are notoriously unreliable, Adams relates. The sympathetic "I'm your pal" approach is far more effective. Officials deny it is American policy to torture and point to their interrogation handbook, which interestingly enough condones "waterboarding," or partial drowning. The prison Mind Control methods used by the US in Southwest Asia reportedly included raping children in front of their parents.
Torture links


Repetition combined with rewards and punishments is the backbone of the behavioral sciences. Pavlov demonstrated how dogs could be made to salivate at the ring of a bell. The Father of Behaviorism, J.B. Watson, not only repeated the experiment with human subjects, but demonstrated that phobias can easily be "conditioned" into a child. During the heat of the nature-nurture controversy, Watson believed that human emotions could also be conditioned like glandular and muscular reflexes. In 1925, he expounded the "battle cry" of the radical, militant behaviorist movement: Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed and my own specific world to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select a doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even into a beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations and race of his ancestors [JB Watson, "What the nursery has to say about instincts," in Carl Murchison, ed., Psychologies of 1925 (Worcester, MA: Clark University Press, 1926), p. 10]. During the 1970s, author, inventor, and renowned psychologist B.F. Skinner led eager neobehaviorists to perform countless experiments on adults and children alike. College campuses jumped at the opportunity to test new theories. In 1971, the Stanford Prison Experiment demonstrated that normal people could easily be turned into sadistic "guards" while reducing their "prisoners" to blind obedience. Scheduled to run two weeks, the experiment was halted on day six due to ethical concerns. In 1974, Stanley Milgram published his infamous Obedience to Authority study. He discovered that normal people were willing to inflict excruciating pain on a subject at the mere request of an instructor. Michael Goret et al write in their short biography that Milgram noted: People who are doing a job as instructed by an administrative figure are following the instructions of that administrative outlook and not the outlook of a moral code. The feelings of duty and personal emotion are clearly separated. Responsibility shifts in the mind of the subordinate from himself/herself to the authority figure. There is a well defined purpose behind the actions or goals of the authority, and the subordinate is depended upon to help and meet those goals. From its application in the classroom to its use in the workplace, psychology has become a hot topic. The discipline is even finding its way into homes as more people discover the power of conditioning. Today's television programs like "Nanny 911" demonstrate to the world the power of Mind Control. The children on these shows would most likely be required by schools to take medications such as Ritalin, but in a week's time the behavior modification programs transform these tiny terrors into little angels.
Behavior links

Disney Conditioning is common practice for Disney. If it's not the theme park "cast members" brainwashed in the Mouse House to act like lesser beasts, it's the well-trained animals in their feature films shaped in the B.F. Skinner modal to behave like people. Performing tricks that often defy belief, these pets' popularity has led to mass demand for specific breeds. Puppy mills were to be expected after the release of Disney's live-action 101 Dalmations, especially when the animated Mulan led countless young girls to butcher their own hair. Disney has been manipulating behavior since at least Walt's day when in 1958 they fooled America into thinking lemmings commit mass suicide. Walt was no stranger to the US and Nazi propaganda machines. His

entertainment industry has been moulding its audience since its comercialization. Disney has perfected the art of lulling patrons into a false sense of security, shaping fanatics, and controlling purchasing habits. From oversexed Mousketeers to rampant peeping tommery among its employees, Disney has long been a lure for pedophiles. Disney only began performing criminal background checks in 1998 after Peter and Rochell Schweizer's Disney: The Mouse Betrayed exposed the company hiring convicted sex offenders. An interview with the authors to air on Disney-owned ABC's "20/20" was cancelled.

