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Stop that



Snoring is an irritant, adjust your lifestyle to get better and soundless sleep!
t is traditionally believed that snoring indicates sound sleep, but it is now proven that it is sound but no sleep. When we fall asleep, muscles in the upper airway relax and this causes the breathing passage to become narrow. As air tries to pass through the narrowed upper airways, they vibrate, making the sound of snoring. When it worsens, these passages get blocked -- often hundreds of time every night. This is obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). OSA is most commonly seen in middle-aged men, who are pushing the scale over the limit, though women are not spared. Health c o n s e q u e n c e s Oxygen levels drop - often to dangerous levels I Brain does not rest -- it wakes up I Level of dangerous chemicals increases in the blood In addition, OSA can result in high BP, diabetes,

heart attack and paralysis. H o w to c o n t r o l it You can control it by making lifestyle changes. I Losjng weight I Exercising regularly I Sleeping on your side - the tongue does not fall back I Avoiding alcohol and sleeping pills. These increase relaxation of throat and tongue muscles, which makes snoring more likely Clearing your nasal passages.
(Inputs by Dr Sanjeev K Mehta, chest specialist, Lilavati Hospital, Mumbai)

holesterol is an important subtype of fat. It is required for the functioning of all the vital organ systems and various body metabolisms related to macro and micro-elements. Cholesterol and other lipid sub-fractions are important for human beings and they cannot be cut down to the lowest limit of zero in the diet as well as in the blood levels of an individual. We don't usually worry too much about the risk of heart disease until a person is in middle age. Adults as young as 20 need to pay attention to their cholesterol, because unhealthy levels may already be damaging their arteries. High cholesterol at a young age leads to heart attacks, strokes or paralysis and pan-

The cholesterol y'

Don't ignore high cholesterol, it can be dangerous in young adults too!
Strong genetic/family history of heart disease Associated diabetes mellitus, hypertension Bad eating habits Excess alcohol consumption Overweight (lowers HDL-highdensity lipoprotein and may raise LDL - low-density lipoprotein) Lack of regular exercise (raises LDL and lowers HDL) Smoking (may lower HDL by as much as 15 per cent) Stress levels (stress can elevate cholesterol levels). creatitis.

B d B Sc o A is

(derive only 30 per cent calories from fat) Eat more fibre-containing food. Consume fresh fruits. Intake of more fluids or water. Avoid consumption of bakery products, deep fried items, high-carbohydrate content foods (sweets), red meat, egg yolk, excess alcohol, excess consumption of oil and ghee products, milk products such as butter, paneer, etc, junk food items such as pasta, pizza and burgers in regular meals.
(Inputs from Dr Vijay Surase, Mumbai-based consultant interventional cardiologist)


Preference to protein-centric diet

hooping cough, also called pertussis, is an acute, highly communicable infection of the respiratory tract caused by Bordetella pertussis bacteria. During coughing, the infected patients spread the virus through droplets.

StOp that

B dj AI S oy S BC

volved, leading to convulsions. There is also significant loss of weight due to complete lack of appetite. Strict isolation is desirable for first four to five days after starting the antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics should also be given to close family members. The triple vaccination, DTP - diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. Three doses at monthly interval in first year of life; and two booster doses at 1-1/2 years and five years of age, can prevent whooping cough to a great extent. I The newer vaccines are safer and have less reaction like pain and fever. General measures include providing adequate nutrition, hydration and avoiding factors aggravating cough such as excessive crying. Antibiotics like erythromycin can prevent the spread of disease. Vigilant observation for complications and their early treatment can prevent hospitalisation.
(Inputs by Dr Pankaj R Parekh, pediatrician, Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai)

Don't let that cough become life-threatening, boost your immunity!

the intestine through the skin near groin) and bursting of lung (pneumothorax). It can also lead to pneumonia and flare up the old tuberculosis infection due to decreased immunity. The brain can also get in-


The disease runs a lengthy course of six to eight weeks. Initially, it may have flu-like symptoms, eg, cold and fever, followed by bouts of severe and prolonged cough. This is usually followed by a 'whoop' or vomiting, which may be absent in children below one year of age. Severe bouts last for two to six weeks, followed by gradual recovery over one to two weeks. Whooping cough can lead to subconjunctival hemorrhage (bleeding on the white part of the eye), hernia (popping out of


Get rid of puffy

Pamper your eyes, as stress can make them puffy!



rotection of eyes and their main-

Difficulty or inability to open or close the eyes due to swelling.

and vegetables in your diet along with plenty of water to get all the vitamins and minerals. Decrease your salt intake. Quit smoking Smoking is bad for your health and can also cause under eye circles and puffiness.

