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5 template quick reference (CSS ids and classes) [CSS ids or classes (left) and affected tags or explanation (right)]
Corrections and suggestions are welcome at a4joomla.com, this is not a complete reference, but one of the most complete

Contact form:
#component-contact #emailForm .contact_email #contact_name #contact_emailmsg #contact_email #contact_subject #contact_textmsg #contact_text #contact_email_copy .button .inputbox <div> <form> <div> <input> <label> <input> <input> <label> <textarea> <input> <button> <input> <textarea>

Login module:
#form-login .input .inputbox #form-login-username #form-login-password #form-login-remember #modlgn_passwd #modlgn_remember #modlgn_username .button <form> <fieldset> <input> <p> <p> <p> <input> <input> <input> <input>

Search module:
.search #mod_search_searchword .inputbox .button <div> <input> <input> <input>

Search component:
#searchForm #search_searchword #searchphraseall #searchphraseany #searchphraseexact #ordering <form> <input> radio <input> radio <input> radio <input> <select> Copyright 2010 a4joomla.com

#area_content #area_weblinks #area_contacts #area_categories #area_sections #area_newsfeeds .button .searchintro #limit

checkbox <input> checkbox <input> checkbox <input> checkbox <input> checkbox <input> checkbox <input> <button> <table> <select>

Menu, when the menu style is set to List:

.menu #current .active .parent <ul> <li> (menu item of the current page) <li> (active parent and submenu items) <li>

Wrapper module:
#blockrandom .wrapper <iframe> <iframe>

Polls module:
.polls .pollstableborder .sectiontableentry1 .sectiontableentry2 #voteid1, #voteid2 and so on .button <table> <table> <td> <td> <input> <input>

Polls component:
#poll #id .pollstableborder .sectiontableentry0 .sectiontableentry1 <form> <select> <table> <tr> <tr>

Content in blog view:

.blog .blog_more .blogsection .article_separator .article_column .column_separator <table> <div> <a> <span> <td> <td>

Copyright 2010 a4joomla.com

.button .buttonheading <input>, <button> styling <td> class for the pdf, print, email icons

.pathway .breadcrumbs <span>, <a> pathway styling <span> pathway styling

.componentheading .category .contentpane .contentdescription .sectiontableheader .sectiontableentry1 .sectiontableentry2 .contentpaneopen .contentheading .contenttoc .toclink .active .pagenavcounter .modifydate .createdate .content_rating .content_vote .small .readon .pagenav <div> Main title of a component <a> in section view table layout <table> in table layout <td> in table layout <td> in category view table layout <tr> in category view table layout <tr>in category view table layout <table> articles are contained in tables <td> article title <table> table of contents <a> toc link to contents <a> active toc link <div> below toc <td> last modification date <td> creation date <span> article rating <span> article voting <span> small fonts <a> read more link <span>,<a> page navigation (prev-next)

.inputbox <input>

.module .moduletable <div> module box for rounded style (see jdoc on the next page) <div> module box for xhtml style (see jdoc on the next page)

Copyright 2010 a4joomla.com

<jdoc:include type="head" /> <jdoc:include type="component" /> <jdoc:include type="modules" name="left" style="rounded" /> <jdoc:include type="message" /> includes important tags in the <head> includes a component includes a module in the left position with rounded style includes a message when needed

Module chrome:
In the following example the style attribute determines the structure of the modules in the left module position. For rounded corners you need style="rounded", which creates modules with nested div elements that makes it possible to have rounded corners. <jdoc:include type="modules" name="left" style="rounded" /> Further possibilities for the style attribute are shown below: none or raw table xhtml rounded horiz outline output raw module content wraps the module in a table tableless (div) module with h3 title nested divs for rounded corners with h3 title output in a <td> tag of a table add preview information to the module

Copyright 2010 a4joomla.com

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