Mind Control is the mainstay of the Disney Empire. It is not surprising then that there have been accusations of Disney's collusion with the Illuminati, or New World Order. The animated film Fantasia is often cited as a tool for Illuminati brainwashing.
Disney links

Illuminati Terry Melanson opens "Illuminati Conspiracy Part One: A Precise Exegesis on the Available Evidence" with: In the literature that concerns the Illuminati relentless speculation abounds. No other secret society in recent history with the exception of Freemasonry has generated as much legend, hysteria, and disinformation. Melanson quotes Robert Anton Wilson's book Cosmic Trigger: Final Secret of the Illuminati: Briefly, the background of the Bavarian Illuminati puzzle is this. On May 1, 1776, in Bavaria, Dr. Adam Weishaupt, a professor of Canon Law at Ingolstadt University and a former Jesuit, formed a secret society called the Order of the Illuminati within the existing Masonic lodges of Germany. Since Masonry is itself a secret society, the Illuminati was a secret society within a secret society, a mystery inside a mystery, so to say. In 1785 the Illuminati were suppressed by the Bavarian government for allegedly plotting to overthrow all the kings in Europe and the Pope to boot. This much is generally agreed upon by all historians. Everything else is a matter of heated, and sometimes fetid, controversy. The Illuminati have refined the art of deception far beyond what the common man has imagined. The very life & liberty of humanity requires the unmasking of their deceptions, warns Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler in "The Illuminati Formula." Disney is one of the best deceptions of the Illuminati, write Springmeier and Wheeler in "Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula." Disneyland has been an off hour site for Illuminati and satanic rituals for years. Springmeier and Wheeler continue: According to a witness, the Illuminati Programmers got a big laugh out of using Disneyland as a major Illuminati base for criminal activity. Under the disguise of entertaining the world, they carried out money laundering, child slavery laundering, and mind-control. They nick-named Disneyland "the little syndicate of mind-control." The Illuminati use the Monarch style of conditioning or "programming" developed by the Nazis and refined by the American MKULTRA Program. The basic component of the Monarch Program is the sophisticated manipulation of the child's mind to protect itself from extreme trauma by creating Multiple Personality Disorder, relates the website mindcontrolforums.com. Another basic component of the Monarch program is lots of electro shock. The article concludes: The Monarch programming is also referred to as Marionette programming. A marionette is a puppet and nazi German psychologists were working hard at creating the perfect human puppets. The end result of all the hard

work put in by German, Italian, American and British researchers was the creation of an almost fool-proof impossible to detect human mind-controlled slave.
Illuminati links

MKULTRA John W. Whitehead begins an interview with Carol Rutz, whose A Nation Betrayed is footnoted documentation of her personal involvement in mind control experiments beginning when she was four years old, by presenting the origins of MKULTRA and its daughter programs: In 1953, terrified by rumors of Communist "brainwashing" of prisoners of war during the Korean War, then CIA Director Allen Dulles authorized MKULTRA a program that quickly became notorious for unusual and inhumane testing that the CIA and U.S. military poured millions of dollars into. Most of the documents detailing day-to-day operations within MKULTRA were destroyed by the CIA in 1972. These included limitless LSD experiments on unknowing victims, as well as experiments with sensory deprivation, electroshock, brain implants, hypnosis and various forms of torture. Among those involved in MKULTRA workings were former Nazi scientists. Directly following the expatriation of Nazi scientists into the U.S. under the guise of the newly created project MKULTRA, officially defined as "A CIA Program of Research in Behavioral Modification" Project BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE were formed in the early 1950s. These served as the primary codenames for a massive mindcontrol campaign a field many Nazi scientists were specialists in long before the onslaught of WWII. All the subprograms of MKULTRAwere justified by the CIA as a necessary means to an end that is, to create dissociative symptoms and disorders, including full multiple personality disorder, for the creation of "Manchurian candidates," or super-spies to be used on enemies during the Cold War.