t e n a n c e s h o u l d be given utmost

importance by all of us. A c c o r d i n g to a recent research, about 22 per cent p e o p l e suffer from puffy eyes because of stress. They are the indica-

S l e e p w e l l i Give your eyes the muchneeded rest. Sleep deprivation makes them work overtime and causes bags underneath. This is because all the fats and fluids settle down and accumulate in the area. As the skin underneath the eyes is very thin and fragile, the extra fluid becomes more prominent. P a m p e r y o u r e y e s i Apply cucumber slices or cool tea bags to your eyes on a regular basis. Tea bags contain tannin that reduces the swelling and discolouration of eye bags, while cucumber soothes the puffiness around the eyes. Keep cool cucumber slices or tea bags in the refrigerator overnight and the next day put them on your eyes for about 15 minutes. E a t a b a l a n c e d d i e t i Deficiency of Vitamin K or B12 is known to be a major cause of puffy eyes. Include lots of fruits

tors of our health condition. Puffy eyes usually make people look more tired and a g e d .

Avoid rubbing your eyes


on the eyes and eye contours may break the tiny capillaries underneath the skin and lead to more dark circles and puffiness.


Lack of sleep, excessive crying, lots of sodium or salt intake, emotional or physical stress, build-up of toxins and wastes in the body, post-operation or surgical recovery, heredity or genetic predisposition, allergic reaction or dermatitis, excess consumption of alcoholic beverages, irritation from contact lenses, body fluid fluctuations due to hormones, sinus problems, vitamin deficiency.

Take care of eyes while you sleep

Before going to bed, dampen a soft cotton cloth in cold water and squeeze it to remove excess water. Then put this cloth over your eyes as you sleep. Take regular breaks Learn to take regular breaks during work, especially if you are working on computers. Visit a doctor If the swelling around the eyelids is 2-3 times more than normal, you should visit a physician immediately. (Inputs by Dr Rupal Shah, Mumbai-based eye specialist)


* Swelling around or at the corners of the eyes. Puffiness of the eyelids, of the eyes.

emory is an important aspect of life. It can be immediate (eg, recalling phone numbers immediately), short-term (recalling events over a few days or months) and long-term (recalling events of the past).


Forgettina something?
Solve crosswords and take vitamin supplements to keep your memory going

Cognition, on the other hand, encompasses a whole lot of advanced brain functions, including language capabilities, behaviour, judgement and visual processing. Simply put, memory is just an important subset of cognition.

I Memory is stored in different parts of the cerebral hemispheres, most critically involving a region called the hippocampus. Memory can be impaired if there is damage to any of these regions due to a head injury, stroke (brain attack), infection (encephalitis), etc. Diseases like Alzheimer's and other dementias can affect memory, in addition to impairing other cognitive functions. I Conditions that temporarily suppress brain function, including use of recreational drugs (narcotic agents) and alcohol intoxication. In our modern stressful lives, depression and anxiety can often manifest as memory impairment. Vitamin deficiencies, especially Thiamine B1 (seen in alcohol abusers), Pyridoxine B6 and Cyancobal-

amine B12 (common in patients on pure vegetarian diets), are some of the other reversible causes of memory impairment. SYMPTOMS Inability to remember things like where one put objects, remember names of people, phone numbers and messages given to them are a few early symptoms of short-term memory impairment. Longterm memory impairment can present with inability to recall past events. PREVENTION I Avoid factors that impair memory, including recreational drugs and abuse of alcohol.

I Vitamin B12 supplementation in pure vegetarians. Utilising memory by solving crossword puzzles, sudokus, etc may be helpful. TREATMENT Treatment will be individual to the cause of the memory impairment. (Inputs by Dr Pettarusp Wadia, consultant neurologist and movement disorder specialist, Jaslok Hospital and Research Centre, Mumbai)

Depression can become a serious illness, don't let negative thoughts get you down

depression blues!

Beat the


veryone o c c a s i o n a l l y feels blue or s a d , b u t t h e s e f e e l i n g s are usually f l e e t i n g a n d pass w i t h i n a c o u p l e of days. W h e n a p e r s o n h a s a depressive disorder, it i n t e r f e r e s w i t h d a i l y life, normal functioning, and causes pain for both the p e r s o n w i t h the d i s o r d e r a n d t h o s e w h o care a b o u t h i m or her. D e p r e s s i o n is a c o m m o n but serious illness, and whoever experiences it, needs treatment to get better.