Blank Slate In the 1950s, the search for a "truth serum" was a top US priority. The CIA tested a combination of LSD and Sodium Pentathol. Today, large doses of Ritalin and Sodium Pentathol are used in narcoanalysis. (Ritalin is used to counteract the sedative hypnotic effects of the Sodium Pentathol.) During this drug-induced state, the subject becomes highly relaxed, easily suggestible, and more freely shares information. One area of particular interest to the CIA is hypnosis, a phenomenon used by priests in Egypt and Greece in "sleep temples" hundreds of years before Chirst, writes Margaret O. Hyde in Brainwashing and Other Forms of Mind Control. Expert Dr. George H. Estabrooks wrote in Hypnosis that professor Clark Hull of Yale compared hypnotism to the conditioned reflex. Speaking as the chaiman of the Department of Psychology of Colgate University, Estabrooks said, "I can hypnotize a man without his knowledge or consent into committing treason against the United States," Jerry E. Smith writes in HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy. Carla Emery noted in Secret, Dont Tell: The Encyclopedia of Hypnotism that Estabrooks proposed, over and over, that superspies with one-way amnesia should be created by deliberate personality splitting. Walter Wager writes in Telefon, a book-turned-movie about brainwashed sleeper agents, that the perfect deep-cover agentis the one who doesn't know he or she is an agent. Estabrooks explains:

First, there is no danger of the agent's selling out. More important would be the conviction of innocence which the man himself had, and this is a great aid in many situations. Finally, it would be impossible to "third degree" him. Such a subject prepared for use as a super spy would be a nightmare to any intelligence department. Ewen Cameron was a world-renowned CIA-funded MKULTRA psychiatrist working in Canada who from 1957 to 1964 employeed his "psychic driving" procedure on hundreds of patients. Using powerful drug cocktails, extreme electroconvulsive therapy, induced comas, and playing a patient's own recorded words back to them repeatedly, the purpose of psychic driving was to rebuild their personalities. His subjects would inevitably become worse off after treatments. Eventually Cameron would admit his experiments weren't as effective as he had hoped. It took decades, but his unfortunate victims were finally entitled compensation. Jonathan Edwards discovered a simpler method of affecting change during a religious crusade in 1735. World Newsstand reports: By inducing guilt and acute apprehension and by increasing the tension, the "sinners" attending his revival meetings would break down and completely submit. Technically, what Edwards was doing was creating conditions that wipe the brain slate clean so that the mind accepts new programming. The problem was that the new input was negative.
Blank Slate links

Domestic Abuse Repeated exposure to extreme negative input may occur in the home. "Battered person syndrome," a posttraumatic stress disorder, can be the result. Divorce Net writes: According to Dr. Lenore E. Walker, the nation's most prominent expert on battered women, a woman must experience at least two complete battering cycles before she can be labeled a "battered woman". The cycle has three distinct phases. First is the tension-building phase, followed by the explosion or acute battering incident, culminating in a calm, loving respite often referred to as the honeymoon phase. Divorce Net also reports on studies that found four general characteristics of the syndrome: the victim believes that the violence is his/her fault, the victim has the inability to place the reponsibility for the violence elsewhere, he/she fears for their life and/or children's lives, and the victim has an irrational belief that the abuser is omnipresent and omnisient. Wikipedia states: Walker used the Martin Seligman's theory of learned helplessness to explain why many battered women do not leave their abusers. In Seligman's experiments, rats repeatedly suffered electric shocks without being able to escape them. After this, they did not attempt to escape a shock even if they had such a possibility. According to Walker, females who are repeatedly battered produce similar psychological responses. Jeffrey L. Edleson examines a problem endemic to domestic violence in "Mothers and Children: Understanding the Links between Woman Battering and Child Abuse": [Studies] suggest that in 32% to 53% of all families where women are being beaten their children are also the victims of abuse by the same perpetrator. A small but growing body of research also suggests that children who witness domestic violence, but who are themselves not physically abused, may suffer social and mental health problems as a result. Parent against parent can have devastating effects on a child as Wikipedia reports:

Stanley Clawar and Brynne Rivlin have claimed in Children Held Hostage: Dealing with Programmed and Brainwashed Children that many forms of mind control are used in parental alienation by one parent against the other parent using both parents' children as unwitting weapons. Parental alienation often forces children to choose sides and become allies against the other parent. Children caught in the middle of such conflicts suffer severe losses of love, respect and peace during their formative years. They also often lose their alienated parent forever. These consequences and a host of othersfollows them into adulthood by creating a chronic condition known as Parental Alienation Syndrome.
Domestic Abuse links

Stalking Any form of persistent harassment can bring fear into your life, from phone calls to unwanted visits and letters, writes the website TheSite.org in "Dealing with stalkers," a list of tactics to use if you believe you are a victim. (State stalking laws can be found here.) The Psychological Harassment Information Association website writes: Psychological harassmentis on the rise. Many victims of psychological harassment suffer from physical ailments, irritability, anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, stress, fatigue, depressive states, burn outs, and in some cases suicide. Many are unable to continue working and suffer financial loss. Stalking is even being perpetrated by groups of people, creditors aside. The website GangStalking.ca is an overview of David Lawson's book Terrorist [Vigilante] Stalking in America. It states: Gang stalking involves the use of multiple individuals to stalk, harass and taunt a victim, as well as to vandalize personal property. According to victims, this takes place for many years. It appears that once a person is targeted, they are often targeted for life. Since at least the mid-1970s, Mind Control perpetrators, or perps as they're called, have had the ability to beam sound at the "targetted individuals" or TIs they multistalk. The US Army reports on its website that the pulsemodulated microwave radiation from voice to skull devices may be voice or audio subliminal messages. Wikipedia reports of studies in the United States and Soviet Union that found extremely low frequencies, when transmitted in pulse mode, could induce emotions in subjects. Today's HyperSonic Sound uses ultrasonic frequencies instead of microwaves, but the voice to skull experiences are subjectively the same. Used in conjuction with this harrassment, perps often resort to a common technique aptly named "street theater," a ploy which the website Raven1.net describes: "Street theater" is an activity performed by persons complicit in the electronic weapons harassment, but are "skits", as opposed to direct bodily attacks performed with the electronic harassment equipment. These "skits"...are performed in such a way that the target, and ONLY the target, knows they are being harassed, but cannot convey to others that this is indeed harassment. Feelings of total hoplessness is one apparent purpose of these "skits". Another apparent purpose of such "skits" is to discredit and isolate the target so that others will regard him or her as a "crank" and a "nut case". Favorite targets of multistalkers include government and academic whistleblowers, but there has also been an apparent increase in industrial espionage. Perps are quite effective at driving people crazy, and making a CEO suffer a nervous breakdown before a big deal could spell disaster for the company.
Multistalking links

Ritual Abuse The CIA has been accused of brainwashing children to become amnesic spies, assassins and sex slaves. Children are used to cater to and compromise government officials and business leaders. Edwin Wilson began the CIA's widespread use of sex in the early 1950s when he acquired homosexual and pedophile rings from CIA asset, mafia lawyer, and Joseph McCarthy Committee counsel Roy Cohn. As legendary Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director J. Edgar Hoover denied the existance of organized crime ie the Mafia today the FBI denies organized child sexual abuse ie ritual abuse. In March 2006, the FBI finally complied with a 1990 act of Congress demanding a public accounting of missing children. Forcible drugging is listed as the most common abuse reported by ritual abuse victims in Remembering Satan by Lawrence Wright. The child is drugged, hypnotized, and traumatized writes Svali in Breaking the Chain. Former US Senator John DeCamp exposes the elite web of crime, satanic cults, and child sexual abuse that reaches through the highest levels of power in our society in his 1992 book The Franklin Cover-Up writes an Amazon.com reviewer. He goes on to note that it's interesting that former CIA director Bill Colby ambiguously acknowledged to the author that the scenario described is real, and not long thereafter Colby turned up dead under suspicious circumstances. A documentary was filmed entitled Conspiracy of Silence, but before it was to air on the Discovery Channel, unknown members of Congress ordered all copies be destroyed. Bishop Glenn L. Pace, in his 1990 "Ritualistic Child Abuse" memo to the Strengthening Church Members Committee of the Mormon Church, doesn't pretend to know how prevalent the problem is but assumes that it is expanding geometrically and [is] horrified the numbers represented by the generation who are now children and teenagers. Bishop Pace also notes that ritualistic child abuse is the most hideous of all child abuse. The basic objective is premeditated to systematically and methodically torture and terrorize children until they are forced to dissociate.
Ritual Abuse links