Negative t h o u g h t s

Risk factors


Loss of interest in d a y - t o - d a y activities Feelings of guilt or l o w selfesteem Disturbed sleep Irregular eating pattern Prolonged feeling of f a t i g u e Poor c o n c e n t r a t i o n / m e m o r y

U n h a p p y relationships Financial p r o b l e m s A n y u n w e l c o m e c h a n g e in life p a t t e r n s c a n t r i g g e r a depressive e p i s o d e Difficult w o r k a t m o s p h e r e Bereavement


t o d o s o m e t h i n g t h a t will make you happy Join a meditation g r o u p , l a u g h t e r c l u b or d o light exercise at a g y m E n g a g e in h o b b i e s Take prescribed antidepressants Counselling
(Inputs by Dr. Praveen consultant, neurology, Artemis Institute, Gurgaon) Gupta, Healtn

Seek medical help M a k e it a everyday practice

back pain!
aspirin or paracetamol can provide relief. No other medication should be taken without the doctor's advice. Prevention Maintain a good posture during sitting, walking, working and sleeping. Many spinal conditions cause back Exercise regularly pain, but muscle sprain can be a Stop smoking cause too. The common spinal caus- When should one see a doces of back pain are: changes in var- tor? ious parts of the spine with ageing, If pain persists beyond a few poor posture, obesity, sprains and days. strains that occur in activities of dai- If pain is very severe and interly living. feres with activities of daily life. Treatment If pain is accompanied by numbness, weakness in the legs or any Bed rest for a few days. If you have a sprained or strained difficulty in passing urine/stool. back not a serious injury use (Inputs from Dr Blpln Walla, neuroice first. After 48 hours, switch to logical & head spinal surgery, heat to warm and relax sore tissues. Max Super Speciality, Over-the-counter medication like Hospital, New Delhi) ack pain is the second most common problem that brings people into the doctor's office. The problem is increasing rapidly. At different stages of our lives, back pain acquires serious dimensions and can be crippling. Causes

Heal that


Back pain can be crippling, but rest, good posture and exercise can bring relief

Mend that

broken heart syndrome is a temporary heart condition caused enlarges, a condition Ninety per

Keep the stress away! Emotional traumai can trigger heart break syndrome
toms. Also, the doctor will want to know if you've experienced any major stresses recently. I Doctors usually order a chest X-ray of your heart to see if your heart is enlarged or has a shape change that's typical of broken heart syndrome. I The doctor may also order an echocardiogram. I Coronary angiography shows normal coronary arteries.

est), feelings of loneliness, feelings of hopelessness and despair, loss of selfrespect and/or self-esteem, medical or psychological illness (for example, depression), suicidal thoughts.

due to extreme and sudden emotional trauma. People may have sudden chest pain or think they're having a heart attack. These symptoms may be a result of the heart's reaction to a surge of stress hormones. In broken heart syndrome, a part of your heart temporarily called cardiomyopathy.

cent of the cases occur in women.

It is caused by a surge in adrenaline and other hormones in the aftermath of a stressful situation, caused by a traumatic break-up, the death of a loved one or even the shock of a surprise party. Also, physical stressors like low blood sugar, adverse drug reaction, migraine can lead to heart break syndrome.

Usually requires about a week to recover. There are no standard treatment guidelines. At first, it's treated similar to a heart attack until the diagnosis is clear. There is no specific therapy and most people stay in the hospital while they recover. Doctors usually prescribe blood pressure medications such as angiotensin-convert-

A perceived tightness of the chest, partial or complete insomnia, anger, shock, nostalgia, apathy (loss of inter-

I In addition to a standard physical exam, your doctor will want to know about your medical history, whether you've ever had heart disease symp-

ing enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. These medications help reduce the workload on your heart while you recove r (Inputs by Dr Praveer Aggarwal, cardiologist, Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi)

Satfl U!
Protect yourself from the cold this season, as influenza can weaken your immunity


nfluenza is a highly infectious respiratory disease.

It is caused by the 'influenza' virus. Several types and two sub-types of type A (HINI and H3N2) and type B circulate in the air. Influenza is transmitted through the air by a person suffering from flu, coughing or sneezeing, creating droplets containing the virus.The virus can remain alive for over 24 hours. Complications from influenza can kill and it is estimated that tens of thousands of people die in India every year from influenza. The typical symptoms of influenza are fever, cold and cough, body ache, headache, fatigue, weakness and sometimes loose motion and vomiting. Often these symptoms are confused with common cold which is a trivial illness compared to influenza, which is a systemic illness, often leading to complications.

vaccinated against the virus. This is an annual vaccine as the protection/immunity developed by vaccination no longer protects the individual once the virus mutates and changes its genetic characteristic every year.