Fake Memory? Resistance to repressed (and suppressed) memories has manifested in the form of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. Intelligence community specialists sit on the board and send controversial experts like Elizabeth Loftus to testify that recollections of childhood abuse are ficticious despite including in its own newsletter that studies report that the average age of remembering childhood incest is between 29 and 49. In many regions, this is too late to take legal action. More than 25% of US children are sexually abused, and fewer than 10% of cases are reported to authorities. Often the abuser will implant crazy ideas into the victim's head; maybe the creep donnes a costume or other novel device; use of force is not unheard of; it is up to the imagination what will scare silence into their victims. Would not the fear of God be used by all those pedophile priests? The ber-creepy NAMBLA even publishes instructions on how to lure children. And what kid online hasn't been approached by a predator? The increasing number of people searching the Internet for child pornography has led to investigations discovering elementary school principals, civil servants, military officers, elected officials, and famous entertainers downloading abusive material. Worse are the pedophile social workers, psychiatrists, police and judges put into positions where they can intercept and cover-up accusations of abuse.

Sigmund Freud tried to expose the extent of child sexual abuse, but his initial presentation brought peer reprisals. He retracted his assertion of a connection between "hysteria" and abuse, and controversy over his "seduction theory" has raged ever since. Today we are discovering how neglect can cause attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, abuse can cause borderline personality disorder, and severe abuse can cause multiple personalities, or dissociative identity disorder.
Fake Memory? links

Janet Reno In the 1980s, the "Miami Method" of aggressively handling child sexual abuse cases was developed by Dade County State Attorney Janet Reno. In his article "Beat the Devil: Janet Reno's Coerced Confession," Alexander Cockburn describes the use of isolation, quasi-hypnosis, conditioned response, and kindred mind-bending techniques used to ensure damning testimony. Predictably, many of the convictions were overturned in appeals. Despite Reno's witchhunts, she "was never interested in taking on and prosecuting illegal obscenity," according to FBI Agent William P. Kelly. One of the lead officers in the City of Miami Police Department's vice unit, Michael Berish, noted that "the majority of obscenity cases involved organized crime figures that were responsible for the interstate distribution of this material." Appointed by President Bill Clinton to the position of US Attorney General the nation's top cop and within months of her promise to "protect our children from abuse," Janet Reno's Justice Department attempted to redefine the law with the intent of legalizing a substantial portion of child pornography, writes Concerned Women for America. Although being hailed by many as Clinton's star Cabinet member, James Lambert, in his article "Clinton, Reno give pornographers free ride," dares to refer to a 1997 Syracuse University report showing that obscenity prosecutions decreased 86% under the Clinton administration.
Janet Reno links

Catholic Church Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
Matthew 18.6, Mark 9.42 and Luke 17.2

The Catholic Church has known about pedophiles in its midst for 1700 years, assert former monks Richard Sipe and Patrick Wall in their 2004 375-page report, "Canonical History of Clerical Sexual Abuse." After the abuse scandal exposed Cardinal Bernard F. Law protecting pedophiles in the Boston diecese, Pope John Paul II reassigned him to a cushy job in the Vatican, where the age of consent is 12. John Paul's successor, Pope Benedict XVI, went so far as to issue an order to keep all church investigations into child sexual abuse a secret before he became pontiff.

Sipe estimates that six percent of Catholic priests have sexually abused children, a statistic mirrored in a 1993 National Catholic Weekly: America report estimating that approximately 3,000 priests, or one in 15 nationwide, are probably guilty of [sexual] misconduct. Thomas Fox estimates that the average pedophile priest molests 285 victims. The 2002 Zogby International/Le Moyne Contemporary Catholic Trends Poll Report found that one in 11 American Catholics say they have "personal knowledge" of child sexual abuse by a priest. The website AmericanCatholic.org reports of the research study by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice published in 2004 discovering that:

No action was taken against a priest in 10 percent of the allegations, and in 6 percent of the allegations the priests were reprimanded and returned to ministry. Other actions included suspending priests involved in 29 percent of the allegations and placing priests involved in 24 percent of the allegations on administrative leave. [There was a] drop-off in reported incidents after 1985. Robert Bennett, National Review Board member, saidthat it was in part due to bishops becoming alarmed about the situation in the 1980s and '90s and starting to take preventive measures. According to an Associated Press release, The Kansas City Star reported in January 2000 that Roman Catholic priests in the United States are dying from AIDS-related illnesses at a rate four times higher than the general population, and the cause is often concealed on their death certificates. Reverand John Keenan, when running an outpatient clinic in Chicago for priests, said he treated one client who had infected eight other priests.
Catholic Church links

Conclusion Wikipedia reports: A contemporary view of mind control sees it as an intensified and persistent use of well researched social psychology principles like compliance, conformity, persuasion, dissonance, reactance, framing or emotional manipulation. Authors Joel Kramer and Diana Alstad suggest that mind control is embedded in the very fabric of contemporary religious, political, and social power through the unquestioning reliance on false but ubiquitous authoritarian ideas. While Mind Control has beneficial uses, coercive psychological systems are usually harmful to the target. Whether it is ignoring someone or overly asserting yourself, actions we take as matter of course may affect other people to detriment. The fallout is all the children who often mimic these same behaviors in adulthood. It has been claimed that unless one takes an active roll in changing his or her behavior, one becomes just like their parent. Many victims of neglect and abuse turn to drugs, crime, and dysfunctional relationships, some without concious knowledge of their mistreatment for years to come. Unfortunately, there is widespread denial when it comes to accepting that Mind Control is being used against the youngest members of society. Secret Societies of predators have existed for eons, but it has been the advent of the Internet that has allowed them to network like no other time in history. Many of the offenders are otherwise "upstanding" members of society. Some are influential in the community. None would be suspect of any wrongdoing. A conspiracy may be a continuing one; actors may drop out and others may drop in; the details of operation may change from time to time; the members need not know each other or the part played by others; a member may not need to know all the details of the plan of the operation; he must, however, know the purpose of the conspiracy and agree to become a party to a plan to effectuate that purpose [Craig U.S.C.C.A.Cal., 81 F.2d 816, 822]. Wikipedia concludes: [While] mind control is a common feature in many conspiracy theories, as it provides a mechanism by which an alleged conspiracy could maintain control over innocent people, prevent knowledge of the conspiracy's actions and, in some cases, prevent the conspiracy theorist's intended audience from believing him;it is conceivable

that the term might be used illegitimately and inappropriately, as a means to dismiss what are in fact substantial and well-evidenced accusations.
Conclusion links

The website www.a1b2c3.com reports that a favorite plan involved slipping "P-1" (the code name for LSD when used operationally) to socialist or left-leaning politicians in foreign countries so that they would babble incoherently and discredit themselves in public.

Wal-Mart's meager wages and heavy-handed business practices became apparent when the company closed a store to prevent its workers from unionizing. Striking fear into employees is a tried-and-true practice of capitalism.

Walt Disney hired strike breakers when his animators rebelled, and he even went so far as reporting them to Joseph McCarthy's House Un-American Activities Committee witchhunt. Walt was against entering World War Two and attended American Nazi Party meetings. Biographers claim evidence of his racism as well. "Voyeurism is a very serious crime," asserts Bill Kelly, an FBI veteran who dealt with sex crimes. "It can often escalate to more sex offenses." According to Professor Jack Enter, "Seventy percent of rapists are voyeurs."

VICARIUS FILII DEI are the words enscribed on the Pope's miter. In Latin, as well as Greek and Hebron translations, summing together the letters which hold numeric value equals 666, referred to in the Bible as the number of the beast. Source: America in Prophecy by E. G. White.

Wikipedia is an encyclopedia written collaboratively by its readers. People are constantly improving Wikipedia, and the articles quoted may have changed since originally researched in March 2006.

www.skewsme.com/mind_control.html created by Skews_Me at Yahoo.com before: March 2006 Last modified: 2 April 2006 misc. keywords: applied psychology www.skewsme.com/mind_control.html

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