I As the influenza virus is air-borne, the patient should avoid attending work. He should cover the nose and mouth while sneezing and coughing. Use of hand sanitisers, hand washing and proper disposal of mask is also important. I The only way to prevent influenza is to get

I Influenza, most of the times, is a self-limiting illness. A d e q u a t e rest, good nutrition, treatment of symptoms like fever and cold by simple medicines like paracetamol. However, its complications like pneumonia and secondary bacterial infections can be deadly. Taking the a n n u a l vaccine is the only way to prevent influenza.
(Inputs by Dr Vijay Yewale, The Indian Academy of Pediatrics)

Thyroid can play havoc with your health, but timely treatment can be helpful

Don't ignore


he thyroid gland is situated in front of the neck and is quite visible when enlarged, especially during swallowing. It is an endocrine gland, discharging a secretion called thyroxin directly into the blood stream. Thyroid hormone regulates cellular metabolism throughout the body, it stokes the fire of metabolic furnaces located in each cell.


The symptom is goitre, ie, enlargement of the gland. If the gland is hypersecreting, there is weight loss, palpitations, increased sweating, nervousness and heat intolerance. Decreased secretion of thyroid is called hypothyroidism, which is a highly prevalent disorder. All thyroid diseases are more prevalent in females as compared to males. In hypothyroidism, the symptoms are almost opposite, like weight gain, dry skin, slow heart rate and cold intolerance. Prevention Diagnosis is confirmed by doing es-

timation of thyroid hormone concentration (T3, T4,TSH) in the blood. A low T3, T4 and high TSH confirms the diagnosis of hypothyroidism. At times, in many thyroid diseases, a sonography and radioactive scan of thyroid are required.Thyroid nodules occasionally require a fine needle aspiration biopsy. The procedure is safe and virtually painless. The most important preventive measure has been iodination of salt. It has prevented goitre and hypothyroidism in iodine deficient areas. It has been one of the most effective preventive measures.



Treatment of hypothyroidism is simple as thyroxin tablet can be given by mouth daily morning in appropriate dosage. This is a replacement therapy, hence in correct dosage it is entirely devoid of sideeffects. Most patients require doses of 50-150 microgram orally, which should be taken before breakfast.

In most patients, it needs to continue throughout life, but occasionally, the disease reverses, allowing discontinuation of the medication. Hyperthyroidism is treated by tablets of Thionamide group (methimazole, carbimzole, propylthiouracil) or radio iodine or surgery.
(Inputs by Dr Hemraj B Chandalia, endocrinologist, Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai)

sound sleep!
frequent or extended awakening in the middle of sleep or sleep being delayed at night or shortened in the morning with early a w a k e n i n g , affecting the total duration of night sleep. C O M M O N FEATURES Anxiety or feeling agitated before sleep, feeling unrested after sleep, sleepiness and lethargy throughout the day, difficulty in concentration, irritable and tensed mood. TREATMENT Make a 'sleep hygiene' habit Regular exercise helps. Early morning, late afternoon or early evening exercise doesn't interfere with sleep. However, refrain from exercise four hours prior to sleep. Snacks before bedtime should be light and fluid intake limited. Stay away from caffeine, nicotine




Lack of sleep can play havoc on your immune system. Sleep well for overall wellbeing

nsomnia is about not


and alcohol 4-6 hours before sleep. Get up and go to bed at the same time everyday as it helps your sleep cycle remain in rhythm. Adjust the temperature, light and noise levels to your needs.

enough proper sleep. It includes

Go to bed only when you are 'sleepy tired'. Do not watch TV, work, study or eat in bed. If you are not asleep within 20 minutes, get out of bed and sit and relax in another room in dim-light or read something till you are sleepy again. Do not nap during the day. Do not take recovery sleep to compensate for a previous bad night.

cle groups arms, neck, shoulders, face and eyes, stomach and back and legs. Don't worry about inability to sleep. Postpone the thinking of problems to the next morning.

Do not try hard to fall asleep; refrain from 'dock watching'. State to yourself that 'sleep will come when it is ready'. Try to keep your eyes open in the darkened room. Visualise a pleasing scene. (Inputs by Dr Chhavi Khanna, psychologist, Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai)

Set up a work activity deadline at least 90 minutes prior to bedtime. Practice a relaxation routine in bed, concentrate on your breathing; release all the tension from your mus-

Straighten your
Frequent eye turns can be a nuisance. Treat your squint on time!
quint or strabismus is cross-eyes. It is defined as a condition in which the eyes deviate (turn) when looking at a particular object. Eye doctors generally look for the presence of a strabismus when looking at: distance (20 feet or more); near (16 inches for an adult and 13 inches for a child); lateral and vertical directions (up, down, left, or right).



When the eye turn occurs all the time, it is called constant strabismus. When it occurs only some time, it is called intermittent strabismus. With intermittent strabismus, the eye turn might be observed only occasionally, such as during stressful situations or when the person is ill. The timing and type of treatment depend on the type of condition. How common is this disorder? It is a common eye problem, espe-

dally in children. However, it is also known to occur in adults. It is seen in three-five per cent of normal population. It can occur due to a variety of causes, such as hereditary, muscle weakness, poor vision, or any disease occurring within the eye, such as cataract in children. When should one suspect it? I The most important sign is when eyes are not positioned straight. When a child turns his face or tilts head to see in a particular direction. I Closes one eye in bright sunlight. What happens if untreated? Amblyopia (lazy eye) is a gradual deterioration of vision in an otherwise normal eye. The risk is greater in children below 10 years of age. Once the eye becomes lazy, it tends to be irreversible, unless intervened appropriately.

How does squint correction help? Straightens the eyes (cosmetic), restores vision, preserves binocularity (To use both eyes simultaneously). Treatment I Orthoptics: It is a medical term for the eye muscle training programs. Orthoptics treat muscle problems only in regard to strength and is usually done using a special machine called the synaptophore. Customarily, all squint patients, especially those whose axis of deviation is not too much, are given a trial of exercises. I Surgery: Squint surgery is reserved for those whose angle of deviation is great or those who have had a trial of exercises and found inadequate improvement.
(Inputs from Dr Keiki Mehta, Mumbai-based ophthalmologist)


hronic kidney disease is a progressive loss in kidney functions over a period

of months or years. The symptoms of worsening kidney function are non-specific and might include feeling generally unwell and experiencing a reduced appetite. Often, it is diagnosed while screening of people known to be at risk for kidney problems. It is identified by a blood test called serum creatinine.

Make sure your kidneys are in good shape, ignorance might lead to a chronic kidney disease
like Brufen, Voveran, Nimulid, etc. | Avoid depressing thoughts and stress. It decreases the immunity levels and well-being of the person. Diet: | Avoid high intake of protein food and supplements. Foods like eggs, chicken, fish, paneer, milk products are must-haves for a balanced nutrition. | Potassium has to be restricted in diet. It is present in high amount in fruits, nuts and green vegetables.

Keeping kidneys

Polyuria (passing more urine), nocturia (passing more urine during night), puffiness in the face and feet, persistent aches and pains in the joints, high blood pressure, shortness of breath on mild exertion, fatigue due to anemia. R I S K FACTORS Diabetes, hypertension, cardiac disease, kidney stones, past history of inflammation in the functional unit of the kidney, hereditary polycystic kidney disease. TREATMENT Dialysis at home by peritoneal dialysis, blood-hemodialysis, kidney transplantation. Do's: | Follow a low-fat and nutritious diet whole wheat raf/'plus vegetables, pulses, fish and salads. Diabetics should avoid excess sugar, carbohydrates, potatoes, white bread, bakery items, vanaspati ghee, etc. | Take your prescribed medications regularly. | Monitor your blood pressure, blood sugar on a regular basis. | Keep your body fit. Have a fixed routine of physical activities that you can do without undue exertion. | Have a positive frame of mind. Negative synergies will aggravate your disease process. | Regular relaxation techniques like yoga, pranayam should be practised. Don'ts: | Avoid dehydration | Avoid unnecessary radio contrast dyes like CT scans and angiographies. | Avoid a high proteinfatty diet. | Consult your physician before taking any new drug, especially painkillers

Potassium can be removed from the vegetables by leeching. | Use low sodium salt infood while cooking. | Avoid cakes, pastries, biscuits, squash, papads, pickles, salted chips, nuts, popcorns as they are sources of very high sodium. | Avoid commercial soft drinks and proprietary drinks (they are high in sodium/potassium). | Avoid dried foods like fish, fruits, readymade soups and canned foods as they are high in potassium. (Inputs from Dr Sunil Prakash, head nephrology and transplant services, Artemis Health Institute, Gurgaon)

'athletic heart'?
paramount importance to good health for prevention of heart attacks, strokes, for better management of diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, sexual performances but the flip side of excessive exercise training is athletic heart syndrome (AHS).

Do you have an

not be a cause of concern to any employment. After cessation of athletic activity, most heart-related changes will regress to normal, over a period of months.

Excessive exercise can put you at risk of athletic heart syndrome. Protect the heart from stress of strenuous is of egular moderate exercise physical training


Athletic heart syndrome is not uncommon. Abnormal ECG and abnormal echo cardiography in an athlete should alert us about AHS. Employment, marriage and day-to-day life are absolutely not a problem with AHS. High-level athletes should have a periodic check for AHS. If detected early, the training programme can be modified. After stopping of high-level activity, a majority of the changes due to AHS can get reversed in a period of months or years. AHS is not a familial or geneticallytransmitted condition. Awareness about AHS will overcome the fear psychosis CORBIS IMAGES caused by abnormalities in cardiac investigations. (Inputs by DrJagdish Hiremath, Pune-based cardiologist)


AHS occurs due to hypertrophy of the heart muscle. Typically, it is described as increased heart muscle mass, increased chamber dimensions and wall thickness. Generally, AHS is a far more efficient heart than a normal heart. It is accompanied by slow heart rate. The heart muscle hypertrophy is the same as seen in biceps or arm muscles after continued weight training. The muscle fibres of the heart increase in length, diameter and number with prolonged endurance training like long-distance running, dancing and sports. The muscles become thickened by pressure overloads like weight training, rowing, etc. These changes in heart have to be differentiated from pathological hypertrophy of the heart muscle.


Most athletes with AHS have no symptoms at all. It gets diagnosed by an abnormal ECG, X-ray and echocardiography. Most tests get normalised after some years of

stopping the exercise. High-level training athletes should be aware of AHS. If breathlessness, graying (syncope), chest pains occur, they should be evaluated. AHS should

Extreme anxiety can trigger hypochondriasis, but there's no need to push the panic button!

Don't panic!


ypochondriasis is an anxiety disorder. The patient is preoccupied with various bodily symptoms, which he believes are an indicator of a serious disease.

I Hypochondriacs have symptoms in various parts of the body, such as the gastrointestinal tract, cardiac symptoms like chest pain, breathlessness and palpitations, giddiness, aches and pains, weakness, sexual difficulties, etc. I The patient goes to many doctors, with almost every known investigation done and that too repeatedly. He is temporarily convinced when doctors reassure him, but his fears surface again in a short while.

I Hypochondriacs may stop working, may want to change their residential area as it is 'damp/polluted/dusty', sometimes even the city. I They spend huge money on doctors, and often limit their diets according to their own interpretations of what is 'cold' or 'hot' or causes 'acidity' or 'gas'. Often this can lead

to nutritional deficiencies. I Many patients believe that they have diseases such as AIDS, cancer, paralysis or heart disease. Others feel the symptoms were caused by some food or medicine and they often blame somebody for their condition. These are serious psychiatric illnesses, which need treatment. I Access to medical information has caused even the otherwise healthy person to suddenly become aware of trivial bodily symptoms and arrive at alarming diagnosis. I Repeated absenteeism from work often results in financial difficulties and inter-personal problems.

The first step is the recognition of this disease, but this may take a few years, as even relatives and caregivers are often convinced by the patient's beliefs. Though diagnosis is easy, treatment is difficult, as patients will not trust the doctor or the medicines. Many resent that they are considered a psychiatric patient. I Find a doctor you trust and then trust him. Just because it's your body, doesn't mean that you are the expert on it. I Avoid researching your own illness. The Internet is full of alarming stories.
(Inputs by Dr Vasant Mundra, consultant psychiatrist, PD Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai)

Depression can become a serious illness, don't let negative thoughts get you down

depression blues!

Beat the

Body bask s

veryone occasionally feels blue or sad, but these feelings are usually fleeting and pass within a couple of days. When a person has a depressive disorder, it interferes with daily life, normal functioning, and causes pain for both the person with the disorder and those who care about him or her. Depression is a common but serious illness, and whoever experiences it, needs treatment to get better.

* Negative thoughts

Risk factors


* Loss of interest in day-to-day activities Feelings of guilt or low selfesteem Disturbed sleep Irregular eating pattern Prolonged feeling of fatigue * Poor concentration/memory

* Unhappy relationships * Financial problems * Any unwelcome change in life patterns can trigger a depressive episode * Difficult work atmosphere * Bereavement


to do something that will make you happy Join a meditation group, laughter club or do light exercise at a gym Engage in hobbies Take prescribed antidepressants * Counselling
(Inputs by Dr Praveen consultant, neurology, Artemis Institute, Gurgaon) Gupta, Health

* Seek medical help Make it a everyday practice

Don't ignore painful periods, getting early treatment can prevent infertility

> endometriosis pain

* Medications to control pain.

Treat that

Bod bas;c:s

he lining of the womb which is shed every month in the form of a menstrual period is called endometrium. The abnormal growth of cells (endometrial cells), similar to those that form the inside of the uterus, but in a location outside of the uterus, is called endometriosis .When similar lining is found around other organs, most commonly ovaries, the condition is also called endometriosis.

* Women who have been detected to have endometriosis should have annual ultrasound to detect the presence of any ovarian cyst. They should have a blood test in the early part of the menstrual cycle to detect their ovarian reserve, because many women with endometriosis are known to have a diminished ovarian reserve. - Surgical treatment should be initiated in women with the large endometriotic cyst.


Painful periods It generally presents with pain in the lower abdomen, which can be worse during periods. There can be backache t and also pain tracking down the legs.Pain dur- ' ing intercourse and pain while moving bowels, especially during periods.

Changing lifestyles, late marriages, stress, late conception and some unknown environmental factors. Starting menstruation at an early age. < Never having children. Frequent menstrual cycles. Periods that last seven or more days. Problems such as a closed hymen, which block the flow of menstrual blood during the period.

Planning of pregnancy early can possibly prevent recurrence, because there is a break from cyclical period during pregnancy and lactation. Oral contraceptive pills are also known to prevent recurrence.

Medications to stop the endometriosis from getting worse. The condition can be controlled by surgery, followed by hormonal treatment. Keyhole surgery is now considered as a benchmark. The advantages of keyhole surgery are better visualisation of structures due to magnification and faster recovery and resumption of daily activities. Internal healing is much better than open surgery, because there is no direct handling of organs. Keyhole surgeries also have cosmetic values. With laparoscopic surgeries it is also possible to treat large endometriomas (collection around the ovaries) and recto-vaginal endometriosis leading to severe pain. (Inputs by Dr Neeta Warty, gynaeco cal endoscopy surgeon Jaslok Hospital, Mumba

carpal syndrome?
V r n e l is a narrow passageway in the wrist on the same side as the palm. THINK STOCK PHOTOS When the wrist is bent for a prolonged duration repeatedly (eg, typing), it compresses the median nerve. This produces numbness and pain and is termed as carpal tunnel syndrome.


Using the computer for prolonged periods can damage the nerves
arpal tun-

Who's at risk?

Poor grip while holding objects

People working on laptop and computer for long hours without break. Driving for long hours. Obese people. Patients suffering from hypothyroidism and diabetes. Long durations of text/talking on the mobile.



Numbness in the fingers, especially thumb, index and middle finger. Burning, tingling sensation in the palm. Pain radiating in upward direction of the hand. Tightening of joints and fingers.

Use minimum force while performing your tasks. Take regular breaks, stretch your wrists. Keep the keyboard at elbow height or slightly lower. Improve your posture and do wrist exercises at least twice a week.
(Inputs by Dr Rajesh Verma, consultant,

orthopaedics, Artemis Health Institute, Gurgaon

pilepsy is a brain disorder in which clusters of nerve cells or neurons in the brain become abnormal. Neurons normally generate electrochemical impulses that act on other neurons, glands and muscles to produce human thoughts, feelings and action.


Stop those

Don't ignore convulsive bodily movements, as it's critical to cure epilepsy!
adequate management during pregnancy and adequate birthing facilities should emergencies occur.

Epilepsy is a treatable brain disorder. Anyone can get epilepsy. One person in every hundred has epilepsy. It takes many forms such as convulsive movements of the limbs and face with loss of consciousness or short lapses of attention or abrupt jerks of the whole body or simple drop attacks or brief episodes of abnormal behaviour.


Epilepsy is a disorder with many possible causes. Anything that disturbs the normal pattern of neuron activity from illness to brain damage to abnormal brain development can lead to seizures.

and/or when we eat pork that is not well cooked and/or when we ingest vegetables that are not washed. Vegetables gather this parasite when they are grown in contaminated soil, i Heed the doctor's advice regarding appropriate antenatal care and safe delivery. When there is lack of oxygen to the brain, it results in scar tissue which can cause seizures. For various reasons this can happen to the child when in the mother's womb, during birth and after. Such complications can be prevented if the mother has adequate nutrition,

If you see someone having a convulsion... Dos

i Keep calm. Help the patient lie down. Remove glasses if any and loosen tight clothing (ties, top collar button), i Turn the patient on to the side so that no saliva collects in throat, i Remove hard objects around which may hurt the patient. i Keep something soft under the head.



i Don't crowd around the patient. Allow free circulation of air. i Don't force anything between the patient's teeth. i Don't restrain convulsing limbs, i Don't offer anything to eat or drink till patient is fully conscious.

i Wear helmets when on two-wheelers. It can save your life and prevent an epileptic attack. i Drive within speed limits and don't hang out of the door when travelling by train, i Wash your hands! When eggs of the tapeworm get lodged in the brain, it can result in epileptic seizures. Humans are definite hosts of the tapeworm and pigs intermediate hosts. We self-infect when we do not wash hands before eating

Call a doctor or ambulance only if:

i The patient is injured or convulsions last more than 10 minutes or he/she repeatedly has convulsions, i The patient is unconscious for a long time. i The patient has difficulty breathing even after a convulsion is over. (Inputs by Dr Girish Nair, consultant neurologist, Fortis Hospital, Mumbai)

food therapy!
Beat the blues with soy, build bones with potatoes and have lean meats for a healthy heart. Nona Walia tells you how to eat right for health
Get your dose of Vitamin D
A dose of sunlight along with almonds will benefit those who want a baby. Says gynaecologist Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour, "Eat to beat infertility which is on the rise and have foods rich in iron like apples and radish. A study done at Harvard revealed women with high iron intake in their diet were more fertile. It's essential for menopausal women to take vitamins D and E, which are found in avocadoes, tomatoes, hazelnuts. Women can get vitamin D from butter and eggs too."




not more than 6 0 ml per day. Restrict caffeine to not more than 2-3 cups of tea /coffee. Include herbs, green and herbal teas, and vegetables like celery, nettle (bichoo booti), lauki juice, cucumber, garlic, green coriander and parsley as they have diuretic effect, help in urine formation and control blood pressure. Include soya, nuts, fatty fish, mustard seeds, flaxseeds, fenugreek seeds
(methi) in the diet."

Eat right to beat cancer

Simple dietary changes can prevent one-third of the 12 most common cancers. Food therapy in cancer can be a good preventive and cure. Says oncologist Dr Amit Bhar gav junk diet increases the junk in our bodies. Don't eat pickles as it can lead to foodpipe cancer."

EELING low? Indulge in food therapy. Crackling bones? Hit the fridge rather than the medicine box. Food therapy is emerging as the latest prevention against multiple lifestyle diseases. Experts believe it's better to pop an apple, rather than popping the pill.

wholewheat bread to barley are great sources of slow-release energy that will prevent your blood sugar from nosediving," addsDr Sharma. There's truth in grandma's tips, drink lots of mill? as a child. Be willing to transform your relationship with food. Dr Sanjay Sarup, orthopedic says, 'Stock up your calcium in your childhood and teenage years. Diet remains important to bones in adulthood. Magnesium found in nuts, lentils and potatoes helps in building bones. Red beans, fish, seafood, ragi, dates, fenugreek leaves, and lotus stem are rich in calcium. Eat lots of yoghurt and paneer and make sure you have your daily intake of nuts. If you're allergic to milk, just eat almonds, beans, broccoli, cauliflower, radish, spinach." Don't consume too much salt, warns cardiologist Dr Umesh Gupta. He points to a research by scientists at Lund University in Sweden, who found that a varied diet of foods containing antioxidants, wholegrains and fatty acids could bring blood

Beat brittle bones by drinking milk

Eat well and feel good

A healthy diet has shown experts that food could be the answer to combat diseases. Foods can be therapeutic and also make you feel good. Says Dr Shikha Sharma, dietician, "Eat well not just for basic nutrition but to heal. After a lot of suffering, people realise it's better to eat well t h a n pop in medicines. Food science introduces us to foods that heal r a t h e r t h a n just provide basic vitamins. Increase your intake of yellow and orange vegetables to prevent infertility. Leafy vegetables are good for eyesight and detox the liver. If you want to avoid depression, just eat lots of seeds, nuts and watermelons for a better nervous system. Salads make the digestion stronger as they have enzymes."

Beat the blues with Omega 3

Don't brood if you're feeling low. Beat the blues by eating right, as certain foods can help cut the chances of depression. Says Ishi Khosla, diet expert, "Make sure you're having enough Omega 3 fats from mustard oil, wheat, lobia, flax seeds, methl seeds, soybean and green leafy vegetables." Even oily fish can be good to beat the blues. "Wholegrains are important, everything from oats to

pressure down by nearly one-tenth. "Avoid fatty red meats. Lean meats like chicken and fish are good for the heart. Fish like salmon and tuna prevent clot formation. Olive oil is good for the heart. Fruits and vegetables with high fibre, especially oats, reduce cholesterol. Apples reduce inflammation and formation of blood clots. In a study at Harvard of menopausal women, those who had almonds and walnuts every week reduced their chances of having a heart attack by 3 5 per cent. There are studies that say red wine is good, but that doesn't mean you take three glasses. Then it's a doubleedged sword." Dr Ishi Khosla agrees, "To lower your blood pressure, limit salt intake. Squeeze lemon instead of salt in the food. Avoid cold cut meats as they have too much salt. Reduce total fat intake to not more than 3-4 teaspoons a day. If you drink, limit alcohol intake to

Garlic helps prevent cancer

Herbs help blood pressure

Olive oil for a safe heart

| Good foods have a holistic | effect on the well-being of the mind, body and soul. Nutritional therapy helps . in achieving optimal * health. Adds Dr Shikha ! Sharma, "Nourish your li organs and give them vitality. We should have an attitude of abundance while making food choices. Eat foods high in dietary fibre, especially found in wheat bran. Having oats, barley, fruits and vegetables also removes toxins in the body. Foods that are known to be anti-cancer are garlic, turmeric, green tea, red wine, whey, wheat grass, beetroot, pine bark, aloe vera, spirulina and some varieties of mushrooms, soy and soy products and flax seeds." So, c h a n g e the way you eat and feel better! TIMES NEWS NETWORK

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